100 degrees in the Arctic Circle and other news

How abnormal? A degree? Half a degree? How long

Doesn't take away from the fact that your OP was a misleading pile of garbage, you SJW poseur hack.
Hey Puddinghead, read the article instead of posting your typical stupidity.
Hey SJW soi boi, admit your OP was misleading.
You dumbass, I posted other links to support the original OP and record temperature in Siberia. English is obviously not your first language nor reading comprehension your strong suit.
You dumbass, I posted other links to support the original OP. English is obviously not your first language nor reading comprehension your strong suit.

And you ignored the part where it was only 1 degree higher than the previous record, making it seem like this was something totally out of the ordinary.

Admit you were being misleading, you cheap dime store hack.
And you ignored the part where it was only 1 degree higher than the previous record, making it seem like this was something totally out of the ordinary.

Admit you were being misleading, you cheap dime store hack.
Hey numbnuts..it was a record. Are you too dense to see that. Was it or was it not a record? Answer truthfully, hack. The temperature trend is up and all I did was post two articles one about temperatures in the arctic and another with trends in 30 year mortgages and you respond like a lunatic. Most temperature records will be a degree or two above the previous temperature. The question is the trend. In this case the temperature recorded was an astounding 32 degrees above normal. Then I also post confirmation of record temperatures in the Arctic that you ignore.

See also:

Alarming heat scorched Siberia on Saturday as the small town of Verkhoyansk (67.5°N latitude) reached 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, 32 degrees above the normal high temperature. If verified, this is likely the hottest temperature ever recorded in Siberia and also the hottest temperature ever recorded north of the Arctic Circle, which begins at 66.5°N.

Now Buzz Off.
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Hey numbnuts..it was a record. Are you too dense to see that. Was it or was it not a record? Answer truthfully, hack. The temperature trend is up and all I did was post two articles one about temperatures in the arctic and another with trends in 30 year mortgages and you respond like a lunatic Then I post confirmation of record temperatures in the Arctic that you ignore. Buzz Off.
How is that significant? Was there a record last year? If not then that is just news about weather and that’s all
The record in Yakutsk Siberia 100 degrees without forest fires decades ago. How do we explain that one.
With a short term heat wave. Very different than both the prolonged heat wave and several seasons in a row of high temps in Siberia, as we are seeing now.

As a grown man, you are expected to have the resources and initiative to answer simple questions like this for yourself.
LOL... Maoist dictatorship??????You and Death Angel are either deranged or morons..most likely both.

What difference does it make what the hell or where the hell Obama buys his house?? What a simpleton argument.

I doubt banks and insurance companies base their policies on whims or fake science do you?

If he believed your cult about oceans rising, he wouldn't build on the ocean, you drooling retard. None of you believe the idiocy you spout. And neither do we. You want power and will do anything, tell any lie, to get it.
With a short term heat wave. Very different than both the prolonged heat wave and several seasons in a row of high temps in Siberia, as we are seeing now.

As a grown man, you are expected to have the resources and initiative to answer simple questions like this for yourself.
You know what? Paris hit 100 last Summer. Last time it happened 100 yrs ago. I didn't know we had global warming back then.
Wow, you just made the same, stupid error again, even after having it explained to you like you are in kindergarten.
You have one of the most abysmal reaction scores I've ever seen. Congtats. I noticed most people SUCK who have low ones. You're under like 8%. You have to be really trying to suck that hard to be that bad. Bug off.

China and India cause the most pollution by a 100 F miles. Go to China and they'll listen to you in their special place.
You libs first cut down all your energy and show us by example. You would never last a day. HYPOCRITE.
Sorry crybaby. I will only explain it like you are 5 years old once. If you don't pay attention, fuck you, you're welcome for the spoonfeeding.
You even suck at calling names How weak. My God. My previous board would beat your MF ass to a pulp.

I rarely flame because it makes flaming people like you look 5 yrs old. See how the finger always points back to itself.
Don't waste our time.
You even suck at calling names How weak. My God. My previous board would beat your MF ass to a pulp.

I rarely flame because it makes flaming people like you look 5 yrs old. See how the finger always points back to itself.
Don't waste our time.
Cute whining!

Did you go back and re read, to try to understand your errors? Of course not. So don't waste my time, ya whiny fraud.
With a short term heat wave. Very different than both the prolonged heat wave and several seasons in a row of high temps in Siberia, as we are seeing now.

As a grown man, you are expected to have the resources and initiative to answer simple questions like this for yourself.
Then you should let us know the relevance
It was 100 degrees F in the Arctic Circle today as wild fires continue to ravage the Siberian wilderness.

Hey coleslaw, I know you have clabber for brains, but do you have any idea that the town of Verkhoyansk where all of this is centered, is long recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records for having the most extreme temperature range, with a previous low of minus-90 degrees and a previous high of 98.96 degrees? In other words, this is NORMAL for them. :lmao:

In other news, say goodbye to the 30 year Mortgage as climate change has banks and lenders rethinking that lending strategy.
That only applies to homes built stupidly near the water's edge where rising sea levels might affect it. But then, no one really knows what will be going on 5 years from now much less 30, a year ago, no one had any idea about Covid. ITMT, climate change remains a fantasy, the climate ALWAYS changes, been doing it for 4.5 billion years.

Climatologists have long known that global warming does not affect the globe evenly. The polar areas will warm more quickly. And this is especially troubling due to the reduction in albedo from losing land and sea ice near the poles, itself a factor that will contribute to more warming.
Hey numbnuts..it was a record. Are you too dense to see that. Was it or was it not a record? Answer truthfully, hack. The temperature trend is up and all I did was post two articles one about temperatures in the arctic and another with trends in 30 year mortgages and you respond like a lunatic. Most temperature records will be a degree or two above the previous temperature. The question is the trend. In this case the temperature recorded was an astounding 32 degrees above normal. Then I also post confirmation of record temperatures in the Arctic that you ignore.

See also:

Alarming heat scorched Siberia on Saturday as the small town of Verkhoyansk (67.5°N latitude) reached 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, 32 degrees above the normal high temperature. If verified, this is likely the hottest temperature ever recorded in Siberia and also the hottest temperature ever recorded north of the Arctic Circle, which begins at 66.5°N.

Now Buzz Off.

But wait, i thought weather doesn't equal climate.
It was 100 degrees F in the Arctic Circle today as wild fires continue to ravage the Siberian wilderness.

In other news, say goodbye to the 30 year Mortgage as climate change has banks and lenders rethinking that lending strategy.

For those of us who are property owners, that is not good news.

One of my sons is in real estate.
I just asked him whether or not this was true. He just laughed and said that houses are closing with 30-year mortgages at a pretty rapid pace.


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