10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

Not just that but Melissa Heinz Kerry, wife of climate czar John F'n Kerry(who won 3 purple hearts) produces tons of CO2 every year with her plastics and ketchup/mustard factory that pumps more than small cities. But it is okay for the F'n Kerry's to make billions while we are supposed to do without our CO2. Those graphs show the 10s of thousands of tonnes of CO2. That is the hypocrisy of the Marxists/Demofascists.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Kraft Heinz

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are one of the major causes of rising global warming, and the companies from the FMCG, retail, packaging, and food service sectors account for a significant amount of the global emissions. CO2, Methane & NOx gases form a major part of greenhouse gases released from fossil fuels such as gas and oil.
The Cargill complex here in Blair , Ne. Is working on making plastic shopping bags out of corn. No fossil fuels used and they break down quickly in landfills. It's a 3 billion dollar complex created by companies from 6 different nations. Their objective is safe , sustainable agriculture.
The carbon print of each wind turbine is paid back in 6 months. After that it all negates the use of all the fossil fuels that aren't used to produce electricity. Mostly coal-fired electric plants. In 2010 they produced 45 % of all our electricity. By 2021 40 % of those plants have shut down. You are taking about the total production of all. Each unit is what you should be talking about. In 2023 the amount of electricity produced by coal ( and natural gas ) dropped to 19 %. About the same as solar or wind now produces. And those established fields will not burn any more coal or natural gas for their 20 - 30 yeat lifespan.
Don't dictate to me.

Nobody cares about a carbon footprint. Carbon don't hurt nothing.

CO2 is what everyone screams about, not carbon.

Wind turbines and solar plants did not replace coal. That would be Natural Gas.

Solar and wind, are weak sources of electricity, so much so, they are built covering the earth by the square mile.

Solar and wind have failed in Europe as well as the USA.

$100 Trillion. That is the amount of carbon used by wind and solar.

That is more carbon than all the coal burnt up in the USA since time began
Don't dictate to me.

Nobody cares about a carbon footprint. Carbon don't hurt nothing.

CO2 is what everyone screams about, not carbon.

Wind turbines and solar plants did not replace coal. That would be Natural Gas.

Solar and wind, are weak sources of electricity, so much so, they are built covering the earth by the square mile.

Solar and wind have failed in Europe as well as the USA.

$100 Trillion. That is the amount of carbon used by wind and solar.

That is more carbon than all the coal burnt up in the USA since time began
You are a total jerk , you can't admit you're wrong
I pity you. Good luck in life , you're going to need all the help you can get with that attitude.
You are a total jerk , you can't admit you're wrong
I pity you. Good luck in life , you're going to need all the help you can get with that attitude.

How many solar panels replace one coal plant. Ha, trick question. Solar is never available on demand, never st night. It can't be done.

How many wind turbines replace 1 coal plant.

Questions Stann can't answer. Simple questions.

Stann must speak in an imaginary world. Comparing what, 1 coal plant to how many of what?
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How many solar panels replace one coal plant. Ha, trick question. Solar is never available on demand, never st night. It can't be done.

How many wind turbines replace 1 coal plant.

Questions Stann can't answer. Simple questions.

Stand must speak in an imaginary world. Comparing what, 1 coal plant to how many of what?
Obviously you should address these concerns to the leadership of the Energy industry. They are moving away from fossil fuels as quick as they can. And that's the way things are here in the real world.
Obviously you should address these concerns to the leadership of the Energy industry. They are moving away from fossil fuels as quick as they can. And that's the way things are here in the real world.
Hahaha, the fossil fuel industry is producing at a record high supplying heavy industry with all it needs to make solar panels and wind turbines.

Solar and Wind increase the use of fossil fuels. Always building, always manufacturing, 24 hours a day, heavy industry is building solar panels and wind turbines.
Hahaha, the fossil fuel industry is producing at a record high supplying heavy industry with all it needs to make solar panels and wind turbines.

Solar and Wind increase the use of fossil fuels. Always building, always manufacturing, 24 hours a day, heavy industry is building solar panels and wind turbines.
You're insane. Every panel and wind turbine does take fossil fuels to make but once it's made it eliminates the need to burn coal for 20 to 30 years. If you don't think that's an excellent trade off. I have some swamp land in Florida you might want to buy. Good night , fool.
You're insane. Every panel and wind turbine does take fossil fuels to make but once it's made it eliminates the need to burn coal for 20 to 30 years. If you don't think that's an excellent trade off. I have some swamp land in Florida you might want to buy. Good night , fool.

Trade off? We are still building the solar panels and wind turbines you claim can stop the use of coal?

$100 trillion and more, to be manufactured, polluting more than all the coal plants we ever had.

$100 trillion, a large percentage buys the coal used to manufacture wind and solar. Coal use that is new pollution, by green energy!
Trade off? We are still building the solar panels and wind turbines you claim can stop the use of coal?

$100 trillion and more, to be manufactured, polluting more than all the coal plants we ever had.

$100 trillion, a large percentage buys the coal used to manufacture wind and solar. Coal use that is new pollution, by green energy!
Yes fossil fuels will still be needed in a secondary minimal capacity. Otherwise you're all wrong in your beliefs.
The Cargill complex here in Blair , Ne. Is working on making plastic shopping bags out of corn. No fossil fuels used and they break down quickly in landfills. It's a 3 billion dollar complex created by companies from 6 different nations. Their objective is safe , sustainable agriculture.
How much CO2 is going to be used to make shopping bags out of corn? Just wondering. As long as the elites can make their billions spewing tons of CO2 into the air, they can do it all day long, but some peon like you, better not even have a gas grill.
Trade off? We are still building the solar panels and wind turbines you claim can stop the use of coal?
We're still mining and burning coal you claim is harmless
$100 trillion and more, to be manufactured, polluting more than all the coal plants we ever had.
How many times will we have to go over the numbers? Wind turbines and solar panels repay the carbon footprint of their manufacture and installation in days to weeks. And the cost of the fuel for your coal and natural gas plants dwarfs the cost of their non-emitting replacements.
$100 trillion, a large percentage buys the coal used to manufacture wind and solar. Coal use that is new pollution, by green energy!
You've seen the numbers repeatedly now but you pretend you haven't. There are other word for "pretending".
We're still mining and burning coal you claim is harmless

How many times will we have to go over the numbers? Wind turbines and solar panels repay the carbon footprint of their manufacture and installation in days to weeks. And the cost of the fuel for your coal and natural gas plants dwarfs the cost of their non-emitting replacements.

You've seen the numbers repeatedly now but you pretend you haven't. There are other word for "pretending".
No, you dont show the cost, you show the propaganda.

Wind and Solar are extremely expensive, add to that the intermittent nature of Wind and Solar, then you get a volatile market for electricity.

Wind turbines and solar panels repay the carbon footprint of their manufacture and installation in days to weeks
In days? Pure bullshit. But hey, they spent a year writing a complicated explanation that only fools read, or resource, and thoroughly proved as bullshit
How much CO2 is going to be used to make shopping bags out of corn? Just wondering. As long as the elites can make their billions spewing tons of CO2 into the air, they can do it all day long, but some peon like you, better not even have a gas grill.
It would be worse if we didn't have that we plastic bags.
The Cargill complex here in Blair , Ne. Is working on making plastic shopping bags out of corn. No fossil fuels used and they break down quickly in landfills. It's a 3 billion dollar complex created by companies from 6 different nations. Their objective is safe , sustainable agriculture.
Turning food into plastic bags.

Politicians are anti-people. People are starving every year and now we have another scheme by the government to destroy oil.

Their object, is profit, nothing more. These six companies are being subsidized by our government, our tax dollars, and you have not the intellectual imagination to investigate that fact and reveal it to us?
No, you dont show the cost, you show the propaganda.
That is a lie. I have shown you the costs at least on at least three separate occasions.
Wind and Solar are extremely expensive,
As headline after headline after headline, most based on data and conclusions from the IEA, have told you, wind and solar are now cheaper per kWh than any fossil fuel energy source. So, another lie from you.
add to that the intermittent nature of Wind and Solar, then you get a volatile market for electricity.
The world has added enormous amounts of wind and solar capacity to the grids. Where is all this intermittence and volatility you keep talking about? Florida has enormous amounts of solar online and my power is as steady as a rock.
In days? Pure bullshit.
The bullshit would be your lies.
But hey, they spent a year writing a complicated explanation that only fools read, or resource, and thoroughly proved as bullshit
Links, asshole.
That is a lie. I have shown you the costs at least on at least three separate occasions.

As headline after headline after headline, most based on data and conclusions from the IEA, have told you, wind and solar are now cheaper per kWh than any fossil fuel energy source. So, another lie from you.

The world has added enormous amounts of wind and solar capacity to the grids. Where is all this intermittence and volatility you keep talking about? Florida has enormous amounts of solar online and my power is as steady as a rock.

The bullshit would be your lies.

Links, asshole.
he who asks first must always provide links to everything

How many solar and wind farms equal one fossil fuel energy source. Let us do that comparison.

And this time, include all the subsidies, which are always missing from your "sources"

But remember, start with links. Prove your contention.
he who asks first must always provide links to everything

How many solar and wind farms equal one fossil fuel energy source. Let us do that comparison.

And this time, include all the subsidies, which are always missing from your "sources"

But remember, start with links. Prove your contention.
Been there, done that. But that does nothing to support your contentions.

You're the one with the extraordinary claim. Why don't you tell us how much CO2 is produced manufacturing and installing one 15 MW wind turbine? With links of course.

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