10 Ways the Left Has Politicized the Coronavirus Pandemic


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
The incessant lies and partisan attacks by the perpetually miserable democrats are exposed here, all fully linked sources:

PJ Media

10 Ways the Left Has Politicized the Coronavirus Pandemic

By Matt Margolis March 16, 2020


It was disgusting to see the way Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders politicized the coronavirus pandemic during their debate Sunday night. I expected as much, to be honest.

A public health crisis is no time for partisanship. Sadly, for the left, they saw the coronavirus pandemic was just another opportunity for them to take down Trump. From the Russian collusion hoax to the bogus impeachment, they’ve tried relentlessly to find something to not just damage him, but to end his presidency.

The left’s politicization of the coronavirus pandemic has taken many forms, and I’ve compiled the most significant examples below.

10. Wishing infection on Trump supporters

In a now-deleted tweet, liberal activist Susan Daniel declared, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I'm attending every MAGA rally I can."

As bad as that was, Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca apparently thought it was appropriate to retweet the disgusting comment on her official Twitter account:


9. Prioritizing political correctness over the public health

Is political correctness in the middle of a pandemic helpful? It’s not. Getting offended by language is a distraction from the real problem, but that hasn’t stopped Democrats from doing just that.

There is no doubt that the coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. Yet, at some point during the outbreak, the Democrats and the media decided that to refer to the virus as the “Wuhan virus” or the “Chinese virus” was racist--at least when Republicans said it. Democrats were triggered when congressman Dr. Paul Gosar announced he would self-quarantine and referred to the virus as the “Wuhan virus.” House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy was similarly accused of racism when he referred to it as the “Chinese coronavirus,” prompting Democrats to call for an apology.

The joke was on the Democrats in the end. For weeks, members of the media were referring to the virus as the Wuhan or Chinese coronavirus, without any such outrage from the Democrats.

Similarly, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez found herself eating crow after she called on the public to eat at home for public safety mere days after accusing the public of being racist for not eating at Chinese restaurants.

But it doesn’t stop with allegations of racism. The left has made diversity (or lack thereof) a theme of their coronavirus attacks, taking their Trump Derangement Syndrome to a new level of absurdity.

CNN beclowned itself by complaining that Trump’s coronavirus taskforce lacked diversity compared to Obama’s 2014 Ebola virus task force, lamenting the team was made up of a bunch of old white men.

Famed horror author Stephen King similarly made a fool of himself after complaining about the lack of diversity on the coronavirus task force, though he was promptly called out on Twitter, with people showing photos of the team, which included both minorities and women. PJM’s Megan Fox rightly noted King’s hypocrisy on this issue as it was only this past January when he said he does not take diversity into account when nominating for the Oscars. “I would never consider diversity in matters of art. Only quality. It seems to me that to do otherwise would be wrong.” But apparently considering diversity on issues of public health is okay?

8. Rampant lying about Trump’s response

LINK for the rest of the sordid list


It took Trump less than two weeks to declare Emergency, while it took Obama SIX MONTHS to do that over a much more dangerous "Swine" Flu, that killed over 10,000 people.

The partisan hate against Trump is irrational and unproductive, heck it is making you appear brainless in full view.

People have to stop defending the ideology at all cost thinking, running on lies and omissions will come back bite you later.
The corona virus hype won't work either dems...you may as well go back to the Russia thing...Trump is not going to lose to the likes of you people....no matter what happens....you...back in the leadership is worse than anything we as a nation can imagine....
1-10 trying to blame Trump for it.....

Weaponized flu virus = what COMMIES cook up with our money.......

Trust commies/big government supporters??

A human would be unimaginably dumb to do that....
The people know what we need to do...we need to tighten our borders....and the dems will never do that...ever....so Trump wins this one hands down....
From your link:

Matt Margolis is author of Trumping Obama: How President Trump Saved Us From Barack Obama's Legacy, the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama and The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama. He lives with his family on a vineyard near Buffalo, New York.

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From your link:

Matt Margolis is author of Trumping Obama: How President Trump Saved Us From Barack Obama's Legacy, the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama and The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama. He lives with his family on a vineyard near Buffalo, New York.

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So what... He summarized the lies you all are using quite well.. Can you refute the facts he has laid out?
There's no actual scientific data or numbers on their 'flattening the curve'' propaganda graph(s).

All the graphs really demonstrate is a glorified pictoral representation of their political aspirations with regard to the healthcare system.


Check any so-called "flattening the curve'' propaganda graph. There's no actual scientific data. There's no numbers on any of them. All any of those propaganda graphs show us are a pictoral of someone's political opinion.

Here, check any 'flattening the curve'' graph....

flattening the curve graph - Google Search
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The Democrats have indeed played the political game well as Trump blew his chance to display leadership by downplaying the situation early on. I also have to hand it to GOP governors who are looking good in their choice of handling things responsibly.
From your link:

Matt Margolis is author of Trumping Obama: How President Trump Saved Us From Barack Obama's Legacy, the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama and The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama. He lives with his family on a vineyard near Buffalo, New York.

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Then you have no counterpoint to offer, thank you for that empty drivel.

We are in uncharted water now. When viewing Trump's performance on the emergency from a standpoint of hindsight, I'm sure there will be plenty of things that he could have done better. However, it's probably not near as bad as the left want to make out.
There's no actual scientific data or numbers on their 'flattening the curve'' media propaganda graph.

All it really is is a glorified pictoral representation of their political aspirations.


Check any so-called "flattening the curve'' propaganda graph. There's no actual scientific date. There's no numbers on it.

flattening the curve graph - Google Search
You really are ignorant of biological warfare..

Flattening the graph means to slow the number of cases so that there is not an over whelming spike we can not handle.

Italy is the one in red.. they left their borders open and had virtually no protective measures. Now people are dying because of their stupidity.

What we are doing in the US is slowing the spread and allowing it to burn out without creating a spike we can not handle.

I suggest you read up on biological warfare scenarios and how to handle them. There is ample scientific data to back up what they are doing.

Believing MSDNC or CNN was a serious mistake..
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How has the Right Politicized Corona virus?

1. Denying it is a problem
2. Saying it is nothing worse than the common cold or flu
3. Saying it is Obama’s fault
4. Saying Swine Flu was worse
5. Denying that a lack of tests is a problem
6. Saying it is all a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and the media
7. Telling people it will all go away in a few days
8. Mocking those who are taking it seriously
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Flattening the graph means to slow the number of cases so that there is not an over whelming spike we can not handle.

Oh, wait. Heh heh. Here they placed a scary picture on the same propaganda graph. Still no actual scientific data. No numbers. Still just a pictoral of someone's opinion accompanied by a catch phrase.

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How has the Right Politicized Corona virus?

1. Denying it is a problem
2. Saying it is nothing worse than the common cold or flu
3. Saying it is Obama’s fault
4. Saying Swine Flu was worse
5. Denying that a lack of tests is a problem
6. Saying it is all a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and the media
7. Telling people it will all go away in a few days

1) False
2) Misleading, since so far the common Flu season is far worse than COVD-19
3) I have not seen that absurd claim
4) It is was worse, over 12,000 people died, mostly under age 60, including a lot of children. COVD-19 death rate for children is near zero.
5) Testing is a DIAGNOSTIC tool, that doctors normally decide on.
6) Why promote this obvious lie?
7) Never seen it, probably another lie.

Meanwhile you didn't respond to the article in post one at all, does this mean you are here to push an useless deflection?

Try going for the truth next time, in place of partisan nonsense.
How has the Right Politicized Corona virus?

1. Denying it is a problem
2. Saying it is nothing worse than the common cold or flu
3. Saying it is Obama’s fault
4. Saying Swine Flu was worse
5. Denying that a lack of tests is a problem
6. Saying it is all a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and the media
7. Telling people it will all go away in a few days

1) False
2) Misleading, since so far the common Flu season is far worse than COVD-19
3) I have not seen that absurd claim
4) It is was worse, over 12,000 people died, mostly under age 60, including a lot of children. COVD-19 death rate for children is near zero.
5) Testing is a DIAGNOSTIC tool, that doctors normally decide on.
6) Why promote this obvious lie?
7) Never seen it, probably another lie.

Meanwhile you didn't respond to the article in post one at all, does this mean you are here to push an useless deflection?

Try going for the truth next time, in place of partisan nonsense.


Flattening the graph means to slow the number of cases so that there is not an over whelming spike we can not handle.

Oh, wait. Heh heh. Here they placed a scary picture on the same propaganda graph. Still no actual scientific data. No numbers. Still just a pictoral of someone's opinion accompanied by a catch phrase.


I was going to overlook your ignorant rant, but since the obvious point of the charts still eludes you, will have to help you understand why the "numbers" themselves were not necessary here.

From the LINK you didn't read,


What is 'flatten the curve'? The chart that shows how critical it is for everyone to fight coronavirus spread.

March 11, 2020, 11:15 AM PDT

By Denise Chow and Jason Abbruzzese


A mantra has emerged among health professionals calling for aggressive action on the coronavirus outbreak: "Flatten the curve."

The catchy phrase refers to a so-called epidemic curve that is commonly used to visualize responses to disease outbreaks — and illustrates why public and individual efforts to contain the spread of the virus are crucial.

It's all about speed.

While the virus can't be stopped in its tracks, it can be slowed. Stopping it from spreading quickly will help ensure that health care systems can cope with the strain of the outbreak.

But if everyone gets sick at once — represented in the chart as the sharp uptick — it's a problem.

Splitting the chart is a line: the finite capacity of the health care system. Above that line, it becomes far more challenging to treat both coronavirus patients and people sick with any other illnesses.

That leads to a need to "flatten the curve," or slow the infection rate, leaving health care systems better placed to treat people — and save lives.

LINK again
What is 'flatten the curve'? The chart that shows how critical it is for everyone to fight coronavirus spread.

As I said, a pictoral of someone's opinion.

No data. No numbers. Only an opinion. Props for trying to make it look all scientifical and stuff, though. lol.
How has the Right Politicized Corona virus?

1. Denying it is a problem
2. Saying it is nothing worse than the common cold or flu
3. Saying it is Obama’s fault
4. Saying Swine Flu was worse
5. Denying that a lack of tests is a problem
6. Saying it is all a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and the media
7. Telling people it will all go away in a few days

1) False
2) Misleading, since so far the common Flu season is far worse than COVD-19
3) I have not seen that absurd claim
4) It is was worse, over 12,000 people died, mostly under age 60, including a lot of children. COVD-19 death rate for children is near zero.
5) Testing is a DIAGNOSTIC tool, that doctors normally decide on.
6) Why promote this obvious lie?
7) Never seen it, probably another lie.

Meanwhile you didn't respond to the article in post one at all, does this mean you are here to push an useless deflection?

Try going for the truth next time, in place of partisan nonsense.



You're part of the problem. Fact is no one truly knows. Admit that.

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