$0 Tip By Black Diners; Leave Scathing Note To Hard Working Waitress

I didn't infer anything of the sort. The inference was all on your part.

What you did is say black people are bad tippers.

What I said was that when you as a server come to the table with that belief you are not going to treat them in a manner deserving of a tip.

Doesn't matter what color they are, except in your mind, because you've pre-judged them as a group.

^^^ More moronic balderdash. Pre-judging them would have meant an even smaller tip. If anything, they required special favors and special attention, which I readily provided.

You were projecting the erroneous assumption that I would ever treat anyone better than anyone else -- for any reason. Not when I'm at work.

I've gone above and beyond, you have to offer that tag to someone else, I don't deserve it. Sorry about your boo-boo hurt feelings.
LOL! Now black people need special favors and special attention. You should find a shovel.

Here is a survey that backs me up.

In restaurants African Americans still face discrimination study says - JSOnline
Funny how Blacks have no trouble taking welfare, food stamps and Section 8 housing from Whites, but they don't believe in paying back the favor by tipping a White waiter or waitress. "Successful" Blacks are mostly racial quota hires who stole jobs from better qualified Whites. Apparently stealing a White person's job is not enough, they feel the need to stiff a minimum wage waiter on top of that. It's truly pathetic.


My friend one of the nicest people I know waited on a couple on Valentine s. They left him this. pics
How is this couple not tipping your dumb friend indicative of people on welfare or section 8 (which whites abuse all the time)? Sounds to me like your friend should have kept track of who was their first. :laugh:

^^^^ Many blacks look for ANY excuse not to tip.

Sorry, but that is pretty messed up to not tip on of all days, Valentine's day.

It speaks volumes about how racist blacks in this country have become.
How do you know what most Blacks look for? Whats special about Valentines day and being a waiter?
If the wait staff doesn't get tipped, it is almost always because the wait staff pissed off the customer.

And people on welfare don't go out and blow $164 on a meal, idiotic OP.

Not at all, I was a server for over twenty years and blacks are notoriously bad tippers.
Could it be you were a notoriously bad server? One of my ex's was a waitress and she got great tips from everyone she served.
LOL! Now black people need special favors and special attention. You should find a shovel.

Here is a survey that backs me up.

In restaurants African Americans still face discrimination study says - JSOnline

Absolutely, depending upon where you happen to work. I would often need to take extra time with them just so they would not think I hated them. This comes from twenty years in the business.

I agree that blacks are still being discriminated against and it is very shameful.

Not tipping, though, is one of the reasons that they are often pre-judged.
I didn't infer anything of the sort. The inference was all on your part.

What you did is say black people are bad tippers.

What I said was that when you as a server come to the table with that belief you are not going to treat them in a manner deserving of a tip.

Doesn't matter what color they are, except in your mind, because you've pre-judged them as a group.

^^^ More moronic balderdash. Pre-judging them would have meant an even smaller tip. If anything, they required special favors and special attention, which I readily provided.

You were projecting the erroneous assumption that I would ever treat anyone better than anyone else -- for any reason. Not when I'm at work.

I've gone above and beyond, you have to offer that tag to someone else, I don't deserve it. Sorry about your boo-boo hurt feelings.
LOL! Now black people need special favors and special attention. You should find a shovel.

Here is a survey that backs me up.

In restaurants African Americans still face discrimination study says - JSOnline
Let me catch a hint of discrimination and not only will they not get a tip, I will run them in circles and try to get my money back.
LOL! Now black people need special favors and special attention. You should find a shovel.

Here is a survey that backs me up.

In restaurants African Americans still face discrimination study says - JSOnline

Absolutely, depending upon where you happen to work. I would often need to take extra time with them just so they would not think I hated them. This comes from twenty years in the business.

I agree that blacks are still being discriminated against and it is very shameful.

Not tipping, though, is one of the reasons that they are often pre-judged.
You dont have to take extra time. All you need to do is your job and be pleasant. The more pleasant you are the bigger tip you get.
I didn't infer anything of the sort. The inference was all on your part.

What you did is say black people are bad tippers.

What I said was that when you as a server come to the table with that belief you are not going to treat them in a manner deserving of a tip.

Doesn't matter what color they are, except in your mind, because you've pre-judged them as a group.

^^^ More moronic balderdash. Pre-judging them would have meant an even smaller tip. If anything, they required special favors and special attention, which I readily provided.

You were projecting the erroneous assumption that I would ever treat anyone better than anyone else -- for any reason. Not when I'm at work.

I've gone above and beyond, you have to offer that tag to someone else, I don't deserve it. Sorry about your boo-boo hurt feelings.
LOL! Now black people need special favors and special attention. You should find a shovel.

Here is a survey that backs me up.

In restaurants African Americans still face discrimination study says - JSOnline
Let me catch a hint of discrimination and not only will they not get a tip, I will run them in circles and try to get my money back.
Yes, and I imagine many white people think the same about black wait staff.

I wonder, overall, if white people tip black people well?

I also wonder why Mad Crabbie didn't use his cab driving experience to discuss the comparative tipping of other races.

Could it be you were a notoriously bad server? One of my ex's was a waitress and she got great tips from everyone she served.

Absolutely not, I was very fast, eficiant and didn't even have to write orders of 12 down. My sales were always high and my complaints low, I was a person who would run back to wash dishes or announce the birthdays and I had many regular customers everywhere I worked.

Sorry, your are just going to have to accept that the fault of blacks being generally poor tippers, lies with blacks, themselves.
LOL! Now black people need special favors and special attention. You should find a shovel.

Here is a survey that backs me up.

In restaurants African Americans still face discrimination study says - JSOnline

Absolutely, depending upon where you happen to work. I would often need to take extra time with them just so they would not think I hated them. This comes from twenty years in the business.

I agree that blacks are still being discriminated against and it is very shameful.

Not tipping, though, is one of the reasons that they are often pre-judged.
You dont have to take extra time. All you need to do is your job and be pleasant. The more pleasant you are the bigger tip you get.
Yep. And treating them like special needs children surely isn't going to help tip wise. :lol:
You dont have to take extra time. All you need to do is your job and be pleasant. The more pleasant you are the bigger tip you get.

That's not always the case, some people wanted me to just shut my yap and bring their food. Customers require different types of service based on their needs.
Could it be you were a notoriously bad server? One of my ex's was a waitress and she got great tips from everyone she served.

Absolutely not, I was very fast, eficiant and didn't even have to write orders of 12 down. My sales were always high and my complaints low, I was a person who would run back to wash dishes or announce the birthdays and I had many regular customers everywhere I worked.

Sorry, your are just going to have to accept that the fault of blacks being generally poor tippers, lies with blacks, themselves.
I cant accept something thats not true. You probably had bad body language which people pick up on. If you think Black people are bad tippers your body language probably made it a self fulfilling prophecy.
You dont have to take extra time. All you need to do is your job and be pleasant. The more pleasant you are the bigger tip you get.

That's not always the case, some people wanted me to just shut my yap and bring their food. Customers require different types of service based on their needs.
You dont have to talk in order to be pleasant. What makes you think you have to talk alot?
Aggrieved people with a chip on their shoulder will always see slights in the most benign of actions.

As an experienced diner-outer, I understand that different people eat at different paces. In nicer places, the wait staff do not rush one out, but time presenting the check when it is clear the group is done. Larger groups often linger longer than couples, but that is not a hard and fast rule.
I cant accept something thats not true. You probably had bad body language which people pick up on. If you think Black people are bad tippers your body language probably made it a self fulfilling prophecy.

I never considered "getting a big tip" as part of my job. My job was to be friendly and wait on people. Not just the big tippers, but everyone.

Incidentally, because I understood what the deal was, black people actually tipped me much better than they did my fellow employees.
Yep. And treating them like special needs children surely isn't going to help tip wise. :lol:

Did you ever wait tables? Even black servers complained about waiting on other blacks.
Yes I did but I don't remember every thinking that one group was better at tipping than others. There were individuals that were bad tippers and there were individuals that were good tippers.
I cant accept something thats not true. You probably had bad body language which people pick up on. If you think Black people are bad tippers your body language probably made it a self fulfilling prophecy.

I never considered "getting a big tip" as part of my job. My job was to be friendly and wait on people. Not just the big tippers, but everyone.

Incidentally, because I understood what the deal was, black people actually tipped me much better than they did my fellow employees.
Some people are just great people persons and elicit a better response (tip) from strangers. Some people suck balls and cannot relate to anyone outside of their culture. I'd bet most people that have an issue with Black people tipping fall into the suck category.

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