Zimmerman Prosecution Imploding, Analysts Say

Here's the thing, in Europe and Japan, the unions have a voice in who gets selected as CEO of the company. These aren't "Communist" countries, they are fine capitalist nations that realize that you can have a healthy economy without paying a CEO 8 figures for failing.

But dumb sheep like you, you look at the CEO of GM making 12 million, and fucking up his company so bad it requires a government bailout, and you scream, "Dammit, that Auto Worker is making $28.00 an hour and has rights!!!!"

Joe-It was Union demands that got GM in the mess it was/is in.

GM has to atone to it's share holders (investors). If you have a 401k, IRA, mutual fund and/or retirement portfolio you are building up, chances are you have shares in those companies. The shareholders decide what to pay the CEO.

Shareholders (Work Partners) just pay their CEO's better in America.

Just think, as a taxpayer, YOU are also a shareholder in GM.

I know I boiled this down very simply...but this thread is about the Zimmerman trial.

Make your own thread about greedy shareholders and CEOs instead of trolling every dang thread on here!

I'm not the one who took this thread into the weeds about unions. That's your boy Gawdawg, who thinks an asshole getting his ass beat for crossing a picket line is the same as a child being shot by a cop wannabe.

And, no, it was bad decisions by the Managers that killed GM. The decision to keep making big gas-guzzling SUV's when the market was demanding more fuel efficient cares.

Henry Ford once said about paying his workers a fair wage- "If my employees can't afford to buy my products, I don't have a company!"

Well said.
Here's the thing, in Europe and Japan, the unions have a voice in who gets selected as CEO of the company. These aren't "Communist" countries, they are fine capitalist nations that realize that you can have a healthy economy without paying a CEO 8 figures for failing.

But dumb sheep like you, you look at the CEO of GM making 12 million, and fucking up his company so bad it requires a government bailout, and you scream, "Dammit, that Auto Worker is making $28.00 an hour and has rights!!!!"

Joe-It was Union demands that got GM in the mess it was/is in.

GM has to atone to it's share holders (investors). If you have a 401k, IRA, mutual fund and/or retirement portfolio you are building up, chances are you have shares in those companies. The shareholders decide what to pay the CEO.

Shareholders (Work Partners) just pay their CEO's better in America.

Just think, as a taxpayer, YOU are also a shareholder in GM.

I know I boiled this down very simply...but this thread is about the Zimmerman trial.

Make your own thread about greedy shareholders and CEOs instead of trolling every dang thread on here!

I'm not the one who took this thread into the weeds about unions. That's your boy Gawdawg, who thinks an asshole getting his ass beat for crossing a picket line is the same as a child being shot by a cop wannabe.

And, no, it was bad decisions by the Managers that killed GM. The decision to keep making big gas-guzzling SUV's when the market was demanding more fuel efficient cares.

Henry Ford once said about paying his workers a fair wage- "If my employees can't afford to buy my products, I don't have a company!"

Well said.

Or you could say a guy who wants to work gets beaten up by a guy who wants to suck off union tit isn't the same as a thug who decides to assault the wrong guy.
Unions pressured GM into creating monstrosities like the job bank, paying workers for years not to work. GM's labor costs were about half again as high as American subsidiaries of foreign companies.
Henry Ford offered outsize wages to attract workers from local machine shops because no one would work in humiliating conditions for what he wanted. After Ford shut down all the machine shops he cut everyone's pay. And union thugs like Joe consider him a hero.

Or you could say a guy who wants to work gets beaten up by a guy who wants to suck off union tit isn't the same as a thug who decides to assault the wrong guy.
Unions pressured GM into creating monstrosities like the job bank, paying workers for years not to work. GM's labor costs were about half again as high as American subsidiaries of foreign companies.
Henry Ford offered outsize wages to attract workers from local machine shops because no one would work in humiliating conditions for what he wanted. After Ford shut down all the machine shops he cut everyone's pay. And union thugs like Joe consider him a hero.

Actually, the unions did more to try to keep GM afloat than the execs did. They made a bunch of concessions to keep it afloat, and the managers kept screwing it up.

But let's compare the Scab getting a well-deserved beating to Trayvon.

The Scab sees the picket line. He's got an immediate choice. Cross it despite being clearly warned or not cross it. The right thing to do is not cross it. If those guys are striking, it's probably for a good reason.

Trayvon, on the other hand, was minding his own business when someone followed him with a car or on foot. Someone who NEVER identified himself as being community watch. For all Trayvon knew, this was a pervert looking to do him serious harm, so he defended himself.

Not comparable at all. Unless you want to beleive Zimmerman's fantasies about not knowing what street he lived on and Trayvon jumping out from behind imaginary bushes.

Or you could say a guy who wants to work gets beaten up by a guy who wants to suck off union tit isn't the same as a thug who decides to assault the wrong guy.
Unions pressured GM into creating monstrosities like the job bank, paying workers for years not to work. GM's labor costs were about half again as high as American subsidiaries of foreign companies.
Henry Ford offered outsize wages to attract workers from local machine shops because no one would work in humiliating conditions for what he wanted. After Ford shut down all the machine shops he cut everyone's pay. And union thugs like Joe consider him a hero.

Actually, the unions did more to try to keep GM afloat than the execs did. They made a bunch of concessions to keep it afloat, and the managers kept screwing it up.

But let's compare the Scab getting a well-deserved beating to Trayvon.

The Scab sees the picket line. He's got an immediate choice. Cross it despite being clearly warned or not cross it. The right thing to do is not cross it. If those guys are striking, it's probably for a good reason.

Trayvon, on the other hand, was minding his own business when someone followed him with a car or on foot. Someone who NEVER identified himself as being community watch. For all Trayvon knew, this was a pervert looking to do him serious harm, so he defended himself.

Not comparable at all. Unless you want to beleive Zimmerman's fantasies about not knowing what street he lived on and Trayvon jumping out from behind imaginary bushes.

Well that's one perception. Here's a better one:
Out of work guy gets job offer. His decision to accept it is no one's business but his and his employer's. Union thugs are not working out of choice. They obviously have no good reason to strike because if they did the company couldn't find anyone else to work for the same terms and conditions. The right thing is for the unions to mind their own fucking business and sod off.

Trayvon, otoh, was engaged in suspicious behavior and attracted the notice of Zimmerman, who was not on community watch but simply going to the store. Trayvon ran away from the creepy ass cracker but decided to double back and teach him a lesson for dissing him. Unfortunately he picked the wrong cracker to mess with and got a bullet through the heart.

I realize reality is not where you live, Joe. But those are the facts.
Well, yeah, I guess if you try to steal another man's job, you really should expect him to beat you.

Ummmm. what was Trayvon stealing of Zimmerman's?

Zimmerman stalked this kid, instigated a confrontation, and when he was getting his sorry wannabe ass kicked, he shot him.

The guy needs to go down.

Your boss owns your job.
I own the jobs I pay employees for.

Again, that isn't really how it ought to work, guy. That's how it's allowed to work, and that's the problem.

When work becomes a partnership, then you have fairness. You also have more productivity.

Oh, yeah, the Japanese and Europeans have already figured this out. Americans. Well, we are kind of the retards of the Industrialized world.

So if it is a partnership if is half your job and half the owner's job?
The Japanese and European economies are stagnant and going broke.
The Unions sank GM and Chrysler.

Anybody that denies that is just lying and not worth talking to.

Do I believe in Unions? Absolutely. I just don't believe in STUPID Unions.

And we have THE most stupid Unions on Earth.

BTW, Twinkies will be on the shelf again next week.
Your boss owns your job.
I own the jobs I pay employees for.

Again, that isn't really how it ought to work, guy. That's how it's allowed to work, and that's the problem.

When work becomes a partnership, then you have fairness. You also have more productivity.

Oh, yeah, the Japanese and Europeans have already figured this out. Americans. Well, we are kind of the retards of the Industrialized world.

So if it is a partnership if is half your job and half the owner's job?
The Japanese and European economies are stagnant and going broke.

Japanese and German Unions are quite a bit different from ours. They actually work with Management to make things better.

American Unions are still stuck in the communist mindset and are useless beyond repair.

In fact, the socialists in Europe? They have the courtesy and honesty to call themselves what they are -- socialists.

I can deal with people who are honest about what they are and what they believe.

But dimocraps? dimocraps lie.

They wake up in the morning and they start lying and they don't stop until they go to bed. Know how you can tell if a dimocrap is lying? If his lips are moving.
The unions ran GM into the ground with contracts that paid retirees health care benefits that were more than the cost of the entire work force benefits.
Detroit gave unions the key to their city and the unions and now nothing is left. 1.8 million citizens in the 50s to 700,000 today.
Unions drove up the average pay in Detroit of a worker with the water department to $90,000 a year with benefits for a job someone with a 5th grade education could do. The Detroit DEpartment of Water and Sewer has twice as many employees per gallon pumped as all other cities such as Chicago. Per union contracts, and this is common with unions, 4 out of every 5 jobs there is redundant.
Union contracts for teachers in Detroit and many other cities offer 2 weeks of "sick days" where the teachers get cash bonuses if they do not take the "sick" leave. All the while the Departments of Education in those cities go bankrupt. Unions do not care about anyone but themselves.
Union health care costs in Detroit have jumped 50% in 3 years because of union contracts demanding that taxpayers pay almost full benefits to all union members.
GM and Detroit gave unions the keys to their Treasury and the unions bankrupted them.
Because unions are nothing more than selfish, greedy and violent goon thugs.
There is not an industry in this country that has traditionally been dominated by unions that is not sick and ailing. Trains, steel, cars, mines--all of them losing out to foreign competition or their own incompetence.
There is not an industry in this country that has traditionally been dominated by unions that is not sick and ailing. Trains, steel, cars, mines--all of them losing out to foreign competition or their own incompetence.


Twinkies Are Coming Back: The Metropoulos Brothers On the Brand - The Daily Beast

So if it is a partnership if is half your job and half the owner's job?
The Japanese and European economies are stagnant and going broke.

Actually, they are doing better than we are...

And they aren't full of Christian Retards, they've got tht going for them.

They're doing better because they were smarter than to elect a Kenyan socialist head of their country.

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