Zimmerman tweets picture of kid he murdered.

doesnt it get tiring

posting to a poster who comes from a position of complete ignorance on the laws

and no matter how you try the poster remains intentionally ignorant
enlighten me. what made martin's actions anything other than self defense?

he was the aggressor that why
There's no evidence of that. And zimmerman, as the pursuer, could easily be called an aggressor
There was evidence. Eye witness in fact that could not be impeached. At the time of the shooting, we know that Martin was beating on Zimmerman.

We fucking know this!
but we do not know if he was the aggressor. do you understand the difference?

we certainly do

there was a witness that said so
doesnt it get tiring

posting to a poster who comes from a position of complete ignorance on the laws

and no matter how you try the poster remains intentionally ignorant
enlighten me. what made martin's actions anything other than self defense?

he was the aggressor that why
There's no evidence of that. And zimmerman, as the pursuer, could easily be called an aggressor
There was evidence. Eye witness in fact that could not be impeached. At the time of the shooting, we know that Martin was beating on Zimmerman.

We fucking know this!
but we do not know if he was the aggressor. do you understand the difference?
Wrong, we do know. But even if we didn't know for sure, there is no way Zim could be convicted. Trust me, if Trayvon were alive, his assault on Zim would be borne out in court.
enlighten me. what made martin's actions anything other than self defense?

he was the aggressor that why
There's no evidence of that. And zimmerman, as the pursuer, could easily be called an aggressor
There was evidence. Eye witness in fact that could not be impeached. At the time of the shooting, we know that Martin was beating on Zimmerman.

We fucking know this!
but we do not know if he was the aggressor. do you understand the difference?

we certainly do

there was a witness that said so
no, there wasn't. there was a witness that said martin was on top when they saw them - but not who the aggressor was
enlighten me. what made martin's actions anything other than self defense?

he was the aggressor that why
There's no evidence of that. And zimmerman, as the pursuer, could easily be called an aggressor
There was evidence. Eye witness in fact that could not be impeached. At the time of the shooting, we know that Martin was beating on Zimmerman.

We fucking know this!
but we do not know if he was the aggressor. do you understand the difference?
Wrong, we do know. But even if we didn't know for sure, there is no way Zim could be convicted. Trust me, if Trayvon were alive, his assault on Zim would be borne out in court.
and i contend that had martin lived zimmerman would have gone to jail that night on assault and attempted murder charges.
again, we don't know who confronted who, or who threw the first punch. we do know that zimmerman was stalking martin, a threatening action if i've ever heard one.
he was the aggressor that why
There's no evidence of that. And zimmerman, as the pursuer, could easily be called an aggressor
There was evidence. Eye witness in fact that could not be impeached. At the time of the shooting, we know that Martin was beating on Zimmerman.

We fucking know this!
but we do not know if he was the aggressor. do you understand the difference?

we certainly do

there was a witness that said so
no, there wasn't. there was a witness that said martin was on top when they saw them - but not who the aggressor was


there was a witness in court that said martin was a top zimmerman

kicking his ass mma style
There's no evidence of that. And zimmerman, as the pursuer, could easily be called an aggressor
There was evidence. Eye witness in fact that could not be impeached. At the time of the shooting, we know that Martin was beating on Zimmerman.

We fucking know this!
but we do not know if he was the aggressor. do you understand the difference?

we certainly do

there was a witness that said so
no, there wasn't. there was a witness that said martin was on top when they saw them - but not who the aggressor was


there was a witness in court that said martin was a top zimmerman

kicking his ass mma style
i'm not arguing that. but martin kicking zimmerman's ass, at one point, does not make martin the aggressor.
do you understand the difference? the aggressor does not always win the fight.
Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted

When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him.

Thug couldn't outrun tubby? LOL!

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Stand your ground? Oh, that's right. It doesn't apply to black people. My bad.

This wasn't a stand your ground case.

It ended up being buried beneath it. Soon GOP hero Zim will meet the same fate.
Yes, he was a thug who would could not retreat in his own mind, and GZ was a thug with a gun playing cop.

Um, no.

Martin ran away. Zimmerman pursued him. It's on the police tape and Zimmerman, himself, admitted to it.

In most rational states Zimmerman would be cooling his heels in the clink.

But thanks to a Koch Brothers/ALEC manufactured law, signed by Jeb! Bush.

This kid got murdered and a real piece of shit got away with it.
Can you cite this manufactured law and its author(s)?


Only a few months after Bush signed the Florida law, Hammer worked with NRA operatives and friendly legislators on ALEC’s “Criminal Justice Task Force” to develop a new piece of “Stand Your Ground” model legislation for passage in states across the country.
The proposal made a strong impression on ALEC members, who approved model legislation that mirrored the Florida law’s assertion that an individual gunman or a neighborhood watch member “has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another, or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”
In states across the country, with support from the gun lobby, ALEC’s model legislation—sometimes in mirror form, sometimes with modest alterations—has been enacted over the years since Peadon and Bush dismissed the warning by Florida state Senator Steve Geller that the “Stand Your Ground” law ran the risk of encouraging Floridians to think that “you ought to be able to kill people that are walking toward you on the street because of this subjective belief that you’re worried that they may get in a fight with you.”

How ALEC Took Florida’s ‘License to Kill’ Law National

“Stand Your Ground” law ran the risk of encouraging Floridians to think that “you ought to be able to kill people that are walking toward you on the street because of this subjective belief that you’re worried that they may get in a fight with you.”

Beating Zimmermann's head on the ground.....doesn't sound like "Stand Your Ground" was needed.


Like most people who know how to fight, he could have given him a good swift kick.

But being the gun fetish, right wing punk he was...he shot him.
He sure did.


Life is good.
There was evidence. Eye witness in fact that could not be impeached. At the time of the shooting, we know that Martin was beating on Zimmerman.

We fucking know this!
but we do not know if he was the aggressor. do you understand the difference?

we certainly do

there was a witness that said so
no, there wasn't. there was a witness that said martin was on top when they saw them - but not who the aggressor was


there was a witness in court that said martin was a top zimmerman

kicking his ass mma style
i'm not arguing that. but martin kicking zimmerman's ass, at one point, does not make martin the aggressor.
do you understand the difference? the aggressor does not always win the fight.

it did matter in the court of law it did indeed matter
he was the aggressor that why
There's no evidence of that. And zimmerman, as the pursuer, could easily be called an aggressor
There was evidence. Eye witness in fact that could not be impeached. At the time of the shooting, we know that Martin was beating on Zimmerman.

We fucking know this!
but we do not know if he was the aggressor. do you understand the difference?

we certainly do

there was a witness that said so
no, there wasn't. there was a witness that said martin was on top when they saw them - but not who the aggressor was
You have pretty much reached the point of no return, and lost. Overwhelming evidence is an obvious legal consideration.

Trayvon was assaulting Zim when the shot was fired. And there was only one shot.
Like most people who know how to fight, he could have given him a good swift kick.
But being the gun fetish, right wing punk he was...he shot him.
Still butt-hurt about the "not guilty" verdict, eh?


I don't like seeing anyone getting killed, especially by a gun fetish pussy.

Also, you have an eerie interest in men's butts. Why is that?

I hope that 10 more just like him get killed the same way.
I swear the left/lib/dems are the most easily brainwashed in this country. Obama and the media wails over some kid and here comeys the sheep brigade to fall right in line with them. how sad and is what we the rest of us is up against.
It's like we're dealing with morons; it's getting tiresome. I believe liberals are doing this on purpose to wear us down. Watch "I was a communist for the FBI" on Netflix and you see the liberal strategy.
Like most people who know how to fight, he could have given him a good swift kick.
But being the gun fetish, right wing punk he was...he shot him.
Still butt-hurt about the "not guilty" verdict, eh?


I don't like seeing anyone getting killed, especially by a gun fetish pussy.

Also, you have an eerie interest in men's butts. Why is that?

I hope that 10 more just like him get killed the same way.

Lemme guess. So long as they are not aborted? It's all good.

Gotta love it.
but we do not know if he was the aggressor. do you understand the difference?

we certainly do

there was a witness that said so
no, there wasn't. there was a witness that said martin was on top when they saw them - but not who the aggressor was


there was a witness in court that said martin was a top zimmerman

kicking his ass mma style
i'm not arguing that. but martin kicking zimmerman's ass, at one point, does not make martin the aggressor.
do you understand the difference? the aggressor does not always win the fight.

it did matter in the court of law it did indeed matter
you understand that the court didn't decide who attacked who, right?
There's no evidence of that. And zimmerman, as the pursuer, could easily be called an aggressor
There was evidence. Eye witness in fact that could not be impeached. At the time of the shooting, we know that Martin was beating on Zimmerman.

We fucking know this!
but we do not know if he was the aggressor. do you understand the difference?

we certainly do

there was a witness that said so
no, there wasn't. there was a witness that said martin was on top when they saw them - but not who the aggressor was
You have pretty much reached the point of no return, and lost. Overwhelming evidence is an obvious legal consideration.

Trayvon was assaulting Zim when the shot was fired. And there was only one shot.
we know that at one point during the struggle martin gained the upper hand. we do not know and will never know who started the conflict. in fact, the only things we do now are that zimmerman followed martin, a struggle happened, at some point martin gained the upper hand, and zimmerman shot martin
Last edited:
Um, no.

Martin ran away. Zimmerman pursued him. It's on the police tape and Zimmerman, himself, admitted to it.

In most rational states Zimmerman would be cooling his heels in the clink.

But thanks to a Koch Brothers/ALEC manufactured law, signed by Jeb! Bush.

This kid got murdered and a real piece of shit got away with it.
Can you cite this manufactured law and its author(s)?


Only a few months after Bush signed the Florida law, Hammer worked with NRA operatives and friendly legislators on ALEC’s “Criminal Justice Task Force” to develop a new piece of “Stand Your Ground” model legislation for passage in states across the country.
The proposal made a strong impression on ALEC members, who approved model legislation that mirrored the Florida law’s assertion that an individual gunman or a neighborhood watch member “has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another, or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”
In states across the country, with support from the gun lobby, ALEC’s model legislation—sometimes in mirror form, sometimes with modest alterations—has been enacted over the years since Peadon and Bush dismissed the warning by Florida state Senator Steve Geller that the “Stand Your Ground” law ran the risk of encouraging Floridians to think that “you ought to be able to kill people that are walking toward you on the street because of this subjective belief that you’re worried that they may get in a fight with you.”

How ALEC Took Florida’s ‘License to Kill’ Law National

“Stand Your Ground” law ran the risk of encouraging Floridians to think that “you ought to be able to kill people that are walking toward you on the street because of this subjective belief that you’re worried that they may get in a fight with you.”

Beating Zimmermann's head on the ground.....doesn't sound like "Stand Your Ground" was needed.


Like most people who know how to fight, he could have given him a good swift kick.

But being the gun fetish, right wing punk he was...he shot him.
Today's lesson:
Don't try to whoop up on somebody. They could be a gun nut and decide to shoot you.

Lesson learned
These incidents have made me think twice before arguing with a stranger are getting road rage.

Not to mention I beat a guy up a few years ago and I got arrested.

Funny thing is I got off using stand your ground. I didn't have to be hit first before I could defend myself. He was swinging and I tackled him before his punch landed. The dumb fucking cop thought I had to let the guy land one before I could protect myself. He was wrong but it cost me $1000 in lawyers fees.

Luckily the guy didn't have a gun to murder me with then claim I was trying to murder him.

If you have a gun you need to do everything you can to avoid shooting someone.

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