Zimmerman tweets picture of kid he murdered.

It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

Well, jumping a dude and pounding his head into the concrete might be a good place to start.

How many punches to the head do you have to let a thug have before you think the use of deadly force is justified? GZ could not retreat while Trayvon was beating him, as his back was on the ground.
why isn't trayvon allowed to protect himself from a stalker?

He was, but why do you say that GZ was stalking him?
on account of he was following him. from martin's perspective what else could he be doing? wouldn't you feel threatened by a guy following you for no reason at night in the rain?

GZ had a duty to protect his neighbors and only followed TM for only a few minutes. Its all on the 911 recording.

The proper way to find out why someone is following you is to walk up and ask them what's up, not to punch them out on to the ground then jump on top of them and beat their head into the concrete walk.
Yeah... With Trayvon dead, Zimmerman may NOW be the most pathetic punk on earth... .

But Trayvon, still be dayhhhed.

Saint somethingoranother failed to answer, but maybe you can.

Why are you so harsh on Zimmerman? Have you had to kill someone in self defense and live with the focused hatred of millions of libtard idiots? Live with the death threats and every mistake you make publicized in every city of the nation and western Europe as well?

It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

He assaulted an armed innocent.

And, according to GZ, he told GZ, when he saw GZ's gun, that GZ was dead.

Bad guess.
That's the problem. Everything is according to GZ, the peering in the windows, the things he said. How convenient is that? And I'm supposed to take them as facts? Bullshit.

The living guy got to tell the story while on trial for murder. He's vindicated only by the forensic evidence. Everything he said is bullshit to me.
Wrong. I don't live his life because I made better choices. The woman I live with and is the mother of my four children is my wife. That's one.

This is GZ's life prior to killing that thug and his life being turned into a living hell.
"After graduating from high school, Zimmerman moved to Lake Mary, Florida, a suburb of Orlando, where he got a job at an insurance agency. Zimmerman took classes at night to obtain a license to sell insurance. It was during this time when he became friends with Lee Ann Benjamin, a real estate agent, and her husband John Donnelly, a Sanford attorney.[3] Benjamin and Donnelly would both later testify on his behalf at his trial in the death of Martin.[8][9] According to Donnelly, in 2004 Zimmerman and an African American friend opened a satellite office of Allstate Insurance which eventually failed a year later.

Zimmerman married Shellie Dean, a licensed cosmetologist in 2007 and, two years later, they rented a townhouse in the Retreat at Twin Lakes. Zimmerman had also previously been employed at a car dealership and a mortgage audit firm.[3][4] Zimmerman enrolled in Seminole State College in 2009 and was working on an associate degree in criminal justice. In December 2011 he was allowed to participate in a school graduation ceremony, even though he was a course credit shy of his degree. He was completing that credit at the time of the shooting. Zimmerman was employed as an insurance underwriter at that time also.[3][4][10]

In early 2011, Zimmerman participated in a citizen forum at the Sanford City Hall to protest the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white Sanford police officer. During the meeting, Zimmerman claimed he witnessed "disgusting behavior" while participating in a ride-along program with local police; however the police department said it did not know when, if ever, Zimmerman was in that program.[11][12]"

George Zimmerman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kinda sounds like the struggling life I had when I was a young adult. He was married and taking college classes while working.

Then came the killing and the libtard obsession with hating him and threatening him, the slander on him and the judge tossing it on technicalities and all.

Yeah, I'm sure your totally superior to him in everyway, bubba. No worries.

Two, I don't go stalking black kids in the streets. Zimmerman set the stage for everything that followed. He was right to defend himself, but doesn't make him decent or a hero, it just makes him breathing and the other guy is not.

GZ did not stalk Travon. He was a neighborhood watch and the area had had a string of burglaries and when he saw a young man walking around in the rain peering into peoples windows he thought he might need to keep an eye on things as he called the cops.

But, no, I'm sure you are right. He was just looking for a kid to kill. Sure.

It's for want of real heroes that people make heroes out of anyone.

I'm not making a hero of GZ. I am just pointing out the circumstances the guy lives in and wondering why so many mostly conservative people like you like to shit on GZ these days.
We'll never know if Martin was doing anything more than getting skittles because, conveniently enough, the story was told by the person who killed him. It isn't Zimmerman's conduct after being attacked that I question, it's his conduct that set the stage for it.

Just maybe if he let the cops do their job, Martin might have had a chance to mend his ways and become a responsible adult. But now he can't because he's dead. And the guy who killed him doesn't deserve a fucking medal.

Yes... and IF Trayvon had just kept walking and not attacked an innocent man, he MIGHT have had a chance to mend his ways.

And IF LBJ hadn't scuttled the Black Culture, Trayvon might have had a father who, along with his mother, would not have allowed his ass to be tramping through other people's property and his ways would not have needed changin'.

The List of "IFs" is a long one and otherwise irrelevant. 'Cause Trayvon's ass be Dayeahd.
Saint somethingoranother failed to answer, but maybe you can.

Why are you so harsh on Zimmerman? Have you had to kill someone in self defense and live with the focused hatred of millions of libtard idiots? Live with the death threats and every mistake you make publicized in every city of the nation and western Europe as well?

It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

He assaulted an armed innocent.

And, according to GZ, he told GZ, when he saw GZ's gun, that GZ was dead.

Bad guess.
That's the problem. Everything is according to GZ, the peering in the windows, the things he said. How convenient is that? And I'm supposed to take them as facts? Bullshit.

The living guy got to tell the story while on trial for murder. He's vindicated only by the forensic evidence. Everything he said is bullshit to me.

Validated by forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony. GZ was correct, and wether Martin was stalking windows is irrelevant. You don't get to kill someone just because you don't like them following you.
Saint somethingoranother failed to answer, but maybe you can.

Why are you so harsh on Zimmerman? Have you had to kill someone in self defense and live with the focused hatred of millions of libtard idiots? Live with the death threats and every mistake you make publicized in every city of the nation and western Europe as well?

It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

He assaulted an armed innocent.

And, according to GZ, he told GZ, when he saw GZ's gun, that GZ was dead.

Bad guess.
That's the problem. Everything is according to GZ, the peering in the windows, the things he said. How convenient is that? And I'm supposed to take them as facts? Bullshit.

The living guy got to tell the story while on trial for murder. He's vindicated only by the forensic evidence. Everything he said is bullshit to me.

There were a couple of witnesses who also validated much of GZ's testimony.

You got it in for a dude you have never met, calling him trash and saying all kinds of things about him, dude, whatever floats your boat.

I don't know how well I could handle the shit GZ is living with now, but I know you are a man of iron will and sterling character. At the Day of Judgement I am certain you will stand alongside God and tell Him exactly who should go to Hell and who should waltz through the Pearly Gates.

Yeah, no doubts.
Saint somethingoranother failed to answer, but maybe you can.

Why are you so harsh on Zimmerman? Have you had to kill someone in self defense and live with the focused hatred of millions of libtard idiots? Live with the death threats and every mistake you make publicized in every city of the nation and western Europe as well?

It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

He assaulted an armed innocent.
you don't know that.

Yeah, we do. There was a trial, do you not know that?
the trial and evidence did not show that martin attacked zimmerman.
Saint somethingoranother failed to answer, but maybe you can.

Why are you so harsh on Zimmerman? Have you had to kill someone in self defense and live with the focused hatred of millions of libtard idiots? Live with the death threats and every mistake you make publicized in every city of the nation and western Europe as well?

It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

Well, jumping a dude and pounding his head into the concrete might be a good place to start.

How many punches to the head do you have to let a thug have before you think the use of deadly force is justified? GZ could not retreat while Trayvon was beating him, as his back was on the ground.
why isn't trayvon allowed to protect himself from a stalker?

Because people following a person walking up next to other people's homes, do not get to call 'stalker', because they're stalking and that is how that works.

Besides, people skulking around in the dark, doing what Trayvon was doing, tend to draw what you call stalkers and what are otherwise known as people protecting their property.

If Trayvon had been in my front yard on a rainy night, he'd have never got within arms reach of my sidewalk. And he would have had several MUCH larger holes in him.
so you shoot people that walk in front of your house?
It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

He assaulted an armed innocent.

And, according to GZ, he told GZ, when he saw GZ's gun, that GZ was dead.

Bad guess.
That's the problem. Everything is according to GZ, the peering in the windows, the things he said. How convenient is that? And I'm supposed to take them as facts? Bullshit.

The living guy got to tell the story while on trial for murder. He's vindicated only by the forensic evidence. Everything he said is bullshit to me.

There were a couple of witnesses who also validated much of GZ's testimony.

You got it in for a dude you have never met, calling him trash and saying all kinds of things about him, dude, whatever floats your boat.

I don't know how well I could handle the shit GZ is living with now, but I know you are a man of iron will and sterling character. At the Day of Judgement I am certain you will stand alongside God and tell Him exactly who should go to Hell and who should waltz through the Pearly Gates.

Yeah, no doubts.

Literally every witness validated Zimmerman's account... as did the evidence.

That's the "SomeHow" he 'got acquitted'.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

Well, jumping a dude and pounding his head into the concrete might be a good place to start.

How many punches to the head do you have to let a thug have before you think the use of deadly force is justified? GZ could not retreat while Trayvon was beating him, as his back was on the ground.
why isn't trayvon allowed to protect himself from a stalker?

He was, but why do you say that GZ was stalking him?
on account of he was following him. from martin's perspective what else could he be doing? wouldn't you feel threatened by a guy following you for no reason at night in the rain?

GZ had a duty to protect his neighbors and only followed TM for only a few minutes. Its all on the 911 recording.

The proper way to find out why someone is following you is to walk up and ask them what's up, not to punch them out on to the ground then jump on top of them and beat their head into the concrete walk.
that doesn't sound very pro-active - especially if they are threatening.
Wrong. I don't live his life because I made better choices. The woman I live with and is the mother of my four children is my wife. That's one.

This is GZ's life prior to killing that thug and his life being turned into a living hell.
"After graduating from high school, Zimmerman moved to Lake Mary, Florida, a suburb of Orlando, where he got a job at an insurance agency. Zimmerman took classes at night to obtain a license to sell insurance. It was during this time when he became friends with Lee Ann Benjamin, a real estate agent, and her husband John Donnelly, a Sanford attorney.[3] Benjamin and Donnelly would both later testify on his behalf at his trial in the death of Martin.[8][9] According to Donnelly, in 2004 Zimmerman and an African American friend opened a satellite office of Allstate Insurance which eventually failed a year later.

Zimmerman married Shellie Dean, a licensed cosmetologist in 2007 and, two years later, they rented a townhouse in the Retreat at Twin Lakes. Zimmerman had also previously been employed at a car dealership and a mortgage audit firm.[3][4] Zimmerman enrolled in Seminole State College in 2009 and was working on an associate degree in criminal justice. In December 2011 he was allowed to participate in a school graduation ceremony, even though he was a course credit shy of his degree. He was completing that credit at the time of the shooting. Zimmerman was employed as an insurance underwriter at that time also.[3][4][10]

In early 2011, Zimmerman participated in a citizen forum at the Sanford City Hall to protest the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white Sanford police officer. During the meeting, Zimmerman claimed he witnessed "disgusting behavior" while participating in a ride-along program with local police; however the police department said it did not know when, if ever, Zimmerman was in that program.[11][12]"

George Zimmerman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kinda sounds like the struggling life I had when I was a young adult. He was married and taking college classes while working.

Then came the killing and the libtard obsession with hating him and threatening him, the slander on him and the judge tossing it on technicalities and all.

Yeah, I'm sure your totally superior to him in everyway, bubba. No worries.

Two, I don't go stalking black kids in the streets. Zimmerman set the stage for everything that followed. He was right to defend himself, but doesn't make him decent or a hero, it just makes him breathing and the other guy is not.

GZ did not stalk Travon. He was a neighborhood watch and the area had had a string of burglaries and when he saw a young man walking around in the rain peering into peoples windows he thought he might need to keep an eye on things as he called the cops.

But, no, I'm sure you are right. He was just looking for a kid to kill. Sure.

It's for want of real heroes that people make heroes out of anyone.

I'm not making a hero of GZ. I am just pointing out the circumstances the guy lives in and wondering why so many mostly conservative people like you like to shit on GZ these days.
We'll never know if Martin was doing anything more than getting skittles because, conveniently enough, the story was told by the person who killed him. It isn't Zimmerman's conduct after being attacked that I question, it's his conduct that set the stage for it.

Just maybe if he let the cops do their job, Martin might have had a chance to mend his ways and become a responsible adult. But now he can't because he's dead. And the guy who killed him doesn't deserve a fucking medal.

Yes... and IF Trayvon had just kept walking and not attacked an innocent man, he MIGHT have had a chance to mend his ways.

And IF LBJ hadn't scuttled the Black Culture, Trayvon might have had a father who, along with his mother, would not have allowed his ass to be tramping through other people's property and his ways would not have needed changin'.

The List of "IFs" is a long one and otherwise irrelevant. 'Cause Trayvon's ass be Dayeahd.
The problem with killing people is the removal for all chance to seek redemption. It's why I loath capital punishment. Martin is dead because he caused a man to believe his life was in danger. We'll never know if he was actually trying to kill him or not, but the shooting was justified.

I guess I'm just cursed with the ability to see both sides with equal clarity.
It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

He assaulted an armed innocent.

And, according to GZ, he told GZ, when he saw GZ's gun, that GZ was dead.

Bad guess.
That's the problem. Everything is according to GZ, the peering in the windows, the things he said. How convenient is that? And I'm supposed to take them as facts? Bullshit.

The living guy got to tell the story while on trial for murder. He's vindicated only by the forensic evidence. Everything he said is bullshit to me.

Validated by forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony. GZ was correct, and wether Martin was stalking windows is irrelevant. You don't get to kill someone just because you don't like them following you.
nor do you get to kill someone just because they are walking in your neighborhood.
actually,scratch that. seems that you do
It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

He assaulted an armed innocent.
you don't know that.

Yeah, we do. There was a trial, do you not know that?
the trial and evidence did not show that martin attacked zimmerman.

1. the cuts and scrapes to TMs knuckles and bruises to GZ face and head, while no corresponding evidence that GZ ever punched TM.

2. Witnesses stated that they saw TM on GZ beating him on the ground and called police.

3. The 911 dispatcher recorded much of the events as they happened and so that there was no prior intent by GZ is proven as he had no idea that TM would be in the circumstances he found him in.

4. the forensic evidence all supported GZs account, not TM.
It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

Well, jumping a dude and pounding his head into the concrete might be a good place to start.

How many punches to the head do you have to let a thug have before you think the use of deadly force is justified? GZ could not retreat while Trayvon was beating him, as his back was on the ground.
why isn't trayvon allowed to protect himself from a stalker?

Because people following a person walking up next to other people's homes, do not get to call 'stalker', because they're stalking and that is how that works.

Besides, people skulking around in the dark, doing what Trayvon was doing, tend to draw what you call stalkers and what are otherwise known as people protecting their property.

If Trayvon had been in my front yard on a rainy night, he'd have never got within arms reach of my sidewalk. And he would have had several MUCH larger holes in him.
so you shoot people that walk in front of your house?

I take my responsibility to defend my life seriously. Skulk around my house in the rain and charge me when I challenge you and there's virtually no chance you'll survive to injure me.
Wrong. I don't live his life because I made better choices. The woman I live with and is the mother of my four children is my wife. That's one.

This is GZ's life prior to killing that thug and his life being turned into a living hell.
"After graduating from high school, Zimmerman moved to Lake Mary, Florida, a suburb of Orlando, where he got a job at an insurance agency. Zimmerman took classes at night to obtain a license to sell insurance. It was during this time when he became friends with Lee Ann Benjamin, a real estate agent, and her husband John Donnelly, a Sanford attorney.[3] Benjamin and Donnelly would both later testify on his behalf at his trial in the death of Martin.[8][9] According to Donnelly, in 2004 Zimmerman and an African American friend opened a satellite office of Allstate Insurance which eventually failed a year later.

Zimmerman married Shellie Dean, a licensed cosmetologist in 2007 and, two years later, they rented a townhouse in the Retreat at Twin Lakes. Zimmerman had also previously been employed at a car dealership and a mortgage audit firm.[3][4] Zimmerman enrolled in Seminole State College in 2009 and was working on an associate degree in criminal justice. In December 2011 he was allowed to participate in a school graduation ceremony, even though he was a course credit shy of his degree. He was completing that credit at the time of the shooting. Zimmerman was employed as an insurance underwriter at that time also.[3][4][10]

In early 2011, Zimmerman participated in a citizen forum at the Sanford City Hall to protest the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white Sanford police officer. During the meeting, Zimmerman claimed he witnessed "disgusting behavior" while participating in a ride-along program with local police; however the police department said it did not know when, if ever, Zimmerman was in that program.[11][12]"

George Zimmerman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kinda sounds like the struggling life I had when I was a young adult. He was married and taking college classes while working.

Then came the killing and the libtard obsession with hating him and threatening him, the slander on him and the judge tossing it on technicalities and all.

Yeah, I'm sure your totally superior to him in everyway, bubba. No worries.

Two, I don't go stalking black kids in the streets. Zimmerman set the stage for everything that followed. He was right to defend himself, but doesn't make him decent or a hero, it just makes him breathing and the other guy is not.

GZ did not stalk Travon. He was a neighborhood watch and the area had had a string of burglaries and when he saw a young man walking around in the rain peering into peoples windows he thought he might need to keep an eye on things as he called the cops.

But, no, I'm sure you are right. He was just looking for a kid to kill. Sure.

It's for want of real heroes that people make heroes out of anyone.

I'm not making a hero of GZ. I am just pointing out the circumstances the guy lives in and wondering why so many mostly conservative people like you like to shit on GZ these days.
We'll never know if Martin was doing anything more than getting skittles because, conveniently enough, the story was told by the person who killed him. It isn't Zimmerman's conduct after being attacked that I question, it's his conduct that set the stage for it.

Just maybe if he let the cops do their job, Martin might have had a chance to mend his ways and become a responsible adult. But now he can't because he's dead. And the guy who killed him doesn't deserve a fucking medal.

Yes... and IF Trayvon had just kept walking and not attacked an innocent man, he MIGHT have had a chance to mend his ways.

And IF LBJ hadn't scuttled the Black Culture, Trayvon might have had a father who, along with his mother, would not have allowed his ass to be tramping through other people's property and his ways would not have needed changin'.

The List of "IFs" is a long one and otherwise irrelevant. 'Cause Trayvon's ass be Dayeahd.
The problem with killing people is the removal for all chance to seek redemption. It's why I loath capital punishment. Martin is dead because he caused a man to believe his life was in danger. We'll never know if he was actually trying to kill him or not, but the shooting was justified.

I guess I'm just cursed with the ability to see both sides with equal clarity.

So because you don't like killing, GZ is white trash and a scumbag? TMs fists apparently were very persuasive pieces of evidence to GZ that his life was in danger.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

Well, jumping a dude and pounding his head into the concrete might be a good place to start.

How many punches to the head do you have to let a thug have before you think the use of deadly force is justified? GZ could not retreat while Trayvon was beating him, as his back was on the ground.
why isn't trayvon allowed to protect himself from a stalker?

Because people following a person walking up next to other people's homes, do not get to call 'stalker', because they're stalking and that is how that works.

Besides, people skulking around in the dark, doing what Trayvon was doing, tend to draw what you call stalkers and what are otherwise known as people protecting their property.

If Trayvon had been in my front yard on a rainy night, he'd have never got within arms reach of my sidewalk. And he would have had several MUCH larger holes in him.
so you shoot people that walk in front of your house?

I take my responsibility to defend my life seriously. Skulk around my house in the rain and charge me when I challenge you and there's virtually no chance you'll survive to injure me.
guess martin should have killed zimmerman. shame he didn't have a gun.
you say that, but what did he do that made him so richly deserving?

He assaulted an armed innocent.

And, according to GZ, he told GZ, when he saw GZ's gun, that GZ was dead.

Bad guess.
That's the problem. Everything is according to GZ, the peering in the windows, the things he said. How convenient is that? And I'm supposed to take them as facts? Bullshit.

The living guy got to tell the story while on trial for murder. He's vindicated only by the forensic evidence. Everything he said is bullshit to me.

Validated by forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony. GZ was correct, and wether Martin was stalking windows is irrelevant. You don't get to kill someone just because you don't like them following you.
nor do you get to kill someone just because they are walking in your neighborhood.
actually,scratch that. seems that you do

Was that all TM was doing, really, just walking in GZs neighborhood?

TM wasn't sitting on top of GZ and beating his head into the concrete walk?

Dude, you keep simplifying the circumstances to the point of there being no justification, but that is only because you selectively omit relevant facts.
Well, jumping a dude and pounding his head into the concrete might be a good place to start.

How many punches to the head do you have to let a thug have before you think the use of deadly force is justified? GZ could not retreat while Trayvon was beating him, as his back was on the ground.
why isn't trayvon allowed to protect himself from a stalker?

Because people following a person walking up next to other people's homes, do not get to call 'stalker', because they're stalking and that is how that works.

Besides, people skulking around in the dark, doing what Trayvon was doing, tend to draw what you call stalkers and what are otherwise known as people protecting their property.

If Trayvon had been in my front yard on a rainy night, he'd have never got within arms reach of my sidewalk. And he would have had several MUCH larger holes in him.
so you shoot people that walk in front of your house?

I take my responsibility to defend my life seriously. Skulk around my house in the rain and charge me when I challenge you and there's virtually no chance you'll survive to injure me.
guess martin should have killed zimmerman. shame he didn't have a gun.

So walking behind someone is justified use of lethal force to you? or it is the equivalent to having a man sit on your chest and beat your head into concrete?

Dude, you are being delusional.
Wrong. I don't live his life because I made better choices. The woman I live with and is the mother of my four children is my wife. That's one.

This is GZ's life prior to killing that thug and his life being turned into a living hell.
"After graduating from high school, Zimmerman moved to Lake Mary, Florida, a suburb of Orlando, where he got a job at an insurance agency. Zimmerman took classes at night to obtain a license to sell insurance. It was during this time when he became friends with Lee Ann Benjamin, a real estate agent, and her husband John Donnelly, a Sanford attorney.[3] Benjamin and Donnelly would both later testify on his behalf at his trial in the death of Martin.[8][9] According to Donnelly, in 2004 Zimmerman and an African American friend opened a satellite office of Allstate Insurance which eventually failed a year later.

Zimmerman married Shellie Dean, a licensed cosmetologist in 2007 and, two years later, they rented a townhouse in the Retreat at Twin Lakes. Zimmerman had also previously been employed at a car dealership and a mortgage audit firm.[3][4] Zimmerman enrolled in Seminole State College in 2009 and was working on an associate degree in criminal justice. In December 2011 he was allowed to participate in a school graduation ceremony, even though he was a course credit shy of his degree. He was completing that credit at the time of the shooting. Zimmerman was employed as an insurance underwriter at that time also.[3][4][10]

In early 2011, Zimmerman participated in a citizen forum at the Sanford City Hall to protest the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white Sanford police officer. During the meeting, Zimmerman claimed he witnessed "disgusting behavior" while participating in a ride-along program with local police; however the police department said it did not know when, if ever, Zimmerman was in that program.[11][12]"

George Zimmerman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kinda sounds like the struggling life I had when I was a young adult. He was married and taking college classes while working.

Then came the killing and the libtard obsession with hating him and threatening him, the slander on him and the judge tossing it on technicalities and all.

Yeah, I'm sure your totally superior to him in everyway, bubba. No worries.

Two, I don't go stalking black kids in the streets. Zimmerman set the stage for everything that followed. He was right to defend himself, but doesn't make him decent or a hero, it just makes him breathing and the other guy is not.

GZ did not stalk Travon. He was a neighborhood watch and the area had had a string of burglaries and when he saw a young man walking around in the rain peering into peoples windows he thought he might need to keep an eye on things as he called the cops.

But, no, I'm sure you are right. He was just looking for a kid to kill. Sure.

It's for want of real heroes that people make heroes out of anyone.

I'm not making a hero of GZ. I am just pointing out the circumstances the guy lives in and wondering why so many mostly conservative people like you like to shit on GZ these days.
We'll never know if Martin was doing anything more than getting skittles because, conveniently enough, the story was told by the person who killed him. It isn't Zimmerman's conduct after being attacked that I question, it's his conduct that set the stage for it.

Just maybe if he let the cops do their job, Martin might have had a chance to mend his ways and become a responsible adult. But now he can't because he's dead. And the guy who killed him doesn't deserve a fucking medal.

Yes... and IF Trayvon had just kept walking and not attacked an innocent man, he MIGHT have had a chance to mend his ways.

And IF LBJ hadn't scuttled the Black Culture, Trayvon might have had a father who, along with his mother, would not have allowed his ass to be tramping through other people's property and his ways would not have needed changin'.

The List of "IFs" is a long one and otherwise irrelevant. 'Cause Trayvon's ass be Dayeahd.
The problem with killing people is the removal for all chance to seek redemption. It's why I loath capital punishment. Martin is dead because he caused a man to believe his life was in danger. We'll never know if he was actually trying to kill him or not, but the shooting was justified.

I guess I'm just cursed with the ability to see both sides with equal clarity.

So because you don't like killing, GZ is white trash and a scumbag? TMs fists apparently were very persuasive pieces of evidence to GZ that his life was in danger.
He may have been in danger of nothing more than a good ass whoopin. We'll never know because Rambo didn't stay in his car.

The shooting was justified. We don't have to agree on all the other nuances.
That's the problem. Everything is according to GZ, the peering in the windows, the things he said. How convenient is that? And I'm supposed to take them as facts? Bullshit.

What would be the reason for rejecting the statement?

The living guy got to tell the story... .[/QUOTE]

That's what nature calls 'fair'. Because the Guy that jumps the guy and beats his head into the concrete forfeits his right to live, in so doing.

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