10 Years Ago Dems Had the WH and Super Majority in Congress


Can't tell what rock you've been selectively hiding under but discussion of the Electrical College has been going on over TWO HUNDRED YEARS Dumbass. And the makeup of Congress has never had jack shit to do with that discussion.
There is no link to something that isn’t there, Dufus.

Sooooooooooooooooo you can't prove your negative claim that "there was no discussion of the Electoral College".

No shit.

You know, Pogtard, sometimes in life, things just are..and there is no URL link.

The sky is blue. It's muggy.

Hey, the poster claimed there was "no discussion". He's been proven wrong multiple times.
I gave him the chance to show his vacuum. He couldn't do it. So sue me.

No, you need your balls busted a little more about that shit. :1peleas:

Hey, if you think he had a point, flesh it out.

Otherwise, busted. After review the call stands.
We weren't at war, we were just trying to change their leadership without waiting for their normal process. Ergo, what I said.
Actually, the USA bombed the hell out of Libyan forces that were defending the country against armed Al Qaeda forces that had attacked the police stations and government offices in eastern Libya with Al Qaeda sleeper cells.

To put it bluntly, the USA went to war allied on Al Qaeda's side of the war. Obama/Clinton/Rice helped Al Qaeda affiliates ISIL, and AQIM oust the legitimate democratically elected government of Libya.

When one country's military forces are in a protracted battle against another country's military forces, that is, by definition, a war. Rightwinger and francoHFW remain oblivious to that fact.
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
You did not even know the US went to war against Libya until I told you. I think it is you who isn't very well read on the subject. I'd bet a dime to dollar that you haven't been to a library in many years.
I have three library books right now and I have a masters in history. You are wrong always LOL Read Wikipedia Google Libyan Civil War
Actually, the USA bombed the hell out of Libyan forces that were defending the country against armed Al Qaeda forces that had attacked the police stations and government offices in eastern Libya with Al Qaeda sleeper cells.

To put it bluntly, the USA went to war allied on Al Qaeda's side of the war. Obama/Clinton/Rice helped Al Qaeda affiliates ISIL, and AQIM oust the legitimate democratically elected government of Libya.

When one country's military forces are in a protracted battle against another country's military forces, that is, by definition, a war. Rightwinger and francoHFW remain oblivious to that fact.
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
You did not even know the US went to war against Libya until I told you. I think it is you who isn't very well read on the subject. I'd bet a dime to dollar that you haven't been to a library in many years.
I have three library books right now and I have a masters in history. You are wrong always LOL Read Wikipedia Google Libyan Civil War
I don't believe that you've read any books at all in years, and that's why you are plugging Wikipedia. Unlike you, I am not a Wikidiot. Like all Wikidiots, you are a very disinformed person.

So why didn't you know that the US went to war in Libya?
Poor Al got thrown out 4 pretending to grab some actress's breasts horsing around visiting the troops. He got screwed

Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
You did not even know the US went to war against Libya until I told you. I think it is you who isn't very well read on the subject. I'd bet a dime to dollar that you haven't been to a library in many years.
I have three library books right now and I have a masters in history. You are wrong always LOL Read Wikipedia Google Libyan Civil War
I don't believe that you've read any books at all in years, and that's why you are plugging Wikipedia. Unlike you, I am not a Wikidiot. Like all Wikidiots, you are a very disinformed person.

So why didn't you know that the US went to war in Libya?
I call that a police action or a bombing campaign, super duper. I'm also reading a book about the Burma campaign in World War II where my father was. I I really don't care about Dupe's opinion.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
You did not even know the US went to war against Libya until I told you. I think it is you who isn't very well read on the subject. I'd bet a dime to dollar that you haven't been to a library in many years.
I have three library books right now and I have a masters in history. You are wrong always LOL Read Wikipedia Google Libyan Civil War
I don't believe that you've read any books at all in years, and that's why you are plugging Wikipedia. Unlike you, I am not a Wikidiot. Like all Wikidiots, you are a very disinformed person.

So why didn't you know that the US went to war in Libya?
I call that a police action or a bombing campaign, super duper. I'm also reading a book about the Burma campaign in World War II where my father was. I I really don't care about Dupe's opinion.
The terms "bombing campaign" and "war" are not mutually exclusive, fuckin' wikidiot.
Read something
You did not even know the US went to war against Libya until I told you. I think it is you who isn't very well read on the subject. I'd bet a dime to dollar that you haven't been to a library in many years.
I have three library books right now and I have a masters in history. You are wrong always LOL Read Wikipedia Google Libyan Civil War
I don't believe that you've read any books at all in years, and that's why you are plugging Wikipedia. Unlike you, I am not a Wikidiot. Like all Wikidiots, you are a very disinformed person.

So why didn't you know that the US went to war in Libya?
I call that a police action or a bombing campaign, super duper. I'm also reading a book about the Burma campaign in World War II where my father was. I I really don't care about Dupe's opinion.
The terms "bombing campaign" and "war" are not mutually exclusive, fuckin' wikidiot.
But certainly different when the bombing campaign is 3 or 4 days.
Read something
You did not even know the US went to war against Libya until I told you. I think it is you who isn't very well read on the subject. I'd bet a dime to dollar that you haven't been to a library in many years.
I have three library books right now and I have a masters in history. You are wrong always LOL Read Wikipedia Google Libyan Civil War
I don't believe that you've read any books at all in years, and that's why you are plugging Wikipedia. Unlike you, I am not a Wikidiot. Like all Wikidiots, you are a very disinformed person.

So why didn't you know that the US went to war in Libya?
I call that a police action or a bombing campaign, super duper. I'm also reading a book about the Burma campaign in World War II where my father was. I I really don't care about Dupe's opinion.
The terms "bombing campaign" and "war" are not mutually exclusive, fuckin' wikidiot.
Wikipedia is the best thing on the internet or the Britannica, look it up you rube.
You did not even know the US went to war against Libya until I told you. I think it is you who isn't very well read on the subject. I'd bet a dime to dollar that you haven't been to a library in many years.
I have three library books right now and I have a masters in history. You are wrong always LOL Read Wikipedia Google Libyan Civil War
I don't believe that you've read any books at all in years, and that's why you are plugging Wikipedia. Unlike you, I am not a Wikidiot. Like all Wikidiots, you are a very disinformed person.

So why didn't you know that the US went to war in Libya?
I call that a police action or a bombing campaign, super duper. I'm also reading a book about the Burma campaign in World War II where my father was. I I really don't care about Dupe's opinion.
The terms "bombing campaign" and "war" are not mutually exclusive, fuckin' wikidiot.
But certainly different when the bombing campaign is 3 or 4 days.
Howso, wikidiot?
You did not even know the US went to war against Libya until I told you. I think it is you who isn't very well read on the subject. I'd bet a dime to dollar that you haven't been to a library in many years.
I have three library books right now and I have a masters in history. You are wrong always LOL Read Wikipedia Google Libyan Civil War
I don't believe that you've read any books at all in years, and that's why you are plugging Wikipedia. Unlike you, I am not a Wikidiot. Like all Wikidiots, you are a very disinformed person.

So why didn't you know that the US went to war in Libya?
I call that a police action or a bombing campaign, super duper. I'm also reading a book about the Burma campaign in World War II where my father was. I I really don't care about Dupe's opinion.
The terms "bombing campaign" and "war" are not mutually exclusive, fuckin' wikidiot.
Wikipedia is the best thing on the internet or the Britannica, look it up you rube.
I'm sure a lot of wikidiots think so.
I have three library books right now and I have a masters in history. You are wrong always LOL Read Wikipedia Google Libyan Civil War
I don't believe that you've read any books at all in years, and that's why you are plugging Wikipedia. Unlike you, I am not a Wikidiot. Like all Wikidiots, you are a very disinformed person.

So why didn't you know that the US went to war in Libya?
I call that a police action or a bombing campaign, super duper. I'm also reading a book about the Burma campaign in World War II where my father was. I I really don't care about Dupe's opinion.
The terms "bombing campaign" and "war" are not mutually exclusive, fuckin' wikidiot.
Wikipedia is the best thing on the internet or the Britannica, look it up you rube.
I'm sure a lot of wikidiots think so.
Criminy what a jackass LOL
I don't believe that you've read any books at all in years, and that's why you are plugging Wikipedia. Unlike you, I am not a Wikidiot. Like all Wikidiots, you are a very disinformed person.

So why didn't you know that the US went to war in Libya?
I call that a police action or a bombing campaign, super duper. I'm also reading a book about the Burma campaign in World War II where my father was. I I really don't care about Dupe's opinion.
The terms "bombing campaign" and "war" are not mutually exclusive, fuckin' wikidiot.
Wikipedia is the best thing on the internet or the Britannica, look it up you rube.
I'm sure a lot of wikidiots think so.
Criminy what a jackass LOL
You are the jackass party apologist.


That was under the Bush Administration and brought up by a Democrat. Thus you just proved nothing, interesting post though.
Bombing and occupying a country is an act of friendship, not war!

Good grief.

We never occupied Libya

Of course not, we just tampered with their election process. Apparently, that's bad.
When was that?

We weren't at war, we were just trying to change their leadership without waiting for their normal process. Ergo, what I said.
We didn't want Kadafi to Massacre his Rebels just stopped them in the nick of time., With the French and Italians. then a shitload of rebels and Freedom Fighters died but got rid of that f****** a****** terrorist dictator. We supplied them with weapons.

We didn't want Kadafi to Massacre his Rebels just stopped them in the nick of time.

Completely wrong as usual. Hillary admitted they took out Kadafi to protect Europe's oil, she claimed we owed it to Europe for supporting us in Afghanistan.

You're both wrong. Khadafi was killed because as the head of the African Union, he was about to move all the countries in it to the gold standard and off the petrodollar. He had the gold and the banks in place. The global cabal of bankers couldn't be having that, so they had Hillary assassinate him.

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