1,000+ CDC officers complain about absence of Federal leadership

It would appear that you are trying to infer that the current administration (Trump's administration) is responsible for the virus pandemic here. WRONG!
1. We wouldn't even be having the virus problem if China hadn't kept its problem under wraps and immediately shut down their travel.
2. Trump was the FIRST national leader to ban travel from China. Your left's response...."He's being xenophobic. Go out and mingle in Chinatown. There's nothing to be afraid of."
3. Trump was the FIRST national leader to ban travel from Europe. Your left's response...."He's negatively impacting the freedom travel and immigration."
If the left had been in charge from the beginning, our infection rate would have been significantly higher.
4. Between CDC and the NIH, Trump has been getting conflicting information as to an appropriate response to the virus pandemic and has also been trying to NOT take away from our Constitutional Bill of Rights in the process.
The bottom line is that the CDC and NIH are still the reigning agencies when it comes to pandemics, not the president or his administration. They can only act on those agencies recommendations and when they don't agree, well.....you try not to become authoritarian or violate our laws, while encouraging safety.
Wear masks, wash hands frequently and just live your life. Eventually, there will be a vaccine to prevent contracting the disease. Also, it has been shown that the death rate is overblown. The death rate for the average influenza is higher.
As a matter of a fact, I find it rather interesting that this novel virus just happened to be released by Communist China in our election year, while at the same time they were boasting that they would wreck the United States economy and the duplicitous leftist politicians have been doing all they could to actually destroy our economy. They have even said that to get rid of the current administration, the economy needed to be destroyed.
However, having said all that, if your belief is just that what this government needs is a strong one-party authoritarian government for uniform response and action, look no further than China. It fits that category and still can't get a handle on the virus that leaked out of there. Spikes and declines, spikes and declines.
It's a virus.
Your very fine post here almost focuses right to the heart of the CAUSE & ORIGIN of the coronavirus. OK, I'll say it. It was Democrats and China in complicity with one another to achieve a mutual interest > bring down Trump.

In this interview, Dr Li-Meng Yan has only been in the US a short time, and speaks English with a very strong Chinese accent. Also, she uses some advanced medical terminologies that only doctors would be likely to understand. It frankly, is difficult to understand her, but if you watch the interview twice, you can better focus through it.
It is worth the effort -it is an incredibly important whistleblowing story.

I am not stunned very easily by political things, but this story is just that. It is China attacking the US with weapons of mass destruction, in this case, in the biological category. It's almost the equivalent of China attacking the US with nuclear weapons (but doing it with biological instead).

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More than 1,000 current and former officers of an elite disease-fighting program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public-health response to the Covid-19 pandemic and calling for the federal agency to play a more central role.

“The absence of national leadership on Covid-19 is unprecedented and dangerous,” said the letter, signed by current and former officers of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service of outbreak investigators.

Dr. Stehr-Green, who has worked for the CDC and state/local health departments, said “The CDC has written the book on epidemic preparedness and how to respond. Their expertise has been ignored to the detriment of us all.”

More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response
The CDC failed in it’s one job. A job it should have prepared for for 50 years. Time to terminate the CDC. It clearly is ineffective.
More than 1,000 current and former officers of an elite disease-fighting program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public-health response to the Covid-19 pandemic and calling for the federal agency to play a more central role.

“The absence of national leadership on Covid-19 is unprecedented and dangerous,” said the letter, signed by current and former officers of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service of outbreak investigators.

Dr. Stehr-Green, who has worked for the CDC and state/local health departments, said “The CDC has written the book on epidemic preparedness and how to respond. Their expertise has been ignored to the detriment of us all.”

More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response
The CDC should be defunded then abolished as they have become nothing but a branch of the 666 UN Global Governance Cabal.
More than 1,000 current and former officers of an elite disease-fighting program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public-health response to the Covid-19 pandemic and calling for the federal agency to play a more central role.

“The absence of national leadership on Covid-19 is unprecedented and dangerous,” said the letter, signed by current and former officers of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service of outbreak investigators.

Dr. Stehr-Green, who has worked for the CDC and state/local health departments, said “The CDC has written the book on epidemic preparedness and how to respond. Their expertise has been ignored to the detriment of us all.”

More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response
The CDC should be defunded then abolished as they have become nothing but a branch of the 666 UN Global Governance Cabal.
With Biden, we should get back to rational medical and scientific policies.
The CDC will again perform with distinction, and the WHO will get the support it lost.
More than 1,000 current and former officers of an elite disease-fighting program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public-health response to the Covid-19 pandemic and calling for the federal agency to play a more central role.

“The absence of national leadership on Covid-19 is unprecedented and dangerous,” said the letter, signed by current and former officers of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service of outbreak investigators.

Dr. Stehr-Green, who has worked for the CDC and state/local health departments, said “The CDC has written the book on epidemic preparedness and how to respond. Their expertise has been ignored to the detriment of us all.”

More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response

Thing is that is not going to change until January 20th 2021 and a lot of Americans are going to die by then with the great Orange Deluded One bitter at his loss and pretending the pandemic is fading away.
More than 1,000 current and former officers of an elite disease-fighting program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public-health response to the Covid-19 pandemic and calling for the federal agency to play a more central role.

“The absence of national leadership on Covid-19 is unprecedented and dangerous,” said the letter, signed by current and former officers of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service of outbreak investigators.

Dr. Stehr-Green, who has worked for the CDC and state/local health departments, said “The CDC has written the book on epidemic preparedness and how to respond. Their expertise has been ignored to the detriment of us all.”

More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response
The CDC should be defunded then abolished as they have become nothing but a branch of the 666 UN Global Governance Cabal.
With Biden, we should get back to rational medical and scientific policies.
The CDC will again perform with distinction, and the WHO will get the support it lost.

Cut the globalist Kool-aid crap! Where do you live? Under the EU? It sure isn't the USA you brainwashed shitstick!
More than 1,000 current and former officers of an elite disease-fighting program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public-health response to the Covid-19 pandemic and calling for the federal agency to play a more central role.

“The absence of national leadership on Covid-19 is unprecedented and dangerous,” said the letter, signed by current and former officers of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service of outbreak investigators.

Dr. Stehr-Green, who has worked for the CDC and state/local health departments, said “The CDC has written the book on epidemic preparedness and how to respond. Their expertise has been ignored to the detriment of us all.”

More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response
The CDC should be defunded then abolished as they have become nothing but a branch of the 666 UN Global Governance Cabal.
With Biden, we should get back to rational medical and scientific policies.
The CDC will again perform with distinction, and the WHO will get the support it lost.

Cut the globalist Kool-aid crap! Where do you live? Under the EU? It sure isn't the USA you brainwashed shitstick!
Yes, I’m a proud globalist like Jesus Christ. I want to see all people on this planet not only survive, but thrive with dignity and respect.
I live in different countries and understand how lucky we are and what misery is like in most of the world.
Grow up!
More than 1,000 current and former officers of an elite disease-fighting program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public-health response to the Covid-19 pandemic and calling for the federal agency to play a more central role.

“The absence of national leadership on Covid-19 is unprecedented and dangerous,” said the letter, signed by current and former officers of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service of outbreak investigators.

Dr. Stehr-Green, who has worked for the CDC and state/local health departments, said “The CDC has written the book on epidemic preparedness and how to respond. Their expertise has been ignored to the detriment of us all.”

More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response

So what?

Is this the same CDC that predicted millions of deaths, and it never happened?
More than 1,000 current and former officers of an elite disease-fighting program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public-health response to the Covid-19 pandemic and calling for the federal agency to play a more central role.

“The absence of national leadership on Covid-19 is unprecedented and dangerous,” said the letter, signed by current and former officers of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service of outbreak investigators.

Dr. Stehr-Green, who has worked for the CDC and state/local health departments, said “The CDC has written the book on epidemic preparedness and how to respond. Their expertise has been ignored to the detriment of us all.”

More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response
The CDC should be defunded then abolished as they have become nothing but a branch of the 666 UN Global Governance Cabal.
With Biden, we should get back to rational medical and scientific policies.
The CDC will again perform with distinction, and the WHO will get the support it lost.

Cut the globalist Kool-aid crap! Where do you live? Under the EU? It sure isn't the USA you brainwashed shitstick!
Yes, I’m a proud globalist like Jesus Christ. I want to see all people on this planet not only survive, but thrive with dignity and respect.
I live in different countries and understand how lucky we are and what misery is like in most of the world.
Grow up!

Jesus was not a globalist. Have you read nothing of what Jesus said?

But Jesus said to them, “Among the heathen it is their kings who lord it over them, and their rulers are given the title of ‘benefactors.’ But it must not be so with you! Your greatest man must become like a junior and your leader must be a servant."
-Matthew 20:26

We see a bunch of leaders saying "I am your benefactor", and Jesus spoke against that.

"I will provide free health care!"
"I will provide free education!"
"I will provide free mass transit!"
"I will provide free pensions!"
"I am your benefactor!"

Jesus said no. Don't do that.

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword"
-Matthew 10:34

Jesus was not here to make peace on Earth. In fact he predicted the exact opposite.

"Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places."
-Matthew 24:7

You want to bring Jesus into this discussion? I'll be glad to help you with that.
More than 1,000 current and former officers of an elite disease-fighting program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public-health response to the Covid-19 pandemic and calling for the federal agency to play a more central role.

“The absence of national leadership on Covid-19 is unprecedented and dangerous,” said the letter, signed by current and former officers of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service of outbreak investigators.

Dr. Stehr-Green, who has worked for the CDC and state/local health departments, said “The CDC has written the book on epidemic preparedness and how to respond. Their expertise has been ignored to the detriment of us all.”

More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response
The CDC should be defunded then abolished as they have become nothing but a branch of the 666 UN Global Governance Cabal.
With Biden, we should get back to rational medical and scientific policies.
The CDC will again perform with distinction, and the WHO will get the support it lost.

Cut the globalist Kool-aid crap! Where do you live? Under the EU? It sure isn't the USA you brainwashed shitstick!
Yes, I’m a proud globalist like Jesus Christ. I want to see all people on this planet not only survive, but thrive with dignity and respect.
I live in different countries and understand how lucky we are and what misery is like in most of the world.
Grow up!

Jesus was not a globalist. Have you read nothing of what Jesus said?

But Jesus said to them, “Among the heathen it is their kings who lord it over them, and their rulers are given the title of ‘benefactors.’ But it must not be so with you! Your greatest man must become like a junior and your leader must be a servant."
-Matthew 20:26

We see a bunch of leaders saying "I am your benefactor", and Jesus spoke against that.

"I will provide free health care!"
"I will provide free education!"
"I will provide free mass transit!"
"I will provide free pensions!"
"I am your benefactor!"

Jesus said no. Don't do that.

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword"
-Matthew 10:34

Jesus was not here to make peace on Earth. In fact he predicted the exact opposite.

"Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places."
-Matthew 24:7

You want to bring Jesus into this discussion? I'll be glad to help you with that.
Did Jesus favor one nation over another?
Does the Catholic Pope represent only one nation?

“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”
More than 1,000 current and former officers of an elite disease-fighting program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have signed an open letter expressing dismay at the nation’s public-health response to the Covid-19 pandemic and calling for the federal agency to play a more central role.

“The absence of national leadership on Covid-19 is unprecedented and dangerous,” said the letter, signed by current and former officers of the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service of outbreak investigators.

Dr. Stehr-Green, who has worked for the CDC and state/local health departments, said “The CDC has written the book on epidemic preparedness and how to respond. Their expertise has been ignored to the detriment of us all.”

More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response
The CDC should be defunded then abolished as they have become nothing but a branch of the 666 UN Global Governance Cabal.
With Biden, we should get back to rational medical and scientific policies.
The CDC will again perform with distinction, and the WHO will get the support it lost.

Cut the globalist Kool-aid crap! Where do you live? Under the EU? It sure isn't the USA you brainwashed shitstick!
Yes, I’m a proud globalist like Jesus Christ. I want to see all people on this planet not only survive, but thrive with dignity and respect.
I live in different countries and understand how lucky we are and what misery is like in most of the world.
Grow up!

You worship your bureaucracy in Brussels so keep Jesus Christ out of this.

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