Zimmerman tweets picture of kid he murdered.

No doubt about it Zimmerman is a world class jackasses retard.

He didn't commit murder.....but he's guilty of being a retarded scumbag who is literally begging for.bad shit to happen to him.
If you can legally start a fight you can't finish and then murder the person that's beating your ass, I guess he's not a murderer.
Not Guilty.
I can only hope something like this happens to you or one of yours one day so you can see how wrong you are. But of course if the situation isn't exactly the same you'll point out the smallest of differences. For example, you are white. You racist pig.

1. My kids never got kicked out of school like Martin did.
2. My kids wouldn't have gone to the store to cook up a drug to get high on.
3. My kids wouldn't have been sneaking through people's yards.
4. My kids wouldn't have tried to kill Zimmerman.

Maybe that would or could happen to YOUR kids but not mine. Mine are more likely to be like Zimmerman and help rid the world of losers like trayvon and your kids.

Yep. gz is the perfect hero for ignernt trailer trash crackers.

What's funny is that YOU actually think I'm insulted by the things you say. If you weren't a mental midget, maybe I would be. Instead you are like a little retarded boy who just learned some new words.
He tweeted the picture.

On what world do you folks live on?

Bull shit. It is totally made up. He never tweeted nor retweeted that picture. It's as fake as your fake evidence that The Thug Martin was innocent.

This is the New York Daily News.

George Zimmerman rants after retweeting Trayvon death pic

So what? It's still a complete lie. That is not GZ. It's an imposter.



Meh, I wouldn't expect a left wing nutter like you to believe it, you still think Martin was innocent. The opinion of an idiot such as you has no meaning.

Well coming from an admirer of a murderous dolt, like Zimmerman, who needed a gun because he couldn't fight off a kid that he outweighed by many pounds, it's really no skin off my teeth.

Most folks that have a gun fetish are scared little sissy pansies that wet their panties at the thought of having to go toe to toe and unarmed with anyone.

In other words, couldn't punch their ways out of a wet paper bag or couldn't bust a grape in a food fight.

Punks, pussies and wimps. The whole lot.


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Bull shit. It is totally made up. He never tweeted nor retweeted that picture. It's as fake as your fake evidence that The Thug Martin was innocent.

This is the New York Daily News.

George Zimmerman rants after retweeting Trayvon death pic

So what? It's still a complete lie. That is not GZ. It's an imposter.



Meh, I wouldn't expect a left wing nutter like you to believe it, you still think Martin was innocent. The opinion of an idiot such as you has no meaning.

Well coming from an admirer of a murderous dolt, like Zimmerman, who needed a gun because he couldn't fight off a kid that he outweighed by many pounds, it's really no skin off my teeth.

Most folks that have a gun fetish are scared little sissy pansies that wet their panties at the thought of having to go toe to toe and unarmed with anyone.

In other words, couldn't punch their ways out of a wet paper bag or couldn't bust a grape in a food fight.

Punks, pussies and wimps. The whole lot.

Sure sign that you are dealing with an idiot is when you have to repeat the same answer:

Meh, the opinion of an idiot like you has no real meaning to me.
Stand your ground? Oh, that's right. It doesn't apply to black people. My bad.

This wasn't a stand your ground case.
it absolutely was. it's just that martin was dead so whether or not he was standing his ground no longer mattered.

No, it wasn't. The firearm was used while the two were engaged in a struggle, once engaged normal self defense laws apply, not stand your ground.

doesnt it get tiring

posting to a poster who comes from a position of complete ignorance on the laws

and no matter how you try the poster remains intentionally ignorant
enlighten me. what made martin's actions anything other than self defense?

he was the aggressor that why

So what? It's still a complete lie. That is not GZ. It's an imposter.



Meh, I wouldn't expect a left wing nutter like you to believe it, you still think Martin was innocent. The opinion of an idiot such as you has no meaning.

Well coming from an admirer of a murderous dolt, like Zimmerman, who needed a gun because he couldn't fight off a kid that he outweighed by many pounds, it's really no skin off my teeth.

Most folks that have a gun fetish are scared little sissy pansies that wet their panties at the thought of having to go toe to toe and unarmed with anyone.

In other words, couldn't punch their ways out of a wet paper bag or couldn't bust a grape in a food fight.

Punks, pussies and wimps. The whole lot.

Sure sign that you are dealing with an idiot is when you have to repeat the same answer:

Meh, the opinion of an idiot like you has no real meaning to me.

And yet here you are..

Well coming from an admirer of a murderous dolt, like Zimmerman, who needed a gun because he couldn't fight off a kid that he outweighed by many pounds, it's really no skin off my teeth.
Why are you so pissed off by the fact that it is legal for white white people to use a gun to kill black people?
You are right liberals! It was a complete miscarriage of justice, an example of racism and corruption in the police department and prosecutors office.

Fret not my left wing friends! Eric Holder will fix it all any minute now!

Any minute now....
Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted

Looks like one of you fuckwad, scumbag democrats spoofing George's name to me. The Mexican guy having a Confederate flag? Bullshit - this is just more fraud from you hate filled leftists.
Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted

Looks like one of you fuckwad, scumbag democrats spoofing George's name to me. The Mexican guy having a Confederate flag? Bullshit - this is just more fraud from you hate filled leftists.

Don't you have civil war battle to re-enact?

The South will rise agin!
TM went inside the condo, then came out again to confront GZ.

One piece of trash confroned another piece of trash. We are just waiting for the end of the story when the second piece of trash gets thrown away for good.


A scared kid couldn't get away from a conservative gun nut playing cop. He fought for his life and lost.
Yes, he was a thug who would could not retreat in his own mind, and GZ was a thug with a gun playing cop.

Um, no.

Martin ran away. Zimmerman pursued him. It's on the police tape and Zimmerman, himself, admitted to it.

In most rational states Zimmerman would be cooling his heels in the clink.

But thanks to a Koch Brothers/ALEC manufactured law, signed by Jeb! Bush.

This kid got murdered and a real piece of shit got away with it.

Martin ran away. Zimmerman pursued him.

Tubby lost sight of the thug. So what happened?
Tired of bashing GOP presidential candidates without having any effect, the left trots out good old reliable Zimmerman as their shiny object du jour!

And this is, somehow, "news"?????

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