10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

Costs of fossil fuel, partially/largely driven by solar and wind projects. They really use fossil fuel by the millions of tons.

Inefficient use of natural resources can never be advocated let alone used. We are way beyond that.

Inefficient, is not an answer to the problems you fear
Get over it already you lost your case years ago . This is old fake news you're trying to perpuate here.
I have no idea the cost involved. All I know is we can't keep going on the way we were and survive on this planet. And yes it's going by to cost a great deal but look at the costs in both health and environment fossil fuels have cost us. Threatening our very existence. Extreme weather is becoming the new normal and that's not good. This is the first year the disaster relief fund ran out of money. Look up the costs of fossil fuels and you'll understand the big picture.
And why do you "believe" this? What actual science is there to back up your belief system?

So far there is nothing but faith presented. I'm not religious, so your declarations are meaningless.
Get over it already you lost your case years ago . This is old fake news you're trying to perpuate here.
We have lost nothing. In fact it is you that is losing. More and more people are figuring out that you anti science religious nutjobs are either insanely stupid, or just outright corrupt and desire power.
CERES has stated as much and more, our politicians claim the cost to be more, $76 trillion is to start.

Total cost should be irrelevant? I pay the total cost, in higher electricity rates, higher fossil fuel rates, higher inflation, higher food costs, higher home cost, higher everything.
But since you see no reason for ANY expenditure to mitigate AGW, you would object if we told you the total cost would be $72.69.
You cannot make the claim that the cost of $76 trillion will not be felt by the consumers!
That might be why I have never made any such claim.
Nuclear is the only logical thing to do, for 10$ trillion we will have thousands of times more power, and will not need a new grid.
I would support an expansion of nuclear power but we still need a new grid.
Time to make electricity a local issue, a city issue. NOT FEDERAL.
I disagree. It needs to be an issue at all levels of government.
I have no idea the cost involved. All I know is we can't keep going on the way we were and survive on this planet. And yes it's going by to cost a great deal but look at the costs in both health and environment fossil fuels have cost us. Threatening our very existence. Extreme weather is becoming the new normal and that's not good. This is the first year the disaster relief fund ran out of money. Look up the costs of fossil fuels and you'll understand the big picture.

I have no idea the cost involved. All I know is we can't keep going on the way we were and survive on this planet.

That's all you know.....and it's wrong.
Typical leftist idiot.
But since you see no reason for ANY expenditure to mitigate AGW, you would object if we told you the total cost would be $72.69.

I would support an expansion of nuclear power but we still need a new grid.
How does building and manufacturing bigger electrical plants that produce a fraction of electricity mitigate pollution?

If we build nuclear, we do not need a new grid, all nuclear power plants can be placed locally negating a need for a grid.
How does building and manufacturing bigger electrical plants that produce a fraction of electricity mitigate pollution?

If we build nuclear, we do not need a new grid, all nuclear power plants can be placed locally negating a need for a grid.
Yeah, a nuke plant in every house and commercial building. Don't be an idiot.
Yeah, a nuke plant in every house and commercial building. Don't be an idiot.
you suggest the same, literally, plus much more, building millions of solar panels and wind turbines

a nuke in every large county or small state, yes, such idiocy, having a stable source for electricity
funny how you extrapolate so much out of what is not written
you suggest the same, literally, plus much more, building millions of solar panels and wind turbines
I was responding to your suggestion of no grid.
a nuke in every large county or small state, yes, such idiocy, having a stable source for electricity
funny how you extrapolate so much out of what is not written
You wrote "we do not need a new grid". A smart grid would be a boon to all.
No, a smart grid would be trillions of tax dollars given to private corporations.

the old grid works fine,
When you go to the store, pick up a pound of coffee from the shelf and then give the cashier the amount indicated, are you GIVING it to them?

The old grid allows power outages to take place. That stops businesses. That costs money.
When you go to the store, pick up a pound of coffee from the shelf and then give the cashier the amount indicated, are you GIVING it to them?
No, when I go to the store and buy coffee I am not using someone's tax money given to me as a subsidy.
with a few nuke plants, we do not need wind nor solar electricity

there is no storage for solar and wind that is significant, never will be
I believe everything works better when all inputs are out there on the table , but for you to proclaim there 's no place at the energy table for wind and Solar is a poor choice at best.
I believe everything works better when all inputs are out there on the table , but for you to proclaim there 's no place at the energy table for wind and Solar is a poor choice at best.
Last night, solar and wind were nowhere to be seen

And again, what about the cost and the damage solar and wind does.

Vast tracks of land, can we put that on the table? Square miles of land, thousands.

Cost, incalculable, we are told $70 trillion to $170 trillion. Why so expensive, it will take the economy decades to create that kind of money.

Cost, again, why, because that is how much materials is consumed manufacturing wind and solar.

CO2, manufacturing solar and wind creates billions of tons of CO2, no way to prevent global warming with Solar Panels and Wind Turbines.

Weak intermittent, unreliable, is Solar and Wind

Okay, I put solar and wind on the table.
Last night, solar and wind were nowhere to be seen

And again, what about the cost and the damage solar and wind does.

Vast tracks of land, can we put that on the table? Square miles of land, thousands.

Cost, incalculable, we are told $70 trillion to $170 trillion. Why so expensive, it will take the economy decades to create that kind of money.

Cost, again, why, because that is how much materials is consumed manufacturing wind and solar.

CO2, manufacturing solar and wind creates billions of tons of CO2, no way to prevent global warming with Solar Panels and Wind Turbines.

Weak intermittent, unreliable, is Solar and Wind

Okay, I put solar and wind on the table.
I live in Nebraska , out in the country years ago . My mother visited and she asked what's that howling noise and I said it's just the wind. We have wind most of the time day and night. And if they put out too much energy it's shifted to batteries. In the state of Nebraska if a person produces more energy than they need the state is obligated by law to buy it back. For years here in town , on one of the surrounding hilltops there's a home to which the owner put up a wind turbine and has an array of solar panels. He says he likes getting those checks from the electric company for the last 20 years.

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