$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes

You don't build character in poor people by making them poorer.

If someone has a legitimate reason for being poor other then being lazy? Fine help em out.
And making someone work for what they have will most definitely build character and confidence in their ability to be more then a taker.

I believe most are not lazy. They simply don't realize how much better they can do for themselves than the government can do for them.

It seems many like NYCarbineer see the poor as helpless....people that cant do it on their own if they didn't get it from the government.

They are not. A need for food and shelter is an amazing motivator. The need for food and shelter for your children is an even greater motivator.

You reflect what I've also said many times. Conservatives want poverty to hurt people as much as it possibly can,

to 'motivate' them.

Most Medicaid goes to children, the elderly, and the disabled. Do you have lots of jobs ready for those people,

once you've 'motivated' them?
We are at the point where between federal and local taxes we are getting killed....
And the Libs feel we don't pay enough....
They never seem to feel that government spends too much....

We are over $17 trillion an debt...

How did we get to this point?

By not spending?

Didn't you know Clinton left a surplus? Republicans, under Bush, used reconciliation three times. Do you remember for what? Using reconciliation meant Democrats were powerless to stop them.

No he didn't. If one uses proper GAAP type accounting, Clinton racked up tons-o-unfundeded liabilities which should count against the deficit.

Try reading the Financial Report of the United States for more accurate representation of the horrible financial state of the country.

Current Report: Financial Report of the United States: Publications & Guidance: Financial Management Service

LOL, Clinton bashing is 2 doors down, on the right.
You don't build character in poor people by making them poorer.

If someone has a legitimate reason for being poor other then being lazy? Fine help em out.
And making someone work for what they have will most definitely build character and confidence in their ability to be more then a taker.

I believe most are not lazy. They simply don't realize how much better they can do for themselves than the government can do for them.

It seems many like NYCarbineer see the poor as helpless....people that cant do it on their own if they didn't get it from the government.

They are not. A need for food and shelter is an amazing motivator. The need for food and shelter for your children is an even greater motivator.

Exactly. But I found that success made me want more of the same.
A buddy and I lived in a house with no power or gas for six months when I was 17.
We cooked in the fireplace and took cold showers throughout the winter. Talk about a motivator!!
And the only reason we had the house was his parents had moved and they allowed us to stay until we got on our feet.
Rough times for sure. Which is why I dont feel to bad for the poor,I was there myself.

I'll rephrase: I dont feel bad for the able bodied poor.
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You don't build character in poor people by making them poorer.

If someone has a legitimate reason for being poor other then being lazy? Fine help em out.
And making someone work for what they have will most definitely build character and confidence in their ability to be more then a taker.

Someone working at minimum wage is poor. They don't appear to be lazy to me from what I've seen.

There is no reason why someone should stay at min wage. It takes very little effort to take that next step. Hell,just showing up and doing your job to the best of your ability will bring raises. If it doesnt,you work long enough to get a work history and move on.
You don't build character in poor people by making them poorer.

If someone has a legitimate reason for being poor other then being lazy? Fine help em out.
And making someone work for what they have will most definitely build character and confidence in their ability to be more then a taker.

Someone working at minimum wage is poor. They don't appear to be lazy to me from what I've seen.

That raises an interesting point. If someone cannot survive today on minimum wage - then it seems to me that food stamps and other aid that go to these people is just the government subsidizing this business by making sure they can operate with extremely low wages.

And since I'm against government giving out freebies to workers, I should be against government handing out freebies to subsidize businesses .....

Without these government subsidies, would the business be forced to pay above-the-poverty-line wages? And if so, isn't that the true cost of doing business?
Contrary to popular belief, the richest 1 percent of Americans have not gotten richer during the past decade — as the chart below, showing after-tax income changes, shows. In fact, by Burtless’s calculations, the richest 1 percent of Americans are the only group whose incomes shrunk, falling by an average of 4 percent.


One reason why so many Americans believe that the average incomes of middle- and low-income Americans have stagnated and that the average incomes of the top 1 percent always rise is the commonly cited income statistics from the Census Bureau – which only consider before-tax income. This approach understates the well-being of Americans who receive income-tax subsidies and overstates the well-being of Americans whose incomes are taxed at higher rates. Analyzing after-tax income levels provides a clearer picture of income trends in the United States, particularly as the tax code is frequently employed to redistribute income as a matter of policy.

A Tax Day Reminder: Inequality Looks Different If You Look after Taxes | National Review Online
If someone has a legitimate reason for being poor other then being lazy? Fine help em out.
And making someone work for what they have will most definitely build character and confidence in their ability to be more then a taker.

Someone working at minimum wage is poor. They don't appear to be lazy to me from what I've seen.

That raises an interesting point. If someone cannot survive today on minimum wage - then it seems to me that food stamps and other aid that go to these people is just the government subsidizing this business by making sure they can operate with extremely low wages.

And since I'm against government giving out freebies to workers, I should be against government handing out freebies to subsidize businesses .....

Without these government subsidies, would the business be forced to pay above-the-poverty-line wages? And if so, isn't that the true cost of doing business?

Without the subsidies, these jobs would be filled by the entry level teenagers that used to do them. We have massive unemployment among teens (especially black ones), which stunts their development of a work ethic. Entry level jobs shouldn't be considered a lifelong career, imo.
If someone has a legitimate reason for being poor other then being lazy? Fine help em out.
And making someone work for what they have will most definitely build character and confidence in their ability to be more then a taker.

I believe most are not lazy. They simply don't realize how much better they can do for themselves than the government can do for them.

It seems many like NYCarbineer see the poor as helpless....people that cant do it on their own if they didn't get it from the government.

They are not. A need for food and shelter is an amazing motivator. The need for food and shelter for your children is an even greater motivator.

Exactly. But I found that success made me want more of the same.
A buddy and I lived in a house with no power or gas for six months when I was 17.
We cooked in the fireplace and took cold showers throughout the winter. Talk about a motivator!!
And the only reason we had the house was his parents had moved and they allowed us to stay until we got on our feet.
Rough times for sure. Which is why I dont feel to bad for the poor,I was there myself.

I'll rephrase: I dont feel bad for the able bodied poor.

Many of us have similar experiences like yours. Lucky us. Some never get it, some don't have the ability to make it no matter what. What happens if these people have kids then?
Keep 'em out of school so they can rummage through trash and do petty crime? I've seen this happen in some countries. I think this is what welfare programs are for. If you ask some cops, some would probably agree that welfare and food stamps etc. help keep the lid on in the inner cities. IMO anyway.
Someone working at minimum wage is poor. They don't appear to be lazy to me from what I've seen.

That raises an interesting point. If someone cannot survive today on minimum wage - then it seems to me that food stamps and other aid that go to these people is just the government subsidizing this business by making sure they can operate with extremely low wages.

And since I'm against government giving out freebies to workers, I should be against government handing out freebies to subsidize businesses .....

Without these government subsidies, would the business be forced to pay above-the-poverty-line wages? And if so, isn't that the true cost of doing business?

Without the subsidies, these jobs would be filled by the entry level teenagers that used to do them. We have massive unemployment among teens (especially black ones), which stunts their development of a work ethic. Entry level jobs shouldn't be considered a lifelong career, imo.

Well, that'd be true except that we're really not recovering from the "Great Recession" as we should be and so people who might have been paid more can't find employment and are settling for minimum wage jobs.

We need to get away from Keynesian Economics and stop taking so much from people in taxes, so it can be circulated in the private sector instead of wasted in the public sector.
Contrary to popular belief, the richest 1 percent of Americans have not gotten richer during the past decade — as the chart below, showing after-tax income changes, shows. In fact, by Burtless’s calculations, the richest 1 percent of Americans are the only group whose incomes shrunk, falling by an average of 4 percent.


One reason why so many Americans believe that the average incomes of middle- and low-income Americans have stagnated and that the average incomes of the top 1 percent always rise is the commonly cited income statistics from the Census Bureau – which only consider before-tax income. This approach understates the well-being of Americans who receive income-tax subsidies and overstates the well-being of Americans whose incomes are taxed at higher rates. Analyzing after-tax income levels provides a clearer picture of income trends in the United States, particularly as the tax code is frequently employed to redistribute income as a matter of policy.

A Tax Day Reminder: Inequality Looks Different If You Look after Taxes | National Review Online
So the Republicans who have been claiming that wages have been flat since Obama took over have been lying all along.

Wages Flat Since Obama Took Office - It could be big topic tomorrow, as Romney declares 'talk is cheap'
Wages Flat Since Obama Took Office

It could be big topic tomorrow, as Romney declares 'talk is cheap'


Wages have stayed virtually frozen since President Obama took office, a fact that Politico notes is starting to get some traction on the campaign trail. When adjusted for inflation, the average hourly wage has crept up a meager 42 cents to $23.41 since 2008. High unemployment is a factor, and wages may not increase much until the rate comes down 2 or 3 points from its current 8.2%. The Romney campaign has already pounced on the stagnant salaries. Referencing Obama's assertion last week that the "private sector is doing fine," the Romney camp sent out an email saying, “Maybe he can ask families whose household income dropped $4,300 if they’re ‘doing fine.'"
You reflect what I've also said many times. Conservatives want poverty to hurt people as much as it possibly can,

to 'motivate' them.

Most Medicaid goes to children, the elderly, and the disabled. Do you have lots of jobs ready for those people,

once you've 'motivated' them?

Which just proves how clueless you are. Conservatives don't want poverty to hurt people - they know that it does hurt people, especially if their poverty is subsidized by others. One of the worst outcomes of subsidized poverty is that it destroys a person's development and ability to lead an independent life. One a true anti-human would wish to see people remain in such a state.
That raises an interesting point. If someone cannot survive today on minimum wage - then it seems to me that food stamps and other aid that go to these people is just the government subsidizing this business by making sure they can operate with extremely low wages.

And since I'm against government giving out freebies to workers, I should be against government handing out freebies to subsidize businesses .....

Without these government subsidies, would the business be forced to pay above-the-poverty-line wages? And if so, isn't that the true cost of doing business?

Without the subsidies, these jobs would be filled by the entry level teenagers that used to do them. We have massive unemployment among teens (especially black ones), which stunts their development of a work ethic. Entry level jobs shouldn't be considered a lifelong career, imo.

Well, that'd be true except that we're really not recovering from the "Great Recession" as we should be and so people who might have been paid more can't find employment and are settling for minimum wage jobs.

We need to get away from Keynesian Economics and stop taking so much from people in taxes, so it can be circulated in the private sector instead of wasted in the public sector.

Some good points here.

But I'm thinking of those clerks at the gas station/convenience stores. Oil companies are making record profits. Is any of that "trickling down" to these clerks? And we are still giving oil companies huge money in subsidies. We are giving $1 billion to help one oil company re-vamp their refineries to handle the Keystone pipeline sludge.
If someone has a legitimate reason for being poor other then being lazy? Fine help em out.
And making someone work for what they have will most definitely build character and confidence in their ability to be more then a taker.

I believe most are not lazy. They simply don't realize how much better they can do for themselves than the government can do for them.

It seems many like NYCarbineer see the poor as helpless....people that cant do it on their own if they didn't get it from the government.

They are not. A need for food and shelter is an amazing motivator. The need for food and shelter for your children is an even greater motivator.

You reflect what I've also said many times. Conservatives want poverty to hurt people as much as it possibly can,

to 'motivate' them.

Most Medicaid goes to children, the elderly, and the disabled. Do you have lots of jobs ready for those people,

once you've 'motivated' them?

I just want people to be ashamed of being on the dole.

Shame is a better motivator than pain
Without the subsidies, these jobs would be filled by the entry level teenagers that used to do them. We have massive unemployment among teens (especially black ones), which stunts their development of a work ethic. Entry level jobs shouldn't be considered a lifelong career, imo.

Well, that'd be true except that we're really not recovering from the "Great Recession" as we should be and so people who might have been paid more can't find employment and are settling for minimum wage jobs.

We need to get away from Keynesian Economics and stop taking so much from people in taxes, so it can be circulated in the private sector instead of wasted in the public sector.

Some good points here.

But I'm thinking of those clerks at the gas station/convenience stores. Oil companies are making record profits. Is any of that "trickling down" to these clerks? And we are still giving oil companies huge money in subsidies. We are giving $1 billion to help one oil company re-vamp their refineries to handle the Keystone pipeline sludge.

That doesnt change the fact that those jobs aren't worth more than min wage.
You jack up his wage then the guy driving the tanker trucks going to demand a raise....and so it goes.
Without the subsidies, these jobs would be filled by the entry level teenagers that used to do them. We have massive unemployment among teens (especially black ones), which stunts their development of a work ethic. Entry level jobs shouldn't be considered a lifelong career, imo.

Well, that'd be true except that we're really not recovering from the "Great Recession" as we should be and so people who might have been paid more can't find employment and are settling for minimum wage jobs.

We need to get away from Keynesian Economics and stop taking so much from people in taxes, so it can be circulated in the private sector instead of wasted in the public sector.

Some good points here.

But I'm thinking of those clerks at the gas station/convenience stores. Oil companies are making record profits. Is any of that "trickling down" to these clerks? And we are still giving oil companies huge money in subsidies. We are giving $1 billion to help one oil company re-vamp their refineries to handle the Keystone pipeline sludge.

In the world of "supply and demand", the more of something that's available, the less its worth. Until we get the economy rolling again and get our valuable skilled workers back to skilled jobs, then there's no reason for companies to pay more. When we get the valuable skilled workers back to their high paying jobs, the available pool of workers will shrink, making their efforts more valuable and driving wages up.

I'm not a fan of subsidies to business, but artificially inflating wages will help nothing.
Well, that'd be true except that we're really not recovering from the "Great Recession" as we should be and so people who might have been paid more can't find employment and are settling for minimum wage jobs.

We need to get away from Keynesian Economics and stop taking so much from people in taxes, so it can be circulated in the private sector instead of wasted in the public sector.

Some good points here.

But I'm thinking of those clerks at the gas station/convenience stores. Oil companies are making record profits. Is any of that "trickling down" to these clerks? And we are still giving oil companies huge money in subsidies. We are giving $1 billion to help one oil company re-vamp their refineries to handle the Keystone pipeline sludge.

That doesnt change the fact that those jobs aren't worth more than min wage.
You jack up his wage then the guy driving the tanker trucks going to demand a raise....and so it goes.

Well if we take away the government subsidies, we'll see what they are worth. They're worth what the market demands - correct?
Some good points here.

But I'm thinking of those clerks at the gas station/convenience stores. Oil companies are making record profits. Is any of that "trickling down" to these clerks? And we are still giving oil companies huge money in subsidies. We are giving $1 billion to help one oil company re-vamp their refineries to handle the Keystone pipeline sludge.

That doesnt change the fact that those jobs aren't worth more than min wage.
You jack up his wage then the guy driving the tanker trucks going to demand a raise....and so it goes.

Well if we take away the government subsidies, we'll see what they are worth. They're worth what the market demands - correct?

I agree with that.
I believe most are not lazy. They simply don't realize how much better they can do for themselves than the government can do for them.

It seems many like NYCarbineer see the poor as helpless....people that cant do it on their own if they didn't get it from the government.

They are not. A need for food and shelter is an amazing motivator. The need for food and shelter for your children is an even greater motivator.

You reflect what I've also said many times. Conservatives want poverty to hurt people as much as it possibly can,

to 'motivate' them.

Most Medicaid goes to children, the elderly, and the disabled. Do you have lots of jobs ready for those people,

once you've 'motivated' them?

I just want people to be ashamed of being on the dole.

Shame is a better motivator than pain

Yep....thats why people who are able bodied should have to ride the bus or walk on down to the local gov food distribution center to get there weekly allotment.
We make it to damn easy to be poor.
If I had my way they would be required to pick up trash on the highways after a set amount of time on the dole.
Without the subsidies, these jobs would be filled by the entry level teenagers that used to do them. We have massive unemployment among teens (especially black ones), which stunts their development of a work ethic. Entry level jobs shouldn't be considered a lifelong career, imo.

Well, that'd be true except that we're really not recovering from the "Great Recession" as we should be and so people who might have been paid more can't find employment and are settling for minimum wage jobs.

We need to get away from Keynesian Economics and stop taking so much from people in taxes, so it can be circulated in the private sector instead of wasted in the public sector.

FDR used Keynesian economics to help down and out ordinary Americans after republicans worked their capitalist free market miracles in the 20's. It took generations but now the "miracle of capitalism and down with government and regulations" message is back.

Only if you forgetting the "free market miracle" of the Great Depression in 1929.

No thanks
You reflect what I've also said many times. Conservatives want poverty to hurt people as much as it possibly can,

to 'motivate' them.

Most Medicaid goes to children, the elderly, and the disabled. Do you have lots of jobs ready for those people,

once you've 'motivated' them?

I just want people to be ashamed of being on the dole.

Shame is a better motivator than pain

Yep....thats why people who are able bodied should have to ride the bus or walk on down to the local gov food distribution center to get there weekly allotment.
We make it to damn easy to be poor.
If I had my way they would be required to pick up trash on the highways after a set amount of time on the dole.

I agree

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