Zionist Thugs Attack UCLA Students

That is ALL you have been doing, young Mr. "Christian" boy.

Can you do me a solid, though? I'm having a heck of a time finding the passages where Jesus tells His followers to rape Jewish women to death and burn Jewish babies in ovens.

I'm rather surprised that this in in the doctrine you follow, especially inasmuch as He was Jewish ,Himself.
So you can't show me, i said i was baptised Christian and am not a Muslim like you made out
Oh, okay. You're incapable of following a conversation, GOT IT! And just because commie professors and outside agitators can persuade students to do ignorant shit, doesn't make them right. It's the fucking Arabs that refuse to accept peace, and when they decide to wage war, they deserve what ever the fuck they get.

Do you know what the same people called the anti Vietnam war protesters and the anti Apartheid protesters? commies :abgg2q.jpg:
Do you know what the same people called the anti Vietnam war protesters and the anti Apartheid protesters? commies :abgg2q.jpg:
You have already tried to link the two and its a ridiculous argument...
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You are no Christian.

Christians do not support Hamas' barbarity, nor do they support Hamas' agenda.
There you go again telling me what i think, the only agenda of hamas i support is their right to fight back against Israeli occupation.
There you go again telling me what i think, the only agenda of hamas i support is their right to fight back against Israeli occupation.
"Fight back"

I/e rape women to death, carve babies out of women's wombs, bake live babies, makr parents watch as their children are tortured, etc.
We learned our lesson the last time.

And this time we are getting guns.

Like this.

"Fight back"

I/e rape women to death, carve babies out of women's wombs, bake live babies, makr parents watch as their children are tortured, etc.
that's koranic defense. Read the koran----the rule is---chop up the men--enslave the kids and rape the women and enslave them too---but the leader
gets a cut of all booty----no embezzling. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY
No it isn't, those protesters back in the day were proven to be on the right side of history, now you are on the wrong side of it.
That's in your head only... everyone wanted out of that war... it was the tactics used by some of the 60's protesters that people spoke out against....
Leaving Gaza to the Hamas fighters will only get more innocent people killed... Hamas is evil... they must be hunted down and killed or captured... they burn infants rape and kill and cut of heads... I will never be on their side... if you are you are evil too.... the estimated number of dead civilians by the hands of Israel are inflated... the media gets the numbers from HAMAS!!!!
I know they have and so have Arabs, that doesn't mean a New York cab driver or London bus driver who just happen to be Jewish should have the right to go there and steal more land, what about that doesn't register in your tiny mind?
That is not happening !!
The Pales have
I know they have and so have Arabs, that doesn't mean a New York cab driver or London bus driver who just happen to be Jewish should have the right to go there and steal more land, what about that doesn't register in your tiny mind?

That is not what is happening!!

Entire conflict is not resolved because the Pales have refused to abandon terrorism

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