Zionist genocide in Israel

I know it's an "opinion piece", but wonder if "Gipper" who presented it knew that.
What would you call Gaza then ?
Neither Israel or Egypt seem to want to claim it as their property. It is rather vague as a nation of it's own.
Soooo ...... ???
Bibi’s (Your leader)support of Hamas has been reported extensively. See below. Yet amazingly, you’ve never heard it. Proving you aren’t informed. Please stop posting and go away forever.

A brief history of the Netanyahu-Hamas alliance | Opinion

A Brief History of the Netanyahu-Hamas Alliance

For 14 years, Netanyahu's policy was to keep Hamas in power; the pogrom of October 7, 2023, helps the Israeli prime minister preserve his own rule


Why Netanyahu helped fund Hamas and how that backfired for Israel

If Benjamin Netanyahu-led Israel didn't create Frankenstein's monster, it for sure helped nourish it. This is why Israel funneled Qatari money to Gaza as Hamas lulled it into a false sense of security and its citizens paid a heavy price for the miscalculation.

According to the Times, Israeli intelligence agents traveled into Gaza with a Qatari official carrying suitcases filled with cash to disperse money. Retired Israeli general Shlomo Brom described the logic of Netanyahu’s position: “One effective way to prevent a two-state solution is to divide between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.” If the extremist Hamas ruled Gaza, then the Palestinian Authority—a compromised comprador government with a tenuous hold on the West Bank—would be further weakened. This, according to Brom, would allow Netanyahu to say, “I have no partner.”

In 2015, Bezalel Smotrich, currently the finance minister in Netanyahu’s government, summed up the strategy by stating, “The Palestinian Authority is a burden. Hamas is an asset.”

According to the Times, “As far back as December 2012, Mr. Netanyahu told the prominent Israeli journalist Dan Margalit that it was important to keep Hamas strong, as a counterweight to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Mr. Margalit, in an interview, said that Mr. Netanyahu told him that having two strong rivals, including Hamas, would lessen pressure on him to negotiate toward a Palestinian state.” Netanyahu denies this conversation.

Further, there were three “mini wars” with Hamas during Netanyahu’s last 14 years as prime minister. There was a not-so-tacit agreement between Hamas and Netanyahu that, after each round of fighting, Israel would allow funds from Qatar and elsewhere to flow back to Hamas. This was against the recommendation of much of his own security establishment. As has been seen, those funds were used by Hamas to build tunnels and stockpile weapons rather than build internal infrastructure for the people of Gaza.

The Israeli security apparatus often wanted to go after the leadership of Hamas in a concerted way during many of these mini-wars. They were kept from doing so by Netanyahu — because he needed Hamas as his foil against the PA.

How Netanyahu's Hamas policy came back to haunt him — and Israel

The Israeli leader and Hamas are deadly enemies — and allies in opposing a 2-state solution

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I fundamentally disagree with the premises outlined here, with respect to international law.
The principle of international law governing the territories of Israel, Gaza, Judea, and Samaria, is utis possidetis juris. This principle and the Document of the Mandate are the main reasons the Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria (and formerly in Gaza) are not illegal under international law.
Look at the timing.

Immigrants poured in. The population doubled with Europeans in a period of 15 years. Then the British gave half their ancestral home away to people who didn't speak Arabic, didn't share Arab culture and considered the natives inferior.
The principle of international law governing the territories of Israel, Gaza, Judea, and Samaria, is utis possidetis juris. This principle and the Document of the Mandate are the main reasons the Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria (and formerly in Gaza) are not illegal under international law.
Yes, exactly. Which is why I pointed out my disagreement.
I know it's an "opinion piece", but wonder if "Gipper" who presented it knew that.
What would you call Gaza then ?
Neither Israel or Egypt seem to want to claim it as their property. It is rather vague as a nation of it's own.
Soooo ...... ???
Check this out dummy! From 15 years ago, but you’ll continue to stay dumb.
Check this out dummy! From 15 years ago, but you’ll continue to stay dumb.

What part of centuries old political tradition of dividing your enemies and playing off one faction against the other do you fail to grasp?

All of it ?

Hindsight is great, but real historical knowledge and perspective teaches that no one has the crystal ball giving a correct view of the future and consequences of actions that "seem like a good idea at the time."
What part of centuries old political tradition of dividing your enemies and playing off one faction against the other do you fail to grasp?

All of it ?

Hindsight is great, but real historical knowledge and perspective teaches that no one has the crystal ball giving a correct view of the future and consequences of actions that "seem like a good idea at the time."
Just admit you’re uninformed.
Genocide supporters are so dumb.

Do you know anything about the history of the region and the conflict between the two antagonists? I think not. What you know you got from Fox News. Lol.
Coming from the person who refuses to answer questions about the region.

Again. Where is Palestine in 1967?

This whole mess wouldn't have happened if Enver Pasha hadn't joined in WWI on the wrong side.
Another fact that is anathema to Israel's genocidal shills is that the same Haganah terrorist gang that became the IDF was organized, trained and armed by the German SS.

A primary difference is that the SS was bound by the Geneva Convention and other International Laws while IDF, illegal "Settlers" and other delusional Zionist land thieves murder, steal and destroy with impunity.

- “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Your prattle is not proved by your source material. Just stay home if that's all you've got. You four seriously know nothing at all about the situation. You must get all your news from the Electronic Intifada.
I was reading a report that the body of the the girl who was supposedly beheaded was returned to the family fully intact. And apparently preserved from the tunnels.

It's still fucked up that it happened, but just more confirmation that you just can't trust any of the narratives/propaganda coming from any of these shysters over there. Or on here, for that matter.

Your source material fails to prove your point. Do just stay at home next time.
How would you define Zionism?
See, that's the thing about these foolios. They sit on their couch or desk thousands of miles away thinking they know what someone in a country they've never visited nor care to thinks. I do not live in Israel, have visited a couple of times, but I don't know everything there is to know. I do stick by what I have learned on my journey though.

And they keep proving what fools they are by dodging direct question with slurs and know nothing replies.

Wish they'd quit wasting bandwidth here.
<snip> and will continue long after Netanyahu and his henchmen are gone.
Yes it will until the whole world gets sick and tired of the Palestinians refusing to accept peace over and over again. Remember, Jordan doesn't want them. Egypt doesn't want them. Everyone talks about Israel's 'blockade' of Gaza when Egypt has the Rafah crossing JUST as blockaded.

And again. Where was the Palestinian state in 1967?

Still waiting you fools.
Zionism per the Encyclopedia Britannica: Zionism | Definition, History, Examples, & Facts

In this context it would be an historic, nationalist movement, with its roots as far back as the 16th century, based on the idea of Jews returning to Palestine where, they had a long established historic connection, and eventually building a state. The reasons behind it are multiple, not the least was cultural preservation amid pressures to assimilate, discrimination and dangerous instability in the countries they resided in (pogroms etc). This seems predominately a secular movement?

There is also Christian Zionism, which involves the return of the Jews to Zion to in order fulfill Christian prophecy. We see it in our strong largely unwavering Evangeical support for Israel…after all prophecy’s important stuff.

There is also Messianic Zionism. This is a much smaller group considered radical, but one that carries a lot of influence in Israeli politics and is causing problems. This would be the settler movement, a Jewish version of Manifest Destiny?

Are there other definitions of Zionism?
Let me add. Theodor Herzl the so called 'father' of Zionism wasn't even born until 1860. He only gave the movement that started well before he was born a name.

The ignorance in this thread . . .

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