Zimmerman tweets picture of kid he murdered.

Mind readers of the world, unite!

He tweeted the picture.

On what world do you folks live on?

Bull shit. It is totally made up. He never tweeted nor retweeted that picture. It's as fake as your fake evidence that The Thug Martin was innocent.

This is the New York Daily News.

George Zimmerman rants after retweeting Trayvon death pic

Trailer trash coward sure got big and brave now that he's protected by double jeopardy. Makes him the perfect hero for the likes of predfan.

"z-man is a one man army" - What an idiot. "z-man" can't even get a real job.

He can't get a reAl job because of left wing morons and idiots like you. If someone hired him, they would get picketed. You never get smarter do you retard?

RWs never ever take responsibility for their own actions. Its always a liberal's fault.

No one forced him to go hunting that night. He made the decision to be cowardly slime and he is paying the price of HIS choices.

Do you really want to say there are no RW slime business owners out there who could hire him? Why don't they?

Go ahead - write out more excuses for trailer trash hero.
TM went inside the condo, then came out again to confront GZ.

One piece of trash confroned another piece of trash. We are just waiting for the end of the story when the second piece of trash gets thrown away for good.


A scared kid couldn't get away from a conservative gun nut playing cop. He fought for his life and lost.
Yes, he was a thug who would could not retreat in his own mind, and GZ was a thug with a gun playing cop.

Um, no.

Martin ran away. Zimmerman pursued him. It's on the police tape and Zimmerman, himself, admitted to it.

In most rational states Zimmerman would be cooling his heels in the clink.

But thanks to a Koch Brothers/ALEC manufactured law, signed by Jeb! Bush.

This kid got murdered and a real piece of shit got away with it.
Can you cite this manufactured law and its author(s)?


Only a few months after Bush signed the Florida law, Hammer worked with NRA operatives and friendly legislators on ALEC’s “Criminal Justice Task Force” to develop a new piece of “Stand Your Ground” model legislation for passage in states across the country.
The proposal made a strong impression on ALEC members, who approved model legislation that mirrored the Florida law’s assertion that an individual gunman or a neighborhood watch member “has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another, or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”
In states across the country, with support from the gun lobby, ALEC’s model legislation—sometimes in mirror form, sometimes with modest alterations—has been enacted over the years since Peadon and Bush dismissed the warning by Florida state Senator Steve Geller that the “Stand Your Ground” law ran the risk of encouraging Floridians to think that “you ought to be able to kill people that are walking toward you on the street because of this subjective belief that you’re worried that they may get in a fight with you.”

How ALEC Took Florida’s ‘License to Kill’ Law National

“Stand Your Ground” law ran the risk of encouraging Floridians to think that “you ought to be able to kill people that are walking toward you on the street because of this subjective belief that you’re worried that they may get in a fight with you.”

Beating Zimmermann's head on the ground.....doesn't sound like "Stand Your Ground" was needed.

A scared kid couldn't get away from a conservative gun nut playing cop. He fought for his life and lost.
Yes, he was a thug who would could not retreat in his own mind, and GZ was a thug with a gun playing cop.

Um, no.

Martin ran away. Zimmerman pursued him. It's on the police tape and Zimmerman, himself, admitted to it.

In most rational states Zimmerman would be cooling his heels in the clink.

But thanks to a Koch Brothers/ALEC manufactured law, signed by Jeb! Bush.

This kid got murdered and a real piece of shit got away with it.
Can you cite this manufactured law and its author(s)?


Only a few months after Bush signed the Florida law, Hammer worked with NRA operatives and friendly legislators on ALEC’s “Criminal Justice Task Force” to develop a new piece of “Stand Your Ground” model legislation for passage in states across the country.
The proposal made a strong impression on ALEC members, who approved model legislation that mirrored the Florida law’s assertion that an individual gunman or a neighborhood watch member “has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another, or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”
In states across the country, with support from the gun lobby, ALEC’s model legislation—sometimes in mirror form, sometimes with modest alterations—has been enacted over the years since Peadon and Bush dismissed the warning by Florida state Senator Steve Geller that the “Stand Your Ground” law ran the risk of encouraging Floridians to think that “you ought to be able to kill people that are walking toward you on the street because of this subjective belief that you’re worried that they may get in a fight with you.”

How ALEC Took Florida’s ‘License to Kill’ Law National

“Stand Your Ground” law ran the risk of encouraging Floridians to think that “you ought to be able to kill people that are walking toward you on the street because of this subjective belief that you’re worried that they may get in a fight with you.”

Beating Zimmermann's head on the ground.....doesn't sound like "Stand Your Ground" was needed.


Like most people who know how to fight, he could have given him a good swift kick.

But being the gun fetish, right wing punk he was...he shot him.
Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted

That is really sick - even for a lowlife racist piece of shit like Zimmerman! Mark O'Mara defended him in the trial.
Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted

That is really sick - even for a lowlife racist piece of shit like Zimmerman! Mark O'Mara defended him in the trial.

It's not the lawyers fault.
Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted

That is really sick - even for a lowlife racist piece of shit like Zimmerman! Mark O'Mara defended him in the trial.

It's not the lawyers fault.

No, it isn't, but when I think of Zimmerman I automatically think of O'Mara...
Yes, he was a thug who would could not retreat in his own mind, and GZ was a thug with a gun playing cop.

Um, no.

Martin ran away. Zimmerman pursued him. It's on the police tape and Zimmerman, himself, admitted to it.

In most rational states Zimmerman would be cooling his heels in the clink.

But thanks to a Koch Brothers/ALEC manufactured law, signed by Jeb! Bush.

This kid got murdered and a real piece of shit got away with it.
Can you cite this manufactured law and its author(s)?


Only a few months after Bush signed the Florida law, Hammer worked with NRA operatives and friendly legislators on ALEC’s “Criminal Justice Task Force” to develop a new piece of “Stand Your Ground” model legislation for passage in states across the country.
The proposal made a strong impression on ALEC members, who approved model legislation that mirrored the Florida law’s assertion that an individual gunman or a neighborhood watch member “has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another, or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”
In states across the country, with support from the gun lobby, ALEC’s model legislation—sometimes in mirror form, sometimes with modest alterations—has been enacted over the years since Peadon and Bush dismissed the warning by Florida state Senator Steve Geller that the “Stand Your Ground” law ran the risk of encouraging Floridians to think that “you ought to be able to kill people that are walking toward you on the street because of this subjective belief that you’re worried that they may get in a fight with you.”

How ALEC Took Florida’s ‘License to Kill’ Law National

“Stand Your Ground” law ran the risk of encouraging Floridians to think that “you ought to be able to kill people that are walking toward you on the street because of this subjective belief that you’re worried that they may get in a fight with you.”

Beating Zimmermann's head on the ground.....doesn't sound like "Stand Your Ground" was needed.


Like most people who know how to fight, he could have given him a good swift kick.

But being the gun fetish, right wing punk he was...he shot him.

Yeah, being on the ground and getting beaten, doesn't sound like Zimmermann could have kicked the punk.
Too bad for the thug he beat the wrong guy. Won't make that mistake again.
J.E.D419180 said:
Murder is an undeserved killing. When a person is killed by another person, it means they deserved it. Trayvon was killed, not murdered.
So, Ted Bundy's victims deserved to be killed? The depths that some will sink to to defend this pos is astounding

They made bad choices, don't ya know.
I guess a better example would be a drunk driver killing an innocent family. According to AvgGuyIA, they deserved it
Show me where I said anything like killing is deserved? There is a difference between the verb killed and the gerund killing.
zimmeman is a lefty btw

just saying


Sallow hates Hispanics.

Just like you hate White People.

Why is that?

White people?
We're talking about a Hispanic. One who killed a black thug in self defense.

You've shown many times how much you hate White People.

Could you please explain why?

Maybe it's because you are a muslim or something?

You've shown many times how much you hate White People.

I have?
Sounds like you may have been smacked in the head.
Did you meet Trayvon?
zimmeman is a lefty btw

just saying


Sallow hates Hispanics.

Just like you hate White People.

Why is that?

White people?
We're talking about a Hispanic. One who killed a black thug in self defense.

You've shown many times how much you hate White People.

Could you please explain why?

Maybe it's because you are a muslim or something?

You've shown many times how much you hate White People.

I have?
Sounds like you may have been smacked in the head.
Did you meet Trayvon?

Why do you hate White People?

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