$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes

But the Marxists keep saying the rich aren't paying their "fair share."

What is "fair share"?

If I run a business, and I use the roads and other infrastructure the govt provides, the stability the govt provides, the meddling in foreign affairs and many of the other things the govt provides, how much should I pay?

If I work in McDonalds, and I don't use these to make my money really, they help a little bit, how much should I pay?

Imagine if there were no govt. How much would businesses have to pay?

The answer to this can be found in say, Russia in the 1990s. The govt there was useless, the mafias took over. You'd have to pay over at least 30% of what you made to the Mafia. And that was just for protection.

Imagine if businesses in the US had to pay for this, for private roads all the time, for all the odds and ends How much would they pay? It'd be a LOT more.
However poorer people would probably be better of.

Fair share is what?
Really? Who in the fuck do you think you are to tell people what they "need"? Are you some all controlling fascist or something?

I know plenty of people who did go to college and are doing much better than the people I know who went to high school. Well except for those in a union. They are still holding on.
So what the fuck does that tell you?

Hey and don't confuse survival with prosperity. Ok? There is a difference if you don't know that.

Funny I hear idiots like you telling people they don't need weapons all the time.

And anyone can experience prosperity but few actually are willing to do what it takes to achieve it.

See if I got this correct. People use their education to get a job and they use a car to get to their place of employment.

But you say they don't "need" either one of those.

But people do need a gun.

Just what kind of work do you do that education and a car are not needed but a gun is needed? You a robber or what? Assassin? Or just weird in your thought process.

Hundreds of thousands of people who live in cities do not drive to work they take public transportation, walk etc.

And funny but i had plenty of jobs before I got a degree and there were times in my life where I had a job and no car.

So I guess you really don't need either of those things to get a job.

And BTW I never said people need guns it's you who say they don't need guns.
It is an "income" tax

Those who have the most "income" pay the most tax

I have a job. I wanted to start a business but my wife already works as a contractor and by her already doing her taxes, she tells me that I would have to work all the time to make a profit and that I would never be around.

Why should I start a business to pay taxes which benefits you if the government is going to take it all?

In contrast, what taxes do the rich pay when they take the jobs overseas?

Wouldn't it make more sense to structure the taxes differently and to keep jobs here instead of giving large companies tax breaks to build companies here which use more in city services than they pay in taxes?

Is it cheaper to pay welfare for not training Americans to work than to take the jobs from overseas and make companies work here?

The problem here is this.

Big companies employ lots of people. They move their company overseas, then lots of people are without jobs. So govts get scared and want to keep the jobs in the country.
What they don't do is to scare companies. If they said that taxes for company X with 2000 employees in the US is X and taxes for Company Y with 0 employees in the US is X*2, then it might make a difference.

Problem 2 is that company Y is willing to give donations to the political parties to prevent this. They get what they want. I'd call it corruption.
Hey Skull why did you ignore my question in the other thread?


Would you have used a .22 or something bigger for the clean kill shots?

Hey politico, this thread isn't about guns. At least that's what you told me. You fuckhead. see your own post above.

"Now that we have that cleared up, this thread is about taxes" politico

"Would you have used a .22......balh blah blah" politico.

What is this thread about politico?
But the Marxists keep saying the rich aren't paying their "fair share."

What is "fair share"?

If I run a business, and I use the roads and other infrastructure the govt provides, the stability the govt provides, the meddling in foreign affairs and many of the other things the govt provides, how much should I pay?

If I work in McDonalds, and I don't use these to make my money really, they help a little bit, how much should I pay?

Imagine if there were no govt. How much would businesses have to pay?

The answer to this can be found in say, Russia in the 1990s. The govt there was useless, the mafias took over. You'd have to pay over at least 30% of what you made to the Mafia. And that was just for protection.

Imagine if businesses in the US had to pay for this, for private roads all the time, for all the odds and ends How much would they pay? It'd be a LOT more.
However poorer people would probably be better of.

Fair share is what?

How can you say that someone who works for a business that uses roads doesn't also use the same roads?

When you say that a business would pay "a LOT more" for infrastructure if they had to foot the bill themselves, what proof can you provide? Disney World has it's own private infrastructure. They seem to be managing well.
Yeah but those minimum wage employees have so many damned fees to pay....its so unfair
Social justice for all Lmfao
Hey Skull why did you ignore my question in the other thread?


Would you have used a .22 or something bigger for the clean kill shots?

Hey politico, this thread isn't about guns. At least that's what you told me. You fuckhead. see your own post above.

"Now that we have that cleared up, this thread is about taxes" politico

"Would you have used a .22......balh blah blah" politico.

What is this thread about politico?

If you didn't bail on every thread you get challenged on I wouldn't have to ask you here....fuckhead....
Hey Skull why did you ignore my question in the other thread?


Would you have used a .22 or something bigger for the clean kill shots?

Hey politico, this thread isn't about guns. At least that's what you told me. You fuckhead. see your own post above.

"Now that we have that cleared up, this thread is about taxes" politico

"Would you have used a .22......balh blah blah" politico.

What is this thread about politico?

If you didn't bail on every thread you get challenged on I wouldn't have to ask you here....fuckhead....

Bail? You mean I get off my ass and go to work each morning. You should try it some time. If anyone would hire you. Fuckhead. You were the one indicating what should be discussed on this thread. And it wasn't guns. But then you re introduced guns to the thread. And I asked; what is this thread about politico?

But why did you use the .22 round? Curious minds want to know about taxes and .22 rounds. And which you prefer.
Politico, have you "bailed" on this thread. Saw you posted a couple hours ago. Why didn't you wait till I got up?

I am going to work now. Sure hope you come back and share some more of your bullshit. Especially that shit about the .22 round.
But the Marxists keep saying the rich aren't paying their "fair share."

What is "fair share"?

If I run a business, and I use the roads and other infrastructure the govt provides, the stability the govt provides, the meddling in foreign affairs and many of the other things the govt provides, how much should I pay?

If I work in McDonalds, and I don't use these to make my money really, they help a little bit, how much should I pay?

Imagine if there were no govt. How much would businesses have to pay?

The answer to this can be found in say, Russia in the 1990s. The govt there was useless, the mafias took over. You'd have to pay over at least 30% of what you made to the Mafia. And that was just for protection.

Imagine if businesses in the US had to pay for this, for private roads all the time, for all the odds and ends How much would they pay? It'd be a LOT more.
However poorer people would probably be better of.

Fair share is what?

Roads and infrastructure is built with tax money, the people who pay taxes ALREADY paid for them. Why should they pay again while you get to use them for free?

Now, if you want to privitize roads and infrastructure and have everyone pay a toll for using them, who do you think that would hurt the most?
But the Marxists keep saying the rich aren't paying their "fair share."

What is "fair share"?

If I run a business, and I use the roads and other infrastructure the govt provides, the stability the govt provides, the meddling in foreign affairs and many of the other things the govt provides, how much should I pay?

If I work in McDonalds, and I don't use these to make my money really, they help a little bit, how much should I pay?

Imagine if there were no govt. How much would businesses have to pay?

The answer to this can be found in say, Russia in the 1990s. The govt there was useless, the mafias took over. You'd have to pay over at least 30% of what you made to the Mafia. And that was just for protection.

Imagine if businesses in the US had to pay for this, for private roads all the time, for all the odds and ends How much would they pay? It'd be a LOT more.
However poorer people would probably be better of.

Fair share is what?

Roads and infrastructure is built with tax money, the people who pay taxes ALREADY paid for them. Why should they pay again while you get to use them for free?

Now, if you want to privitize roads and infrastructure and have everyone pay a toll for using them, who do you think that would hurt the most?

exactly; the idiotic talking points of the loser Left NEVER hold up to scrutiny. they rant that people who are successful used taxpayer infrastructure; but it was these successful people on the way up WHO PAID FOR THOSE ROADS; who CONTINUE TO PAY FOR THEM; and whose employees pay for them.
the asinine Left uses this absurd false argument to advance an agenda that people who are successful owe an eternal debt to Big Government; and should just blindly accept anything from the government; including confiscation of everything they've worked for

idiots and hypocrites
Roads and infrastructure is built with tax money, the people who pay taxes ALREADY paid for them. Why should they pay again while you get to use them for free?

Now, if you want to privitize roads and infrastructure and have everyone pay a toll for using them, who do you think that would hurt the most?

Holy carps.

Where did I say people should pay twice for things? I didn't. Come on.

I'm talking about what is fair.

If things were privatized, say infrastructure, how much would companies and individuals have to pay? Would that not be the fair amount?
So when they pay taxes surely they should be paying something similar to what they would pay if they were private.

This is my point, not what you're been saying.

However, the healthcare system is a pay once with taxes, pay twice with health insurance for the corruption. Seems a lot of people actually like this way.
exactly; the idiotic talking points of the loser Left NEVER hold up to scrutiny. they rant that people who are successful used taxpayer infrastructure; but it was these successful people on the way up WHO PAID FOR THOSE ROADS; who CONTINUE TO PAY FOR THEM; and whose employees pay for them.
the asinine Left uses this absurd false argument to advance an agenda that people who are successful owe an eternal debt to Big Government; and should just blindly accept anything from the government; including confiscation of everything they've worked for

idiots and hypocrites

Gets better and better.

I make a point, someone then slates me for saying something I didn't say, then the next person comes along and then gets annoyed at the whole thing.

Chinese whispers anyone? Let's start with "Betty Swollocks likes forks on the table".

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