1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

I frankly dont care what you believe. I pay my workers well heaven forbid. If you cant relate to that then too dang bad. I hire only those with more training than HS. This is a must to get in. You either have the drive to hone your craft or dont apply as I dont want you. Second, in order to keep my employees I pay them well. I can do that because I take in enough to do so. My business is well respected and frankly I dont look at my employees as simply those who work for me. Yes its unique. As I have said I could hire more. But I would have to hire for less to keep the profit the same as it has been. I chose not to. To me that makes sense. I commend those who do not write themselves a check so they pay their workers. It will soon come back to reward them. I apologize for not running my business simply to make the highest profit margin but because we crank out alot of work I can afford to do this and have made the choice. Now my son is in the process of buying me out so I can quit the hustle and bustle because after a long time in running it I have had enough. But he is going to keep the same employees. He would like to expand, I have educated him wisely into the dangers of expanding to make more profit. He is starting to see it my way, I knew he would. It is possible to do this provided you dont get greedy.
Those that chose not to go for further education after HS should be automatically turned away for their work quality, knowledge, and work ethic lags far behind those that get more education.
That is utter bullshit.
I am not even going to go into the plethora of examples from personal experience that debunk your statement.
Why not keep people thinking you are stupid rather then leave no doubt as to their conclusion with your every utterance?
As I have said makes no difference to me what you think. I have required post HS diploma training. That's the way it is. Thats the way I run things. I prefer it. Surely I know there are examples of the opposite that exist. But I have found through my experience those that have had further training are better equipped to do the job for me so thats the way I run my show. Run yours the way you see fit. I'm simply proud of my employees. Its because of them that my reputation is as it is as a construction business owner. Without them my business doesnt have any chance of thriving.
Those that chose not to go for further education after HS should be automatically turned away for their work quality, knowledge, and work ethic lags far behind those that get more education.
Tell that to Harlan Sanders and Dave Thomas.

College is NOT an absolute gauge of drive or quality. It is very often a hinderence for many in becoming the successful people they can ultimately be. Of course that is not for all work and industry, but not all work and industry NEEDS that path in life.

A college degree is neither a guarantor or predictor of success, quality or drive.

WTF? No, it isn't a guarantee. But it is correlated to increased success and ability to follow through, drive and ambition. It isn't a direct correlation where you can measure a specific amount of those qualities for each year completed, but it is a strong enough of a correlation to be able to say -in general people with a college degree are more ambitious, more driven and more likely to succeed than someone with only a high school diploma. Not an absolute, not a guarantee and very little in life ever is - but a much closer relationship than you give it.
Unions discourage working harder because pay is divorced from productivity. If you get paid just as much as everyone else no matter how hard you work, then why work harder than anyone else? It contradicts human nature to pretend or insist people will work even harder when there is no self interest in doing so. No matter how much liberals fantasize otherwise, it's just not true. People don't bust their asses when it won't provide them with greater benefit for having done so. Gee even the Soviets found out the hard way that their government owned slaves didn't give a shit about whether their farming resulted in a harvestable crop for the government until they were told they would be given small plots of their own, allowed to grow their own crops and keep the money. But only if the crops they grew for government succeeded. Even then the privately grown did better than those grown for government.

BTW-after all this talk about how wonderful and deserving government employees are and how they are really no different from private sector workers, it turns out hundred of thousands of government workers are delinquent in their income taxes and collectively owe more than $3.3 BILLION and no one doing a fucking thing about it. And did you know the double fuck for private sector workers who have to bust their asses to pay for these parasites-they can't be fired for refusing to pay their taxes. While you and I would be arrested, our property confiscated, our bank accounts frozen and then confiscated -and finally thrown in federal prison for 7-8years, NOTHING happens if it is a government worker who refuses to pay.

I wrote on an earlier post why I refer to government workers as parasites. Not as an insult, but because of the fact a government employee drains government revenue and only private sector workers increase it. But since hundreds of thousands of them aren't even paying taxes on that income, now I definitely mean it as an insult. Government is corrupt, it is the nature of the beast to become corrupt. And it attracts the corrupt to populate it. The founders knew this and warned future generations they feared would allow it to happen. They had good reason to be concerned. We have a lot of people who have no problem with a far more massive, powerful government and many more productive citizens corrupted o be parasites on the system. WE bust our asses. They laugh all the way to the bank. Any wonder NOW why it turned out so many of Obama's political appointees didn't bother to pay their income taxes? NO PENALTY if the ruling elite does it. Only if a private sector worker does it.
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Its because of them that my reputation is as it is as a construction business owner. Without them my business doesnt have any chance of thriving.

You're in construction and you won't hire somebody who doesn't have an education beyond HS that's not in the field of construction? :lol: What a load of crap. I have some college under my belt, but I've never had training in construction other than my work experience. My boss gave me a shot 11 years ago. I had minimal experience. He started me out at $9/hr. I now make $22/hr. We're not hacks. We take great pride in our work and always provide top-notch quality. There goes your theory.
Those that chose not to go for further education after HS should be automatically turned away for their work quality, knowledge, and work ethic lags far behind those that get more education.
That is utter bullshit.
I am not even going to go into the plethora of examples from personal experience that debunk your statement.
Why not keep people thinking you are stupid rather then leave no doubt as to their conclusion with your every utterance?

allow me...
The College Dropouts Hall of Fame: Famous college dropouts, successful college dropouts, and rich college dropouts

S. Daniel Abraham, billionaire founder of Slim-Fast. Joined the Army at the age of 18 and fought in Europe during World War II. Did not attend college.

Paul Allen, billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, founder of Xiant software, owner of Seattle Seahawks and Portland Trailblazers. Dropped out of the University of Washington to work for Honeywell. A year later he convinced Bill Gates to drop out of Harvard and move to Albuquerque, New Mexico to start up Microsoft.

Richard Branson, billionaire founder of Virgin Music, Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Mobile, and other Virgin enterprises, balloonist. Left boarding school when he was 16.

Andrew Carnegie, industrialist and philanthropist. Elementary school dropout. Started work at the age of 13 as a bobbin boy in a textile mill. One of the first mega-billionaires in the U.S.

John Paul DeJoria, billionaire co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems hair care products and founder of Patron Spirits tequilla. Joined the U.S. Navy right out of high school. After the Navy, he spent time doing many odd jobs, sometimes living out of a car, before finding an entry-level marketing job with Time magazine.

George Eastman, multimillionaire inventor and founder of Kodak. High school dropout.

Thomas Edison, multimillionaire inventor of the phonograph, light bulb, and many other inventions. He quit formal schooling after his teacher called him addled. Was home-schooled by his mother.
Joined the railroad at the age of 12.

Bill Gates, billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, one of the richest men in the world, philanthropist. Dropped out of Harvard after his second year to work with Paul Allen on the venture that became Microsoft. As he noted, “I realized the error of my ways and decided I could make do with a high school diploma.”

W.T. Grant, multimillionaire founder of W.T. Grant department store chain. High school dropout.

Joyce C. Hall, founder of Hallmark. Started selling greeting cards at the age of 18 while living at a YMCA in Kansas City. Did not attend college.

John Hewitt, CEO of Jackson Hewitt. College dropout.

should I continue???????
As I have said makes no difference to me what you think. I have required post HS diploma training. That's the way it is. Thats the way I run things. I prefer it. Surely I know there are examples of the opposite that exist. But I have found through my experience those that have had further training are better equipped to do the job for me so thats the way I run my show. Run yours the way you see fit. I'm simply proud of my employees. Its because of them that my reputation is as it is as a construction business owner. Without them my business doesnt have any chance of thriving.
That is not what you stated.
This is from YOUR post.
"Those that chose not to go for further education after HS should be automatically turned away for their work quality"
Before you were arguing just to argue. Now you are being untruthful.
Nobody cares how you run your business.
You were on here taking a pro union stance. Then you started spouting off about how you run this amazingly successful business.
WHo cares?...Don't come on here telling others they must comply with your methods.
Of course, your definition of "valid" is "anything that agrees with me". :lol:

Actually valid would be you showing an actual list of posts of mine to show a history of exaggeration and distortion to PROVE your allegation that I have.

The fact that you have to try to play with the wording as you dishonestly try to put words into my mouth and argue how "I" define a word instead of actually substantiating your own allegation tends to show that you can't.

I countered your last attempt to claim I exaggerated and distorted but I seriously doubt that you will respond with anything other than more of the same trolling that you are engaging in now.

Thanks again for nothing. LOL


Wow the fact that you have to reply with a cut and paste personal attack says everything that needs to be know about a waste of space like you.

What next finger paints? Or are you going to glue macaroni to a paper plate? LOL

Thanks again for nothing. LOL
Irate? Whining?

More exaggeration and distortion. Thanks for proving me right. :lol:

Nope you were pretty much irate when you came at me with all of your trolling insults and name calling as you whined up a storm trying to make lame excuses for refusing to substantiate your own claims, so how is anything I said an exaggeration or distortion?

Got proof? You do know that PROOF is required in order to actually PROVE a point and since you haven't provided anythng showing that you were not irate or whining then you haven't proven anything other than you are desperate to declare victory when you own failure to substantiate your claims shows that you are so far behind.
I'm sure it comforts your fragile ego to feel that way, Snowflake, but you do nothing but prove I'm right.

Maybe you should threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue... :lol:

LOL so no proof. Got it. Why do you even bother wasting time with responses like that when all it proves is that you have nothing real to offer and can only attack me personally as you run away from a debate you know you lost. LOL

I just think it's hilarious that all of you trolls have to gang up on me and troll in one right aftter anohter while NONE of you offeres anything to the substance of the debate. LOL

I have made all my points and substantiated them and for that this is the kind of attention I get from these right wing cowardly trolls. LOL
:rofl: Stamp your feet and pout some more.

We weren't discussing the military. Period. It wasn't a valid comparison. Deal with it.

LOL are you really that mentally challenged? I wasn"t making a direct comparison. I named the process and gave an example of the process used in the military. Gadawg was saying lockheed employees were compaining about it and at no time did I say or claim that he was talking about the military. However, thanks for distorting what I actually said.

Then I found an example that showed that I used the correct terminology proving my argument that it is referred to as "reclassification".

You know it amazes me that you can be proven wrong and still declare victory as you pretend facts that counter your spin don't exist. LOL

I the end you tried to call me out for an exaggeration and distortion when I did nothing of the sort and end up exposing yourself as exaggerating and distorting what I said.

You just keep on digging that hole you are in. LOL

P.S. claiming that i am "stomping my feet and pouting" as you try to demean me because you obviously have no valid arguments to offer is an exaggeration on your part.
*yawn* Yeah, yeah, you're the smartest guy in the room. We get it.

Everybody kiss Doc's butt. He's entitled to it. Just ask him.

LOL Look at how you are still trolling becuase you can't counter anything that I have said. How typical.

In the end I was correct and your trolling and personal attacks won't change that. :)
"His daughter makes $36K in nine months. Not even for a full year. That doesn't count any money they make from summer employment which thousands do. That is NOT an underpaid job.

Spoken by one who COULD NEVER operate a classroom of today. You are one who wants them to work for free. Gutless

Who said anything about working for free? You made that up..That is the definition of a straw man argument.
Tell us..Is being asked to contribute 10 or 15% of one's health insurance cost ( private sector workers often pay 50% or more)?
Is it unreasonable to ask for 5 or 10% contribution to one's lifetime pension( private sector workers do not have defined benefit pensions)?
Is it working for free when the taxpayers demand the end of the politician/union relationship where the taxpayer, the one who actually pays what they are told so that public workers CAN get a wage and great benefits?
Because it is not practical for the taxpayers to be present at the union contract negotiations, they have been also left out. That is until they get their property tax bill. By then it's too late. This process has been repeated over and over for decades. Unions have been able to demand and receive more and more for their members. The situation has reached critical mass. State and municipal budgets are over capacity and the ability to practically increase taxes has exhausted.
Something has to give. For all these decades the public employees protected by unions and civil service rules have never had to sacrifice. It is their turn. The unions have been feeding at the public trough and have gorged themselves. The people have said in a loud unified voice "NO MORE".
Most of us value our public servants. However we want a level playing field. We want their wages and benefits to simply match the private sector.

I will say it again, public sector workers ARE taxpayers they are also part of "the people." Therefore your argument is inherently flawed anytime you try to pit one against the other or differentiate between them.

You do NOT speak for ALL taxpayers or "the people." To pretend that you do is beyond absurd.

In the end you did hit almost all of the right wing talking points and rhetotic from the contributions to health and pension which unions were willing to compromise on, taxpayers having a seat at the table even though they do already through their elected representatives, and finally to the hyper partisan rhetoric where you make unsupported claims about how evil unions are and yet despite them getting evreythign taht they want their salaries and benfits really nor not that much better than their private sector counter parts but who knew that rightwingers were supportive and income equality?
Now if only they were willing to apply that same standard to the entire workforce instead of just the ones they like to demean and ridicule by claiming that didn't work for, earn or deserve the pay and benefits they have. Se the previous discussion about "teacher's working only 9 months" and follow along for the demeaning attitudes of the right in this thread.

After all they are just the servants and the public is their masters. Thank fitz for that little gem.

BTW how can you say all that you want is a level playing field when you refuse to admit or include the FACT that public sector workers are taxpayers and part of the people you pretend to speak for?

If based on your exclusion of them in your own posts they aren't considered to be in those groups then how do you classify them??
I never have

1) had to check my employees work...I know its good. Why? Because they went to school after HS to learn their trade(which immediately shows me they have the drive over those who simply chose to work after graduation...those are the slackers who I wont hire....EVER)
2) inspect work quality...rarely do I go to the job site to make sure its done right. It always is.

A high turnover rate is ALWAYS and INEVITABLY the sign of a POORLY RUN BUSINESS. One which pays so little that even the good workers leave. Therefore, those businesses in my mind would be better off SHUT DOWN. I see places that have frequent turnover as offering low quality products. If the employees arent proud of their work, the business needs to look in the mirro and fix its ways. Thats what owning a business is all about.
Congrats, right here, you nailed why government should be out of education, among most other jobs it does.

A high turnover rate is ALWAYS and INEVITABLY the sign of a POORLY RUN BUSINESS. One which pays so little that even the good workers leave. Therefore, those businesses in my mind would be better off SHUT DOWN. I see places that have frequent turnover as offering low quality products. If the employees arent proud of their work, the business needs to look in the mirro and fix its ways. Thats what owning a business is all about.

The incompetents are protected more than the good workers. The quality is always poor, and the turnover, if not for the union would be far higher.

How does that apply to right to work states that don't allow unions?? Is the quality of their public workers always poor too? Is their turnover higher or lower than states with unionized public workers?? Got a link?
Actually valid would be you showing an actual list of posts of mine to show a history of exaggeration and distortion to PROVE your allegation that I have.

The fact that you have to try to play with the wording as you dishonestly try to put words into my mouth and argue how "I" define a word instead of actually substantiating your own allegation tends to show that you can't.

I countered your last attempt to claim I exaggerated and distorted but I seriously doubt that you will respond with anything other than more of the same trolling that you are engaging in now.

Thanks again for nothing. LOL


Wow the fact that you have to reply with a cut and paste personal attack says everything that needs to be know about a waste of space like you.

What next finger paints? Or are you going to glue macaroni to a paper plate? LOL

Thanks again for nothing. LOL
Speaking of self-important stuffed shirts...
Nope you were pretty much irate when you came at me with all of your trolling insults and name calling as you whined up a storm trying to make lame excuses for refusing to substantiate your own claims, so how is anything I said an exaggeration or distortion?

Got proof? You do know that PROOF is required in order to actually PROVE a point and since you haven't provided anythng showing that you were not irate or whining then you haven't proven anything other than you are desperate to declare victory when you own failure to substantiate your claims shows that you are so far behind.
I'm sure it comforts your fragile ego to feel that way, Snowflake, but you do nothing but prove I'm right.

Maybe you should threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue... :lol:

LOL so no proof. Got it. Why do you even bother wasting time with responses like that when all it proves is that you have nothing real to offer and can only attack me personally as you run away from a debate you know you lost. LOL

I just think it's hilarious that all of you trolls have to gang up on me and troll in one right aftter anohter while NONE of you offeres anything to the substance of the debate. LOL

I have made all my points and substantiated them and for that this is the kind of attention I get from these right wing cowardly trolls. LOL


What the hell gave you the stupid idea you deserve anything else?

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