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1,748 Days since the Declaration Of "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"

Hey!! Did you -really- get lucky with cousin Josie last weekend? You DOG!

Bush landed on a carrier. You hate him.
Bush woke up this morning. You hate him.
Bush ate a doughnut this morning. You hate him.
You hate Bush, no matter what he does or why.

We all know you're a partsian bigot, dude -- you dont need to keep trying to convince us.

I guess your last bastion really is personal attacks devoid of any relevant content. If you care to address the publicity stunt nature of the Lincoln landing, that would be nice. If all you have is disparaging remarks that aren't even accompanied by anything, this is probably the incorrect forum, don't you think?

As I have said before, I was a total Bush supporter right up until he forgot to keep looking under all the rocks and in all the caves to bring OBL out dead or alive...right up until he invaded Iraq which I believed would be a terribly disruptive and counterproductive move. Considering that the BEST case scenario at this point is a shiite dominated government that can keep the sunnis in check.... and align itself with Iran.... I think that my fears have been realized.
I guess your last bastion really is personal attacks devoid of any relevant content.
Is that so, fucking asshole?

If you care to address the publicity stunt nature of the Lincoln landing, that would be nice.
You're whining and crying about a 'publicity stunt'?
-I- don't care, dude, You whine and cry about everything.

As I have said before, I was a total Bush supporter...
That's a lie.
Just my opinion.

So, did you get lucky with cousin Josie again, or not?
Of course it was PR event...and you're right, its only fair to look at Democrats too...you are for fairness are you not?


Yeah...lets look at some theatrical grandstanding by our fearless leaders

President Bush soars in for a landing on the USS Lincoln...flight suit and all...
Of course, taking a turn at the controls, he should have a flight suit on..
Did Bush serve in the military?....Texas ANG...fighter pilot
And what do ya know...Its Bill Clinton on the USS Teddy Roosevelt in his brand spankin' new flight jacket...
Thats as close as Billy wants to get to military uniform...after all, he 'loathes' the military....
Did Billy serve in the military? I think not....
What have we here....Senator Leahy in a freekin' flight suit....just like a real pilot...
Did Leahy serve in the military? I think not.....
And then we have the make believe 'tank commander'...what a farce....
Super Mario...did he serve in the military? I think not....
We can't forget LBJ making his carrier landing....he even ordered the USS Constellation to sea so he get this fine photo op....the next day the carrier returned to port....another farce...
Funny...no talk of putting anyone in danger with that unnecessary cruise.....
Did Johnson serve in the military....by damn he did, Navy Reserves.....
From his online bio...
" During World War II he served briefly in the Navy as a lieutenant commander, winning a Silver Star in the South Pacific. "
thats it....brief career..brief bio...no explanation of how he earned the Silver Star....but he served....

;) so where is all the mm loudmouth bullshit now....don't want to comment on my post...? Making you eat the crap you spew is getting to be so easy I'm getting a superiority complex....
Being such a hypocritical hack is so easy for you....seeing only one side an equation must have made grade school math a real problem for you...:lol:
;) so where is all the mm loudmouth bullshit now....don't want to comment on my post...? Making you eat the crap you spew is getting to be so easy I'm getting a superiority complex....
Being such a hypocritical hack is so easy for you....seeing only one side an equation must have made grade school math a real problem for you...:lol:

OBVIOUSLY the 'outrage' over 'granstanding' only exists when a Republican does it.

And they don't think they're partisan bigots...
I doubt the bush buttlickers will ever admit to that, and if they do, they will immediately drag out some example of a democrat's PR stunt as some sort of "if they can do it, we can do it" justification.
They, of course, will completely ignore the huge difference....Bush's PR stunt was staged to maintain public approval for a stupid war where Americans are dying for a cause that has ZERO to do with the war against our real enemies.

and right on schedule, alfalfa comes through!
and right on schedule, alfalfa comes through!

:lol: :lol: Just to show a major difference between you and I......

You obviously are a left wing political hack and hypocrite....

Me...fair and balanced from start to finish...I examine both sides for what and why they do what they do....
:lol: :lol: Just to show a major difference between you and I......

You obviously are a left wing political hack and hypocrite....

Me...fair and balanced from start to finish...I examine both sides for what and why they do what they do....

hypocrite? How do you know what my response was to those PR stunts from democrats?

and you are clearly in denial....you have been adoring Bush throughout this thread...and for as long as I have known you.
...Considering that the BEST case scenario at this point is a shiite dominated government that can keep the sunnis in check.... and align itself with Iran.... I think that my fears have been realized.
Why would a democratically elected Iraq government with the US as its strategic ally align itself with a theocratic Iran?
Why would a democratically elected Iraq government with the US as its strategic ally align itself with a theocratic Iran?

shared religion, shared philosophy, shared dislike for America, shared distaste for sunnis, close personal ties between religious and political leadership camps...
Why would a democratically elected Iraq government with the US as its strategic ally align itself with a theocratic Iran?

Wait...you haven't bought into that whole NeoCon pipe dream of a pro-U.S., democratic Iraq, have you?

this is a no brainer: Lets say for example, you and bush get your dream of a war on Iran. Lets say we invade iran. Which side do you think the vast majority of iraqi shia will be on? Our side? Or, the Iranian side?
You're claiming a link to political humor is proof thet GWB is a cokehead. Is that a fair statement? :neutral:

No, it's not. You asked me to prove one of three things. One was that he couldn't string a sentence together, another was that he was a cokehead. Forget the third and can't be bothered going back to look. Bottom line is, you asked me to prove at least one (go back and look at YOUR own post). I did. He is incoherent. And while it is a link to political huimour, it is quoting the ijit directly and thus proving how incoherent he can be. And why the rest of the world laughs at him.
shared religion, shared philosophy, shared dislike for America, shared distaste for sunnis, close personal ties between religious and political leadership camps...

1. One would be a democracy, a quite different philosophy than the other, which is a theocracy.
2. Iraq would have the US as an ally, with a military base in country. That hardly represents a dislike for America.
No, it's not. You asked me to prove one of three things. One was that he couldn't string a sentence together, another was that he was a cokehead. Forget the third and can't be bothered going back to look. Bottom line is, you asked me to prove at least one (go back and look at YOUR own post). I did. He is incoherent. And while it is a link to political huimour, it is quoting the ijit directly and thus proving how incoherent he can be. And why the rest of the world laughs at him.

OK so let me summarize. You accused Bush of being:
1. a cokehead;
2 someone who has trouble tying his shoelaces together;
3. someone who can hardly string a sentence together.

I gave you the chance to prove just one of these accusations to be true. Since then you have admitted that accusations 1 and 2 were unfounded. So now you are relying totally on accusation 3. And now you are relying on a link to a comedy site as your proof.

My, how precious.

However, anyone can be incoherent at any time. You proved it yourself with your post that I quoted here, as well as the one that began this exchange.
OK so let me summarize. You accused Bush of being:
1. a cokehead;
2 someone who has trouble tying his shoelaces together;
3. someone who can hardly string a sentence together.

I gave you the chance to prove just one of these accusations to be true. Since then you have admitted that accusations 1 and 2 were unfounded. So now you are relying totally on accusation 3. And now you are relying on a link to a comedy site as your proof.

My, how precious.

However, anyone can be incoherent at any time. You proved it yourself with your post that I quoted here, as well as the one that began this exchange.

Your summation is missing a few things (how unusual). You only asked me to prove one. I did. Whether it came from a political humour site, Fox, CNN, or Benjiman Bunny's homepage, the bottom line is they were quoting him directly, and were showing that he has trouble stringing words together. Now, unless you troll through some of those quotes and want to make a stand on how they are not incomplete, incoherent, or downright retarded, the floor is yours. Making a fool of yourself seems to be a pastime to you, but hey, each to their own.

Tying is shoelaces - yeah, I think he is capable of that...might have sold him short on that one.

Being a cokehead? IMO there is enough anecdotal evidence that he used coke in his early years. His lack of denial when the issue has been raised, and the fact he failed to sue somebody over a very defamatory remark speaks for itself. He has already admitted to being a drunk, doing coke wouldn't surprise me. And before you state that nobody has proved it, nobody proved that OJ Simspon killed his wife and Ron Goldman. What say you? You think he did it?

As for highlighting "literals"...we can all play that game. I purposefully said Ijit, which you will note I have done of quite a few occasions. Secondly, you put a fullstop (or what you Yanks call a period) after the numerals 1 and 3, but not after 2. Tsk, tsk, Glocky....we can all play the petty/pendantic game if you like....:eusa_clap:
Some more Bush-isms...

"We're going to -- we'll be sending a person on the ground there pretty soon to help implement the malaria initiative, and that initiative will mean spreading nets and insecticides throughout the country so that we can see a reduction in death of young children that -- a death that we can cure." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Oct. 18, 2007

"All I can tell you is when the governor calls, I answer his phone." --George W. Bush, San Diego, Calif., Oct. 25, 2007

"My hearts are with the Jeffcoats right now, that's what I'm thinking." --George W. Bush, after meeting with California wildfire victims Kendra and Jay Jeffcoat, San Diego, Calif., Oct. 25, 2007

"I fully understand those who say you can't win this thing militarily. That's exactly what the United States military says, that you can't win this military." --George W. Bush, on the need for political progress in Iraq, Washington, D.C., Oct. 17, 2007

"My job is a decision-making job, and as a result, I make a lot of decisions." --George W. Bush, The Decider, Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 3, 2007 (Watch video clip)


And I'm not certain he can tie his shoelaces given that he's taken to wearing crocs... something no grown man should do, much less the president of the U.S. :rolleyes:

1. One would be a democracy, a quite different philosophy than the other, which is a theocracy.
2. Iraq would have the US as an ally, with a military base in country. That hardly represents a dislike for America.

do you honestly think that the Iraqi population, especially the 70% that is shiite, does not feel a much stronger bond and connection with their fellow shiites next door in Iran than they do to the primarily Christian, Israeli supporting population of America?

There isn't going to BE a multicultural Jeffersonian democracy on the banks of the Euphrates. YOU need to accept that and put the koolaid down.


oh...and Bush didn't just ADMIT to being a drunk. He was found guilty of OUI in Kennebunkport Maine. He was SO hammered that he drove his car up over the curve, across the sidewalk, and smashed through a hedge into someone's yard.

And if just one unlucky Mainer (or flatlander tourist) had been walking down that sidewalk on that fateful day and lost his life in Bush's drunken driving accident, that unlucky soul would have unwittingly saved the lives of 3873 (and counting) Americans.
do you honestly think that the Iraqi population, especially the 70% that is shiite, does not feel a much stronger bond and connection with their fellow shiites next door in Iran than they do to the primarily Christian, Israeli supporting population of America?

There isn't going to BE a multicultural Jeffersonian democracy on the banks of the Euphrates. YOU need to accept that and put the koolaid down.

Glock's as dumb as a post. He and Dumbya are cut from the same cloth. They're of the (best Gomer Pyle voice) "Well, gee, if we can have a Jeffersonian democracy here, so can Aye-Rack" ilk. This is why people in high places in the US need to bone up on the rest of the world - their geopolitical standings, their geography, and the history of the region. If they do not do these things, they are incompetent ijits......oh, wait, that's right...:lol:

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