10:30 EST Today the curtain will be open

The dem plan doesn't reduce the deficit even with increased taxes. But that's what's to be expected by the dems. O already got his tax increases but yet he still sings the same old tired song of let's soak the rich, divide, and so on.

It pays down the deficit substantially, but it's going to take a while to end the Bush spending nightmare.

The GOP refuses to cut and all they want to do is spend, spend, spend, and then when they have nothing else to do, spend some more.

If the GOP trash wasn't holding up the freedom fighters, we would be well on our way to paying off the debt by now.

Which alternate universe do you live in again??

Wonder when we can get a gander at the Dem budget??

Oh wait. I forgot. They don't have one. Hell. They haven't had one for, what ,five years

Silly me.

I linked to it in another topic yesterday.

I guess you are one of those ones who gets their information pre-chewed.

Well by golly your right. The Dems do have a budget set for release today. My bad.

Only battleground, not common ground, in budget wars

Almost forgot, after four years without one, that they could actually present one.

Its not the Dems, its Patty Murray. And her solution to the budget crisis and bloated spending is to spend even more. That's a non starter.
The dem plan doesn't reduce the deficit even with increased taxes. But that's what's to be expected by the dems. O already got his tax increases but yet he still sings the same old tired song of let's soak the rich, divide, and so on.

It pays down the deficit substantially, but it's going to take a while to end the Bush spending nightmare.

The GOP refuses to cut and all they want to do is spend, spend, spend, and then when they have nothing else to do, spend some more.

If the GOP trash wasn't holding up the freedom fighters, we would be well on our way to paying off the debt by now.

Which alternate universe do you live in again??

He lives in a universe so remote from reality he had to turn off his rep because numbers dont go that low.
Wonder when we can get a gander at the Dem budget??

Oh wait. I forgot. They don't have one. Hell. They haven't had one for, what ,five years

Silly me.

I linked to it in another topic yesterday.

I guess you are one of those ones who gets their information pre-chewed.

Linked to what... The first budget the Democrats have actually propsed that could be scored by the CBO in 4 years?
And yet another Ryan budget makes it through committee. If you want to call a document that is only approved by the Republicans and will only be vote for by the Republicans a House Budget bill go for it.

This does not help the process, it jams it. Not having worked out party differences in committee Ryan is a complete and utter failure as a committee chairman.

It pays down the deficit substantially, but it's going to take a while to end the Bush spending nightmare.

The GOP refuses to cut and all they want to do is spend, spend, spend, and then when they have nothing else to do, spend some more.

If the GOP trash wasn't holding up the freedom fighters, we would be well on our way to paying off the debt by now.

Which alternate universe do you live in again??

He lives in a universe so remote from reality he had to turn off his rep because numbers dont go that low.

My keen K-9 hearing has picked up the sound of a Senate Budget Committee marking up a budget this morning at 9:30 a.m. ET.

One follow up thought on yesterday's merriment. I wonder if the constitutes from the Representative's district whose SNAP enrollment is 17.2% with a person over the age of 60 in the household, 72.3% with a child under the age of 18 in the household, and 54.4% of all residents below the poverty level realize that when he talks about wasteful government spending he is not just talking about electric cars, he is talking about them. Probably probably not I would guess. Democrats have such a long way to go if they are going to get anywhere.
I really, really, really don't want to do this but what the fuck is Sessions doing? Wondering why the Senate has not passed a budget? Watch Sessions talk.
I have been trying to think of an analogy of what the Republicans are doing. Let's say that two people are speaking English back and forth for the last few years. Now they sit down and one starts talking Mandarin and demands to know how many words is 'hello' said in. One says in English it is one word. The other says no it is two words. The other says I have not looked at it in Mandarin but in English it is one word. The other keeps insisting that it is two words. Rather than accepting the answer as it is in English they insists on how many words it is in Mandarin. Republicans are trying to kill the process and this is the method they have chosen. There may be other but this is the one they have started with.
Sanders (D) offered an amendment that large institutions putting money away in offshore accounts pay some taxes rather than the zero percent they are now. Enzi (R) said it should apply to only financial companies which are profitable and got bailout money. Sanders asked if he changed the amendment would Enzi vote for it. Answer was yes so the amendment will be updated and brought back for a vote. Toomey spoke against the amendment even after the amendment was agreed to be modified. Way to go Toomey. (sarcastic)
Sanders (D) offered an amendment that large institutions putting money away in offshore accounts pay some taxes rather than the zero percent they are now. Enzi (R) said it should apply to only financial companies which are profitable and got bailout money. Sanders asked if he changed the amendment would Enzi vote for it. Answer was yes so the amendment will be updated and brought back for a vote. Toomey spoke against the amendment even after the amendment was agreed to be modified. Way to go Toomey. (sarcastic)

Enzi renegged. Big surprise there. 10 Republicans, that's all of them, voted to continue to allow American corporations who have been bailed out by the American public to put their money in overseas banks and pay zero taxes. Couldn't possibly undo the sequester when these poor 'small businesses' need the money. Wow, these people are beyond belief. They give a shit about American public? Like Hell they do. Can you say 'Gulfstream'.
And to end the day:

Senate's budget:
What Is the Sequence of Business Cycle Phases? | Chron.com

Business is on the uphill during the expansion phase. Consumers are likely to be in good spirits after an unsettling contraction or trough. The unemployment rate generally declines as jobs are created. Spending is increased, so the demand for goods and services also increases, causing business output to rise. Business is good for the small business owner during the expansion phase. This phase is also a good time to start a business. In the 31 business cycles since 1854 that have occurred as of September 2011, the average length of the expansion phase has been 35 months, according to Jon A. Hooks of the American Bankers Association in his book, "Economics: Fundamentals for Financial Services Providers."

House's budget:
harvest strategy - Business Definition
harvest strategy business definition

Extracting, or harvesting, cash from a business by limiting the amount of new money that is committed. For example, a cereal manufacturer may limit advertising for a particular brand that appears to offer little opportunity for sales growth. Rather, the firm harvests cash from the brand, termed a “cash cow," in order to have funds available for more promising brands.

Case Study Companies typically choose a harvest strategy for mature products that remain profitable but offer little potential for growth. Rather than pour additional funds into research and marketing, the firms choose to continue selling these products and harvest the cash they generate for supplementing the budgets of more promising products. A harvest strategy was chosen by Kodak for what had historically been its most profitable product, film. As businesses and consumers moved from film to digital photography, Kodak's major products faced a bleak future with deteriorating revenues. To meet this challenge, Kodak management chose to make a major push into digital photography. The firm announced that it would no longer sell film-based cameras in the United States, Western Europe, and Canada. Later the company said it would stop promoting film, although this former flagship product would continue to be sold. Reflecting Kodak's new direction, research and development spending by the firm's Film & Photofinishing Systems Group declined from $155 million in 2004 to $40 million in 2006. During the same period, R&D spending by the Consumer Digital Imaging Group increased from $164 million to $171 million.
Except the only group the benefiting from harvesting this country are the wealthy.

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