10 States will decide the 2024 Election

You need to hurry up get new covid fear going winger. For mail in Harvestm... ooops votes
Nope. Give example of firgery on a massive scale. Its a Felony. Its identity theft. It is known by the IRS and Govt. But they dont vote too right lmao.

Bus them in to New York get free DL for public safety. Wink. And of course they dont vote.

Its been going on since Reagan

Stolen election fantasy
You dont have a single piece of proof

Still waiting for your explanation of how an illegal ballot dump works
Stolen election fantasy
You dont have a single piece of proof

Still waiting for your explanation of how an illegal ballot dump works
Lol tell how that leaky faucet flooded Folsum Stadium and DNC counters Braved the flood all night sending home RNC counters for their own safety.

They were HEROES huh. Did you give them a medal for it??
The Electoral Vote makes your individual vote worthless
Actaully, the Electoral Vote makes your individual vote worth more. In a national popular vote, your vote is only one in 150 million. In a state vote for Electors, your individual vote is worth a much higher percentage of the total, not to mention the fact that only a plurality votes is required.
Actaully, the Electoral Vote makes your individual vote worth more. In a national popular vote, your vote is only one in 150 million. In a state vote for Electors, your individual vote is worth a much higher percentage of the total, not to mention the fact that only a plurality votes is required.
If you voted for the guy who didn’t win your state, you didn’t vote at all.
You will have to be more specific..which gop moron? Our lt gov is a winner
His name is robinson...

From Wikipedia:


Political views and remarks​

Robinson promoted his persona as a "brash and unfiltered conservative culture warrior".[23] He opposes abortion,[24] promotes climate change denial,[25] and opposes the legalization of recreational marijuana.[26] He has indicated that he wants to remove science and social studies from first through fifth grade curriculum, abolish the State Board of Education, and expand charter schools and school voucher programs, potentially supplanting the public school system.[27]

Robinson's past antisemitic comments have drawn scrutiny and condemnation.[23][28] He claimed that the Marvel movie Black Panther was "created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic Marxists" that was "only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets" (using a Yiddish word for Black).[29][24] Robinson also appeared at an interview with fringe pastor Sean Moon, who claimed that he planned to become "king of the United States"; in the interview, Moon claimed that the Rothschild family was one of the "four horsemen of the apocalypse" and promoted the antisemitic conspiracy theory of a cabal of Jewish "international bankers" who rule every country's central bank. Robinson endorsed Moon's claim as "exactly right".[28] Robinson's statements, as well as his refusal to apologize for or retract them, drew much concern from the leaders of North Carolina's Jewish community.[23] He later apologized for the comments about Black Panther, saying his words did not reflect his intended message.[27]

On his Facebook page, which has more than 100,000 followers, Robinson's posts, which have impugned transgender people, Muslims, former President Barack Obama, and African-Americans who support Democrats, have drawn criticism.[29] Robinson accused people "who support this mass delusion called transgenderism" of seeking "to glorify Satan".[29] Robinson called former President Obama "a worthless, anti-American atheist"[29] and posted "birther" memes;[24] accused American Muslims of being "INVADERS" who "refuse to assimilate to our ways while demanding respect they have not earned"; called Michelle Obama a man; and disparaged Joy Behar and Maxine Waters in crude terms.[29] After the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting, Robinson wrote that "Homosexuality is STILL an abominable sin and I WILL NOT join in 'celebrating gay pride.'"[24] In 2020, Robinson asserted that the coronavirus was a "globalist" conspiracy to defeat Donald Trump, and dismissed the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, writing, "The looming pandemic I'm most worried about is SOCIALISM."[24] In 2022, after U.S. House speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband was violently assaulted at home, Robinson made light of the attack and posted falsehoods about it.[30]

Over seven years, Robinson used his Facebook page to attack immigrants, members of the LGBT community, Jews, and Black people. In a 2013 post, he said the slogan "white pride" was not racist, writing: "I am TIRED of blacks and mexicans running around shouting about being proud of their race."[31] Robinson later wrote, "Note to liberals; I'll accept "Gay Pride" when you accept "White Pride"."[31] In other posts, Robinson mocked Chinese accents; referred to African-Americans using ethnic slurs (including "muddle headed negroes," "apes," and "a monkey").[31] He also promoted various conspiracy theories, including claims that the Bill Cosby sexual assault allegations were orchestrated by "the Illuminati"; that Ellen DeGeneres was a "top ranking demon ... proudly serving in Satan's army"; and that the 2016 Summer Olympics opening ceremony featured "occult symbols."[31] Referring to abortion, he also wrote that the African-American community "murders its children by the millions."[31]

In 2020, the Charlotte Observer editorial board described Robinson's posts as "cringeworthy" and "an embarrassment,"[32] while the state Democratic Party called them "homophobic, anti-Semitic, and downright unhinged."[28] Robinson's posts were also criticized by Equality North Carolina and Jewish community leaders in North Carolina.[29][33] Robinson declined to apologize for his posts, saying, "I'm not ashamed of anything that I post."[25][29]

Robinson defended the Kent State massacre of 1970, in which National Guardsmen killed several students at Ohio's Kent State University who were protesting the Vietnam War. After the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Robinson mocked the teenage survivors, repeatedly disparaging them in personal terms,[34] calling the Parkland survivors "spoiled, angry, know it all CHILDREN"; "spoiled little bastards"; and "media prosti-tots".[34] He has additionally stated that mass shootings are "karma" for abortion, and has baselessly placed blame for them on gun safety activists, with no evidence to support his statements.[35]

On June 23, 2023, Robinson delivered remarks at a conference hosted by Moms for Liberty in which he encouraged the reading of the writings of several 20th-century dictators, stating, "Here’s the thing....Whether you’re talking about Adolf Hitler, whether you’re talking about Chairman Mao, whether you’re talking about Stalin, whether you’re talking about Pol Pot, whether you’re talking about Castro in Cuba, or whether you’re talking about a dozen other despots all around the globe, it is time for us to get back and start reading some of those quotes." The comments sparked another controversy, with media sources expressing concern over whether he may have implied the aforementioned 20th-century dictators were misunderstood or being taken out of context, in addition to the fact that he promoted the reading of their ideas at all.[36][37]

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