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1 killed, 5 injured in pipe blast near Dead Sea

While impassioned, this latest Jooooo rant suffered a minor lack of hair-on-fire, wipe-Israel- off-the-map, "I hate Jooooos" pathology of some earlier posts. I can give you a 6 out of 10.

Your overall score might have been better, but was hurt because you ran out of breath half way through the paragraph in your first Jooooo hating tirade.

On the other hand, your overall score was helped when you used hey-Zeus to aid and abet your Joooooo hating.


I will pray for you, that your eyes are opened to the Truth, that you stop buying into Zionist lies, and for your hate of me, I forgive you.

Condescending and phony. I don't believe for a moment that your appeals to a religious entity are in any way genuine. Your "praying" for me is cynical and unnecessary.

What is ironic about your comments is that they put you on the same side as the haters and bigots who use the so-called "Palestinians" as little more than an avenue to direct their anti-semitism. It's just really disappointing that people such as you are so quick to excuse "Palestinian" ineptitude and incompetence toward building a productive society. That is very much a dynamic that afflicts so much of the islamist world. It really is remarkable to look on as you complain about the problem to which you unwittingly contribute.


I am sorry to dissapoint you, but who you want me to pray for and not pray for is something I could care less about. You do not direct what I do. I will pray as the Holy Spirit leads me to pray.

And the biggest impediment to peace is the Occupation, and the Occupation is the major violator of human rights. As I said recently in a post, I think, even the PA, who are largely US puppets, help keep the Occupation going. I am not going to blame the victims who live under Occupation for the conditions the Israeli Apartheid Occupiers places them in. That would be like blaming the Jews in Concentration camps for their Holocaust. That would be stupid.

I think the advice I will give you is do not be stupid. Stop being stupid.

Sherri is sick ignorant Jew hating whore infected by her associations with anti Semetic Muslims. Don't mind her.

Sherri is a very hateful person who is not a true Christian. I believe, though, that she's just a lost soul. It happens to the best of people, actually.

Sad sad case.


"And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Isaiah 2:4

ISAIAH 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many ...

No reason to feel sad about me, as I watch God's plan carried out in our world.

Wanting to see the day come soon when justice is done, that is a very human and natural and healthy desire.


When your point of view is based on pure anti-Semitism, you are not in the position to speak of Justice.

Jews deserve Justice. The innocent people among the Jews deserve not to be hated, based on prejudice. One God brings THAT, THEN it will be justice

"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee; hide thyself for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." (Isaiah 26)
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I will pray for you, that your eyes are opened to the Truth, that you stop buying into Zionist lies, and for your hate of me, I forgive you.

Condescending and phony. I don't believe for a moment that your appeals to a religious entity are in any way genuine. Your "praying" for me is cynical and unnecessary.

What is ironic about your comments is that they put you on the same side as the haters and bigots who use the so-called "Palestinians" as little more than an avenue to direct their anti-semitism. It's just really disappointing that people such as you are so quick to excuse "Palestinian" ineptitude and incompetence toward building a productive society. That is very much a dynamic that afflicts so much of the islamist world. It really is remarkable to look on as you complain about the problem to which you unwittingly contribute.


I am sorry to dissapoint you, but who you want me to pray for and not pray for is something I could care less about. You do not direct what I do. I will pray as the Holy Spirit leads me to pray.

And the biggest impediment to peace is the Occupation, and the Occupation is the major violator of human rights. As I said recently in a post, I think, even the PA, who are largely US puppets, help keep the Occupation going. I am not going to blame the victims who live under Occupation for the conditions the Israeli Apartheid Occupiers places them in. That would be like blaming the Jews in Concentration camps for their Holocaust. That would be stupid.

I think the advice I will give you is do not be stupid. Stop being stupid.

There's that Christian spirit of hope and [l]berate them when they disagree with you[/I].

The hate and nastiness that defines your posts is remarkable to witness. There is always an underlying need to vilify Jews. It colors your every post. The good news - with just a little more practice, you'll be the best hater you can be.

I will pray for you, that your eyes are opened to the Truth, that you stop buying into Zionist lies, and for your hate of me, I forgive you.

Condescending and phony. I don't believe for a moment that your appeals to a religious entity are in any way genuine. Your "praying" for me is cynical and unnecessary.

What is ironic about your comments is that they put you on the same side as the haters and bigots who use the so-called "Palestinians" as little more than an avenue to direct their anti-semitism. It's just really disappointing that people such as you are so quick to excuse "Palestinian" ineptitude and incompetence toward building a productive society. That is very much a dynamic that afflicts so much of the islamist world. It really is remarkable to look on as you complain about the problem to which you unwittingly contribute.


I am sorry to dissapoint you, but who you want me to pray for and not pray for is something I could care less about. You do not direct what I do. I will pray as the Holy Spirit leads me to pray.

And the biggest impediment to peace is the Occupation, and the Occupation is the major violator of human rights. As I said recently in a post, I think, even the PA, who are largely US puppets, help keep the Occupation going. I am not going to blame the victims who live under Occupation for the conditions the Israeli Apartheid Occupiers places them in. That would be like blaming the Jews in Concentration camps for their Holocaust. That would be stupid.

I think the advice I will give you is do not be stupid. Stop being stupid.

Sherri, sorry to inform you but none of the Jews or Zionists on this board need prayers from a Jew hating piece shit like you that shares notes with other Jew hating Muslim dirtbags.
Sherri is a very hateful person who is not a true Christian. I believe, though, that she's just a lost soul. It happens to the best of people, actually.

Sad sad case.
She told you what her story was. She's involved with Muslim Iranians that "are forced to be around Iranian Jews". The same Jews they persecuted back home and got to push around, now live successful, prosperous lives. They hire the Muslims to clean the toilets for them. Apparently the shoe is on the other foot now. Ha ha ha. Tell us Sherri, do you walk around "covered" according to the rules of Islam?

I have missed that part of sherri's story, probably because I don't know what is the meaning behind it. We don't need Muslims to feel humiliated for us to feel safe, we need them to simply leave us alone.
She's involved with an Iranian Muslims that are anti Semetic. Let her tell you, or I can post the post where she exposes herself. As I always say, most of the Jew hating anti American shitheads on this board are either converts to Islam, associated with dirtbag Lowlife Muslims, or Neo Nazis.
One person dies, five sustain serious wounds after pipe carrying hydrochloric acid explodes at a facility south of Ein Yahav.

A pipe blast south of the Dead Sea has left one person dead and five others badly injured. The blast occured during drilling by Israel's Mekorot company. Magen David Adom reported that the pipe, which carried hydrochloric acid, exploded at a pumping facility near a quarry nine kilometers south of Ein Yahav.

MDA paramedics reported that five people have been injured and are in serious condition. Paramedics and helicopters as well as teams from the Environmental Protection Minitry were dispatched to the scene. Route 90 has been blocked for traffic following the event.

The explosion does not pose any threat to residents of the surrounding area, the Environmental Protection Ministry said.

Noam Carmeli, the Central Arava Regional Council's security officer, arrived at the scene of the blast and said that the explosion occurred on a drilling facility. He reported that at least three ambulances were treating the wounded.

Hydrochloric acid is considered to be one of the strongest acids but is not as dangerous as other chemical acids.

1 killed, 5 injured in pipe blast near Dead Sea - Israel News, Ynetnews


So, what is the point you are trying to make about this incident?

I notice your post does not even provide an explanation about what caused this explosion.

If you are implying this was some act of sabatoge by a third party, such acts should be expected by a nation of very questionable legitimacy carrying out a 40+ year Occupation, that deliberately masscares Palestinian children and civilians on a regular basis, that steals lands of others on a daily basis, that has no respect for the lives of nonJews who are not the so-called Chosen People of the world.

I feel sorry for you to have the curse, the misfortune, of being adopted into a people occupying such a land, under such illegal circumstances.

I call this reaping what one has sown, to see bad things happen to people doing bad things.

I look forward to watching more of that reaping process unfold.

Your story gives me something to smile about this morning, I am going to even thank you for your post, the end is coming for Apartheid Israel, God's Justice is coming. I can't wait to see it unfold.

I am so thankful to God to be able to watch this unfold.

May God give justice to the people of Palestine, and do it soon, please, Lord Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

I think Sherri and her Muslim friends engage in mutual masturbation to the destruction of Israel, at least five times a day right after prayers. Heh heh heh.
She told you what her story was. She's involved with Muslim Iranians that "are forced to be around Iranian Jews". The same Jews they persecuted back home and got to push around, now live successful, prosperous lives. They hire the Muslims to clean the toilets for them. Apparently the shoe is on the other foot now. Ha ha ha. Tell us Sherri, do you walk around "covered" according to the rules of Islam?

I have missed that part of sherri's story, probably because I don't know what is the meaning behind it. We don't need Muslims to feel humiliated for us to feel safe, we need them to simply leave us alone.
She's involved with an Iranian Muslims that are anti Semetic. Let her tell you, or I can post the post where she exposes herself. As I always say, most of the Jew hating anti American shitheads on this board are either converts to Islam, associated with dirtbag Lowlife Muslims, or Neo Nazis.

I believe only the understand their own reasoning. if she's antisemitic, she should just say so. trying to cover under the "untioccupation" claim is smoke and mirrors, if sherri's antisemitic, which she kind of admitted, not directly, but she kind of did admit, that she is.

Antisemitism cannot be covered by a mask that is being against the occupation. antisemitism is hatred of Jews, and does not serve any justice. antisemitism and justice is an oxymoron. Saying someone speaks in name of Justice, or worse, GOD, when they're being antisemitic, is pure evil and hypocrite.
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Poor Sherri the Jendeh, I bet you she's one of these converts to Islam. Makes sense. She talks like an anti semetic donkey.


Now, I have already said I am a Christian. Can you read?

And I am obviously not a donkey, do donkeys write on discussion boards?

And the fact you do not like what I say does not make me a whore, either.

Do you have the mental intellect to address the issues?

Poor Sherri, she doesn't realize that she is giving us plenty of laughs with all her braying. Meanwhile, as you all can see, Sherri conveniently omits what her Muslim buddies are doing when it comes to killing innocent people all over the world. She must feel that God is loving that because she never calls on God to stop them. I wonder, since Sherri considers herself a "good Christian" if she can report to us about her feelings regarding that Christian Pastor being held in an Iranian prison who is threatened with being killed if he doesn't follow Islam. After all, there is supposedly no compulsion in religion, so why is this pastor in jail for following Christianity? Can you give us the lowdown, Sherri? Do you, yourself, feel this is God's justice for the Pastor not following Islam? Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Standing Firm in the Face of Persecution

Sherri's idea of "tolerance" is the Islamic version. The world has to tolerate their intolerance, while they preach tolerance.
Sherri is a very hateful person who is not a true Christian. I believe, though, that she's just a lost soul. It happens to the best of people, actually.

Sad sad case.


"And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Isaiah 2:4

ISAIAH 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many ...

No reason to feel sad about me, as I watch God's plan carried out in our world.

Wanting to see the day come soon when justice is done, that is a very human and natural and healthy desire.


When your point of view is based on pure anti-Semitism, you are not in the position to speak of Justice.

Jews deserve Justice. The innocent people among the Jews deserve not to be hated, based on prejudice. One God brings THAT, THEN it will be justice

"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee; hide thyself for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." (Isaiah 26)


My criticisms concerning that modern day Israel created in 1947 or 1948 arise from the human rights abuses of the Occupation.

Massacring Palestinian children has nothing to do with Justice for any human being, it is all about embracing evil., evil being embraced as a rogue Nation, as an Apartheid Nation. And the killing and human rights abuses is the focus of my criticism against Isreal.

And, by the way, the Jews killed many of the Prophets, like the Prophet Isaiah you quote, he was murdered by his own people, your adopted ancestors.

One person dies, five sustain serious wounds after pipe carrying hydrochloric acid explodes at a facility south of Ein Yahav.

A pipe blast south of the Dead Sea has left one person dead and five others badly injured. The blast occured during drilling by Israel's Mekorot company. Magen David Adom reported that the pipe, which carried hydrochloric acid, exploded at a pumping facility near a quarry nine kilometers south of Ein Yahav.

MDA paramedics reported that five people have been injured and are in serious condition. Paramedics and helicopters as well as teams from the Environmental Protection Minitry were dispatched to the scene. Route 90 has been blocked for traffic following the event.

The explosion does not pose any threat to residents of the surrounding area, the Environmental Protection Ministry said.

Noam Carmeli, the Central Arava Regional Council's security officer, arrived at the scene of the blast and said that the explosion occurred on a drilling facility. He reported that at least three ambulances were treating the wounded.

Hydrochloric acid is considered to be one of the strongest acids but is not as dangerous as other chemical acids.

1 killed, 5 injured in pipe blast near Dead Sea - Israel News, Ynetnews


So, what is the point you are trying to make about this incident?

I notice your post does not even provide an explanation about what caused this explosion.

If you are implying this was some act of sabatoge by a third party, such acts should be expected by a nation of very questionable legitimacy carrying out a 40+ year Occupation, that deliberately masscares Palestinian children and civilians on a regular basis, that steals lands of others on a daily basis, that has no respect for the lives of nonJews who are not the so-called Chosen People of the world.

I feel sorry for you to have the curse, the misfortune, of being adopted into a people occupying such a land, under such illegal circumstances.

I call this reaping what one has sown, to see bad things happen to people doing bad things.

I look forward to watching more of that reaping process unfold.

Your story gives me something to smile about this morning, I am going to even thank you for your post, the end is coming for Apartheid Israel, God's Justice is coming. I can't wait to see it unfold.

I am so thankful to God to be able to watch this unfold.

May God give justice to the people of Palestine, and do it soon, please, Lord Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

Seems like Sherri is in need of a good psychologist for the clinically insane like herself, or may I suggest a psychiatrist for a change in meds?

I will pray for you, that your eyes are opened to the Truth, that you stop buying into Zionist lies, and for your hate of me, I forgive you.

Condescending and phony. I don't believe for a moment that your appeals to a religious entity are in any way genuine. Your "praying" for me is cynical and unnecessary.

What is ironic about your comments is that they put you on the same side as the haters and bigots who use the so-called "Palestinians" as little more than an avenue to direct their anti-semitism. It's just really disappointing that people such as you are so quick to excuse "Palestinian" ineptitude and incompetence toward building a productive society. That is very much a dynamic that afflicts so much of the islamist world. It really is remarkable to look on as you complain about the problem to which you unwittingly contribute.


I am sorry to dissapoint you, but who you want me to pray for and not pray for is something I could care less about. You do not direct what I do. I will pray as the Holy Spirit leads me to pray.

And the biggest impediment to peace is the Occupation, and the Occupation is the major violator of human rights. As I said recently in a post, I think, even the PA, who are largely US puppets, help keep the Occupation going. I am not going to blame the victims who live under Occupation for the conditions the Israeli Apartheid Occupiers places them in. That would be like blaming the Jews in Concentration camps for their Holocaust. That would be stupid.

I think the advice I will give you is do not be stupid. Stop being stupid.

Sounds like Sherri should be praying should be herself?
Condescending and phony. I don't believe for a moment that your appeals to a religious entity are in any way genuine. Your "praying" for me is cynical and unnecessary.

What is ironic about your comments is that they put you on the same side as the haters and bigots who use the so-called "Palestinians" as little more than an avenue to direct their anti-semitism. It's just really disappointing that people such as you are so quick to excuse "Palestinian" ineptitude and incompetence toward building a productive society. That is very much a dynamic that afflicts so much of the islamist world. It really is remarkable to look on as you complain about the problem to which you unwittingly contribute.


I am sorry to dissapoint you, but who you want me to pray for and not pray for is something I could care less about. You do not direct what I do. I will pray as the Holy Spirit leads me to pray.

And the biggest impediment to peace is the Occupation, and the Occupation is the major violator of human rights. As I said recently in a post, I think, even the PA, who are largely US puppets, help keep the Occupation going. I am not going to blame the victims who live under Occupation for the conditions the Israeli Apartheid Occupiers places them in. That would be like blaming the Jews in Concentration camps for their Holocaust. That would be stupid.

I think the advice I will give you is do not be stupid. Stop being stupid.

Sounds like Sherri should be praying should be herself?

AgentBond 007,

Sounds like you need to go back to school and take some grammar lessons, your post makes no sense.


I am sorry to dissapoint you, but who you want me to pray for and not pray for is something I could care less about. You do not direct what I do. I will pray as the Holy Spirit leads me to pray.

And the biggest impediment to peace is the Occupation, and the Occupation is the major violator of human rights. As I said recently in a post, I think, even the PA, who are largely US puppets, help keep the Occupation going. I am not going to blame the victims who live under Occupation for the conditions the Israeli Apartheid Occupiers places them in. That would be like blaming the Jews in Concentration camps for their Holocaust. That would be stupid.

I think the advice I will give you is do not be stupid. Stop being stupid.

Sounds like Sherri should be praying should be herself?

AgentBond 007,

Sounds like you need to go back to school and take some grammar lessons, your post makes no sense.

That's what I was going to say to you. Your posts are filled with inaccuracies, lies, and hatred. But I'm not the only one saying that. :cuckoo::badgrin:
Sounds like Sherri should be praying should be herself?

AgentBond 007,

Sounds like you need to go back to school and take some grammar lessons, your post makes no sense.

That's what I was going to say to you. Your posts are filled with inaccuracies, lies, and hatred. But I'm not the only one saying that. :cuckoo::badgrin:


Let's see you point out those inaccuracies, lies, and hate, are you capable of such an undertaking?

Or is all you are capable of, hurling of baseless insults?


"And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Isaiah 2:4

ISAIAH 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many ...

No reason to feel sad about me, as I watch God's plan carried out in our world.

Wanting to see the day come soon when justice is done, that is a very human and natural and healthy desire.


When your point of view is based on pure anti-Semitism, you are not in the position to speak of Justice.

Jews deserve Justice. The innocent people among the Jews deserve not to be hated, based on prejudice. One God brings THAT, THEN it will be justice

"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee; hide thyself for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." (Isaiah 26)


My criticisms concerning that modern day Israel created in 1947 or 1948 arise from the human rights abuses of the Occupation.

Massacring Palestinian children has nothing to do with Justice for any human being, it is all about embracing evil., evil being embraced as a rogue Nation, as an Apartheid Nation. And the killing and human rights abuses is the focus of my criticism against Isreal.

And, by the way, the Jews killed many of the Prophets, like the Prophet Isaiah you quote, he was murdered by his own people, your adopted ancestors.

Geez, another anti semetic "factoid" this piece of shit Sherri just keeps pulling out of her Mohammad I mean ass.

Sherri check yourself into an asylum ASAP before its too late.
AgentBond 007,

Sounds like you need to go back to school and take some grammar lessons, your post makes no sense.

That's what I was going to say to you. Your posts are filled with inaccuracies, lies, and hatred. But I'm not the only one saying that. :cuckoo::badgrin:


Let's see you point out those inaccuracies, lies, and hate, are you capable of such an undertaking?

Or is all you are capable of, hurling of baseless insults?

Ever wondered why most posters make the same observations about you, Fatima Sherri?

"And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

Isaiah 2:4

ISAIAH 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many ...

No reason to feel sad about me, as I watch God's plan carried out in our world.

Wanting to see the day come soon when justice is done, that is a very human and natural and healthy desire.


When your point of view is based on pure anti-Semitism, you are not in the position to speak of Justice.

Jews deserve Justice. The innocent people among the Jews deserve not to be hated, based on prejudice. One God brings THAT, THEN it will be justice

"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee; hide thyself for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." (Isaiah 26)


My criticisms concerning that modern day Israel created in 1947 or 1948 arise from the human rights abuses of the Occupation.

Massacring Palestinian children has nothing to do with Justice for any human being, it is all about embracing evil., evil being embraced as a rogue Nation, as an Apartheid Nation. And the killing and human rights abuses is the focus of my criticism against Isreal.

And, by the way, the Jews killed many of the Prophets, like the Prophet Isaiah you quote, he was murdered by his own people, your adopted ancestors.


"My criticisms concerning that modern day Israel created in 1947 or 1948 arise from the human rights abuses of the Occupation."


But what about the human rights of innocent Israeli civilians? they are also violated. Not only you don't protest that, but it apperantly gives you a happy. That is what you yourself have said above, you are happy that Israelis die.

So you criticize in name of what, exactly? do you see yourself as a person that can speak for human rights when violation on one side is wrong by your agenda, but the other side is acceptable?

most human rights activists are hypocritical nowdays. They can take their reports and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, really. one human being is surely not better than the other.

Human rights. Ha. what a lame joke.

"Massacring Palestinian children has nothing to do with Justice for any human being"

I absolutely agree. I have never stated that I'm HAPPY that innocent people, especially children, die, unlike OTHERS.

masacring children is always wrong, but Israel does not do that. The other way around, children of terrorists families are often treated by Israeli doctors, the irony of it that those children may one day kill the same doctors who treat them.

Google the story of Muhammad Abu Mustafa. the story speaks volums, and is known for a humanitarian compassion that was yet to be found in any Palestinian.

By the way, masscaring Israeli children is wrong in the exact same manner.

Tell me, does the masscare of the Fogel family makes you happy as well?:eusa_whistle:

"as an Apartheid Nation"

Israel is not an Apartheid nation. Stop saying things without checking them first. Put on the definition of Apartheid and figure out by yourself that there is a huge difference between that and Israeli policy.

leftists often use huge blasting words like "racism" "apartheid", "fascism", to show big intelectuality and "understanding". Here something new to know, pumpkin; using high words that sound big and bold doesn't make them true. It makes people sound like fools.

"The Jews killed the prophets".

As a Christian you should know it's all in God's hands and God's will. Also Jesus sacrificing himself in sake of humanity.

Your crusader friends killed thousands of innocent Jews.

So cry me a river.
When your point of view is based on pure anti-Semitism, you are not in the position to speak of Justice.

Jews deserve Justice. The innocent people among the Jews deserve not to be hated, based on prejudice. One God brings THAT, THEN it will be justice

"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee; hide thyself for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." (Isaiah 26)


My criticisms concerning that modern day Israel created in 1947 or 1948 arise from the human rights abuses of the Occupation.

Massacring Palestinian children has nothing to do with Justice for any human being, it is all about embracing evil., evil being embraced as a rogue Nation, as an Apartheid Nation. And the killing and human rights abuses is the focus of my criticism against Isreal.

And, by the way, the Jews killed many of the Prophets, like the Prophet Isaiah you quote, he was murdered by his own people, your adopted ancestors.


"My criticisms concerning that modern day Israel created in 1947 or 1948 arise from the human rights abuses of the Occupation."


But what about the human rights of innocent Israeli civilians? they are also violated. Not only you don't protest that, but it apperantly gives you a happy. That is what you yourself have said above, you are happy that Israelis die.

So you criticize in name of what, exactly? do you see yourself as a person that can speak for human rights when violation on one side is wrong by your agenda, but the other side is acceptable?

most human rights activists are hypocritical nowdays. They can take their reports and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, really. one human being is surely not better than the other.

Human rights. Ha. what a lame joke.

"Massacring Palestinian children has nothing to do with Justice for any human being"

I absolutely agree. I have never stated that I'm HAPPY that innocent people, especially children, die, unlike OTHERS.

masacring children is always wrong, but Israel does not do that. The other way around, children of terrorists families are often treated by Israeli doctors, the irony of it that those children may one day kill the same doctors who treat them.

Google the story of Muhammad Abu Mustafa. the story speaks volums, and is known for a humanitarian compassion that was yet to be found in any Palestinian.

By the way, masscaring Israeli children is wrong in the exact same manner.

Tell me, does the masscare of the Fogel family makes you happy as well?:eusa_whistle:

"as an Apartheid Nation"

Israel is not an Apartheid nation. Stop saying things without checking them first. Put on the definition of Apartheid and figure out by yourself that there is a huge difference between that and Israeli policy.

leftists often use huge blasting words like "racism" "apartheid", "fascism", to show big intelectuality and "understanding". Here something new to know, pumpkin; using high words that sound big and bold doesn't make them true. It makes people sound like fools.

"The Jews killed the prophets".

As a Christian you should know it's all in God's hands and God's will. Also Jesus sacrificing himself in sake of humanity.

Your crusader friends killed thousands of innocent Jews.

So cry me a river.

But what about the human rights of innocent Israeli civilians?

Good question.

The people in Sderot, for example, live on land that was stolen from people who now live in the slums of Gaza on UN handouts.

How can you call these people innocent?

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