10 Yr Old Rape Victim: A Terrible Tale of Illegal Immigration

Nope, the immigration status of this girl is completely irrelevant.

These are the laws your side wants- the ones that require people to have their rapist's babies.

If this were a nice white girl, it would be just as tragic... except she's have quietly flown to a free state to get her abortion.

There are a lot of people, from a lot of countries, that would like to come to America and live here.

As a nation, we should be very selective about what foreigners we let in. We should accept those who will be an asset to our country, who will improve the state of our society and our culture.

I don't know if it is a Guatemalan thing, or whether these are people who would have been considered the same kind of scumbags in their own country that they are seen as here by any sane, decent Americans; but though our careless neglect of our border security, we've let this bunch of filth in who think that it is OK to rape little girls.

These are not the kind of people that we should be letting into our country.

We've got a growing problem here, with our own breeds of sexual deviants and scumbags; we do not need to be importing them from other nations as well.
There are a lot of people, from a lot of countries, that would like to come to America and live here.

As a nation, we should be very selective about what foreigners we let in. We should accept those who will be an asset to our country, who will improve the state of our society and our culture.

Okay, then actually sit down and fix the immigration law above what Simpson-Mazolli letting the Foxes watch the henhouse. We only have an illegal problem because white people are hiring them.

I don't know if it is a Guatemalan thing, or whether these are people who would have been considered the same kind of scumbags in their own country that they are seen as here by any sane, decent Americans; but though our careless neglect of our border security, we've let this bunch of filth in who think that it is OK to rape little girls.
Guatemala is full of Mormons? Who would have thought it? I'll bet Mexicans thought the same thing when Brigham Young and his Mormon Legion crossed the border in 1847.

These are not the kind of people that we should be letting into our country.

We've got a growing problem here, with our own breeds of sexual deviants and scumbags; we do not need to be importing them from other nations as well.

How much time do you spend obsessing about other people's sex lives?
Okay, then actually sit down and fix the immigration law above what Simpson-Mazolli letting the Foxes watch the henhouse. We only have an illegal problem because white people are hiring them.

Guatemala is full of Mormons? Who would have thought it? I'll bet Mexicans thought the same thing when Brigham Young and his Mormon Legion crossed the border in 1847.

How much time do you spend obsessing about other people's sex lives?
Nope, the immigration status of this girl is completely irrelevant.

These are the laws your side wants- the ones that require people to have their rapist's babies.

If this were a nice white girl, it would be just as tragic... except she's have quietly flown to a free state to get her abortion.
If it were a nice white girl, mom would be in prison and all six kids would be in foster care.
If it were a nice white girl, mom would be in prison and all six kids would be in foster care.

Not really. In fact, a white woman would have a much better chance of avoiding jail and getting her kids back.

Our justice system is MUCH tougher on people of color, and if you think otherwise, you are an idiot.
Just the latest example of how the Democrats twist a terrible tragedy into something they can use as a political attack. It didn't take long for the freaking PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to go on national TV and pound the pulpit about "abortion rights". Democrats are bottom feeding scum suckers. They are DESTROYING this country.
The Democrats are democracy. The Republicans are against democracy.
Not really. In fact, a white woman would have a much better chance of avoiding jail and getting her kids back.

Our justice system is MUCH tougher on people of color, and if you think otherwise, you are an idiot.
You are a Democrat.
Nope, I'm a pragmatist.

being white means being PRIVILEGED. In how the courts treat you, how the police treat you, your access to lawyers and a legal defense.
Well, this particular brown, non English speaking woman shared her brown non English speaking lover with her nine year old daughter and defends the rapist. She is very obviously not facing any punishment at all. The best possible reason is that these brown non English speaking people don't see any crime here.
You are a Democrat. The stink is all over you.
being white means being PRIVILEGED
It’s literally the opposite. You wokescolds have seized academia, most news channels, the White House, the house, and the senate. You own all the major cities. You push all this DEI and CRT bullshit on everyone.

If you are in charge of basically everything, then where is this “systemic racism” coming from? And since it doesn’t actually exist, aren’t you just making it, and targeting white folks? With bullshit like this post?
Just so we are clear… you are calling NOT killing an innocent human who did nothing wrong being “TRULY EVIL?”

Because if so, that’s not just backwards, it is FITH.

Fetuses aren't people.. and making a 10 year old have her rapist's baby is beyond cruel.

Well, this particular brown, non English speaking woman shared her brown non English speaking lover with her nine year old daughter and defends the rapist. She is very obviously not facing any punishment at all. The best possible reason is that these brown non English speaking people don't see any crime here.

Most children who get abused get abused in the home, because a partner turns a blind eye to it. That's really not unique to any one culture.

It’s literally the opposite. You wokescolds have seized academia, most news channels, the White House, the house, and the senate. You own all the major cities. You push all this DEI and CRT bullshit on everyone.

If you are a failure in life despite all the advantages of being white, that's on you.
Fetuses aren't people
We can fix that, we just have to convince enough hateful bigots, like you, to stop being so hateful, and the rest can stew in their hate.

They are human beings, they are alive, they should be given legal personhood like every other living human being.

Denying personhood is how you get the worst human rights abuses in history: slavery, genocide, and abortion.

If you are a failure in life despite all the advantages of being white, that's on you.
You're the one spewing this nonsense that there are "advantages for being white" and your bigoted "anti-racism" is doing an excellent job creating actual systemic racism.
And yet again, no matter how often or how loudly you repeat that hateful lie, it will never take on any truth.

You might as well be a Nazi screaming “Jews are not people!”

Except government had to take action to kill the Jews.
Killing the Jews was a logistical endevour that probably caused Germany to lose the war, because they wasted so many resources doing it.

Abortions will happen no matter what the government does.
We had just as many abortions before Roe as we had after Roe. And we'll have just as many abortions now that Dobbs will allow the Jesusland states to pass laws that no one will follow.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

Says a pathetic sixty-year-old incel who has never been married.

That's the point. I'm successful because I didn't sign away half my earnings to a gold-digger to please an imaginary sky man.

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