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Zionists Control You

"Forgive me, if i seem off-topic, but I feel a huge percentage of the world acts as if, the state of israel just gave all the occupied territories back, then all terrorism would end, I may be saying it the wrong way. But my point is, With all current conflicts in the world that involve muslims, I doubt even if the jews packed up and left israel, Muslims aggression against the west would stop."

that may very well be true... However, I would postulate that if the nation of Israel was created in similar fashion in Texas, instead of where it is now, it would be texans being violent instead of pals. In fact, when I hear people in the mid east complain about israel it is not so much aggression because the percieved intruders are jewish but aggression because of a loss of land and resources in general. I would argue that if Israel were made up of all southern baptist American immigrants we would still see the same cycle of violence against southern baptists that have taken land to create a nation. Again, I think the term "terrorism" does little justice to the actual pattern of behaviour happening since it removes the necessity of understanding root causes and allows people to wash their hands of human consideration when, at the end of the day, EVERYONE will take whatever steps necessary to defend themselves in the face of percieved marginalization. Will nutjobs always lash out? yes. It happens accross the board. Can individuals rationalize THEIR side? yes, the US is the ONLY nation to ever USE a nuke, for christs sake. Hell, if China were to dip their fingers in North America and dictate a cultural standard different than our own we would react EXACTLY like those in the mid east are reacting to a percieved western invasion. So, in essene, I disagree. I think that if Israel were created out of EAST GERMANY rather than where it is the issue wouldnt be muslims... then the issue would be germans still.

"And my friend, the world seems to condemn israel, and not so much the palestinians, or simply do nothing as rwandans were butchered and darfor turns into the same."

With authority comes responsibility. Israel is nowhere close to similar to rwanda. I garentee that the day Israel gets invaded the west jumps right on into the conflict. No one did this for rwanda. So, as far as Im concerned Israel won't be going anywhere. Hell, im confident that Israeli leaders kow this already and such is the reason they make such mellowdramatic comments about Israel. Lets not forget that there ARE nations in the mid east where christians, jews and muslims do live in relative peace. The Christian population condmned the hell out of Israeli cluster bombs in lebenon last summer. I doubt if they would have done so if the general muslim population in a nation right next door is pawing their hands together hoping to whipe out Israel just to kill jews. Still, all the more reason to give pals a reason to have faith in Israel, yes? Did you see the message written in that Mohamed Ali quote above? I think there are drastic similarieties in motivation worth considering.

"Even going back to wwII, nobody gave a dam about the jews, nobody cared about the blacks for a long time, or about gypsys, gays, its a vicious cycle of the world doesnt care, its either to biased, or too apathetic."

Granted, it took pearl harbour to draw the US into ww2... but, again, this isnt the mid 20th century. I am confident that America would POUNCE on anyone who really tried to rush Israel. Again, Israel is not rwanda. However, I would suggest that there is something to be said for not creating enemies out of people who already feel pretty chaffed about half their land gone for the ske of a 2000 year old homeland.

"If your asking me, if i want the palestinians lives to be better, their economy improve, nobody starve, and every one have jobs, (its 12:13am, sorry if im not doing a good job of reading right now). Then of course, I am not saying all muslim are terrorists, but i dont need too, the muslim terrorists kill muslims too."

and, too, it seems that jewish terrorists burn down houses of jews that meet with iranians.. Im saying that the root cause that produced the Watts riots, the LA riots, etc are the same that causes pals to react. Also, I am asking if the killing off of a people over a long time span is less genocide than that which is quicker? This is a fundemental question to answer. If the answer is yes then the pals can be written off like the injuns.. if the answer is no, then Israel must make every effort to consider that behaviour is the result of their human condition and behave accordingly (ie, stop with the settlements, work with pals DEMOCRATICALLY elected leaders, drag the wall back to appropriate space, stop using any thin reason to marginalize the hell out of the POPULATION of pals, etc etc)

Eventually, even with democracy, the issueof the temple mount will come up. Might as well hash that out too.
I guess I believe that humanty, as an entire population, shares a basic common desire for peace and consideration. Look at ruby ridge in the 90s. Americans were driven to react violently to percieved inconsideration by the federal govt. I divorce similar patterns of behaviour from specific ethnicity because similar patterns of behaviour can be found accross a range of races and cultures. Thus, the question becomes how to circumvent the sins of earlier centuries.

"Forgive me, but i do not understand what your talking about. Please re-explain."

in short, I do not believe that any race, nationalizty, religion, etc hs a monopoly on any given human behaviour and will all react in ways that are very similar.. even down to rationalizing their own perspective. Likewise, I think that the majority of any given population wants to live their lives without purging the world of this or killing off that. Hence, the necessity for specifically motivated leaders that rally the population. Social interction is not a a vaccuum. Even hitler appealed to the germans that, rightly or wrongly, felt that his message addressed their concerns regarding their personal everyday lives in relation to a percieved threat from every group he eventually persicuted. This percieved threat to the german (Israeli, pal, native, american caucasian, etc. EVEN the conflict to bring equality to women, black and gays can be explained through this model.) lifestyle is the DIRECT cause behind social conflict that has led to violence. Let me be clear: the violence is STILL wrong... but without understanding the root of the conflict one cannot create a viable solution without merely killing off the threat (as using the blanket concept of "terrorism" in fact, does.)

"Whom should pay to help the pals, and shouldnt the arabs, admit they have used them as pawns and apologize. Atleast be fair is my point, am i wrong?"

Id accept help froma arabs, the UN, the US, anyone in europs and Israel. Does it help to consider an ELECTED government invalid and not applicable to funds meant to help pals? Does it make sense to let pals starve until another autonomous nation admits something that they wont admit to? Better yet, would the pals be as quick to bite the hand that feeds them a better lifestyle if that hand were Israel instead of syria?

"As far I understand, and i dont claim to be an expert is, jews, bought land, that was basically a dump, with cash legally, and started making it cool. I saw tela viv in 1909, it wasa desert, a pile of sand, and look how it is today :)."

LOTS of places were piles of desolate sand in 1909. Does someone lose their claim to a location because someone else thinks itis a piece of shit? Americans bought the Lousiana purchase from france.... should the natives living there have given a damn that someone in europe sold off their land?

"Understandble, I can sympathize with the palestinians who lost their homes, but we must understand how it happened, should we not?"

I understand how the LA purchase happened... I also understand how the natives reacted to manifest destiny. I also understand how America annexed the hell out of the southwest and see how mexicans, whose language make a a ton of town names, see no reason not to come back to land their ancestors dominated... much to the ire of... those currently living there...

"Thats true. I dont think any sane rational person, likes war or terrorism."

but we do love power and will manipulate whoever necessary to retain such for the team, yes? Even if that means pretending that the cuban batista govt wasnt a haven for American mafia while demonizing castros commie revolution? Even if it means creating words like "manifest destiny" and "terrorism" in order to disregard humanity righteously chaffinf from being robbed of their land. Indeed, I agree, no average rational person regardles of ethnicity WANTS to kill... unless they feel threatened. Root cause.

"Yes, i was a bit :cuckoo: goofy so to speak. But i realize, if im going to ask for tolerance, I better dam well be tolerant of other, even if i cant stand what their saying, I can keep that part to myself, lol."

hehehe.. werd.

hell, opinions are not bad either. have an opinon... but communication is key. only through communication will we get to a point of mutual consideration. It's easy to turn away and say "fuck em"... It's more rewarding if the end result is a handshake and mutual consideration.

"That makes sense, because I came up with this quote, their is no truth only perception. Because i can tell you he sky is blue, but if you think its green, its green."

indeed. perhaps I am looking at the sky at night.. in which it is black.

"We have the same goal, and i think its noble, and we may or may not have differences of opinion on how to get their, but I honor you for your humanity, I am trying to be a kindler, gentler human being, or basically trying to have some humanity, your a good example for me sir.
Which is why i say, all of us on the board can learn from each other."

Thank you. I am honored at such a compliment.

If you will it, it is no dream.. yes?

did you get a kick out of this quote? profoundly applicable.

In the immortal words of Mohammed Ali:
Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? No I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. This is the day when such evils must come to an end. I have been warned that to take such a stand would cost me millions of dollars. But I have said it once and I will say it again. The real enemy of my people is here. I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality. If I thought the war was going to bring freedom and equality to 22 million of my people they wouldn’t have to draft me, I’d join tomorrow. I have nothing to lose by standing up for my beliefs. So I’ll go to jail, so what? We’ve been in jail for 400 years.
Let me also say that I appriciate the level of discource on this thread, sir.. I tried to start a similar thread about finding a solution to the issue of abortion once on this messageboard and was simply POUNCED on by the right wing regulars on here. It is nice to see that some threads don't devolve into the standard usual bickering.
I read the zionists control you thread, checked out some links.

And quite honestly, I am disturbed.

This man, seems to think jews rule the world, the u.s. media, and that islam is perfect with no flaws, and no extremists, and that jews simply want to kill christians and palestinians.

Unless, he wants to explain what his point is.

I really dont see, how this is anything more then hate speech, but i defend his right to post it.
where did someone post pics of jews draining blood from christian babies?


What do you think about temple mount in israel? thats a hotbed for conflict even if everyone in the area were voting instead of killing. What would you like to see occur that would be fair to the jews who miss their temple and fair to the pals who believe that the location is where mohamed entered heaven?

sometimes, it strikes me ironic all the similarities between these three religions.

then again, im an athiest so it all seems like fiction to me.
I've never seen so much blatant, one sided propaganda in all my life.

It tries to paint the jews, and israel as terrorists, and worse. Its absolutely disgusting.

In other words, according to what i can gather from this man, the jews had no right to a land they once, owned, lived on, and were expelled from,and the jews should of just gone back to europe after the holocaust.

Jews = evil, palestinians, and christians = saints.

Having a link, or a video is one thing, but when you have to rely 100% of videos or links, your argument is preety weak in my opinion.
I would NOT ignore links or videos from those you disagree with, even if i or others say, they are bad. You need to judge for yourself. Neither I, nor anyone can tell you what to think, or how to think. You must decide that for yourself. Besides, after your own , objective analysis of paul revere's links, you can tell me what you think.

Some of the information paul revere gave is factually accurate, but is it highly biased. Parts of it, I believe are half-truths, that dont fully explain the situation. For instance, the bombing of the king david hotel. I would do further research into it. As far as the cannanites, im not really sure.

But I think personally, you have three peoples there now, one the israelies, who have a historical claim to it, and to be fair, and honest, the palestinians, who are were living there as well, not to mention, christians, who have been driven from their homes by muslim terrorists.

Ok, well i said my peace lol.
I think this is an interesting link, that paul revere provided.


because it shows his paranoia lol. The piece does not prove the jews had advanced knowledge of 9/11
well, it IS possible for the three groups to get along if given the right incentives...

hence, the need for creative solutions.

Someday, Israel will ahve to understand how the pals feel they were removed from land they had a legitimate claim to while the Pals will have to understand that Israel is here to stay. I just think that positive reinforcement will work better than punishment to arrive at that point.

what if Israel created an isolated training camp for pals on her western border where pals could go to learn a trade skill to be used in areas that have otherwise become rocket launch sites? or trained in security enough to police their own?

Im still curious to hear your opiions about the temple mount.
i looked at every link, and it is my opinion, that every link you gave, was completely biased, untrue, hatefilled, and propaganda, it actually reminded me of what gerbels used during wwII, to convince people to kill jews.

I still think it should NOT be banned or censored, and that people should judge for themselves what they think of your links.

my links?

What if Israel, in a gesture of good faith with no strings implicated on temple mount, built a site of worship for pals? even if this did not sooth them wouldnt it redirect violent aggression THERE instead of israel?

just brainstorming.
"Forgive me, if i seem off-topic, but I feel a huge percentage of the world acts as if, the state of israel just gave all the occupied territories back, then all terrorism would end, I may be saying it the wrong way. But my point is, With all current conflicts in the world that involve muslims, I doubt even if the jews packed up and left israel, Muslims aggression against the west would stop."

that may very well be true... However, I would postulate that if the nation of Israel was created in similar fashion in Texas, instead of where it is now, it would be texans being violent instead of pals. In fact, when I hear people in the mid east complain about israel it is not so much aggression because the percieved intruders are jewish but aggression because of a loss of land and resources in general. I would argue that if Israel were made up of all southern baptist American immigrants we would still see the same cycle of violence against southern baptists that have taken land to create a nation. Again, I think the term "terrorism" does little justice to the actual pattern of behaviour happening since it removes the necessity of understanding root causes and allows people to wash their hands of human consideration when, at the end of the day, EVERYONE will take whatever steps necessary to defend themselves in the face of percieved marginalization. Will nutjobs always lash out? yes. It happens accross the board. Can individuals rationalize THEIR side? yes, the US is the ONLY nation to ever USE a nuke, for christs sake. Hell, if China were to dip their fingers in North America and dictate a cultural standard different than our own we would react EXACTLY like those in the mid east are reacting to a percieved western invasion. So, in essene, I disagree. I think that if Israel were created out of EAST GERMANY rather than where it is the issue wouldnt be muslims... then the issue would be germans still.

(If i understand you right, your saying: its easy to criticize one side, without trying to understand it first. Without excusing, one can be critical, and try and problem solve at the same time. Is that about the jist of it?)

"And my friend, the world seems to condemn israel, and not so much the palestinians, or simply do nothing as rwandans were butchered and darfor turns into the same."

With authority comes responsibility. Israel is nowhere close to similar to rwanda. I garentee that the day Israel gets invaded the west jumps right on into the conflict. No one did this for rwanda. So, as far as Im concerned Israel won't be going anywhere. Hell, im confident that Israeli leaders kow this already and such is the reason they make such mellowdramatic comments about Israel. Lets not forget that there ARE nations in the mid east where christians, jews and muslims do live in relative peace.

(Please name me the countries, where christians, jews and muslims live in peace, because last I checked, most non-muslims in muslim countries, are treated as 2nd class citizens.)

The Christian population condmned the hell out of Israeli cluster bombs in lebenon last summer.

(Funny, how they didnt condemn hezbollah for hiding out, in large civilian populations, apparently, context does not matter to my liberally biased news media here in america, and morally equivalcy shall reign.)

I doubt if they would have done so if the general muslim population in a nation right next door is pawing their hands together hoping to whipe out Israel just to kill jews. Still, all the more reason to give pals a reason to have faith in Israel, yes?

(Forgive me, i dont know what your talking about, im sorry.)

Did you see the message written in that Mohamed Ali quote above? I think there are drastic similarieties in motivation worth considering.

(I think he was brave, but you lost me after the word drastic)

"Even going back to wwII, nobody gave a dam about the jews, nobody cared about the blacks for a long time, or about gypsys, gays, its a vicious cycle of the world doesnt care, its either to biased, or too apathetic."

Granted, it took pearl harbour to draw the US into ww2... but, again, this isnt the mid 20th century. I am confident that America would POUNCE on anyone who really tried to rush Israel. Again, Israel is not rwanda. However, I would suggest that there is something to be said for not creating enemies out of people who already feel pretty chaffed about half their land gone for the ske of a 2000 year old homeland.

(But to be fair, you did not mention one thing, the land, of which you speak, the palestinians, they are are arabs. Infact, not just muslims, christains have been persecuted by muslims there too as matter of fact, but the u.s. media rarely talks about christian persecution by muslims. Back to my point, arabs muslims, who now live in the west bank, gaza, and israel, have 57 countries, which could easily be their homeland. I thought that point, should be brought up.)

"If your asking me, if i want the palestinians lives to be better, their economy improve, nobody starve, and every one have jobs, (its 12:13am, sorry if im not doing a good job of reading right now). Then of course, I am not saying all muslim are terrorists, but i dont need too, the muslim terrorists kill muslims too."

and, too, it seems that jewish terrorists burn down houses of jews that meet with iranians.. Im saying that the root cause that produced the Watts riots, the LA riots, etc are the same that causes pals to react. Also, I am asking if the killing off of a people over a long time span is less genocide than that which is quicker? This is a fundemental question to answer. If the answer is yes then the pals can be written off like the injuns.. if the answer is no, then Israel must make every effort to consider that behaviour is the result of their human condition and behave accordingly (ie, stop with the settlements, work with pals DEMOCRATICALLY elected leaders, drag the wall back to appropriate space, stop using any thin reason to marginalize the hell out of the POPULATION of pals, etc etc)

(I would not call somebody who burns down any building a terrorist, i would call them an arsonist, but im splitting hairs :p, ALSO :), I do not believe israel trying to kill or capture palestinian terrorists, is genocide, these palestinian terrorists live in high civilian populations on purpose, the moral responsibility is on the terrorists heads, not the idf's. So i honestly, and respectfully disagree with your premise. As far as the settlements go, you already know, im against them, because, i dont see their purpose, I even call into question bull dozing their homes, when a terrorist lives in one, because the policy may not work, and as far as working with hamas, I doubt that will work, if i missed something, sorry)

Eventually, even with democracy, the issueof the temple mount will come up. Might as well hash that out too.

Im not sure if you know, but the 2nd temple remains are under the dome of the rock, which means, somebody owes the israel a big fat apology, and other then that, i have no idea what to do.
I guess I believe that humanty, as an entire population, shares a basic common desire for peace and consideration. Look at ruby ridge in the 90s. Americans were driven to react violently to percieved inconsideration by the federal govt. I divorce similar patterns of behaviour from specific ethnicity because similar patterns of behaviour can be found accross a range of races and cultures. Thus, the question becomes how to circumvent the sins of earlier centuries.

"Forgive me, but i do not understand what your talking about. Please re-explain."

in short, I do not believe that any race, nationalizty, religion, etc hs a monopoly on any given human behaviour and will all react in ways that are very similar.. even down to rationalizing their own perspective. Likewise, I think that the majority of any given population wants to live their lives without purging the world of this or killing off that. Hence, the necessity for specifically motivated leaders that rally the population. Social interction is not a a vaccuum. Even hitler appealed to the germans that, rightly or wrongly, felt that his message addressed their concerns regarding their personal everyday lives in relation to a percieved threat from every group he eventually persicuted. This percieved threat to the german (Israeli, pal, native, american caucasian, etc. EVEN the conflict to bring equality to women, black and gays can be explained through this model.) lifestyle is the DIRECT cause behind social conflict that has led to violence. Let me be clear: the violence is STILL wrong... but without understanding the root of the conflict one cannot create a viable solution without merely killing off the threat (as using the blanket concept of "terrorism" in fact, does.)

(I am a bit lost, but let me try and see if i understand. Merely, writing someone off, without trying to understand where their coming from, even if you completely 100%, disagree with them, is not helpful. You do not have to excuse someone's actions, or motives, to merely, try and understand them?)

"Whom should pay to help the pals, and shouldnt the arabs, admit they have used them as pawns and apologize. Atleast be fair is my point, am i wrong?"

Id accept help froma arabs, the UN, the US, anyone in europs and Israel. Does it help to consider an ELECTED government invalid and not applicable to funds meant to help pals? Does it make sense to let pals starve until another autonomous nation admits something that they wont admit to? Better yet, would the pals be as quick to bite the hand that feeds them a better lifestyle if that hand were Israel instead of syria?

(Well, as far I know, the u.s. and or/ europe were discussing giving money directly to the people, and bypassing the government. This is a catch 22, give hamas money to destroy israel, and let palestinians eat, or dont give hamas money to destory israel, and palestinians starve, is there no third option?)

"As far I understand, and i dont claim to be an expert is, jews, bought land, that was basically a dump, with cash legally, and started making it cool. I saw tela viv in 1909, it wasa desert, a pile of sand, and look how it is today ."

LOTS of places were piles of desolate sand in 1909. Does someone lose their claim to a location because someone else thinks itis a piece of shit? Americans bought the Lousiana purchase from france.... should the natives living there have given a damn that someone in europe sold off their land?

I would argue, with all due respect, to the ownership of that land. If the british owned the land, then it doesnt matter who lives there, as much i hated them, for not letting more jews come there, the owner of the land, is not always the person living there. Just a thought :)

"Understandble, I can sympathize with the palestinians who lost their homes, but we must understand how it happened, should we not?"

I understand how the LA purchase happened... I also understand how the natives reacted to manifest destiny. I also understand how America annexed the hell out of the southwest and see how mexicans, whose language make a a ton of town names, see no reason not to come back to land their ancestors dominated... much to the ire of... those currently living there...

(actually, if you look at today, mexicans are (in my opinion) coming back in droves and taking over america, because they refuse to speak english. over half a million illegal aliens, 90% of them mexican come to america each year. And dont just stay in the southwest, im not denying what america did, but that doesnt give mexicans or anyone the right, to take over a whole country, and two wrongs dont make a right anyway :p)

"Thats true. I dont think any sane rational person, likes war or terrorism."

but we do love power and will manipulate whoever necessary to retain such for the team, yes?

Of course

Even if that means pretending that the cuban batista govt wasnt a haven for American mafia while demonizing castros commie revolution? Even if it means creating words like "manifest destiny" and "terrorism" in order to disregard humanity righteously chaffinf from being robbed of their land. Indeed, I agree, no average rational person regardles of ethnicity WANTS to kill... unless they feel threatened. Root cause.

Im very lost...

"Yes, i was a bit goofy so to speak. But i realize, if im going to ask for tolerance, I better dam well be tolerant of other, even if i cant stand what their saying, I can keep that part to myself, lol."

hehehe.. werd.

hell, opinions are not bad either. have an opinon... but communication is key. only through communication will we get to a point of mutual consideration. It's easy to turn away and say "fuck em"... It's more rewarding if the end result is a handshake and mutual consideration.

You are SO right :), I agree 1 million percent.

"That makes sense, because I came up with this quote, their is no truth only perception. Because i can tell you he sky is blue, but if you think its green, its green."

indeed. perhaps I am looking at the sky at night.. in which it is black.


"We have the same goal, and i think its noble, and we may or may not have differences of opinion on how to get their, but I honor you for your humanity, I am trying to be a kindler, gentler human being, or basically trying to have some humanity, your a good example for me sir.
Which is why i say, all of us on the board can learn from each other."

Thank you. I am honored at such a compliment.

Well, I am honored to debate such an honest, intelligent, Kind person, such as yourself sir :)

If you will it, it is no dream.. yes?


did you get a kick out of this quote? profoundly applicable.

I like his quote, it made sense back then, so yes,.

In the immortal words of Mohammed Ali:
Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? No I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. This is the day when such evils must come to an end. I have been warned that to take such a stand would cost me millions of dollars. But I have said it once and I will say it again. The real enemy of my people is here. I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality. If I thought the war was going to bring freedom and equality to 22 million of my people they wouldn’t have to draft me, I’d join tomorrow. I have nothing to lose by standing up for my beliefs. So I’ll go to jail, so what? We’ve been in jail for 400 years.

I respect mohammed ali, for having the balls to stand up for his convictions.
aww shucks. Thanks.

I have a radical idea about abortion, if you want to hear it lol

Let me also say that I appriciate the level of discource on this thread, sir.. I tried to start a similar thread about finding a solution to the issue of abortion once on this messageboard and was simply POUNCED on by the right wing regulars on here. It is nice to see that some threads don't devolve into the standard usual bickering.
where did someone post pics of jews draining blood from christian babies?

Allegedly, Paul revere posted a picture of that.


What do you think about temple mount in israel? thats a hotbed for conflict even if everyone in the area were voting instead of killing. What would you like to see occur that would be fair to the jews who miss their temple and fair to the pals who believe that the location is where mohamed entered heaven?

(I actualy have no idea, I need more information, My understanding was the dome of the rock is built on the 2nd temple of the jews. Am i wrong?. Can i have more info please?)

sometimes, it strikes me ironic all the similarities between these three religions.

then again, im an athiest so it all seems like fiction to me.

Yes, it is ironic. By the way, I find it sad, that in america, their seems to be a war going on between atheists and christians.

Why do i say that?. Because, atheists seem to hate christians, and what christianity kept out of the public square, and christians, want to convert all the atheists, and think theyre stupid

OK OK, im being way too general lol.
well, it IS possible for the three groups to get along if given the right incentives...

hence, the need for creative solutions.

Its possible, but you would also need to stop teaching palestinian children to kill jews, stop islamic extremism outside of israel, and that is a huge task, that i dont know the cure for, and that im not sure, israel can do simply concession its way out of. You cant change the heart and mind of an asshole, can you?

Someday, Israel will ahve to understand how the pals feel they were removed from land they had a legitimate claim to while the Pals will have to understand that Israel is here to stay. I just think that positive reinforcement will work better than punishment to arrive at that point.

I agree, but the palestinians will have to realize, they cannot come back. If 5-6 million palestinians come back to israel, there will be no jewish state, and with the level of hatred many palestinians feel, the likely hood of a 2nd holocaust would be high. Other then right of return off the table, all other ideas could be discussed

what if Israel created an isolated training camp for pals on her western border where pals could go to learn a trade skill to be used in areas that have otherwise become rocket launch sites? or trained in security enough to police their own?

I agree with learning a trade, but im skeptical that the pals actually want to stop terrorism, whats in it for them to stop, if many of them want to kill jews?. Just a thought

Im still curious to hear your opiions about the temple mount.

I have no opinion yet, i need more education on this.

everything i said in this profile is my opinion, and not to be taken personally, im bit sleepy and grumpy, and worried, it could be taken wrong.
Brainstorming is wonderful, I commend you for your efforts and have a high level of respect for you, and i think others should as well.


my links? Links, for educational purposes for me of course :)

What if Israel, in a gesture of good faith with no strings implicated on temple mount, built a site of worship for pals? even if this did not sooth them wouldnt it redirect violent aggression THERE instead of israel?

It might be a good idea, i just dont know where they would build it.

just brainstorming.
The OP is spreading the worst type of bigoted propaganda. This is no differnent than posting a thread about blacks being genetically less intelligence or Irish being all drunks, imo.

I'm surprised the management allows such blatant hateful propaganda spewing. It's certainly not debate.

And let's not forget the unbelievably brave Russians! :bowdown:

Weigh up what these wonderful people have done for the world compared to the racially and religiously supremacist Jews!

I would like to see anyone criticising Communists (PBUT!), who self-sacrificingly saved our avaricious and cowardly capitalist arses in WW2, banned from this board too.

I’m sick of the de rigueur remarks about “Christ-denyin’ atheistic communists,” insinuating Russians are sub-human Untermensch, that come out of inherently anti-communist Jew worshipping American mouths.

I say, thank Satan the sainted Russian people single-handedly stopped Hitler in his tracks.

Otherwise my family would have had a hell of a job explaining my circumcised dick when they got down here. :shock:

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