10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

Been there, done that. But that does nothing to support your contentions.

You're the one with the extraordinary claim. Why don't you tell us how much CO2 is produced manufacturing and installing one 15 MW wind turbine? With links of course.
you support wind turbines, you are the expert, where are your links that show how much CO2 is generated?
Nuclear power is the only industry in US history that was created with no profit motive. Early proposals were to make the infrastructure with public funds and make the electricity free, because the tools to measure electricity for billing would cost more than the electricity itself. How does that compare with solar and hydro?
you support wind turbines, you are the expert, where are your links that show how much CO2 is generated?
I have presented such information repeatedly. You reject it. I've even used a source YOU provided. You rejected that. I want YOU to provide a source. I will be extremely easy going about your selection. I just want a number that YOU are happy with.
I have presented such information repeatedly. You reject it. I've even used a source YOU provided. You rejected that. I want YOU to provide a source. I will be extremely easy going about your selection. I just want a number that YOU are happy with.
yes, you used my source, that did not include everything, I showed part, you presented the, part, as a whole.

very dishonest

Rejecting your source? Your source is pure propaganda.
yes, you used my source, that did not include everything, I showed part, you presented the, part, as a whole.

very dishonest

Rejecting your source? Your source is pure propaganda.
Pick any souce you like. I just want a number from you that YOU are happy with. You have expressed your opinion on this issue strenuously and often. Surely you must have some good basis for such firm conclusions. Show us one. I will not question it.
Pick any souce you like. I just want a number from you that YOU are happy with. You have expressed your opinion on this issue strenuously and often. Surely you must have some good basis for such firm conclusions. Show us one. I will not question it.
here you go
here you go
Okay. But when I clicked your link I got a message that says

429 Too Many Requests​

You have been rate-limited for making too many requests in a short time frame.
Website owner? If you think you have reached this message in error, please contact support.

I have never seen such a message before. I went to WUWT precisely once, earlier today and that was the first time I've visited them in monts.

I'll try again.
Okay. But when I clicked your link I got a message that says

429 Too Many Requests​

You have been rate-limited for making too many requests in a short time frame.
Website owner? If you think you have reached this message in error, please contact support.

I have never seen such a message before. I went to WUWT precisely once, earlier today and that was the first time I've visited them in monts.

I'll try again.
I got in the second time without trouble. However, this article concerns the LCOE for various energy technologies. My request was that you provide a source for the amount of CO2 produced during the manufacture and installation of a wind turbine. You have repeatedly claimed that more will be produced then that turbine will save during its lifetime. I have found such sources and can give you some pointers if you like. PM me if you have any questions.
I got in the second time without trouble. However, this article concerns the LCOE for various energy technologies. My request was that you provide a source for the amount of CO2 produced during the manufacture and installation of a wind turbine. You have repeatedly claimed that more will be produced then that turbine will save during its lifetime. I have found such sources and can give you some pointers if you like. PM me if you have any questions.
you made many requests,

fine, what are we comparing to, just one wind turbine to nothing, or the equivalent amount of wind turbines to one nuclear power plant?

One kind of means nothing.

How about just facts, like 1 kilo of fiberglass releases a kilo of CO2, each wind turbine will use at least 40 tons of fiberglass so that comes out to? The fiberglass alone, a massive amount of energy and co2.

36280 kilos CO2
171322.2 mwh

How much energy? 17gj? Per kilo? 171322.2 mwh
Turning food into plastic bags.

Politicians are anti-people. People are starving every year and now we have another scheme by the government to destroy oil.

Their object, is profit, nothing more. These six companies are being subsidized by our government, our tax dollars, and you have not the intellectual imagination to investigate that fact and reveal it to us?
You are beyond ridiculous. Oil is the most valuable of the fossil fuels and it will run out sooner than any of them. Those being born now will someday be telling their children , " I remember when cats ran on gasoline. " That's how close we are to it's end.what's left should be conserved for limited special uses and the sooner the better.
you made many requests,
I have made this specific request, as clearly as I could, in the last five of my posts.
fine, what are we comparing to, just one wind turbine to nothing, or the equivalent amount of wind turbines to one nuclear power plant?

One kind of means nothing.

How about just facts, like 1 kilo of fiberglass releases a kilo of CO2, each wind turbine will use at least 40 tons of fiberglass so that comes out to? The fiberglass alone, a massive amount of energy and co2.

36280 kilos CO2
171322.2 mwh

How much energy? 17gj? Per kilo? 171322.2 mwh
I am attempting to address your claims that more CO2 will be produced in the manufacture and installation of wind turbines than they will save over their useful lives; a claim that you have made repeatedly. That requires an estimate of CO2 produced during those labors. There are sources of such information. I want you to be happy with the numbers on which we work so the results might have a little more longevity in our conversations.
I have made this specific request, as clearly as I could, in the last five of my posts.

I am attempting to address your claims that more CO2 will be produced in the manufacture and installation of wind turbines than they will save over their useful lives; a claim that you have made repeatedly. That requires an estimate of CO2 produced during those labors. There are sources of such information. I want you to be happy with the numbers on which we work so the results might have a little more longevity in our conversations.
I stated wind turbines and solar panels, are manufactured 24 hours a day, every day of the week, and that is the source of forever CO2 emissions.

How many wind turbines are made daily, how many solar panels. That is the beginning of any discussion.
I stated wind turbines and solar panels, are manufactured 24 hours a day, every day of the week, and that is the source of forever CO2 emissions.

How many wind turbines are made daily, how many solar panels. That is the beginning of any discussion.
And so we dodge.
I have made this specific request, as clearly as I could, in the last five of my posts.

I am attempting to address your claims that more CO2 will be produced in the manufacture and installation of wind turbines than they will save over their useful lives; a claim that you have made repeatedly. That requires an estimate of CO2 produced during those labors. There are sources of such information. I want you to be happy with the numbers on which we work so the results might have a little more longevity in our conversations.
first, how many wind turbines per day?

25 built every day seems reasonable, yes or no
And so we dodge.
I am asking you questions, you pretend to know, so the dodge is on your part.

You have proclaimed that you know the co2 footprint, if you know than you must know the answers to the easy questions.

You have no idea how many wind turbines are built daily? I say the number is 25 wind turbines built everyday. Do you agree or not and if not what is your source saying this is not accurate
link to the craziest one you found
The supposed proof of one featured Fox ( news ) entertainment hosts had a climate change expert ? ( more like a fringe lunatic scientist , if he was even a scientist ) bad-mouthing the government because the scientists couldn't vote on the issue. I still don't know how to link but I can read. You posted the questionable link. I attempted to see who ran it and got all their other stories. All climate change deniers and anti - green movement articles. It's suspicious when an unbiased source can't say anything positive about such a broad topic. A good article points out the positives as well as the negatives.
The supposed proof of one featured Fox ( news ) entertainment hosts had a climate change expert ? ( more like a fringe lunatic scientist , if he was even a scientist ) bad-mouthing the government because the scientists couldn't vote on the issue. I still don't know how to link but I can read. You posted the questionable link. I attempted to see who ran it and got all their other stories. All climate change deniers and anti - green movement articles. It's suspicious when an unbiased source can't say anything positive about such a broad topic. A good article points out the positives as well as the negatives.
Maybe you should start linking?

My source is very credible and is a solid website.

Like I said, you found a problem, something false. LINK

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