10 Years Ago Dems Had the WH and Super Majority in Congress

Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.


Can't tell what rock you've been selectively hiding under but discussion of the Electrical College has been going on over TWO HUNDRED YEARS Dumbass. And the makeup of Congress has never had jack shit to do with that discussion.
There is no link to something that isn’t there, Dufus.

Sooooooooooooooooo you can't prove your negative claim that "there was no discussion of the Electoral College".

No shit.

You know, Pogtard, sometimes in life, things just are..and there is no URL link.

The sky is blue. It's muggy.

Hey, the poster claimed there was "no discussion". He's been proven wrong multiple times.
I gave him the chance to show his vacuum. He couldn't do it. So sue me.
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.


Can't tell what rock you've been selectively hiding under but discussion of the Electrical College has been going on over TWO HUNDRED YEARS Dumbass. And the makeup of Congress has never had jack shit to do with that discussion.
There is no link to something that isn’t there, Dufus.

Sooooooooooooooooo you can't prove your negative claim that "there was no discussion of the Electoral College".

No shit.

You know, Pogtard, sometimes in life, things just are..and there is no URL link.

The sky is blue. It's muggy.

Hey, the poster claimed there was "no discussion". He's been proven wrong multiple times.
I gave him the chance to show his vacuum. He couldn't do it. So sue me.

No, you need your balls busted a little more about that shit. :1peleas:
We never went to war with Libya
Bombing and occupying a country is an act of friendship, not war!

Good grief.

We never occupied Libya

Of course not, we just tampered with their election process. Apparently, that's bad.
When was that?

We weren't at war, we were just trying to change their leadership without waiting for their normal process. Ergo, what I said.
Actually, the USA bombed the hell out of Libyan forces that were defending the country against armed Al Qaeda forces that had attacked the police stations and government offices in eastern Libya with Al Qaeda sleeper cells.

To put it bluntly, the USA went to war allied on Al Qaeda's side of the war. Obama/Clinton/Rice helped Al Qaeda affiliates ISIL, and AQIM oust the legitimate democratically elected government of Libya.

When one country's military forces are in a protracted battle against another country's military forces, that is, by definition, a war. Rightwinger and francoHFW remain oblivious to that fact.
Bombing and occupying a country is an act of friendship, not war!

Good grief.

We never occupied Libya

Of course not, we just tampered with their election process. Apparently, that's bad.
When was that?

We weren't at war, we were just trying to change their leadership without waiting for their normal process. Ergo, what I said.
We didn't want Kadafi to Massacre his Rebels just stopped them in the nick of time., With the French and Italians. then a shitload of rebels and Freedom Fighters died but got rid of that f****** a****** terrorist dictator. We supplied them with weapons.

So it's okay for us to change another country's leadership for them when they pose no threat to us?
We didn't want Kadafi to Massacre his Rebels just stopped them in the nick of time.

Completely wrong as usual. Hillary admitted they took out Kadafi to protect Europe's oil, she claimed we owed it to Europe for supporting us in Afghanistan.
you idiots France the u.s. and Italy attacked a column of Tanks going into Benghazi and just bare saved the rebels there. Yes they are our allies LOL and Kadafi is not a democratic kind of guy
You can adore him if you like, brainwashed Republicans who wouldn't mind a dictatorship here for a while probably. Right wing Ignoramuses
You Republicans love keeping dictators in oil countries....

Who was that guy again, Saddam something or other? Wasn't he a dictator in an oil country?
Crazy Eyes is on record saying she thinks that ELO should take over the Electoral college.


But who can argue? They make such great music.
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We didn't want Kadafi to Massacre his Rebels just stopped them in the nick of time.

Completely wrong as usual. Hillary admitted they took out Kadafi to protect Europe's oil, she claimed we owed it to Europe for supporting us in Afghanistan.
you idiots France the u.s. and Italy attacked a column of Tanks going into Benghazi and just bare saved the rebels there. Yes they are our allies LOL and Kadafi is not a democratic kind of guy
You can adore him if you like, brainwashed Republicans who wouldn't mind a dictatorship here for a while probably. Right wing Ignoramuses
You Republicans love keeping dictators in oil countries....

Who was that guy again, Saddam something or other? Wasn't he a dictator in an oil country?
Uncle Saddam, Reagan's pal? You recognize the GOP is always a disaster the last 35 years?
the op is full of shit as usual --

President Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009 with just 58 Senators to support his agenda.

He should have had 59, but Republicans contested Al Franken’s election in Minnesota and he didn’t get seated for seven months.

The President’s cause was helped in April when Pennsylvania’s Republican Senator Arlen Specter switched parties.

That gave the President 59 votes — still a vote shy of the super majority.

But one month later, Democratic Senator Byrd of West Virginia was hospitalized and was basically out of commission.

So while the President’s number on paper was 59 Senators — he was really working with just 58 Senators.

Then in July, Minnesota Senator Al Franken was finally sworn in, giving President Obama the magic 60 — but only in theory, because Senator Byrd was still out.

In August, Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts died and the number went back down to 59 again until Paul Kirk temporarily filled Kennedy’s seat in September.

Any pretense of a supermajority ended on February 4, 2010 when Republican Scott Brown was sworn into the seat Senator Kennedy once held.'

Do you see a two-year supermajority?

hell no because there wasnt one, and the Republicans filibustered over 400 times - supermajority congresses cant be filibustered.

Dishonest F'n Republicans are low life liars.

The End
We didn't want Kadafi to Massacre his Rebels just stopped them in the nick of time.

Completely wrong as usual. Hillary admitted they took out Kadafi to protect Europe's oil, she claimed we owed it to Europe for supporting us in Afghanistan.
you idiots France the u.s. and Italy attacked a column of Tanks going into Benghazi and just bare saved the rebels there. Yes they are our allies LOL and Kadafi is not a democratic kind of guy
You can adore him if you like, brainwashed Republicans who wouldn't mind a dictatorship here for a while probably. Right wing Ignoramuses
You Republicans love keeping dictators in oil countries....

Who was that guy again, Saddam something or other? Wasn't he a dictator in an oil country?
And Saudi Arabia and every Arab country that has oil- Nixon's pal the shah. Eisenhower and Dulles screwed over Iran in 1953 to put him in.
Bombing and occupying a country is an act of friendship, not war!

Good grief.

We never occupied Libya

Of course not, we just tampered with their election process. Apparently, that's bad.
When was that?

We weren't at war, we were just trying to change their leadership without waiting for their normal process. Ergo, what I said.
Actually, the USA bombed the hell out of Libyan forces that were defending the country against armed Al Qaeda forces that had attacked the police stations and government offices in eastern Libya with Al Qaeda sleeper cells.

To put it bluntly, the USA went to war allied on Al Qaeda's side of the war. Obama/Clinton/Rice helped Al Qaeda affiliates ISIL, and AQIM oust the legitimate democratically elected government of Libya.

When one country's military forces are in a protracted battle against another country's military forces, that is, by definition, a war. Rightwinger and francoHFW remain oblivious to that fact.
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
We never went to war with Libya

I guess this is how you spell peace.

U.S. Bombs ISIS Camps in Libya
By Eric Schmitt and Michael R. Gordon
Jan. 19, 2017

WASHINGTON — Two United States Air Force B-2 bombers attacked Islamic State training camps in Libya overnight, killing more than 80 militants, including some who were involved in plotting terrorist attacks in Europe, the Pentagon said on Thursday.

The attack, which also included strikes by armed reaper drones flying from a base in Sicily, was a parting shot from President Obama at the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, and one of his final actions as commander in chief.

“We need to strike ISIL everywhere they show up,” Ashton B. Carter, the departing defense secretary, told reporters. “We know that some of the ISIL operatives in Libya were involved in plotting attacks in Europe.”

Islamic State fighters were driven out of Surt, the group’s coastal stronghold, last year by Libyan fighters backed by American air power. After conducting 495 strikes against truck bombs, heavy guns, tanks and command bunkers in the city, the Pentagon’s Africa Command announced an end to air operations on Dec. 19

U.S. Bombs ISIS Camps in Libya
they only care when they aren't able to shove their radical agenda down our throats

bonus, there was also zero talk about bipartisanship or reaching across the aisle as they took over 1/5 of the economy with the abortion of a program called Obamacare...
I remember the statement " You have to pass the bill before you know what is in it" Most stupid statement made in the House in 44 years.
the op is full of shit as usual --

President Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009 with just 58 Senators to support his agenda.

He should have had 59, but Republicans contested Al Franken’s election in Minnesota and he didn’t get seated for seven months.

The President’s cause was helped in April when Pennsylvania’s Republican Senator Arlen Specter switched parties.

That gave the President 59 votes — still a vote shy of the super majority.

But one month later, Democratic Senator Byrd of West Virginia was hospitalized and was basically out of commission.

So while the President’s number on paper was 59 Senators — he was really working with just 58 Senators.

Then in July, Minnesota Senator Al Franken was finally sworn in, giving President Obama the magic 60 — but only in theory, because Senator Byrd was still out.

In August, Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts died and the number went back down to 59 again until Paul Kirk temporarily filled Kennedy’s seat in September.

Any pretense of a supermajority ended on February 4, 2010 when Republican Scott Brown was sworn into the seat Senator Kennedy once held.'

Do you see a two-year supermajority?

hell no because there wasnt one, and the Republicans filibustered over 400 times - supermajority congresses cant be filibustered.

Dishonest F'n Republicans are low life liars.

The End

Boy, those names bring back some memories.

Al Franken, a failed comedian and politician who sexually assaulted women. The idiot could have stayed in office longer than Robert Byrd and no one in the DNC would have cared.

Arlen Specter? Yea, this was the guy that Obama wanted to get reelected, so he tried to pay off his democrat rival to pull out of the race to win the DNC primary, only, the democrat refused and made it public that Obama was trying to buy off the election and won the DNC primary. Naturally, no one cared that Obama and company was engaged in such illegal activity..

Ted Kennedy? Mr. drive the car off the pier and let the woman drown and make a call to your lawyer in the morning. Yep, they kept electing him anyway. Again, no one cared. Oh, and Scott Brown won because he ran against Obamacare. He should have been able to stop the legislation because the liberals in MA were happy with their Romneycare. But alas, the Dims just used Reconciliation to bypass the democratic vote of the people of MA.

Robert Byrd? A former member of the KKK who stayed in office till he was 134 year old and died. Why? It's because if you are democrat you can be a member of the KKK, but if you are a Republican and say, "Don't monkey this up", you are a flaming racist that need to be expunged from society. Just falsely slander them and destroy their reputation for life.

Republicans are liars? Well hell, everyone is at least some points in their life, but this can not be said for the list of offenses I have just presented. This takes a special kind of gutter group of dregs of society to be elected as a democrat to Congress.
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We never occupied Libya

Of course not, we just tampered with their election process. Apparently, that's bad.
When was that?

We weren't at war, we were just trying to change their leadership without waiting for their normal process. Ergo, what I said.
Actually, the USA bombed the hell out of Libyan forces that were defending the country against armed Al Qaeda forces that had attacked the police stations and government offices in eastern Libya with Al Qaeda sleeper cells.

To put it bluntly, the USA went to war allied on Al Qaeda's side of the war. Obama/Clinton/Rice helped Al Qaeda affiliates ISIL, and AQIM oust the legitimate democratically elected government of Libya.

When one country's military forces are in a protracted battle against another country's military forces, that is, by definition, a war. Rightwinger and francoHFW remain oblivious to that fact.
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
the op is full of shit as usual --

President Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009 with just 58 Senators to support his agenda.

He should have had 59, but Republicans contested Al Franken’s election in Minnesota and he didn’t get seated for seven months.

The President’s cause was helped in April when Pennsylvania’s Republican Senator Arlen Specter switched parties.

That gave the President 59 votes — still a vote shy of the super majority.

But one month later, Democratic Senator Byrd of West Virginia was hospitalized and was basically out of commission.

So while the President’s number on paper was 59 Senators — he was really working with just 58 Senators.

Then in July, Minnesota Senator Al Franken was finally sworn in, giving President Obama the magic 60 — but only in theory, because Senator Byrd was still out.

In August, Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts died and the number went back down to 59 again until Paul Kirk temporarily filled Kennedy’s seat in September.

Any pretense of a supermajority ended on February 4, 2010 when Republican Scott Brown was sworn into the seat Senator Kennedy once held.'

Do you see a two-year supermajority?

hell no because there wasnt one, and the Republicans filibustered over 400 times - supermajority congresses cant be filibustered.

Dishonest F'n Republicans are low life liars.

The End

Boy, those names bring back some memories.

Al Franken, a failed comedian and politician who sexually assaulted women

Ted Kennedy. Mr. drive the car off the pier and let the woman drown and make a call to your lawyer in the morning. Yep, they kept electing him. Oh, and Scott Brown won because he ran against Obamacare. He should have been able to stop the legislation because the liberals in MA were happy with their Romneycare. But alas, the Dims just used Reconciliation to bypass the democratic vote of the people of MA.

Robert Byrd. A former member of the KKK who stayed in office till he was 134 year old and died. Why? It's because if you are democrat you can be a member of the KKK, but if you are a Republican and say, "Don't monkey this up", you are a flaming racist that need to be expunged from society.

Republicans are liars? Well hell, everyone is at least some points in their life, but this can not be said for the list of offenses I have just presented. This takes a special kind of gutter group of dregs of society to be elected as a democrat to Congress.

RW's make a living telling lies to prop up the party. Your opinion does nothing to dispute the facts.
the op is full of shit as usual --

President Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009 with just 58 Senators to support his agenda.

He should have had 59, but Republicans contested Al Franken’s election in Minnesota and he didn’t get seated for seven months.

The President’s cause was helped in April when Pennsylvania’s Republican Senator Arlen Specter switched parties.

That gave the President 59 votes — still a vote shy of the super majority.

But one month later, Democratic Senator Byrd of West Virginia was hospitalized and was basically out of commission.

So while the President’s number on paper was 59 Senators — he was really working with just 58 Senators.

Then in July, Minnesota Senator Al Franken was finally sworn in, giving President Obama the magic 60 — but only in theory, because Senator Byrd was still out.

In August, Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts died and the number went back down to 59 again until Paul Kirk temporarily filled Kennedy’s seat in September.

Any pretense of a supermajority ended on February 4, 2010 when Republican Scott Brown was sworn into the seat Senator Kennedy once held.'

Do you see a two-year supermajority?

hell no because there wasnt one, and the Republicans filibustered over 400 times - supermajority congresses cant be filibustered.

Dishonest F'n Republicans are low life liars.

The End

Boy, those names bring back some memories.

Al Franken, a failed comedian and politician who sexually assaulted women

Ted Kennedy. Mr. drive the car off the pier and let the woman drown and make a call to your lawyer in the morning. Yep, they kept electing him. Oh, and Scott Brown won because he ran against Obamacare. He should have been able to stop the legislation because the liberals in MA were happy with their Romneycare. But alas, the Dims just used Reconciliation to bypass the democratic vote of the people of MA.

Robert Byrd. A former member of the KKK who stayed in office till he was 134 year old and died. Why? It's because if you are democrat you can be a member of the KKK, but if you are a Republican and say, "Don't monkey this up", you are a flaming racist that need to be expunged from society.

Republicans are liars? Well hell, everyone is at least some points in their life, but this can not be said for the list of offenses I have just presented. This takes a special kind of gutter group of dregs of society to be elected as a democrat to Congress.

RW's make a living telling lies to prop up the party. Your opinion does nothing to dispute the facts.

There is a difference between lying and misspeaking.

But naturally, Dims tend to turn to slandering people' character instead of engaging in meaningful debate.

But in their defense, what else to they have other than accusing people of being a bigot, racist, misogynist, rapist, liar., etc., etc., etc. It's not like they can win a debate.
Of course not, we just tampered with their election process. Apparently, that's bad.
When was that?

We weren't at war, we were just trying to change their leadership without waiting for their normal process. Ergo, what I said.
Actually, the USA bombed the hell out of Libyan forces that were defending the country against armed Al Qaeda forces that had attacked the police stations and government offices in eastern Libya with Al Qaeda sleeper cells.

To put it bluntly, the USA went to war allied on Al Qaeda's side of the war. Obama/Clinton/Rice helped Al Qaeda affiliates ISIL, and AQIM oust the legitimate democratically elected government of Libya.

When one country's military forces are in a protracted battle against another country's military forces, that is, by definition, a war. Rightwinger and francoHFW remain oblivious to that fact.
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
When was that?

We weren't at war, we were just trying to change their leadership without waiting for their normal process. Ergo, what I said.
Actually, the USA bombed the hell out of Libyan forces that were defending the country against armed Al Qaeda forces that had attacked the police stations and government offices in eastern Libya with Al Qaeda sleeper cells.

To put it bluntly, the USA went to war allied on Al Qaeda's side of the war. Obama/Clinton/Rice helped Al Qaeda affiliates ISIL, and AQIM oust the legitimate democratically elected government of Libya.

When one country's military forces are in a protracted battle against another country's military forces, that is, by definition, a war. Rightwinger and francoHFW remain oblivious to that fact.
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
Besides a few days of Air Force work, we mainly Supplied the rebels with arms.
the op is full of shit as usual --

President Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009 with just 58 Senators to support his agenda.

He should have had 59, but Republicans contested Al Franken’s election in Minnesota and he didn’t get seated for seven months.

The President’s cause was helped in April when Pennsylvania’s Republican Senator Arlen Specter switched parties.

That gave the President 59 votes — still a vote shy of the super majority.

But one month later, Democratic Senator Byrd of West Virginia was hospitalized and was basically out of commission.

So while the President’s number on paper was 59 Senators — he was really working with just 58 Senators.

Then in July, Minnesota Senator Al Franken was finally sworn in, giving President Obama the magic 60 — but only in theory, because Senator Byrd was still out.

In August, Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts died and the number went back down to 59 again until Paul Kirk temporarily filled Kennedy’s seat in September.

Any pretense of a supermajority ended on February 4, 2010 when Republican Scott Brown was sworn into the seat Senator Kennedy once held.'

Do you see a two-year supermajority?

hell no because there wasnt one, and the Republicans filibustered over 400 times - supermajority congresses cant be filibustered.

Dishonest F'n Republicans are low life liars.

The End

Boy, those names bring back some memories.

Al Franken, a failed comedian and politician who sexually assaulted women

Ted Kennedy. Mr. drive the car off the pier and let the woman drown and make a call to your lawyer in the morning. Yep, they kept electing him. Oh, and Scott Brown won because he ran against Obamacare. He should have been able to stop the legislation because the liberals in MA were happy with their Romneycare. But alas, the Dims just used Reconciliation to bypass the democratic vote of the people of MA.

Robert Byrd. A former member of the KKK who stayed in office till he was 134 year old and died. Why? It's because if you are democrat you can be a member of the KKK, but if you are a Republican and say, "Don't monkey this up", you are a flaming racist that need to be expunged from society.

Republicans are liars? Well hell, everyone is at least some points in their life, but this can not be said for the list of offenses I have just presented. This takes a special kind of gutter group of dregs of society to be elected as a democrat to Congress.

RW's make a living telling lies to prop up the party. Your opinion does nothing to dispute the facts.

There is a difference between lying and misspeaking.

But naturally, Dims tend to turn to slandering people' character instead of engaging in meaningful debate.

But in their defense, what else to they have other than accusing people of being a bigot, racist, misogynist, rapist, liar., etc., etc., etc. It's not like they can win a debate.
actually you are the people saying Democrats are all criminals with no evidence and makeup phony scandals. The GOP propaganda machine not you super duper.
When was that?

We weren't at war, we were just trying to change their leadership without waiting for their normal process. Ergo, what I said.
Actually, the USA bombed the hell out of Libyan forces that were defending the country against armed Al Qaeda forces that had attacked the police stations and government offices in eastern Libya with Al Qaeda sleeper cells.

To put it bluntly, the USA went to war allied on Al Qaeda's side of the war. Obama/Clinton/Rice helped Al Qaeda affiliates ISIL, and AQIM oust the legitimate democratically elected government of Libya.

When one country's military forces are in a protracted battle against another country's military forces, that is, by definition, a war. Rightwinger and francoHFW remain oblivious to that fact.
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
You did not even know the US went to war against Libya until I told you. I think it is you who isn't very well read on the subject. I'd bet a dime to dollar that you haven't been to a library in many years.

Myself on the other hand, I've already read four complete books this week and it's barely Wednesday. Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War, End of an Era: How China's Authoritarian Revival is Undermining Its Rise, Operation Hotel California: The Clandestine War Inside Iraq and Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump Whitehouse.

And that's pretty typical. I usually read several books/week.
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