10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

The supposed proof of one featured Fox ( news ) entertainment hosts had a climate change expert ? ( more like a fringe lunatic scientist , if he was even a scientist ) bad-mouthing the government because the scientists couldn't vote on the issue. I still don't know how to link but I can read. You posted the questionable link. I attempted to see who ran it and got all their other stories. All climate change deniers and anti - green movement articles. It's suspicious when an unbiased source can't say anything positive about such a broad topic. A good article points out the positives as well as the negatives.

I still don't know how to link but I can read.

Copy the URL......paste it here.
And so we dodge.
You know how Electra keeps saying renewables are subsidized. Just looked at an article about the G7 nations and despite their pro-renewables position they gave a combined total of 452 billion subsidizing fossil fuels. And , the US leads the pack on that.
You know how Electra keeps saying renewables are subsidized. Just looked at an article about the G7 nations and despite their pro-renewables position they gave a combined total of 452 billion subsidizing fossil fuels. And , the US leads the pack on that.

Post the link.
You know how Electra keeps saying renewables are subsidized. Just looked at an article about the G7 nations and despite their pro-renewables position they gave a combined total of 452 billion subsidizing fossil fuels. And , the US leads the pack on that.
Bullshit, link, oh I forgot, you can't link so all your bullshit must be disproved?

There are no subsidies to the fossil fuel corporations
The carbon print of each wind turbine is paid back in 6 months. After that it all negates the use of all the fossil fuels that aren't used to produce electricity. Mostly coal-fired electric plants. In 2010 they produced 45 % of all our electricity. By 2021 40 % of those plants have shut down. You are taking about the total production of all. Each unit is what you should be talking about. In 2023 the amount of electricity produced by coal ( and natural gas ) dropped to 19 %. About the same as solar or wind now produces. And those established fields will not burn any more coal or natural gas for their 20 - 30 yeat lifespan.
Bullshit, prove it
It would be worse if we didn't have that we plastic bags.
Back in the day, we used to burn our trash. In was called incineration and some states used that energy to produce electricity. Since the Marxists/Demofascists have had a war on CO2, all that energy is now wasting away in landfills.....Methane slowly seeps out of those. What is worse, the CO2 that helps trees and green life, or methane that kills just about everything that comes in contact with it?
Bullshit, link, oh I forgot, you can't link so all your bullshit must be disproved?

There are no subsidies to the fossil fuel corporations
I' m sure you could access the information if Pitiful Me can do it. You just choose to be ignorant. Home | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget>press-Senator Whitehouse " We are subsidizing the fossil fuel industries. " In 2022 they hit a new high of 1 trillion dollars. The same year Big Oil made a record 4 trillion income.
Back in the day, we used to burn our trash. In was called incineration and some states used that energy to produce electricity. Since the Marxists/Demofascists have had a war on CO2, all that energy is now wasting away in landfills.....Methane slowly seeps out of those. What is worse, the CO2 that helps trees and green life, or methane that kills just about everything that comes in contact with it?
The last coal -firing electric plant in the state ( North Omaha ) sometimes burns tires. On those days you can really tell what they're doing. The air is caustic. That's life on a republican-majority state.
Back in the day, we used to burn our trash. In was called incineration and some states used that energy to produce electricity. Since the Marxists/Demofascists have had a war on CO2, all that energy is now wasting away in landfills.....Methane slowly seeps out of those. What is worse, the CO2 that helps trees and green life, or methane that kills just about everything that comes in contact with it?
Look up the pros and cons of burning plastic from an unbiased source and I ' ll bet it's better not to burn it.
I' m sure you could access the information if Pitiful Me can do it. You just choose to be ignorant. Home | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget>press-Senator Whitehouse " We are subsidizing the fossil fuel industries. " In 2022 they hit a new high of 1 trillion dollars. The same year Big Oil made a record 4 trillion income.
And I just printed it out, it doesn't always work. Enjoy learning the truth.
I' m sure you could access the information if Pitiful Me can do it. You just choose to be ignorant. Home | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget>press-Senator Whitehouse " We are subsidizing the fossil fuel industries. " In 2022 they hit a new high of 1 trillion dollars. The same year Big Oil made a record 4 trillion income.
That is a lie, tax breaks are not subsidizing the oil industry, but allowing them to keep the money they make so they can find new areas to drill, while stealing my taxes to give to a company to make EV's that no one wants is "subsidizing", bullshit.
That is a lie, tax breaks are not subsidizing the oil industry, but allowing them to keep the money they make so they can find new areas to drill, while stealing my taxes to give to a company to make EV's that no one wants is "subsidizing", bullshit.
I guess you believe the government is lying then. Good luck with that.
That is a lie, tax breaks are not subsidizing the oil industry, but allowing them to keep the money they make so they can find new areas to drill, while stealing my taxes to give to a company to make EV's that no one wants is "subsidizing", bullshit.
Of course stann, you would disagree with me, because what i say, doesnt fit the Marxist/Demofascist narrative.

Tax breaks for oil drilling include12345:
  • Percentage depletion allowance: As the oil and gas in a well is depleted, independent producers are allowed a percentage depletion allowance to be deducted from their taxes.
  • Expensing of intangible drilling costs: Intangible drilling costs generally constitute 65-80% of the total cost of drilling a well and are 100% deductible in the year incurred.
  • Lease operating costs and all administrative, legal, and accounting expenses can also be deducted over the life of the lease.
  • Marginal well tax credit: A provision in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) which seeks to incentivize oil and gas production.
  • Enhanced oil recovery credit: A provision in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) which seeks to incentivize oil and gas production.
Learn more:
1. instituteforenergyresearch.org2. investopedia.com3. www2.deloitte.com4. taxtwerk.com5. arescotx.com+3 more
I guess you believe the government is lying then. Good luck with that.
Yes, i do believe the government is lying, both establishment Rs and Ds. It is all about power and how they can steal the wealth of America to make themselves rich, while doing nothing to make our lives better...
Yes, i do believe the government is lying, both establishment Rs and Ds. It is all about power and how they can steal the wealth of America to make themselves rich, while doing nothing to make our lives better...
You are crazy ! Goodbye .
I' m sure you could access the information if Pitiful Me can do it. You just choose to be ignorant. Home | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget>press-Senator Whitehouse " We are subsidizing the fossil fuel industries. " In 2022 they hit a new high of 1 trillion dollars. The same year Big Oil made a record 4 trillion income.

As we’ll hear today, the United States subsidizes the fossil fuel industry with taxpayer dollars. It’s not just the US: according to the International Energy Agency, fossil fuel handouts hit a global high of $1 trillion in 2022 – the same year Big Oil pulled in a record $4 trillion of income.

In the United States, by some estimates taxpayers pay about $20 billion dollars every year to the fossil fuel industry. What do we get for that? Economists generally agree: not much. To quote conservative economist Gib Metcalf: these subsidies offer “little if any benefit in the form of oil patch jobs, lower prices at the pump, or increased energy security for the country.” The cash subsidy is both big and wrong.

$20 billion? LOL!
The government will spend more than that this month to subsidize illegal aliens.

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