10 Yr Old Rape Victim: A Terrible Tale of Illegal Immigration

All human beings are human beings. All human beings should be legal persons and would be if not for hateful bigots like you.

A human being in the zygote stage of life is a human being. You are wrong and your assertion is objectively false and stupid.

At any stage of life a human being is a human being.

Objectively false and stupid. What species are they then?

Fuck society. You don’t need any one else around to be a “human being.”

Meaningless subjectively easily revocable privileges are not “rights.” Objectively wrong and stupid.

Objectively false, unobservant, and stupid.

Equality isn’t “degrading.” Stupid.

Sex is fine, but if you make kids take care of your kids, don’t be a deadbeat and certainly don’t be a fucking monster.

End the welfare state. Also, ban abortion. Don’t conflate disparate issues, communist.

End all “job protection laws.”

Absolutely. Punish their homicide as murder, done.

No socialist nonsense needed. Eat shit, gg.

Equality isn’t “degrading.” Stupid.

There is no equality between a single human cell, zygote, embryo or fetus and a woman (i.e. human being and person). To believe otherwise is indeed "stupid".

Sex is fine, but if you make kids take care of your kids, don’t be a deadbeat and certainly don’t be a fucking monster.

The above statement is nothing but gobbledygook. You're creating such problems by forcing women to remain pregnant when they don't want to or aren't in a position, financially and otherwise, to raise a child. A woman should have the right to decide whether she's going to remain pregnant or not, especially early in the pregnancy. To force her to remain pregnant is a violation of her human rights. Any reasonable person will come to that conclusion, it's just stupid religious people like you who have a hard time grasping the fact women should have control over their reproductive systems and bodies.

End the welfare state. Also, ban abortion. Don’t conflate disparate issues, communist.

The government has every right to ensure the public good, through social programs whether you as a Christian degenerate hypocrite recognize it or not. Abortion won't get banned at the state level, in every state. The fact that you want to ban abortion at women's expense while not giving a shit about their welfare, shows how evil and pathetic your garbage religion is.

End all “job protection laws.”

Says it all right there. Talk yourself into irrelevance.

Absolutely. Punish their homicide as murder, done.

You don't care about the people they will murder? Those people would still be alive if the murderer was aborted. Your anti-abortion policies actually contribute to more death, hence it's not pro-life. More, many murderers don't get the death penalty, they end up in prison for the rest of their lives. Everyone has to pay for that $$$$$$$. That's the reality, right now and for the foreseeable future. You're stupid if you think most states are going to accept the death penalty, the trend is to discard it, not enact it.

No socialist nonsense needed. Eat shit, gg.

Just because the government does something, that doesn't make it socialist. However, socialism is indeed needed, and you're the one who should go fuck yourself with your stupid, childish religious opinions and need for an imaginary sugar daddy. You're a little baby making demands for "eternal life", before you're willing to be a civil, responsible human being and adult. Irrational religious cowards and scumbags shouldn't have a say on how secular society is run. You should go sit in the corner and talk to yourself.
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Equality isn’t “degrading.” Stupid.

There is no equality between a single human cell, zygote, embryo or fetus and a woman (i.e. human being and person). To believe otherwise is indeed "stupid".
Your arbitrary divisive bigotry notwithstanding, if you look at it with eyes unclouded with stupid hatred, like yours are, it’s very easy for there to be equality under the law for all human beings such that attacking and killing them is illegal, for one example. We can do that quite easily.

Sex is fine, but if you make kids take care of your kids, don’t be a deadbeat and certainly don’t be a fucking monster.

The above statement is nothing but gobbledygook. You're creating such problems by forcing women to remain pregnant
What immoral stupidity. You choose to have the sex, you and your partner become parents, parents have responsibility. “Remain pregnant” is such a fucked-up way to refer to “don’t attack and kill someone else.”

when they don't want to or aren't in a position, financially and otherwise, to raise a child
Then don’t make the kid. Otherwise, take cRe of your kid.

A woman should have the right to decide whether she's going to remain pregnant or not,

Disgusting. No such “right” could ever exist, and violates human rights.
Any reasonable person will come to that conclusion
That leaves you out.

it's just stupid religious people like you
Hey fucktard, I’ve already pointed this out to you once, but apparently your thick skull needs a more direct approach.

Me? Religious? No.

End the welfare state. Also, ban abortion. Don’t conflate disparate issues, communist.

The government has every right to ensure the public good
Whaleshit. Such a tyrannical government should be destroyed by justifiable force.
However, socialism is indeed needed,
Ludicrous childish fantasy utopianism which actually serves monstrous authoritarianism and death. Marx is your sugar daddy and you can fellate his memory all you like and he still won’t be any less of a total piece of shit.
Your arbitrary divisive bigotry notwithstanding, if you look at it with eyes unclouded with stupid hatred, like yours are, it’s very easy for there to be equality under the law for all human beings such that attacking and killing them is illegal, for one example. We can do that quite easily.

What immoral stupidity. You choose to have the sex, you and your partner become parents, parents have responsibility. “Remain pregnant” is such a fucked-up way to refer to “don’t attack and kill someone else.”

Then don’t make the kid. Otherwise, take cRe of your kid.

Disgusting. No such “right” could ever exist, and violates human rights.

That leaves you out.

Hey fucktard, I’ve already pointed this out to you once, but apparently your thick skull needs a more direct approach.

Me? Religious? No.

Whaleshit. Such a tyrannical government should be destroyed by justifiable force.

Ludicrous childish fantasy utopianism which actually serves monstrous authoritarianism and death. Marx is your sugar daddy and you can fellate his memory all you like and he still won’t be any less of a total piece of shit.

If you're not religious, you stupid motherfucker, then on what moral grounds do you assert that a zygote, embryo and fetus is a human being/person? Your stupid personal opinion? It's the community that decides that, not you, you stupid fuck. That includes your supposed right to private property, like lands and businesses. All of that is just your opinion and is no more legitimate than a communist community banning private property and rendering it all common property. Banning capitalist assholes from expoiting other human beings, in their personal pusuit of profits. You stupid asshole and punk can cry all you want, it's the community that decides what is right and wrong, not you or me as individuals. I can decide what is right and wrong for me, personally, but if I'm a member of a community and my personal values are in conflict with it, well then too fucking bad. If I act on my personal opinions I will have to suffer for them as well, and this also applies to you asshole.

What gives you the right to force women to remain pregnant? Nothing. Go fuck yourself you pathetic, worthless piece of shit.
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CarsomyrPlusSix-#319 Hey moron, it being not legal to kill someone else

NFBW: Who are are you, CarsomyrPlusSix , the board’s only hillbilly atheist American Taliban to call anyone other than yourself a moron, because presently, it is a fact that it is not illegal in the United States of America to cross a state line to have a legal medical procedure to remove a zygote or a not viable fetus from one’s body by choice and then return to one’s state of residence without being charged with murder as in killing someone else. There is no “someone else” in a pregnant woman’s womb until a fetus reaches viability at 28 weeks in the United States of America. The truth makes you the lying moron that you consistently love to be. END2208210320
At any stage of life a human being is a human being.
NFBW: During the first 24 weeks every single stage of life from the beginning as one cell is never a viable human being that has ever experienced human consciousness.

Your entire body of work and religious personhood crusader propaganda is destroyed by one word. And that word is viability. There is no homicide among viable human beings when there is no once viable body to be found as evidence that a murder took place. END2208210513
CarsomyrPlusSix-#319 Hey moron, it being not legal to kill someone else

NFBW: Who are are you, CarsomyrPlusSix , the board’s only hillbilly atheist American Taliban
I am American and I go back and forth between atheist or agnostic, retard - the rest sure as shit don’t apply - but I’m the guy who knows what these words mean and you’re the fucking retard calling abortion a “medical procedure” and denying the life and humanity of the victim despite having conceding both already in their entirety.

Which makes you a dishonest piece of shit in addition to clearly mentally deficient. You have no integrity to stand behind what you say. Your words are just noise.
If you're not religious, you stupid motherfucker, then on what moral grounds do you assert that a zygote, embryo and fetus is a human being/person?
I’m sorry you need a religion to have basic humanity, that only the fear of hell or judgment could make you behave like a decent human being and not a fucking monster or dumb animal, but not everyone is as much of a devolved backbirth as you, trash.

It's the community that decides that, not you, you stupid fuck.
Fuck the “community.” Individual human rights.
That includes your supposed right to private property
Come question my right to private property, Antifa fuckboi - we can take care of the problem of your dumb mouth right quick.

is no more legitimate than a communist community banning private property and rendering it all common property
Direct violation of human rights but it’s clear a sociopath like you couldn’t give two shits about the rights of others.
What gives you the right to force women to remain pregnant? Nothing. Go fuck yourself you pathetic, worthless piece of shit.
I mean at least fucking filth like you are honest about licking Stalin and Mao’s asshole, so we don’t have to connect the dots to you being worse than Hitler, you just volunteer it.

But yeah that would be the basic function of a minimal nightwatchman state to punish and prevent violence perpetrated by dangerous sociopaths like you, like attacking and killing other innocent and helpless human beings.

Granted any state you would want would be an authoritarian hellhole that should just be burned to the ground, so you would never understand this.
calling abortion a “medical procedure” and denying the life and humanity of the victim
NFBW: Why do you think calling abortion a medical procedure is not correct? And why is making the great distinction between viable life in the world and not viable life in the womb not permitted inside your atheist/agnostic hillbilly American town Taliban head.
You may not give a shit but the vast majority of viable human beings give a lot of shit about accepting and understanding reality and words that define reality.
Go masturbate into your bottle of surfactant some more and just shut up about your fetish already.
I’m sorry you need a religion to have basic humanity, that only the fear of hell or judgment could make you behave like a decent human being and not a fucking monster or dumb animal, but not everyone is as much of a devolved backbirth as you, trash.

Fuck the “community.” Individual human rights.

Come question my right to private property, Antifa fuckboi - we can take care of the problem of your dumb mouth right quick.

Direct violation of human rights but it’s clear a sociopath like you couldn’t give two shits about the rights of others.

I mean at least fucking filth like you are honest about licking Stalin and Mao’s asshole, so we don’t have to connect the dots to you being worse than Hitler, you just volunteer it.

But yeah that would be the basic function of a minimal nightwatchman state to punish and prevent violence perpetrated by dangerous sociopaths like you, like attacking and killing other innocent and helpless human beings.

Granted any state you would want would be an authoritarian hellhole that should just be burned to the ground, so you would never understand this.

There are no "individual human rights" apart from a community. Who or what gives you rights? Answer that question you fucking idiot.
There are no "individual human rights" apart from a community. Who or what gives you rights? Answer that question you fucking idiot.
There are no “rights” that a “community” can give. Those are meaningless privileges that the community can just take away, fucktard.
You punk ass piece of shit, how do you get your rights, you fucking retard? Huh, dickweed? Do rights come out of your asshole? Where do they come from?
how do you get your rights,

Where do they come from?

In CarsomyrPlusSix ’s case his own personal right to life does not come from an anthropomorphic god but he conforms and helps to spread right wing Christian propaganda that one human cell attached to a woman’s uterus to start pregnancy has a right to life that is a gift from God. The state therefore being also a creation of God has a right to force the pregnancy to full term. The woman’s body also belongs to God therefore to the Christian state. CarsomyrPlusSix is one fucked in the head atheist siding with those right wing church people.

In CarsomyrPlusSix ’s case his own personal right to life does not come from an anthropomorphic god but he conforms and helps to spread right wing Christian propaganda that one human cell attached to a woman’s uterus to start pregnancy has a right to life that is a gift from God. The state therefore being also a creation of God has a right to force the pregnancy to full term. The woman’s body also belongs to God therefore to the Christian state. CarsomyrPlusSix is one fucked in the head atheist siding with those right wing church people.


He/she has no rational answer to the question. Rights have no meaning apart from a community and a social contract (human rights are a human social construct). Tell a hungry tiger in Siberia that is running towards you to make you his meal, that you have the right to live. Let's see if mother nature recognizes your "inherent rights". It's a community of human beings that creates rights. He's too stupid to recognize that.
There are no “rights” that a “community” can give. Those are meaningless privileges that the community can just take away, fucktard.

Okay, you might be on to something here. So by your logic, there is no 'right to life" for Zygotes and globby fetuses....It is a privilege that can be given or taken away by the woman it happens to be inside.
He/she has no rational answer to the question. Rights have no meaning apart from a community and a social contract (human rights are a human social construct). Tell a hungry tiger in Siberia that is running towards you to make you his meal, that you have the right to live. Let's see if mother nature recognizes your "inherent rights". It's a community of human beings that creates rights. He's too stupid to recognize that.
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