Zimmerman tweets picture of kid he murdered.

If you can legally start a fight you can't finish and then murder the person that's beating your ass, I guess he's not a murderer.
Not Guilty.
I can only hope something like this happens to you or one of yours one day so you can see how wrong you are. But of course if the situation isn't exactly the same you'll point out the smallest of differences. For example, you are white. You racist pig.

1. My kids never got kicked out of school like Martin did.
2. My kids wouldn't have gone to the store to cook up a drug to get high on.
3. My kids wouldn't have been sneaking through people's yards.
4. My kids wouldn't have tried to kill Zimmerman.

Maybe that would or could happen to YOUR kids but not mine. Mine are more likely to be like Zimmerman and help rid the world of losers like trayvon and your kids.
1. Lots of kids get kicked out of school. I've been suspended.
2. Lots of kids get high.
3. Lots of kids sneak through yards
4. Trevon didn't try to "kill" Zimmerman.

I got in so many fights growing up. I could have died 100 times running into a pussy like Zimmerman.

Some kids are pussies.

You sound like the typical naive gullible stupid parent who says "my kids never". Shut the fuck up. God how I wish tragedy could strike you so you could understand what a dumb **** you are.

That wasn't the question lame brain. I said in response; that my kids didn't do any of that. WTF can you not read? You are so damn butthurt that you wish bad stuff on me, but just as you are wrong about everything else, you are wrong about that too. My kids are great. They are successful, happy, and not a loser like you.

And you are dead wrong. Martin definitely tried to kill Zimmerman, you cannot wish facts in evidence away.
Even racists love their families.
No doubt about it Zimmerman is a world class jackasses retard.

He didn't commit murder.....but he's guilty of being a retarded scumbag who is literally begging for.bad shit to happen to him.

Just curious; why do you say that Zimmerman is retarded?

How well do you think you would handle the kind of pressure that has been put on him by the libtard's across this country that slander him on a daily basis? How well would you do if you had people threatening your life and publicizing every parking ticket you got?

No doubt he isn't a hero, but shit, a little sympathy for a guy who did nothing more than defend his own life would be mighty white of you.
Bull shit. It is totally made up. He never tweeted nor retweeted that picture. It's as fake as your fake evidence that The Thug Martin was innocent.

This is the New York Daily News.

George Zimmerman rants after retweeting Trayvon death pic

Trailer trash coward sure got big and brave now that he's protected by double jeopardy. Makes him the perfect hero for the likes of predfan.

"z-man is a one man army" - What an idiot. "z-man" can't even get a real job.

He can't get a reAl job because of left wing morons and idiots like you. If someone hired him, they would get picketed. You never get smarter do you retard?
And you can't burn in hell any hotter than you will.

Lol, you stupid stupid person. You were entertaining but now you are getting tiresome.

Arent all the libtard sloganeering when on hyper-slander mode boring and tiresome?

They are still having conniption fits ever since Zimmerman escaped the gallows for doing nothing more than defending his own life. They are 100% committed to making Zimmerman's life so miserable that he kills himself.
Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted
Zimmerman was a democrat....any support he received on basis of facts from the right doesnt make him our hero........
Not Guilty.
I can only hope something like this happens to you or one of yours one day so you can see how wrong you are. But of course if the situation isn't exactly the same you'll point out the smallest of differences. For example, you are white. You racist pig.

1. My kids never got kicked out of school like Martin did.
2. My kids wouldn't have gone to the store to cook up a drug to get high on.
3. My kids wouldn't have been sneaking through people's yards.
4. My kids wouldn't have tried to kill Zimmerman.

Maybe that would or could happen to YOUR kids but not mine. Mine are more likely to be like Zimmerman and help rid the world of losers like trayvon and your kids.
1. Lots of kids get kicked out of school. I've been suspended.
2. Lots of kids get high.
3. Lots of kids sneak through yards
4. Trevon didn't try to "kill" Zimmerman.

I got in so many fights growing up. I could have died 100 times running into a pussy like Zimmerman.

Some kids are pussies.

You sound like the typical naive gullible stupid parent who says "my kids never". Shut the fuck up. God how I wish tragedy could strike you so you could understand what a dumb **** you are.

That wasn't the question lame brain. I said in response; that my kids didn't do any of that. WTF can you not read? You are so damn butthurt that you wish bad stuff on me, but just as you are wrong about everything else, you are wrong about that too. My kids are great. They are successful, happy, and not a loser like you.

And you are dead wrong. Martin definitely tried to kill Zimmerman, you cannot wish facts in evidence away.
Even racists love their families.

Do they nit wit? I wouldn't know, I don't know any personally.

Trailer trash coward sure got big and brave now that he's protected by double jeopardy. Makes him the perfect hero for the likes of predfan.

"z-man is a one man army" - What an idiot. "z-man" can't even get a real job.

He can't get a reAl job because of left wing morons and idiots like you. If someone hired him, they would get picketed. You never get smarter do you retard?
And you can't burn in hell any hotter than you will.

Lol, you stupid stupid person. You were entertaining but now you are getting tiresome.

Arent all the libtard sloganeering when on hyper-slander mode boring and tiresome?

They are still having conniption fits ever since Zimmerman escaped the gallows for doing nothing more than defending his own life. They are 100% committed to making Zimmerman's life so miserable that he kills himself.

I know. The thing I like about GZ is the way he easily exposes the left as the racist, lying, and ignorant assholes we all know they truly are.
Trailer trash coward sure got big and brave now that he's protected by double jeopardy. Makes him the perfect hero for the likes of predfan.

"z-man is a one man army" - What an idiot. "z-man" can't even get a real job.

He can't get a reAl job because of left wing morons and idiots like you. If someone hired him, they would get picketed. You never get smarter do you retard?
And you can't burn in hell any hotter than you will.

Lol, you stupid stupid person. You were entertaining but now you are getting tiresome.

Arent all the libtard sloganeering when on hyper-slander mode boring and tiresome?

They are still having conniption fits ever since Zimmerman escaped the gallows for doing nothing more than defending his own life. They are 100% committed to making Zimmerman's life so miserable that he kills himself.

I know. The thing I like about GZ is the way he easily exposes the left as the racist, lying, and ignorant assholes we all know they truly are.

True, but then again all you need to do is to rad about their heroes from the murdering Jacobins of the French Revolution to the slaughters of Lenin to the Stalinist work to death camps to Maos killing suads and Pol Pots killing fields.

Murder and lies are the only two things the socialist libtards can do right.
He can't get a reAl job because of left wing morons and idiots like you. If someone hired him, they would get picketed. You never get smarter do you retard?
And you can't burn in hell any hotter than you will.

Lol, you stupid stupid person. You were entertaining but now you are getting tiresome.

Arent all the libtard sloganeering when on hyper-slander mode boring and tiresome?

They are still having conniption fits ever since Zimmerman escaped the gallows for doing nothing more than defending his own life. They are 100% committed to making Zimmerman's life so miserable that he kills himself.

I know. The thing I like about GZ is the way he easily exposes the left as the racist, lying, and ignorant assholes we all know they truly are.

True, but then again all you need to do is to rad about their heroes from the murdering Jacobins of the French Revolution to the slaughters of Lenin to the Stalinist work to death camps to Maos killing suads and Pol Pots killing fields.

Murder and lies are the only two things the socialist libtards can do right.

Not to mention Che Guevara. Nothing but a murdering psychopath. They love that guy!
No doubt about it Zimmerman is a world class jackasses retard.

He didn't commit murder.....but he's guilty of being a retarded scumbag who is literally begging for.bad shit to happen to him.

Just curious; why do you say that Zimmerman is retarded?

How well do you think you would handle the kind of pressure that has been put on him by the libtard's across this country that slander him on a daily basis? How well would you do if you had people threatening your life and publicizing every parking ticket you got?

No doubt he isn't a hero, but shit, a little sympathy for a guy who did nothing more than defend his own life would be mighty white of you.

Pity? No. He's a piece of trailer trash shacking up with his girlfriend and getting the cops called on him. He's the type of lowlife I proactively teach my kids to be nothing like. And a kid is dead because he couldn't listen to simple instructions. He had the right to defend himself, but he's not a good person.
we know that at one point during the struggle martin gained the upper hand. we do not know and will never know who started the conflict. in fact, the only things we do now are that zimmerman followed martin, a struggle happened, at some point martin gained the upper hand, and zimmerman shot martin

zimmerman was blind sided by martin

when martin sprang from the bushes

as in evidence at court
Sprang from the bushes.

I can't even begin to tell you all the ways Zimmerman's story stinks.

Who came up with such a bad law? It wasn't the Florida GOP. It was a.l.e.c. did the GOP even read the bill or just fast track it into law?

This isn't the only bad bill a.l.e.c has passed all around the country. Walker Snyder Christie kasich santorum and jeb have all done whatever a.l.e.c. says.

the debris field left behind as evidence in court proved zimmermans claim
Although I agree with you I think Zimmerman is guilty of a lesser crime but that wasn't an option for the jury.

If I were Zimmerman I would have already had my gun drawn if I was in pursuit.

i think zimmerman is an asswipe personally
No doubt about it Zimmerman is a world class jackasses retard.

He didn't commit murder.....but he's guilty of being a retarded scumbag who is literally begging for.bad shit to happen to him.

Just curious; why do you say that Zimmerman is retarded?

How well do you think you would handle the kind of pressure that has been put on him by the libtard's across this country that slander him on a daily basis? How well would you do if you had people threatening your life and publicizing every parking ticket you got?

No doubt he isn't a hero, but shit, a little sympathy for a guy who did nothing more than defend his own life would be mighty white of you.

Pity? No. He's a piece of trailer trash shacking up with his girlfriend and getting the cops called on him. He's the type of lowlife I proactively teach my kids to be nothing like. And a kid is dead because he couldn't listen to simple instructions. He had the right to defend himself, but he's not a good person.

No moron, a worthless drug addled and violent thug is dead.
No doubt about it Zimmerman is a world class jackasses retard.

He didn't commit murder.....but he's guilty of being a retarded scumbag who is literally begging for.bad shit to happen to him.

Just curious; why do you say that Zimmerman is retarded?

How well do you think you would handle the kind of pressure that has been put on him by the libtard's across this country that slander him on a daily basis? How well would you do if you had people threatening your life and publicizing every parking ticket you got?

No doubt he isn't a hero, but shit, a little sympathy for a guy who did nothing more than defend his own life would be mighty white of you.

Pity? No. He's a piece of trailer trash shacking up with his girlfriend and getting the cops called on him. He's the type of lowlife I proactively teach my kids to be nothing like. And a kid is dead because he couldn't listen to simple instructions. He had the right to defend himself, but he's not a good person.

No moron, a worthless drug addled and violent thug is dead.
He gets no pity from me either.

Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted

Yeah... With Trayvon dead, Zimmerman may NOW be the most pathetic punk on earth... .

But Trayvon, still be dayhhhed.
No doubt about it Zimmerman is a world class jackasses retard.

He didn't commit murder.....but he's guilty of being a retarded scumbag who is literally begging for.bad shit to happen to him.

Just curious; why do you say that Zimmerman is retarded?

How well do you think you would handle the kind of pressure that has been put on him by the libtard's across this country that slander him on a daily basis? How well would you do if you had people threatening your life and publicizing every parking ticket you got?

No doubt he isn't a hero, but shit, a little sympathy for a guy who did nothing more than defend his own life would be mighty white of you.

Pity? No. He's a piece of trailer trash shacking up with his girlfriend and getting the cops called on him. He's the type of lowlife I proactively teach my kids to be nothing like. And a kid is dead because he couldn't listen to simple instructions. He had the right to defend himself, but he's not a good person.

Lol, very judgmental there, bubba.

I pray you never have to find out what you would do in the circumstances he was in.
Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted

Yeah... With Trayvon dead, Zimmerman may NOW be the most pathetic punk on earth... .

But Trayvon, still be dayhhhed.

Saint somethingoranother failed to answer, but maybe you can.

Why are you so harsh on Zimmerman? Have you had to kill someone in self defense and live with the focused hatred of millions of libtard idiots? Live with the death threats and every mistake you make publicized in every city of the nation and western Europe as well?
No doubt about it Zimmerman is a world class jackasses retard.

He didn't commit murder.....but he's guilty of being a retarded scumbag who is literally begging for.bad shit to happen to him.

Just curious; why do you say that Zimmerman is retarded?

How well do you think you would handle the kind of pressure that has been put on him by the libtard's across this country that slander him on a daily basis? How well would you do if you had people threatening your life and publicizing every parking ticket you got?

No doubt he isn't a hero, but shit, a little sympathy for a guy who did nothing more than defend his own life would be mighty white of you.

Pity? No. He's a piece of trailer trash shacking up with his girlfriend and getting the cops called on him. He's the type of lowlife I proactively teach my kids to be nothing like. And a kid is dead because he couldn't listen to simple instructions. He had the right to defend himself, but he's not a good person.

Lol, very judgmental there, bubba.

I pray you never have to find out what you would do in the circumstances he was in.
We need to be more judgmental as a society. When people live shamefully, it should be pointed out. Shacking up used to be scorned by society, just like skating by on welfare. It's what people do when they have no dignity and no commitment to anything higher than their own selfish desires. The POS having to defend himself didn't make him into a hero and it certainly didn't change what he is.
No doubt about it Zimmerman is a world class jackasses retard.

He didn't commit murder.....but he's guilty of being a retarded scumbag who is literally begging for.bad shit to happen to him.

Just curious; why do you say that Zimmerman is retarded?

How well do you think you would handle the kind of pressure that has been put on him by the libtard's across this country that slander him on a daily basis? How well would you do if you had people threatening your life and publicizing every parking ticket you got?

No doubt he isn't a hero, but shit, a little sympathy for a guy who did nothing more than defend his own life would be mighty white of you.

Pity? No. He's a piece of trailer trash shacking up with his girlfriend and getting the cops called on him. He's the type of lowlife I proactively teach my kids to be nothing like. And a kid is dead because he couldn't listen to simple instructions. He had the right to defend himself, but he's not a good person.

Lol, very judgmental there, bubba.

I pray you never have to find out what you would do in the circumstances he was in.
We need to be more judgmental as a society. When people live shamefully, it should be pointed out. Shacking up used to be scorned by society, just like skating by on welfare. It's what people do when they have no dignity and no commitment to anything higher than their own selfish desires. The POS having to defend himself didn't make him into a hero and it certainly didn't change what he is.

Yeah, but you are not living in GZ's life and really know nothing of it, just what you read in the papers by some libtard trying to make the guy more miserable.

Really, you want to think that you would avoid all the pitfalls GZ has fallen into, fine, believe it.

But truth is, and I think you probably suspect it, is that were it not for the Grace of God, there go most of us.
Real piece of work, this conservative hero.

George Zimmerman executed an innocent child in 2012 after he began following a “suspicious looking” teenager, against the requests of 911 operators. When the child noticed he was being followed, he attempted to outrun Zimmerman, who then began to chase him. A scuffle ensued and Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

George Zimmerman was somehow acquitted of the murder charges in 2013. Martin’s murder and Zimmerman’s subsequent trial led to a tumultuous social outrage against racial profiling and racism in America and in the justice system.

Since his acquittal, piece of sh*t George Zimmerman has been in trouble with the law multiple times; from domestic abuse to incidents of road rage, Zimmerman has really shown his character, or lack thereof, in the last few years.

You Won’t Believe What George Zimmerman Just Re-Tweeted

Yeah... With Trayvon dead, Zimmerman may NOW be the most pathetic punk on earth... .

But Trayvon, still be dayhhhed.

Saint somethingoranother failed to answer, but maybe you can.

Why are you so harsh on Zimmerman? Have you had to kill someone in self defense and live with the focused hatred of millions of libtard idiots? Live with the death threats and every mistake you make publicized in every city of the nation and western Europe as well?

It's called "Selling the Prize".

The opposition holds something out as valuable, but they're selling it cheap. So ya buy it cheap and sell it back to them for more than they bargained for.

The point is that no matter what Zimmerman does today, that doesn't make Trayvon less than a dead punk who richly deserves to be that way.
No doubt about it Zimmerman is a world class jackasses retard.

He didn't commit murder.....but he's guilty of being a retarded scumbag who is literally begging for.bad shit to happen to him.

Just curious; why do you say that Zimmerman is retarded?

How well do you think you would handle the kind of pressure that has been put on him by the libtard's across this country that slander him on a daily basis? How well would you do if you had people threatening your life and publicizing every parking ticket you got?

No doubt he isn't a hero, but shit, a little sympathy for a guy who did nothing more than defend his own life would be mighty white of you.

Pity? No. He's a piece of trailer trash shacking up with his girlfriend and getting the cops called on him. He's the type of lowlife I proactively teach my kids to be nothing like. And a kid is dead because he couldn't listen to simple instructions. He had the right to defend himself, but he's not a good person.

Lol, very judgmental there, bubba.

I pray you never have to find out what you would do in the circumstances he was in.
We need to be more judgmental as a society. When people live shamefully, it should be pointed out. Shacking up used to be scorned by society, just like skating by on welfare. It's what people do when they have no dignity and no commitment to anything higher than their own selfish desires. The POS having to defend himself didn't make him into a hero and it certainly didn't change what he is.

Yeah, but you are not living in GZ's life and really know nothing of it, just what you read in the papers by some libtard trying to make the guy more miserable.

Really, you want to think that you would avoid all the pitfalls GZ has fallen into, fine, believe it.

But truth is, and I think you probably suspect it, is that were it not for the Grace of God, there go most of us.
Wrong. I don't live his life because I made better choices. The woman I live with and is the mother of my four children is my wife. That's one.

Two, I don't go stalking black kids in the streets. Zimmerman set the stage for everything that followed. He was right to defend himself, but doesn't make him decent or a hero, it just makes him breathing and the other guy is not.

It's for want of real heroes that people make heroes out of anyone.

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