1 year old baby killed in Brooklyn shooting. AOC says defund police now


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2020
Cryogenic capsule under area 51, I am not dead
No NYC police were involved in the murder

Defund police now

This DEFUND THE POLICE INSANITY is the single reason the democrats will LOSE BIG in November.

People are going to vote RED straight across the board, and there won't be enough BALLOT HARVESTING FRAUD to save the democrats.

Getting rid of the police is possibly the most MORONIC, ASININE idea the democrats have come up with to date. But when you consider the type of people they elected, like the little MORON ROOF TOP DANCING SOCIALIST BARTENDER TWAT, there's where these idiotic ideas come from, and there isn't a democrat elected to office with the guts to stand up to her and her squad.
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Great parenting. Let's take little Johnny to the barbeque on the ghetto sidewalk at 1 AM. WTF man. Bad things happen every night out on the street. I'll give 5 to 1 that the shooter was also Black.
Why did the police fail to protect the child?
Police don’t prevent crime you dumb hack. They respond to crime.
Perhaps if the police stopped shooting unarmed black men for no reason?

defunding the police doesn’t mean no police, trumpkin. It means stop giving them so much that you have nothing for the things you really need.
Why did the police fail to protect the child?
Police don’t prevent crime you dumb hack. They respond to crime.
Perhaps if the police stopped shooting unarmed black men for no reason?

defunding the police doesn’t mean no police, trumpkin. It means stop giving them so much that you have nothing for the things you really need.

Hah! You just called Moonglow a "trumpkin"? :lol:
Why did the police fail to protect the child?
Police don’t prevent crime you dumb hack. They respond to crime.
Perhaps if the police stopped shooting unarmed black men for no reason?

defunding the police doesn’t mean no police, trumpkin. It means stop giving them so much that you have nothing for the things you really need.

The Cry is not "less funding" but "Defunding".

You libs have stated your position that the policies hunt down and just murder black people, cause "Wacism".

You libs have stated that you believe that the prisons are full of blacks, because of "wacism".

If you really believe that, then DEFUNDING, makes sense.

That you are trying to walk it back, indicates that you know your claims are bullshit.
Why did the police fail to protect the child?
Police don’t prevent crime you dumb hack. They respond to crime.
Perhaps if the police stopped shooting unarmed black men for no reason?

defunding the police doesn’t mean no police, trumpkin. It means stop giving them so much that you have nothing for the things you really need.

The Cry is not "less funding" but "Defunding".

You libs have stated your position that the policies hunt down and just murder black people, cause "Wacism".

You libs have stated that you believe that the prisons are full of blacks, because of "wacism".

If you really believe that, then DEFUNDING, makes sense.

That you are trying to walk it back, indicates that you know your claims are bullshit.
You can delude yourself but that is what it means. You lying white supremacist pondscum just like distorting the issue. Realty. Cops kill black males for no reason. All you trumpscum who thought it was ok to bring guns to a statehouse. How long do you think a black person would live if they did the same thing. Or, you know, the black guy who tried to show the copy’s his carry permit but was shot and murdered before he barely got the words out of his mouth. So you can take your 2nd amendment and shove that up your butt, too.
Is AOC mentioned in that article, because I fail to see it.
They make up whatever they feel like. Reality is nonexistent to trumpkins

The implication of cause and effect between the shooting and AOC's call to defund, is misleading.

On the other hand, the reality of calling to Defund Police, and the people that will die if you actually do it,

hell that are ALREADY dying, as the police stand down,

is a lot more serious than that.

And your pretense otherwise, is not only equally dishonest, but bloody, as it supports policies that are killing people in the streets, today.
Is AOC mentioned in that article, because I fail to see it.
They make up whatever they feel like. Reality is nonexistent to trumpkins

The implication of cause and effect between the shooting and AOC's call to defund, is misleading.

On the other hand, the reality of calling to Defund Police, and the people that will die if you actually do it,

hell that are ALREADY dying, as the police stand down,

is a lot more serious than that.

And your pretense otherwise, is not only equally dishonest, but bloody, as it supports policies that are killing people in the streets, today.
People die when police are at full force and deployed..
Why did the police fail to protect the child?

SO, you support defunding the police?
and demilitarizing.

If there are no cops, they are not militarized.

YOu can't be militarized, if you don't exist.

Good for you. A lot of liberals are pussies, who talk a lot of shit about the cops, and then want them to still be there to protect them.

I like liberals who are wiling to live in cop free zones, and put their lives on the line to show how deeply they believe in their beliefs.

I would be lying if I said I wished you well.

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