Zionist Cowards Revealed: Confessions of an Ex-IDF Soldier

Another long, tedious cut and paste that you don’t understand.

For someone of your obvious limitations, I would suggest wiki which will have text and bright color graphics where you can learn about the various wars of aggression waged by Arab-Moslem armies intended to obliterate the Jewish State, all ow which led to humiliating defeats for the Arabs-Moslems.

What would you call someone who refuses to accept facts. You call him a coward... or Louie.

Oh to the contrary, its clearly YOU who lack the sufficient brain processing to comprehend the article---it ain't rocket science...literally every claim advanced by you liars contains more holes than a mound of Swiss Cheese...so spare the readers here your pathetic attempts at deflection and wobbly Zionist propaganda...you merely look dumb as a brick...

That was a lot of your usual bluster.

So tell us, how many wars of aggression aimed at Israel did Arab-Moslem armies wage?

With those wars being intended to obliterate Israel, and Israel obviously not being obliterated, what does that tell you regarding your profoundly ignorant cut and paste meme: “By no means is the Israeli Army a legitimate force”?

Well sweetie the problem is a small mind coupled with an even smaller moral/ethical faculty...the observable fact that Jews force-feed themselves these ridiculous myths and distortions speaks volumes to their collective guilt...Ben Gurion and a host of notable early Zionists were quite frank in explaining what they had done, what they had planned, and to paraphrase Begin, 'What we plan to do after establishing our state"...if indeed ignorance is bliss you must be ecstatic...

Typical Louie response - sidestepping the salient points.

Here’s a hint. It was more than one war of aggression waged by Arab-Islamist armies intending to obliterate Israel.

Wiki is waiting. Do your homework, sweetie.

IDF Women

I know. You feel like shooting yourself, right.

indeed quite amazing the extent to which anything read or viewed by you cretins is instantly fair game for your vitriolic delusions...you don't post arguments, but rather a coloring book of crude verbal assaults and laughable stabs at distortion which merely play as spitballs...morbid pack of scurrilous liars and posers...cowards one and all...

Good one! Hey did you hear the one about "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land." Please reply. 'Atta boy.
Oh to the contrary, its clearly YOU who lack the sufficient brain processing to comprehend the article---it ain't rocket science...literally every claim advanced by you liars contains more holes than a mound of Swiss Cheese...so spare the readers here your pathetic attempts at deflection and wobbly Zionist propaganda...you merely look dumb as a brick...

That was a lot of your usual bluster.

So tell us, how many wars of aggression aimed at Israel did Arab-Moslem armies wage?

With those wars being intended to obliterate Israel, and Israel obviously not being obliterated, what does that tell you regarding your profoundly ignorant cut and paste meme: “By no means is the Israeli Army a legitimate force”?

Well sweetie the problem is a small mind coupled with an even smaller moral/ethical faculty...the observable fact that Jews force-feed themselves these ridiculous myths and distortions speaks volumes to their collective guilt...Ben Gurion and a host of notable early Zionists were quite frank in explaining what they had done, what they had planned, and to paraphrase Begin, 'What we plan to do after establishing our state"...if indeed ignorance is bliss you must be ecstatic...

Typical Louie response - sidestepping the salient points.

Here’s a hint. It was more than one war of aggression waged by Arab-Islamist armies intending to obliterate Israel.

Wiki is waiting. Do your homework, sweetie.

IDF Women

I know. You feel like shooting yourself, right.

indeed quite amazing the extent to which anything read or viewed by you cretins is instantly fair game for your vitriolic delusions...you don't post arguments, but rather a coloring book of crude verbal assaults and laughable stabs at distortion which merely play as spitballs...morbid pack of scurrilous liars and posers...cowards one and all...

More of your usual bluster.

The question still remains: how many wars of aggression aimed at Israel did Arab-Moslem armies wage?

Hint: it was more than two.

With those wars being intended to obliterate Israel, and Israel obviously not being obliterated, what does that tell you regarding your profoundly ignorant cut and paste meme: “By no means is the Israeli Army a legitimate force”?

The truly funny part is that I've most likely forgotten more of the relevant details of this conflict than a cheap propaganda parrot like yourself is likely to ever learn or acknowledge....

In ‘48 nascent state immediately embarked on a program of plunder & destruction of Palestinian homes, property, & possessions left behind. Dr. Don Peretz (State Uni of NY) wrote in ‘54, ...[N]early half of new Jewish immigrants live in homes abandoned by Arabs. They occupy nearly 400 Arab towns & villages.. Arabs left over 10,000 shops & stores ... The Israel Custodian of Absentee Property took over more than 4,000,000 dunams of former Arab land, or nearly 60% of country’s cultivable area. This was nearly two and a half times the total Jewish-owned property at the time the state of Israel was established, & included most of its olive orchards, a large part of its fruit and vegetable cropland and over half the citrus groves.
Zionist Cowards Revealed

Comment by Bernard Weckmann: When I lived in Israel I was forced to serve in the IDF. Since I was already 35 years old at the time I immigrated I was not required to do more than serving in the reserves (miluim). But what I saw of the IDF definitely confirms the above: they are fucking cowards, capable only of picking on the weak and helpless. At the end of my basic training I refused to swear the oath of allegiance. I wanted nothing to do with this army of bullies.

The OP is a lie for a simple reason
- one cannot go through "miluim" or see anything on the ground, before conscripting or swearing the oath in writing. He'd go to jail before seeing any training at all.

additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.

Zionist Cowards Revealed

Comment by Bernard Weckmann: When I lived in Israel I was forced to serve in the IDF. Since I was already 35 years old at the time I immigrated I was not required to do more than serving in the reserves (miluim). But what I saw of the IDF definitely confirms the above: they are fucking cowards, capable only of picking on the weak and helpless. At the end of my basic training I refused to swear the oath of allegiance. I wanted nothing to do with this army of bullies.

The OP is a lie for a simple reason
- one cannot go through "miluim" or see anything on the ground, before conscripting or swearing the oath in writing. He'd go to jail before seeing any training at all.

additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


No "evasion" necessary...ironically evasion and deflection are your signature...Weckmann is one of many who tell the same story repeatedly...ex-reservists have nothing to lose...try educating yourself before jumping into a thread ...
Zionist Cowards Revealed

Comment by Bernard Weckmann: When I lived in Israel I was forced to serve in the IDF. Since I was already 35 years old at the time I immigrated I was not required to do more than serving in the reserves (miluim). But what I saw of the IDF definitely confirms the above: they are fucking cowards, capable only of picking on the weak and helpless. At the end of my basic training I refused to swear the oath of allegiance. I wanted nothing to do with this army of bullies.

The OP is a lie for a simple reason
- one cannot go through "miluim" or see anything on the ground, before conscripting or swearing the oath in writing. He'd go to jail before seeing any training at all.

additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


No "evasion" necessary...ironically evasion and deflection are your signature...Weckmann is one of many who tell the same story repeatedly...ex-reservists have nothing to lose...try educating yourself before jumping into a thread ...

Well when facts don't match up....btw

Q. How can some-one claim to be an ex-reservist when he didn't swear the oath??

Zionist Cowards Revealed

Comment by Bernard Weckmann: When I lived in Israel I was forced to serve in the IDF. Since I was already 35 years old at the time I immigrated I was not required to do more than serving in the reserves (miluim). But what I saw of the IDF definitely confirms the above: they are fucking cowards, capable only of picking on the weak and helpless. At the end of my basic training I refused to swear the oath of allegiance. I wanted nothing to do with this army of bullies.

The OP is a lie for a simple reason
- one cannot go through "miluim" or see anything on the ground, before conscripting or swearing the oath in writing. He'd go to jail before seeing any training at all.

additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


To call it a lie obligates proof this is conspicuously missing in your reply...NEXT!!!
Zionist Cowards Revealed

Comment by Bernard Weckmann: When I lived in Israel I was forced to serve in the IDF. Since I was already 35 years old at the time I immigrated I was not required to do more than serving in the reserves (miluim). But what I saw of the IDF definitely confirms the above: they are fucking cowards, capable only of picking on the weak and helpless. At the end of my basic training I refused to swear the oath of allegiance. I wanted nothing to do with this army of bullies.

The OP is a lie for a simple reason
- one cannot go through "miluim" or see anything on the ground, before conscripting or swearing the oath in writing. He'd go to jail before seeing any training at all.

additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


No "evasion" necessary...ironically evasion and deflection are your signature...Weckmann is one of many who tell the same story repeatedly...ex-reservists have nothing to lose...try educating yourself before jumping into a thread ...

Well when facts don't match up....btw

Q. How can some-one claim to be an ex-reservist when he didn't swear the oath??


The man states that he refused to take the oath at the end of basic training...if you dispute the validity of his observation there is plenty of documented evidence to prove his story...
Zionist Cowards Revealed

Comment by Bernard Weckmann: When I lived in Israel I was forced to serve in the IDF. Since I was already 35 years old at the time I immigrated I was not required to do more than serving in the reserves (miluim). But what I saw of the IDF definitely confirms the above: they are fucking cowards, capable only of picking on the weak and helpless. At the end of my basic training I refused to swear the oath of allegiance. I wanted nothing to do with this army of bullies.

The OP is a lie for a simple reason
- one cannot go through "miluim" or see anything on the ground, before conscripting or swearing the oath in writing. He'd go to jail before seeing any training at all.

additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


No "evasion" necessary...ironically evasion and deflection are your signature...Weckmann is one of many who tell the same story repeatedly...ex-reservists have nothing to lose...try educating yourself before jumping into a thread ...

Well when facts don't match up....btw

Q. How can some-one claim to be an ex-reservist when he didn't swear the oath??


Apparently you don't know much about the subject at all...the swearing of the oath follows basic training:

The Soldiers Oath
Posted on May 28, 2014

Yesterday, I reached the first of many milestones in my army service: my tekes hashbaa, the ceremony in which soldiers who have completed basic training swear allegiance to the country and the army in which they serve.
It’s a very meaningful ceremony.
The fledgling soldiers repeat the oath in unison, afterwards yelling out as loud as they can: אני נשבע! (I swear).

After that, one by one, each soldier is given a gun and a Tanach (Hebrew bible)(or a New Testament if they so prefer) and they proclaim again ״אני נשבע!״.

Why is it like this? The bible symbolizes our history that has brought us to this point. The rifle symbolizes that we must defend ourselves from those who would see us destroyed. Together, they represent the Israeli soldier: moral, proud of their heritage, and prepared to give their all to protect the land and it’s people.

The oath itself goes like this:

“הנני נשבע(ת) ומתחייב(ת) בהן צדקי לשמור אמונים למדינת ישראל לחוקיה ולשלטונותיה המוסמכים, לקבל על עצמי ללא תנאי וללא סייג עול משמעתו של צבא הגנה לישראל, לציית לכל הפקודות וההוראות הניתנות על ידי המפקדים המוסמכים ולהקדיש את כל כוחותיי ואף להקריב את חיי להגנת המולדת ולחירות ישראל.”

“I swear and commit to maintain allegiance to the State of Israel, its laws, and its authorities, to accept upon myself unconditionally the discipline of the Israel Defense Forces, to obey all the orders and instructions given by authorized commanders, and to devote all my energies, and even sacrifice my life, for the protection of the homeland and the liberty of Israel.”
Zionist Cowards Revealed

Comment by Bernard Weckmann: When I lived in Israel I was forced to serve in the IDF. Since I was already 35 years old at the time I immigrated I was not required to do more than serving in the reserves (miluim). But what I saw of the IDF definitely confirms the above: they are fucking cowards, capable only of picking on the weak and helpless. At the end of my basic training I refused to swear the oath of allegiance. I wanted nothing to do with this army of bullies.

The OP is a lie for a simple reason
- one cannot go through "miluim" or see anything on the ground, before conscripting or swearing the oath in writing. He'd go to jail before seeing any training at all.

additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


To call it a lie obligates proof this is conspicuously missing in your reply...NEXT!!!

I don't need to prove that soldiers sign papers and give oaths.
If the don't - they're not soldiers.

Your OP proves the witness was NOT a soldier, or saw any action as he claimed.
He just told a lie blatant enough to disqualify it altogether.

Q. Would You buy a watermelon from someone who doesn't know it's red inside?.
That was a lot of your usual bluster.

So tell us, how many wars of aggression aimed at Israel did Arab-Moslem armies wage?

With those wars being intended to obliterate Israel, and Israel obviously not being obliterated, what does that tell you regarding your profoundly ignorant cut and paste meme: “By no means is the Israeli Army a legitimate force”?

Well sweetie the problem is a small mind coupled with an even smaller moral/ethical faculty...the observable fact that Jews force-feed themselves these ridiculous myths and distortions speaks volumes to their collective guilt...Ben Gurion and a host of notable early Zionists were quite frank in explaining what they had done, what they had planned, and to paraphrase Begin, 'What we plan to do after establishing our state"...if indeed ignorance is bliss you must be ecstatic...

Typical Louie response - sidestepping the salient points.

Here’s a hint. It was more than one war of aggression waged by Arab-Islamist armies intending to obliterate Israel.

Wiki is waiting. Do your homework, sweetie.

IDF Women

I know. You feel like shooting yourself, right.

indeed quite amazing the extent to which anything read or viewed by you cretins is instantly fair game for your vitriolic delusions...you don't post arguments, but rather a coloring book of crude verbal assaults and laughable stabs at distortion which merely play as spitballs...morbid pack of scurrilous liars and posers...cowards one and all...

More of your usual bluster.

The question still remains: how many wars of aggression aimed at Israel did Arab-Moslem armies wage?

Hint: it was more than two.

With those wars being intended to obliterate Israel, and Israel obviously not being obliterated, what does that tell you regarding your profoundly ignorant cut and paste meme: “By no means is the Israeli Army a legitimate force”?

The truly funny part is that I've most likely forgotten more of the relevant details of this conflict than a cheap propaganda parrot like yourself is likely to ever learn or acknowledge....

In ‘48 nascent state immediately embarked on a program of plunder & destruction of Palestinian homes, property, & possessions left behind. Dr. Don Peretz (State Uni of NY) wrote in ‘54, ...[N]early half of new Jewish immigrants live in homes abandoned by Arabs. They occupy nearly 400 Arab towns & villages.. Arabs left over 10,000 shops & stores ... The Israel Custodian of Absentee Property took over more than 4,000,000 dunams of former Arab land, or nearly 60% of country’s cultivable area. This was nearly two and a half times the total Jewish-owned property at the time the state of Israel was established, & included most of its olive orchards, a large part of its fruit and vegetable cropland and over half the citrus groves.

Your usual cut and paste that is lacking any specific reference. You can stutter and mumble as you typically do, Louie, but your clown dancing is a poor excuse for being unable to address the salient points.

The question still remains: how many wars of aggression aimed at Israel did Arab-Moslem armies wage?

Hint: it was more than three.

With those wars being intended to obliterate Israel, and Israel obviously not being obliterated, what does that tell you regarding your profoundly ignorant cut and paste meme: “By no means is the Israeli Army a legitimate force”?
The OP is a lie for a simple reason - one cannot go through "miluim" or see anything on the ground, before conscripting or swearing the oath in writing. He'd go to jail before seeing any training at all.

additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


No "evasion" necessary...ironically evasion and deflection are your signature...Weckmann is one of many who tell the same story repeatedly...ex-reservists have nothing to lose...try educating yourself before jumping into a thread ...

Well when facts don't match up....btw

Q. How can some-one claim to be an ex-reservist when he didn't swear the oath??


Apparently you don't know much about the subject at all...the swearing of the oath follows basic training:

The Soldiers Oath
Posted on May 28, 2014

Yesterday, I reached the first of many milestones in my army service: my tekes hashbaa, the ceremony in which soldiers who have completed basic training swear allegiance to the country and the army in which they serve.
It’s a very meaningful ceremony.
The fledgling soldiers repeat the oath in unison, afterwards yelling out as loud as they can: אני נשבע! (I swear).

After that, one by one, each soldier is given a gun and a Tanach (Hebrew bible)(or a New Testament if they so prefer) and they proclaim again ״אני נשבע!״.

Why is it like this? The bible symbolizes our history that has brought us to this point. The rifle symbolizes that we must defend ourselves from those who would see us destroyed. Together, they represent the Israeli soldier: moral, proud of their heritage, and prepared to give their all to protect the land and it’s people.

The oath itself goes like this:

“הנני נשבע(ת) ומתחייב(ת) בהן צדקי לשמור אמונים למדינת ישראל לחוקיה ולשלטונותיה המוסמכים, לקבל על עצמי ללא תנאי וללא סייג עול משמעתו של צבא הגנה לישראל, לציית לכל הפקודות וההוראות הניתנות על ידי המפקדים המוסמכים ולהקדיש את כל כוחותיי ואף להקריב את חיי להגנת המולדת ולחירות ישראל.”

“I swear and commit to maintain allegiance to the State of Israel, its laws, and its authorities, to accept upon myself unconditionally the discipline of the Israel Defense Forces, to obey all the orders and instructions given by authorized commanders, and to devote all my energies, and even sacrifice my life, for the protection of the homeland and the liberty of Israel.”

Cutting and pasting from a blog of unknown origin or authenticity is hardly a relevant source.
Zionist Cowards Revealed

Comment by Bernard Weckmann: When I lived in Israel I was forced to serve in the IDF. Since I was already 35 years old at the time I immigrated I was not required to do more than serving in the reserves (miluim). But what I saw of the IDF definitely confirms the above: they are fucking cowards, capable only of picking on the weak and helpless. At the end of my basic training I refused to swear the oath of allegiance. I wanted nothing to do with this army of bullies.

The OP is a lie for a simple reason
- one cannot go through "miluim" or see anything on the ground, before conscripting or swearing the oath in writing. He'd go to jail before seeing any training at all.

additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


To call it a lie obligates proof this is conspicuously missing in your reply...NEXT!!!

I don't need to prove that soldiers sign papers and give oaths.
If the don't - they're not soldiers.

Your OP proves the witness was NOT a soldier, or saw any action as he claimed.
He just told a lie blatant enough to disqualify it altogether.

Q. Would You buy a watermelon from someone who doesn't know it's red inside?.

Now you are doubling back and re-adjusting your claims...first you stated that he was required to take an oath prior to basic training...can you read and process simultaneously? The man witnessed offenses during his basic training that soured him to serving in the IDF, HENCE HE REFUSED THE OATH...you cannot call him a liar because you have know idea what he saw, and countless other reservists have volunteered the same accounts...face the fact that you are empty handed here...
additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


No "evasion" necessary...ironically evasion and deflection are your signature...Weckmann is one of many who tell the same story repeatedly...ex-reservists have nothing to lose...try educating yourself before jumping into a thread ...

Well when facts don't match up....btw

Q. How can some-one claim to be an ex-reservist when he didn't swear the oath??


Apparently you don't know much about the subject at all...the swearing of the oath follows basic training:

The Soldiers Oath
Posted on May 28, 2014

Yesterday, I reached the first of many milestones in my army service: my tekes hashbaa, the ceremony in which soldiers who have completed basic training swear allegiance to the country and the army in which they serve.
It’s a very meaningful ceremony.
The fledgling soldiers repeat the oath in unison, afterwards yelling out as loud as they can: אני נשבע! (I swear).

After that, one by one, each soldier is given a gun and a Tanach (Hebrew bible)(or a New Testament if they so prefer) and they proclaim again ״אני נשבע!״.

Why is it like this? The bible symbolizes our history that has brought us to this point. The rifle symbolizes that we must defend ourselves from those who would see us destroyed. Together, they represent the Israeli soldier: moral, proud of their heritage, and prepared to give their all to protect the land and it’s people.

The oath itself goes like this:

“הנני נשבע(ת) ומתחייב(ת) בהן צדקי לשמור אמונים למדינת ישראל לחוקיה ולשלטונותיה המוסמכים, לקבל על עצמי ללא תנאי וללא סייג עול משמעתו של צבא הגנה לישראל, לציית לכל הפקודות וההוראות הניתנות על ידי המפקדים המוסמכים ולהקדיש את כל כוחותיי ואף להקריב את חיי להגנת המולדת ולחירות ישראל.”

“I swear and commit to maintain allegiance to the State of Israel, its laws, and its authorities, to accept upon myself unconditionally the discipline of the Israel Defense Forces, to obey all the orders and instructions given by authorized commanders, and to devote all my energies, and even sacrifice my life, for the protection of the homeland and the liberty of Israel.”

Cutting and pasting from a blog of unknown origin or authenticity is hardly a relevant source.

LOL...states the career liar and propagandist...please disprove the account
"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


No "evasion" necessary...ironically evasion and deflection are your signature...Weckmann is one of many who tell the same story repeatedly...ex-reservists have nothing to lose...try educating yourself before jumping into a thread ...

Well when facts don't match up....btw

Q. How can some-one claim to be an ex-reservist when he didn't swear the oath??


Apparently you don't know much about the subject at all...the swearing of the oath follows basic training:

The Soldiers Oath
Posted on May 28, 2014

Yesterday, I reached the first of many milestones in my army service: my tekes hashbaa, the ceremony in which soldiers who have completed basic training swear allegiance to the country and the army in which they serve.
It’s a very meaningful ceremony.
The fledgling soldiers repeat the oath in unison, afterwards yelling out as loud as they can: אני נשבע! (I swear).

After that, one by one, each soldier is given a gun and a Tanach (Hebrew bible)(or a New Testament if they so prefer) and they proclaim again ״אני נשבע!״.

Why is it like this? The bible symbolizes our history that has brought us to this point. The rifle symbolizes that we must defend ourselves from those who would see us destroyed. Together, they represent the Israeli soldier: moral, proud of their heritage, and prepared to give their all to protect the land and it’s people.

The oath itself goes like this:

“הנני נשבע(ת) ומתחייב(ת) בהן צדקי לשמור אמונים למדינת ישראל לחוקיה ולשלטונותיה המוסמכים, לקבל על עצמי ללא תנאי וללא סייג עול משמעתו של צבא הגנה לישראל, לציית לכל הפקודות וההוראות הניתנות על ידי המפקדים המוסמכים ולהקדיש את כל כוחותיי ואף להקריב את חיי להגנת המולדת ולחירות ישראל.”

“I swear and commit to maintain allegiance to the State of Israel, its laws, and its authorities, to accept upon myself unconditionally the discipline of the Israel Defense Forces, to obey all the orders and instructions given by authorized commanders, and to devote all my energies, and even sacrifice my life, for the protection of the homeland and the liberty of Israel.”

Cutting and pasting from a blog of unknown origin or authenticity is hardly a relevant source.

LOL...states the career liar and propagandist...please disprove the account

Sorry, Louie, but I’m under no obligation to “disprove” your cutting and pasting from a blog of unknown origin or authenticity.

The blog is a fake. Disprove my claim.
The OP is a lie for a simple reason - one cannot go through "miluim" or see anything on the ground, before conscripting or swearing the oath in writing. He'd go to jail before seeing any training at all.

additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


To call it a lie obligates proof this is conspicuously missing in your reply...NEXT!!!

I don't need to prove that soldiers sign papers and give oaths.
If the don't - they're not soldiers.

Your OP proves the witness was NOT a soldier, or saw any action as he claimed.
He just told a lie blatant enough to disqualify it altogether.

Q. Would You buy a watermelon from someone who doesn't know it's red inside?.

Now you are doubling back and re-adjusting your claims...first you stated that he was required to take an oath prior to basic training...can you read and process simultaneously? The man witnessed offenses during his basic training that soured him to serving in the IDF, HENCE HE REFUSED THE OATH...you cannot call him a liar because you have know idea what he saw, and countless other reservists have volunteered the same accounts...face the fact that you are empty handed here...

Re-read Your own post. You just explained why the witness cannot be telling truth.

He could not have seen ANY training in the military without oath and signed papers.
additional video and oral confirmation from dozens of sources validate the observations of this ex-soldier, the IDF are craven cowards who shoot children and their Mothers, and then pose as real soldiers...I recall Hizbollah chasing the weasels out of Lebanon...

"Additional" can be discussed later. Don't evade.

Your OP starts from a blatant lie.
Before You training one signs papers. No papers - no training and no seeing action.


To call it a lie obligates proof this is conspicuously missing in your reply...NEXT!!!

I don't need to prove that soldiers sign papers and give oaths.
If the don't - they're not soldiers.

Your OP proves the witness was NOT a soldier, or saw any action as he claimed.
He just told a lie blatant enough to disqualify it altogether.

Q. Would You buy a watermelon from someone who doesn't know it's red inside?.

Now you are doubling back and re-adjusting your claims...first you stated that he was required to take an oath prior to basic training...can you read and process simultaneously? The man witnessed offenses during his basic training that soured him to serving in the IDF, HENCE HE REFUSED THE OATH...you cannot call him a liar because you have know idea what he saw, and countless other reservists have volunteered the same accounts...face the fact that you are empty handed here...

Re-read Your own post. You just explained why the witness cannot be telling truth.

He could not have seen ANY training in the military without oath and signed papers.


" the ceremony in which soldiers who have completed basic training swear allegiance to the country and the army in which they serve."

The oath follows basic training, it doesn't precede it!!! HELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

ONCE YET AGAIN FOR THE SAKE OF REPETITION: Weckmann's story is reinforced by many more like from reporters...doctors...aid-workers...and ex-reservists
IDF 'refusenik' indicts Israel's brutal occupation policies

The situations are, of course, unique, but some fundamental parallels exist, especially when it comes to racial/ethnic separation and a culture of demonization of those who speak out against it. Israel, via the IDF, has been maintaining a ''temporary'' occupation of the Palestinian territories for the last 45 years. Within this occupation, Jews are given a full—and even bolstered—set of rights and privileges, and Palestinians are given basically none. There are separate laws, separate court systems, separate land rights and separate voting privileges. And there is a culture, as there was in the U.S. in the 1960s, of concomitant discomfort with the situation and chiding of those who speak out too strongly against it.

"Now is not the time for change," we are told. "Do your IDF service, and try to change the system from within, through democratic means." But the very mention of democratic means overflows with hypocrisy, as it did when told to blacks and their allies in the U.S. South in the 1960s: Democracy is not democracy if it is denied to millions of people living under the ''democratic'' country’s rule.

Growing up in the U.S. with The Narrative, I internalized another element of the legacy of the civil rights movement: a country's law need not be obeyed if it violates a deeper law, a more moral law of equality, of justice, of freedom for all. And so I refuse to serve in the IDF, to give my seal of approval to the army's actions and to its central and primary task today: the maintenance of the occupation.

My protest is one that is both based on and carried out with the principles of nonviolence taught in the civil rights movement, lauded by my American Jewish community. If the American Jewish community is unwilling to seriously question the system of discrimination and segregation present in Israel and its non-temporary occupation or the normalization and glorification of violence that comes as part of a culture of unquestioning service in the IDF, then perhaps the time has come that we start teaching our youth the Anti-Narrative, the narrative of Blatt and Bloch and Leb, the narrative of "not now," the narrative of those Jews who stood by and did nothing as peoples' basic rights and dignity were systematically trampled by a supposed ''democratic'' system.
IDF 'refusenik' indicts Israel's brutal occupation policies

The situations are, of course, unique, but some fundamental parallels exist, especially when it comes to racial/ethnic separation and a culture of demonization of those who speak out against it. Israel, via the IDF, has been maintaining a ''temporary'' occupation of the Palestinian territories for the last 45 years. Within this occupation, Jews are given a full—and even bolstered—set of rights and privileges, and Palestinians are given basically none. There are separate laws, separate court systems, separate land rights and separate voting privileges. And there is a culture, as there was in the U.S. in the 1960s, of concomitant discomfort with the situation and chiding of those who speak out too strongly against it.

"Now is not the time for change," we are told. "Do your IDF service, and try to change the system from within, through democratic means." But the very mention of democratic means overflows with hypocrisy, as it did when told to blacks and their allies in the U.S. South in the 1960s: Democracy is not democracy if it is denied to millions of people living under the ''democratic'' country’s rule.

Growing up in the U.S. with The Narrative, I internalized another element of the legacy of the civil rights movement: a country's law need not be obeyed if it violates a deeper law, a more moral law of equality, of justice, of freedom for all. And so I refuse to serve in the IDF, to give my seal of approval to the army's actions and to its central and primary task today: the maintenance of the occupation.

My protest is one that is both based on and carried out with the principles of nonviolence taught in the civil rights movement, lauded by my American Jewish community. If the American Jewish community is unwilling to seriously question the system of discrimination and segregation present in Israel and its non-temporary occupation or the normalization and glorification of violence that comes as part of a culture of unquestioning service in the IDF, then perhaps the time has come that we start teaching our youth the Anti-Narrative, the narrative of Blatt and Bloch and Leb, the narrative of "not now," the narrative of those Jews who stood by and did nothing as peoples' basic rights and dignity were systematically trampled by a supposed ''democratic'' system.

It’s generally In good form to identify the source of the material you are cutting and pasting.... while pretending it’s your own.

Why I Refuse to Serve in the IDF

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