10 States will decide the 2024 Election

Yeah, no way the Democratic Party would ever resort to cheating. It is just impossible, given the moral, upstanding, God fearing character their policies promote. ;)
Sorry snowflake, these things..don't happen.
Put forth better candidates that aren't picked from the whack-a-doodle of the month club...and you might find yourself winning elections again. :)
Sorry snowflake, these things..don't happen.
Put forth better candidates that aren't picked from the whack-a-doodle of the month club...and you might find yourself winning elections again. :)

Biden is a demented, racist, corrupt career politician and yet Democrats love him. They would vote for him again, despite these flaws and thus giving Kamala Harris a good chance of becoming President of the US. Talk about a whack-a-doodle.
Biden is a demented, racist, corrupt career politician and yet Democrats love him. They would vote for him again, despite these flaws and thus giving Kamala Harris a good chance of becoming President of the US. Talk about a whack-a-doodle.
If the choice is between the serial grifter and the serial politician...then yes, they will vote for the serial politician.
That's just a given. No one wants to see another four years of the grifter. :)
CALL: "It allows Democrats to streamline the fix and and concentrate their harvesting, mass mail-in balloting and phony water main breaks...."

RESPONSE: 'Sorry Skippy, ......I we don’t engage in stolen election fantasies'
Only Putin steals elections

But rest assured, there is no election fraud!


There is no way these people truly believe the junk they spew. If the Republicans pulled exactly the same shenanigans that Democrats pulled in 2016, they would be up in arms. They are mindless bots who don't care one iota about the integrity of the elections as long as they win. They are too shallow to see the danger a non-secure election poses to our entire country. Any effort by Republican to secure elections is met by the infamous "disenfranchisement" foolishness and many of these people actually by it. Sheeple.
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If the choice is between the serial grifter and the serial politician...then yes, they will vote for the serial politician.
That's just a given. No one wants to see another four years of the grifter. :)

You left out corrupt and demented. Those are important pieces.

I would LOVE to see Trump over Biden. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells they can rub together than hasn't been fully indoctrinated should want the same. Not sure what planet you live on, but the 3 years prior to COVID under Trump were far and away superior in every regard than the first 3(almost) under Biden. Think for yourself. Check your grocery bills. Check your gas bills. Read about foreign affairs. Nobody who doesn't let the MSM form their thoughts wants Biden back.
The two major candidates are both a few months away from statistically probable death and we are to believe polls made now for an election over a year away?
There is no way these people truly believe the junk they spew. If the Republicans did exactly the same shenanigans that Democrats pulled in 2016, they would be up in arms. They are mindless bots who don't care one iota about the integrity of the elections as long as they win. They are too shallow to see the danger a non-secure election poses to our entire country. Any effort by Republican to secure elections is met by the infamous "disenfranchisement" foolishness and many of these actually by it. Sheeple.
Our elections are among the most secure in the world. There is no massive fraud. No ballot harvesting. No phantom voting machines changing votes.
Shenanigans????---you were breathing and conscious during the 2020 election and the immediate aftermath, weren't you?? :)

Trump lost. And then, you sheep lost your friggin minds. Even more so than in 2008 when a black man was elected to the White House.
Every down ballot Republican seemed to do Ok in their re-election bid...but no.....there was massive fraud. The Savior lost!!

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