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1,748 Days since the Declaration Of "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"

I think that any commander in chief who makes the crew of an aircraft carrier on the final day of a long deployment have to trap yet another aircraft just so he gets to get dolled up in his flight suit and hold the stick on an S-3 fling straight and level and then give up the controls to a REAL pilot is a fucking pussy....

my guess is, you fired up the F8 and let real pilots ride it off.... what were you, a member of the purple gang?

The crew looked pretty happy about the whole event...going so far as to request the "Mission Accomplished" sign, that the White House staffers were only to happy to supply to them...
\and of course we know, a "real" pilot is the one can make a carrier landing, damn right mate..:bowdown:

And I believe its a "brown shirt" (plane Captain)
The crew looked pretty happy about the whole event...going so far as to request the "Mission Accomplished" sign, that the White House staffers were only to happy to supply to them...
\and of course we know, a "real" pilot is the one can make a carrier landing, damn right mate..:bowdown:

And I believe its a "brown shirt" (plane Captain)

A real carrier qualified pilot is the only one who ought to be occupying one of the front seats on an aircraft making an approach onto an aircraft carrier, that is for sure. Bush was not....and thus, to a degree, put the entire crew at increased risk.... Oh...and I was the senior ship driver on a bird farm...I am well aware of what a brownshirt is. My guess is that you never cat'ed off of trapped on a carrier. Right?

you avoid the point that he didn't need to make that sort of grand entrance, that it was more work for the flight deck crew, and that is was entirely theatrical. But you love Bush's theatrics. YOU are a hack.
I think that any commander in chief who makes the crew of an aircraft carrier on the final day of a long deployment have to trap yet another aircraft just so he gets to get dolled up in his flight suit and hold the stick on an S-3 fling straight and level and then give up the controls to a REAL pilot is a fucking pussy....

my guess is, you fired up the F8 and let real pilots ride it off.... what were you, a member of the purple gang?

Wait? Doesn't the COD flight get trapped too?
Wait? Doesn't the COD flight get trapped too?

helo's don't.

If he needed to take a fixed wing aircraft to the Lincoln because of its distance away from San Diego, he could have taken a cod and ridden in his business suit. As it turned out, he could have ridden his marine chopper and nobody would have had to ready the arresting gear...but he wanted to put on a PR show. why don't you guys just admit that?
helo's don't.

If he needed to take a fixed wing aircraft to the Lincoln because of its distance away from San Diego, he could have taken a cod and ridden in his business suit. As it turned out, he could have ridden his marine chopper and nobody would have had to ready the arresting gear...but he wanted to put on a PR show. why don't you guys just admit that?

Perhaps Bush saw “Independence Day” (the movie) in which the president of the United States actually leads the US fighter jets against an alien spacecraft. That a president would actually fly into harm’s way was funny. Of course Bush was putting on a PR show.
I doubt the bush buttlickers will ever admit to that, and if they do, they will immediately drag out some example of a democrat's PR stunt as some sort of "if they can do it, we can do it" justification.

They, of course, will completely ignore the huge difference....Bush's PR stunt was staged to maintain public approval for a stupid war where Americans are dying for a cause that has ZERO to do with the war against our real enemies.
I doubt the bush buttlickers will ever admit to that, and if they do, they will immediately drag out some example of a democrat's PR stunt as some sort of "if they can do it, we can do it" justification.

They, of course, will completely ignore the huge difference....Bush's PR stunt was staged to maintain public approval for a stupid war where Americans are dying for a cause that has ZERO to do with the war against our real enemies.

Absolute bullshit. There was no real dissent when he did his so called "stunt". But do keep rewriting history, so your good at it.
helo's don't.

If he needed to take a fixed wing aircraft to the Lincoln because of its distance away from San Diego, he could have taken a cod and ridden in his business suit. As it turned out, he could have ridden his marine chopper and nobody would have had to ready the arresting gear...but he wanted to put on a PR show. why don't you guys just admit that?

Of course it was PR event...and you're right, its only fair to look at Democrats too...you are for fairness are you not?


Yeah...lets look at some theatrical grandstanding by our fearless leaders

President Bush soars in for a landing on the USS Lincoln...flight suit and all...
Of course, taking a turn at the controls, he should have a flight suit on..
Did Bush serve in the military?....Texas ANG...fighter pilot
And what do ya know...Its Bill Clinton on the USS Teddy Roosevelt in his brand spankin' new flight jacket...
Thats as close as Billy wants to get to military uniform...after all, he 'loathes' the military....
Did Billy serve in the military? I think not....
What have we here....Senator Leahy in a freekin' flight suit....just like a real pilot...
Did Leahy serve in the military? I think not.....
And then we have the make believe 'tank commander'...what a farce....
Super Mario...did he serve in the military? I think not....
We can't forget LBJ making his carrier landing....he even ordered the USS Constellation to sea so he get this fine photo op....the next day the carrier returned to port....another farce...
Funny...no talk of putting anyone in danger with that unnecessary cruise.....
Did Johnson serve in the military....by damn he did, Navy Reserves.....
From his online bio...
" During World War II he served briefly in the Navy as a lieutenant commander, winning a Silver Star in the South Pacific. "
thats it....brief career..brief bio...no explanation of how he earned the Silver Star....but he served....
Absolute bullshit. There was no real dissent when he did his so called "stunt". But do keep rewriting history, so your good at it.

Did MM say that there was dissent? I doubt it and I doubt that there was dissent on that particular occasion. At least no dissent was evident. I will grant you that Democrats stage some pretty silly photo ops too.

I wonder if Gunny will come back and retract his statement:

"Please present your factual evidence that President Bush went out fo his way to avoid service in Vietnam. Oh, that's right, there isn't any.

You're dismissed.

I thought those bush quotes about avoiding vietnam, were fairly common knowledge to us political junkies - those that don't get all their information from Fox News.

Nope. I'm not retracting shit since no such evidence exists outside of your fantasies. The statements posted support nothing except that he didn't want to be a grunt. Anything else you try to add to them are assumption, not fact.

You're STILL dismissed.
See... this is where someone like you shows a total lack of understanding. You act as if he has comported himself in such a way that he would have gained support from the left of the aisle. After 9/11, most of us were predisposed to supporting him... .rooting for him, actually. I really wanted him to be a "compassionate conservative" who would run a "humble foreign policy" (his words, not mine). He took all that good will and sqauandered it with heavy-handed Rovian poltics and incompetence.

So as far as I'm concerned, it isn't the "I hate Bush" club, it's a rational response to someone who we see as having destroyed our standing in the world, attacked the constitution and undermined everything good that this country stands for.

Luckily he's out in 441 days. :eusa_pray:

Yes, I do beleive we were all rooting for him after 9/11. The entire world was in our corner. When he stood there at ground zero and thanked all the rescue workers, I felt pride. When we attacked Afganistan, I knew it had to be done to go after Bin Laden. But when he, and I'm sure at the urgings of DICK, decided to concoct a lame reason to invade Iraq I knew he was going over the edge.

But what could we do, you and I and all the nobodies of the US. All we could do was shake our heads and watch the biggest blunder in the history of our country. So now the real reasons for the invasion are coming out. bush has had 8 years to make his buddies rich. I am sure he is very proud and can go back to texass and have his parties and tell jokes about how he made the entire world believe his lie.

:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
Yes, I do beleive we were all rooting for him after 9/11. The entire world was in our corner. When he stood there at ground zero and thanked all the rescue workers, I felt pride. When we attacked Afganistan, I knew it had to be done to go after Bin Laden. But when he, and I'm sure at the urgings of DICK, decided to concoct a lame reason to invade Iraq I knew he was going over the edge.

But what could we do, you and I and all the nobodies of the US. All we could do was shake our heads and watch the biggest blunder in the history of our country. So now the real reasons for the invasion are coming out. bush has had 8 years to make his buddies rich. I am sure he is very proud and can go back to texass and have his parties and tell jokes about how he made the entire world believe his lie.

:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

Still waiitng for evidence of these lies. You and your cohorts keep making the claim but have zero to back it up. Now if you want to see a President that Lied, I know a certain Democrat that had to admit he lied and forfiet his right to be a lawyer for it.
Still waiitng for evidence of these lies. You and your cohorts keep making the claim but have zero to back it up. Now if you want to see a President that Lied, I know a certain Democrat that had to admit he lied and forfiet his right to be a lawyer for it.

you have been given plenty of evidence that Bush&Co. made penty of statements that served to convey a false impression.

You chose to ignore them.

and for you to say that there was no real dissent when he pulled off his PR stunt is patently ridiculous. Hell... a majority of congressional democrats were against his even STARTING this dumbass war. There was PLENTY of dissent by the time he declared "mission accomplished". By that time, I was already a frequent participant in the thursday evening candlelight demonstrations at the traffic circle here in Maine's state capital... but to expect you to ever admit that is far fetched, I know.
you have been given plenty of evidence that Bush&Co. made penty of statements that served to convey a false impression.

You chose to ignore them.

and for you to say that there was no real dissent when he pulled off his PR stunt is patently ridiculous. Hell... a majority of congressional democrats were against his even STARTING this dumbass war. There was PLENTY of dissent by the time he declared "mission accomplished". By that time, I was already a frequent participant in the thursday evening candlelight demonstrations at the traffic circle here in Maine's state capital... but to expect you to ever admit that is far fetched, I know.

Yup, there has been so much open dissent the Democrats keep pretending they will bring back the draft in hopes of drumming up something resembling a protest. Further we have an ALL VOLUNTEER military and it is running just fine, so much for all that dissent.

And the tired claim the sign meant the war was over is so ridiculous as to be IGNORANT. You know as well as everyone with a 2nd grade education that it was meant for the CArrier he visited since THEY had ACCOMPLISHED their mission.
Yup, there has been so much open dissent the Democrats keep pretending they will bring back the draft in hopes of drumming up something resembling a protest. Further we have an ALL VOLUNTEER military and it is running just fine, so much for all that dissent.

And the tired claim the sign meant the war was over is so ridiculous as to be IGNORANT. You know as well as everyone with a 2nd grade education that it was meant for the CArrier he visited since THEY had ACCOMPLISHED their mission.

I say again...for you to say that Bush pulled off his stupid PR stunt on the Abe Lincoln in an atmosphere devoid of dissent is patently ridiculous.

but suck on some more koolaid and swallow some more Bush jism....I am sure it will continue to all make perfect sense to you.
I say again...for you to say that Bush pulled off his stupid PR stunt on the Abe Lincoln in an atmosphere devoid of dissent is patently ridiculous.

but suck on some more koolaid and swallow some more Bush jism....I am sure it will continue to all make perfect sense to you.

Yes yes, so much dissent that the democrats lie about numbers and clap when a couple hundred protesters show up. So much dissent the democrats keep pretending they will bring back the draft for the stated purpose of hopefully making Americans more willing to complain.
I never said that most people thought he did his top gun gimmick in the persian gulf.

What is blatantly obvious though, is that your president who went out of his way to dodge service in vietnam (a war he supported), got himself dressed up in a costume, and his handlers stage managed a lame ass Top Gun carrier landing, so he could play war hero, and declare victory in a war that was far from over.
Pathetic and Moronic.
Yes, we all know you hate Bush, and that you work backwards from there.
Let us know when you have something meaningful to add. :eusa_whistle:
All sound decisions if you asked any normal person....

So you really have no point except that Bush decided to serve as a National Guard fighter pilot, an officer rather a private in the Army....seems the logic of that decision escapes you.....

How about some other famous quotes....from "guess who".............

Infamous quotes from a self-admitted draft dodger:

Its amazing...
Getting out of Vietnam by any means possible -used- to be a badge of courage to the left...

Truth be told, if Bush were a Democrat, the liberals would be applauding him.

I doubt the bush buttlickers will ever admit to that, and if they do, they will immediately drag out some example of a democrat's PR stunt as some sort of "if they can do it, we can do it" justification.

They, of course, will completely ignore the huge difference....Bush's PR stunt was staged to maintain public approval for a stupid war where Americans are dying for a cause that has ZERO to do with the war against our real enemies.
Hey!! Did you -really- get lucky with cousin Josie last weekend? You DOG!

Bush landed on a carrier. You hate him.
Bush woke up this morning. You hate him.
Bush ate a doughnut this morning. You hate him.
You hate Bush, no matter what he does or why.

We all know you're a partsian bigot, dude -- you dont need to keep trying to convince us.

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