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1 woman & her purse vs. 3 violent men...no one has a gun...poor woman...

A pistol wouldn't have done the girl in the video who got beaten and robbed any good. The apes were too close to her and she had no way of knowing the last one would grab her. You can't pull and aim a pistol at somebody simply walking past you. Her best bet would have been a taser concealed in her hand when she saw them approaching. She'd have dropped the one who grabbed her but then she would have had to attack the other two before they attacked her. Once all three were down, she should have stolen their wallets and cellphones after kicking their brains in while they were helpless.
And no, unless she's got her gun cocked and locked in her panties, it's usually pretty useless against a guy who knows you and has thought out what he plans to do.

Okay, I get it...you went to a democrat controlled public school...so actual research means nothing to you because you have been trained to emote...not think...the studies show that the best defense against stranger rape is a gun...end of story...
A pistol wouldn't have done the girl in the video who got beaten and robbed any good. The apes were too close to her and she had no way of knowing the last one would grab her. You can't pull and aim a pistol at somebody simply walking past you. Her best bet would have been a taser concealed in her hand when she saw them approaching. She'd have dropped the one who grabbed her but then she would have had to attack the other two before they attacked her. Once all three were down, she should have stolen their wallets and cellphones after kicking their brains in while they were helpless.

You need to research these things because that isn't true...there are actual stories of women being beaten by more than one guy, who still manage to draw their gun and make them run away...check out the sites that collect the stories from local news sources...the national news media doesn't cover them...
32000 deaths and 78,000 injuries due to your "lifestyle choice".

Okay...Japan has literally no guns for private civilians...and their suicide rate is twice ours...please explain that...

10-12,000 murders a year, most by criminal gangs in democrat controlled cities...vs....on average1.4 million times a year that lives are saved and crimes are stopped by law abiding citizens using guns...

Kleck is the most accurate of all the studies....and if you don't like Kleck, because his research proves your arguments to be wrong, then what about the other 19 seperate studies, done by both private and government reserchers including the Dept. of Justice...(which put defensive gun uses at 1.5 million a year) and Obama's study commissioned through his CDC in 2013 that found the numbers between 500,000 and 3 million times a year...

Again...please...go and get an education that is not controlled by a wing of the democrat party...you will win your freedom...
Okay, I get it...you went to a democrat controlled public school...so actual research means nothing to you because you have been trained to emote...not think...the studies show that the best defense against stranger rape is a gun...end of story...

No, I went to a Catholic School, where I learned that religious dogma is generally bullshit.

The problem is, your studies are bullshit.

Cases of guns being used in self-defense are really, really rare. Mostly because acts of violence happen so fast you never know what hit you.
Okay...Japan has literally no guns for private civilians...and their suicide rate is twice ours...please explain that...

You mean other than thousands of years of suicide being considered honorable?
10-12,000 murders a year, most by criminal gangs in democrat controlled cities...vs....on average1.4 million times a year that lives are saved and crimes are stopped by law abiding citizens using guns...

It's okay if they get murdered because they're darkies? Nice sentiments. What else can I make fun of.
Kleck is the most accurate of all the studies....and if you don't like Kleck, because his research proves your arguments to be wrong, then what about the other 19 seperate studies, done by both private and government reserchers including the Dept. of Justice...(which put defensive gun uses at 1.5 million a year) and Obama's study commissioned through his CDC in 2013 that found the numbers between 500,000 and 3 million times a year...

All 19 of those studies are horseshit, mostly because they rely on gun fetishists claiming that a gun made them feel better when contemplating their tiny dicks.

The REAL number- only 201 cases of justifiable homicide involving a gun by civilians.
Well, another anti gunner victory...no one in this situation had a gun...so the woman was viciously beaten for her purse by three men....she didn't have a gun....neither did they....an anti gunner paradise....

the attack was,caught on video....it shows how vicious the attack was....

Trio of Black New York Men Beat Hispanic Woman in Robbery Attempt

The other two then swarm around her trying to pry her wrap around purse from her body as she lay helpless on the sidewalk. Two of them men drag her several feet by the purse strap.

"I just remember the whole attack, and for them leaving me, I remember them just dragging me, and then I started yelling for someone to help me," Reyes told CBS. "And then that's when I realized blood was coming from my face, but I didn't know where from my face."

The victim's father said that his daughter was traumatized by the attack.

"And her jeans were covered in blood and her sneakers were covered in blood," Jay Reyes said.

I can see that this is so much better...sure, she might have been killed, she might have been beaten into a coma...but it is better for society that she just take the beating...quietly, and without fuss, so that the anti gunners can feel safe....better 1000 innocent people be raped, robbed, brutally beaten or killed, than one criminal be shot....


While I don't think getting rid of guns eliminates crime, I also don't think more guns eliminates crime. If more guns did that we would by far have the least crime in the world right? We certainly have the most guns. You work at some gun company cause you seem like a gun salesman. :)

Our society is sick now, and it has been caused partly by corporations who have designed their part in it in a way to profit from it all. We are all just pawns in a huge game of greed and a want to sink to the bottom as fast as we all can get there. I will say also that I think that the turn from being a more rational Christian or Christian influenced peace loving society at large once upon a time, is also a huge let down to our society.

There are those who are out there that have caused this, and they are very cunning in the ways that they have done this also. It still goes on today, and we see it everywhere, but going back to something that works is shot down quickly by those who have taken power in this nation, and they aren't willing to give anything back no matter how many people die, become diseased or become afraid for the kids to go out and play or to participate in society in anyway. Border fencing, guns and all that stuff is ridiculous things in a modern day supposed to be peaceful society, but when you have a society that has been corrupted from within so badly like we have now, then these reactions are what comes from those who move to protect themselves from such things while they cry out over the carnage and mayhem that has been created by those who have made this nation weak and vulnerable within and without now. The citizens are just having to protect themselves now, because they have been placed into a situation that forces this upon them. Anyone who doesn't see what has happened in this nation, is placing their heads in the sand big time. Yes more guns in the hands of good people these days is a great thing, and getting the guns (also can be construed or interpreted as power) out of the hands of bad people is even a greater thing, but the good people are under attack more so than the bad these days, therefore making the good to defend themselves against what has been loosed against them now. I will say that a gun wouldn't have helped this woman in this situation, but what would have helped her is to be better educated of the dangers that exist now in our society, and if possible to never walk alone in this way anymore or at least until we see better reforms in our society that will lead us back to safer streets and a safer society at large.
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A pistol wouldn't have done the girl in the video who got beaten and robbed any good. The apes were too close to her and she had no way of knowing the last one would grab her. You can't pull and aim a pistol at somebody simply walking past you. Her best bet would have been a taser concealed in her hand when she saw them approaching. She'd have dropped the one who grabbed her but then she would have had to attack the other two before they attacked her. Once all three were down, she should have stolen their wallets and cellphones after kicking their brains in while they were helpless.

You need to research these things because that isn't true...there are actual stories of women being beaten by more than one guy, who still manage to draw their gun and make them run away...check out the sites that collect the stories from local news sources...the national news media doesn't cover them...

Over 6000 DGU yesterday alone. But you can't be bothered to link up all those supposed DGUs. You need the other poster to do that. Cause the MEDIA just won't do it.

But yet it is YOU making all these claims of DGU. But you sure as hell can't fucking prove anywhere close to 6000 DGU per DAY.
I have pointed out, most used never require shooting anyone, a lot more are captured in local news...like the shoutout between local,and federal law enforcement when a gang of zeta drug cartel members ambushed a drug truck that was being driven by a police,informant...in a residential neighborhood no less...and even that only made local Austin news...true...that was media bias against reporting bad things about illegal aliens and the border...but still....

When someone captures a crook without shooting or killing him...as happens all the time...not news worthy....

I would need to scour local police reports...not in my plans....read the ones that do make it through on the armed citizen site, guns savs lives,sites and a bunch of other places....

do you realize that one gun group uses their own money to advertise when guns are used to,save,lives and stop crime in their local paper...because they were tired of them not being covered....?
All 19 of those studies are horseshit, mostly because they rely on gun fetishists claiming that a gun made them feel better when contemplating their tiny dicks.

The REAL number- only 201 cases of justifiable homicide involving a gun by civilians.

Joe..you know that old Irish saying that when the people around you are telling you your drunk...you need to sit down...well...you are a little...unrealistic...here are the studies...I have already given you the totals...

13 gun studies, not including Kleck's or Lott's or the justice dept. from 95

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

|GunCite Home|

Table 1

Survey:FieldBorduaCambridge ReportsDMIaDMIbHartOhio
Year of Interview1976197719781978197819811982
Population CoveredNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsRegistered votersRegistered votersRegistered voters"Residents"
Gun Type CoveredHandgunsAll gunsHandgunsAll gunsAll gunsHandgunsHandguns
Recall Period:Ever/1, 2 yrs.EverEverEverEver5 yrs.Ever
Excluded Uses Against AnimalsNoNoNoNoYesYesNo
Excluded Military, Police Uses?YesNoNoYesYesYesNo
Defensive question asked of:All RsAll RsProtection hgun ownersAll RsAll RsAll RsRs in hgun households
Defensive question refers to:RespondentRespondentRespondentHouseholdHouseholdHouseholdRespondent
% Who Used1.4/3/8.6[a]5.01815746.5
% Who Fired Gun2.9n.a.126n.a.n.a.2.6
Implied number of def. gun uses

[Page 183]

Table 1 (continued)

Survey:Time/CNNMauserGallupGallupL.A. TimesTarrance
Year of Interview198919901991199319941994
Population Covered"Firearm owners"ResidentsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. Adults
Gun Type CoveredAll gunsAll gunsAll gunsAll gunsAll gunsAll guns
Recall Period:Ever5 yrs.EverEverEver5 yrs.
Excluded Uses Against AnimalsNoYesNoNoNoYes
Excluded Military, Police Uses?YesYesNoYesYesYes
Defensive question asked of:Gun ownersAll RsRs in hgun hshldsGun ownersAllAll
Defensive question refers to:RespondentHshld.RespondentRespondentRespondentRespondent/
% Who Usedn.a.3.798118[c]1/2[d]
% Who Fired Gun9-16en.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.
Implied number of def. gun uses

Source: Gary, Kleck and Marc Gertz, "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun," Table 1, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1995, Vol. 86 No. 1.

Two other studies, the Dept. of Justice studies...hardly gun fetishists...found guns used to save lives and stop crime 1.5 million times a year....

Obama's CDC in 2013...hardly gun fetishists...found between 500,000 and 3 million gun uses..

Why so few actual killings of criminals...because good people with guns do not want to kill people, they want to not be victims...so when the violent criminal flees...they don't shoot, or when he surrenders...they don't shoot...or when the violent thug is shot, and laying on the ground, they do not walk over and finish him off...

Joe...again, go and get a real education...the government controlled school run by the education wing of the democrat party that you attended has not been good for you...
Joe..you know that old Irish saying that when the people around you are telling you your drunk...you need to sit down...well...you are a little...unrealistic...here are the studies...I have already given you the totals...

No, the problem is, your gun studies are basically crap pushed by the NRA.

If the NRA was honest and told people the truth- that a gun in the home is far more likely to kill someone in the home than a bad guy, they wouldn't have any sales. They'd be selling rabid pit bulls.
Bypassing the constitution is un-american, but we all know Joe hates america and everything it was founded on, so there is no surprise there.

Before Heller, everyone understood "Well REgulated Militia" meant that states and cities could regulate gun ownership.

So why do you hate the Founding Fathers?
Joe..you know that old Irish saying that when the people around you are telling you your drunk...you need to sit down...well...you are a little...unrealistic...here are the studies...I have already given you the totals...

No, the problem is, your gun studies are basically crap pushed by the NRA.

If the NRA was honest and told people the truth- that a gun in the home is far more likely to kill someone in the home than a bad guy, they wouldn't have any sales. They'd be selling rabid pit bulls.

Another Kellerman driveby from the kellerman butt-fuck-ee.
Bypassing the constitution is un-american, but we all know Joe hates america and everything it was founded on, so there is no surprise there.

Before Heller, everyone understood "Well REgulated Militia" meant that states and cities could regulate gun ownership.

So why do you hate the Founding Fathers?

You are the one who hates them. and gun ownership is regulated, background check, no felons allowed to own, etc.

You don't want regulation, you want infringement. Fuck off.
You are the one who hates them. and gun ownership is regulated, background check, no felons allowed to own, etc.

You don't want regulation, you want infringement. Fuck off.

Except that as longer as Joker Holmes can buy an AR-15 and a 100 round drum magazine, guns aren't regulated and background checks are insufficient.

If the only way to keep that from happening is take everyone's guns, I'm down with that. You don't need one.
No, the problem is, your gun studies are basically crap pushed by the NRA.

So you are saying obama and his CDC are run by the NRA...really? Or the Justice Dept.? Or Gallup, or the L.A. times...19 separate studies, by both private and government researchers over a 40 year time period...all controlled by the NRA...

Go back to school Joe...
If the NRA was honest and told people the truth- that a gun in the home is far more likely to kill someone in the home than a bad guy, they wouldn't have any sales.

Actual research says you are wrong...if you are not a low life...alcoholic, or a drug user, or an abuser or a criminal....your chances of having an accident with a gun are very small...

And it is not strange at all that the one way to reduce accidents is to educate people about gun safety...much like fire safety programs in schools...but then if kids were educated in gun safety...they wouldn't die from gun accidents...and then the best tool the anti gunners have...dead children...wouldn't be there for them...

So tell me...who wants to keep kids from dying...those who prevent gun safety education or the ones who teach gun safety to children...?

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