10:30 EST Today the curtain will be open

Ryan need to drop the speech about choice has been moved to someone else to: "Yes, we janked the fucking money. They don't have the money any more. There is no decision to make, there is no money any more."
Time for amendments. As much as no one is looking for me to go through each and every amendment let me just say this part is just flat painful part of the whole 9 hours, or whatever it is this year. The consolation is that this budget would never actually get enacted.

First amendment is to end the sequester. To let you know what happens. Party line vote, amendment not adopted, next.
No, they have not.

"The first budget from Senate Democrats in four years includes nearly $1 trillion in new taxes but would not balance the budget."

Senate Democrats? budget includes nearly $1 trillion in new taxes - The Hill's On The Money

Closing loopholes that are being abused non-stop by greedy corporations and the rich to pay nothing in taxes isn't raising taxes.

The democratic plan cuts it's straight down the middle as usual. Half cuts, half new revenues. If the GOP shoots it down, it will again prove they don't give a damn about fiscal responsibility, and only about kissing the shoes of their corporate masters.

The dem plan doesn't reduce the deficit even with increased taxes. But that's what's to be expected by the dems. O already got his tax increases but yet he still sings the same old tired song of let's soak the rich, divide, and so on.

It pays down the deficit substantially, but it's going to take a while to end the Bush spending nightmare.

The GOP refuses to cut and all they want to do is spend, spend, spend, and then when they have nothing else to do, spend some more.

If the GOP trash wasn't holding up the freedom fighters, we would be well on our way to paying off the debt by now.
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OK, just one. There is no money in the entire U.S. budget to end the sequester on the military, according to the Republicans in the Budget Committee anyway. I would like those members to issue a statement to all the people furloughed and the damage they do to the military and the intelligence community why they have to take the hit so the wealth can get a tax cut. So when someone dies because of lack of capacity so rich tea party fucker should have another sip of his tea in gratitude. This is not hyperbole people cut with a meat ax people die. What the fuck gives the tea party the right to think they can put Americans in unnecessary harms way.
Rep. Flores (R) comes from a district, 17th Texas, whose median income is $35,253 and he is arguing for the corporate jet industry over helping the middle-class. Wonder who paid for his election. Whoever it was sure got their money's worth.

Looks like I found out.
Large Individual Contributions $716,189 (55%)
In a district where the median income which individuals was that?

That fucker is getting rich off the manipulation of the people of the 17th district. Bet he had one sweet campaign.


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Fuck the intelligence community. People in the private sector that fail to the extent the CIA, NSA and Heritage Foundation have tend to find themselves on the street looking for somewhere else to hide their incompetence for money. '

But I digress...

The sequester didn't cut anything except future spending. Every job lost is lost to past incompetence, not future lack of money that never existed.
Looked up this guy by mistake but since I found him anyway:

2012 Race: Texas District 25
Roger Williams (R) Winner
Large Contributions --- $1,316,360 --- (42%)

Characteristics / Households Receiving SNAP Households / Not Receiving SNAP / Total
Median income (dollars) / $20,342.00 / $51,783.00 / $48,554.00


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This was the guy I was looking for. A real anti-government type guy.

Reid Ribble (WI-08) (R)
Median income --- $43,274
Individual contributions Large Contributions --- $1,029,154 --- (44%)
Flores just mentioned that the sequester wasn't so bad. Wonder if he going to sing the same song after April 27th? (that's the day after April 26th)
Median income --- $44,193
Large Individual Contributions --- $1,251,951 (52%)
How do you know when your budget sucks. When not a single Committee member from the other side will vote for it. Not ONE. Not even close. Might want to also prep the people who do the staff walkthrough a little better. If they can answer some of the most basic question then I smell a skunk. If something means so much then one would be will to give up a little something to get some votes for it.

Isn't that guy's time up yet?
Fuck the intelligence community. People in the private sector that fail to the extent the CIA, NSA and Heritage Foundation have tend to find themselves on the street looking for somewhere else to hide their incompetence for money. '

But I digress...

The sequester didn't cut anything except future spending. Every job lost is lost to past incompetence, not future lack of money that never existed.

Dropping down the DoD and Intel zero is something fine to do in a budget. (more or less) It should be done with the input from the Departments. Sequestering it is dangerous. All I'm sayin'.
How many Republican Representatives give that little corporate jet loophole speech to their below $50K median income constitutes? Probably not many. They know that the people who bought them watch C-SPAN and that the people who bought them don't give a shit what they tell the constitutes. And the constitutes? Fuck 'em. The 47%ers dumb enough to vote for a Republican bankrolled by a millionaire deserves whatever they get. Right? Hey maybe someday they will get a job wiping the windshield of a Gulfstream 550.

I got nothing against the jet, but a tax loophole for it??? That's in addition to all the business deductions for business travel.


Golly it MUST be hard to be you kid......you must have the weight of the entire world on your shoulders...trying to drag the rest of us into your light....and us unwashed flyover people rejecting your attempts to help us....you must feel so.......frustrated.

No, just kidding, you are an idiot.

Wonder when we can get a gander at the Dem budget??

Oh wait. I forgot. They don't have one. Hell. They haven't had one for, what ,five years

Silly me.

I linked to it in another topic yesterday.

I guess you are one of those ones who gets their information pre-chewed.
Hey, Price. Why not free up the student loans? He must not have a loan right before they changed it. The banks were completely screwing the loan holders. They changed rates randomly. They even charged a fee for making a payment too early. I will go through logic the bank gave for that if you're interested. The banks were ruthless, bloodsucking leaches. Just ask anyone who had a load at that time.
Golly it MUST be hard to be you kid......you must have the weight of the entire world on your shoulders...trying to drag the rest of us into your light....and us unwashed flyover people rejecting your attempts to help us....you must feel so.......frustrated.

No, just kidding, you are an idiot.

Wonder when we can get a gander at the Dem budget??

Oh wait. I forgot. They don't have one. Hell. They haven't had one for, what ,five years

Silly me.

I linked to it in another topic yesterday.

I guess you are one of those ones who gets their information pre-chewed.

Did you get your quote wrong? We're you referring to me? I'll answer anyway. You might have noticed I do that kind of thing. 2004 was rough. 2008 wasn't so bad. 2012 was up and down but all in all not bad for how it turned out. Normally I ignore this stuff between presidential elections but Benghazi kept me in and I haven't been able to pull myself out yet. The weight? I think it is getting easier as time goes on. :D
Closing loopholes that are being abused non-stop by greedy corporations and the rich to pay nothing in taxes isn't raising taxes.

The democratic plan cuts it's straight down the middle as usual. Half cuts, half new revenues. If the GOP shoots it down, it will again prove they don't give a damn about fiscal responsibility, and only about kissing the shoes of their corporate masters.

The dem plan doesn't reduce the deficit even with increased taxes. But that's what's to be expected by the dems. O already got his tax increases but yet he still sings the same old tired song of let's soak the rich, divide, and so on.

It pays down the deficit substantially, but it's going to take a while to end the Bush spending nightmare.

The GOP refuses to cut and all they want to do is spend, spend, spend, and then when they have nothing else to do, spend some more.

If the GOP trash wasn't holding up the freedom fighters, we would be well on our way to paying off the debt by now.

Which alternate universe do you live in again??

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