$100K-Plus Earners Pay 72% of Federal Income Taxes

All income should be counted as the same and it should all be taxed at one rate with no exceptions.

You all pay the same tax on a gallon of gas regardless of the marginal utility of that gallon even though surely you can agree that the gallon of gas used to drive to work has more value than the gallon used to drive to a strip club.

Tell me why a dollar earned should be treated any differently?

You really think that gas analogy is a winning one don't cha?

How about housing. All taxes on houses should be the same. Right? The guy living in the 10 million dollar house should pay the same as the guy living in the 50k house. Right?

Every gallon of gas has about the same market value does it not? You can't compare a gallon of gas to a commodity with a wide variable market price now can you?

A gallon of gas does not provide shelter.

So the guy with the 10 million dollar house should pay the exact same amount as the 50 thousand dollar house guy.

See above. Property taxes are based on a completely different schedule than gasoline. I guess the point that is soaring over your head here is that I am arguing the ridiculousness of the idea of marginal utility being used when it comes to income but not other taxable items.

Or should it be the other way around? You know, the 50k guy paying the same as the 10 million dollar guy?

A house is a house just like a gallon of gas is a gallon of gas. Some people get 45 mpg and some get 10, so all use of gas is not equal. Like houses.

Pleas tell me how a house is just like a gallon of gas. The government puts a tax per gallon on gasoline. States assess a tax based on market value of a house. So two houses with the same market value are taxed the same no matter what the income of the owner of record is are they not ?

You failed.
That depends on the state or local community. Poverty and hardship exemptions are not uncommon.
That would be YOU! :eusa_liar:

The average SS Disability payment per month is $1,224.77 which comes to $14,697.24 per year, you worthless lying sack of shit!

Disabled-worker statistics

What part of AVERAGE is confusing you, ya dumbass?

And you minimum wagers wonder why no one will give you a raise.
What part of average confuses you, welfare queen? Only a dishonest piece of shit would use the max or the min to make a point about benefits.

Oh, that's right, you ARE a dishonest piece of shit.

Benefits? ROFL Benefits.... ROFL... yeah right. Welfare is "benefits."
In the real world, nobody gets $50K in welfare. And when you destroy welfare, it will cost you ten times as much to keep them in prison. That's as smart as a vegetable.

In the real world I have a former employee that definitely gets $50K in welfare.

She lives in a Section 8 house - $6000 per year.
Her 4 kids get Medicaid - $2000 per year.
She gets Medicare - $1000 per year.
She and her kids get TANF $13,000 per year.
She gets free electricity, phone, cable, and a cell phone - $4000 per year.
She gets EBT - $9000 per year.
She gets unemployment - $14,000 per year.

And since she's in all these government programs she's on every donor list out there for help. The Salvation Army gave her kids free iPads for Christmas. Publix gave her a shopping spree (fill up a cart - bypass the cashiers). The Kia dealer gave her a car. She pays $2000 for 3 of her kids to go to private school, I pay $13,000 for my 3 kids.

I used to think that the "welfare queen" was a myth until I hired this lady. When she started slacking off after the probationary period I was skeptical. When she demanded a raise but wanted me to pay it under the table (so her kids wouldn't lose Medicaid) I was appalled. When she asked to be fired or else she'd sue me for discrimination (single Mom) I was convinced that she was just working the system. The best thing I ever did for her was fire her, she says so today. I opened a case with the state and HHS. She had the gall to wear a Rolex to the hearing (it's not hers, it belongs to her "boyfriend") and was unabashed in her status as "an American citizen."

The Judge was beyond frustrated, but he ruled that she was correct and there was nothing he could do about it. She cracked the code and gamed the system.

Tell me why the hell I work again...? :mad:
Self respect?
How much of the wealth does the 100k or above take of the pie? Probably more then 72%!

So ten people are producing product and 10 are sitting on their fat asses. Are you actually saying there is a some artificial limit to the amount of work that can be produced by the 20 people? Some limited pie size? The 10 fat asses sitting on their butts are somehow not able to produce squat because the other 10 are doing all the work there is to be done?

How much of the wealth does the 100k or above take of the pie? Probably more then 72%!

So ten people are producing product and 10 are sitting on their fat asses. Are you actually saying there is a some artificial limit to the amount of work that can be produced by the 20 people? Some limited pie size? The 10 fat asses sitting on their butts are somehow not able to produce squat because the other 10 are doing all the work there is to be done?


the ten working would not be working if the ten with money had not invested it in the business.

for the record, there is not a finite amount of "wealth" in the country or the world. when one man gets rich it does not require that 10 men get poor.

who lost wealth because Bill Gates got very rich?
Fax free municipal bonds don't just fund idiotic local projects. They are the major funding source for almost all local projects. Making municipal bonds taxable means they will be less attractive to investors. The result? Instead of money going to public projects – repairing bridges, fixing dams, funding schools – it will go to Apple, Netflix, or Citibank. Is that what we want? There are already plenty of incentives to invest in the private sector; we shouldn't erase incentives to encourage private investment in the public sector.

Opposition from almost every state and local government will insure that municipal bonds remain tax free, at least for most investors. There are proposals in the Obama administration to limit the tax free status.

Do you like your iPhone more than you like the Big Dig? You paid for both.
Making municipal bonds taxable makes it more difficult for state and local government to build and repair roads, bridges, hospitals, and schools because it increases the cost of borrowing and thus local taxes. As in the past, when states can not raise funds for municipal projects, they turn to the federal government. Thus the tax revenues from municipal bonds will start flowing back to the states along with federal decision making replacing local.

You dont know thats true....it is very unlikely given the debt Our Federal government is already carrying. The feds are trying to push more things to the states...eliminating the tax-exemption will help make sure the locals dont waste more money on pork-barrel spending.
No, what Libs find unfair is flatening the progressive income tax without flatening all the other regressive taxes and not counting all income the same.
Get it?

All income should be counted as the same and it should all be taxed at one rate with no exceptions.

You all pay the same tax on a gallon of gas regardless of the marginal utility of that gallon even though surely you can agree that the gallon of gas used to drive to work has more value than the gallon used to drive to a strip club.

Tell me why a dollar earned should be treated any differently?

Because it is unconstitutional to pay federal income taxes on the "dollar earned", we can only be taxed on our GAIN on our labor wages just as businesses are only taxed on their GAIN, not their total revenues.

Why would you want to DICK the little people and not give them what you give businesses and corporations?

The IRS considers all of this income:

1.Wages, salaries, tips, etc.
2.Taxable interest.
4.Taxable refunds, credits or offsets of State and local income taxes. There are some exceptions - refer to Form 1040 instructions.
5.Alimony (or separate maintenance payments) received.
6.Business income (or loss).
7.Capital gain (or loss).
8.Other gains (or losses) (i.e., assets used in a trade or business that were exchanged or sold).
9.Taxable amount of individual retirement account (IRA) distributions. (Includes simplified employee pension [SEP] and savings incentive match plan for employees [SIMPLE] IRA.)
10.Taxable amount of pension and annuity payments.
11.Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc.
12.Farm income (or loss).
13.Unemployment compensation payments.
14.Taxable amount of Social Security benefits.
15.Other income. (Includes: prizes and awards; gambling, lottery or raffle winnings; jury duty fees; Alaska Permanent fund dividends; reimbursements for amounts deducted in previous years; income from the rental of property if not in the business of renting such property; and income from an activity not engaged in for profit).

So, how are those not "dollars earned"?
Do you like your iPhone more than you like the Big Dig? You paid for both.
Making municipal bonds taxable makes it more difficult for state and local government to build and repair roads, bridges, hospitals, and schools because it increases the cost of borrowing and thus local taxes. As in the past, when states can not raise funds for municipal projects, they turn to the federal government. Thus the tax revenues from municipal bonds will start flowing back to the states along with federal decision making replacing local.

You dont know thats true....it is very unlikely given the debt Our Federal government is already carrying. The feds are trying to push more things to the states...eliminating the tax-exemption will help make sure the locals dont waste more money on pork-barrel spending.
Every heard of earmarks. McConnell got 2.9 billion for a dam in his state last year. When state and local government can't get the money for projects, they ask congress for help. It's not that much of a problem now but when 50 states and every municipality is faced with higher cost for local projects, they'll turn to Congress, just as they have done in the past.

However, for most projects municipal interest will make little difference in getting approval of voters. Whether a bond issue for a new school is 10 million or 12 million will make little difference to voters. It's whether the school is needed that will be the issue. In places where there are millage caps, it will be big problem.
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In the real world I have a former employee that definitely gets $50K in welfare.

She lives in a Section 8 house - $6000 per year.
Her 4 kids get Medicaid - $2000 per year.
She gets Medicare - $1000 per year.
She and her kids get TANF $13,000 per year.
She gets free electricity, phone, cable, and a cell phone - $4000 per year.
She gets EBT - $9000 per year.
She gets unemployment - $14,000 per year.

And since she's in all these government programs she's on every donor list out there for help. The Salvation Army gave her kids free iPads for Christmas. Publix gave her a shopping spree (fill up a cart - bypass the cashiers). The Kia dealer gave her a car. She pays $2000 for 3 of her kids to go to private school, I pay $13,000 for my 3 kids.

I used to think that the "welfare queen" was a myth until I hired this lady. When she started slacking off after the probationary period I was skeptical. When she demanded a raise but wanted me to pay it under the table (so her kids wouldn't lose Medicaid) I was appalled. When she asked to be fired or else she'd sue me for discrimination (single Mom) I was convinced that she was just working the system. The best thing I ever did for her was fire her, she says so today. I opened a case with the state and HHS. She had the gall to wear a Rolex to the hearing (it's not hers, it belongs to her "boyfriend") and was unabashed in her status as "an American citizen."

The Judge was beyond frustrated, but he ruled that she was correct and there was nothing he could do about it. She cracked the code and gamed the system.

Tell me why the hell I work again...? :mad:
Self respect?

...isn't worth a wooden nickel.
Fax free municipal bonds don't just fund idiotic local projects. They are the major funding source for almost all local projects. Making municipal bonds taxable means they will be less attractive to investors. The result? Instead of money going to public projects – repairing bridges, fixing dams, funding schools – it will go to Apple, Netflix, or Citibank. Is that what we want? There are already plenty of incentives to invest in the private sector; we shouldn't erase incentives to encourage private investment in the public sector.

Opposition from almost every state and local government will insure that municipal bonds remain tax free, at least for most investors. There are proposals in the Obama administration to limit the tax free status.

Do you like your iPhone more than you like the Big Dig? You paid for both.
Making municipal bonds taxable makes it more difficult for state and local government to build and repair roads, bridges, hospitals, and schools because it increases the cost of borrowing and thus local taxes. As in the past, when states can not raise funds for municipal projects, they turn to the federal government. Thus the tax revenues from municipal bonds will start flowing back to the states along with federal decision making replacing local.

Making them tax free also frees local governments up to have an unfair advantage on boondoggles too though. Look at Detroit. They are flat broke but can somehow afford to contribute $240 Million to a new Hockey Stadium.

DDA approves contractor for new $450 million Detroit Red Wings arena | MLive.com
But the Marxists keep saying the rich aren't paying their "fair share."

not Marxists (learn definitions, please!)...

people earning over $100.000 are not the "wealthy".

and you aren't addressing the actual issue... which is the top 1% have over 90 percent of the wealth in this country... and no THEY do not pay their fair share....

and how about we just talk about exxon/mobil and friends? (or are we ok with corporate welfare?)

or maybe even farm subsidies to the wealthy like Michele Bachmann (or is that type of parasitism ok?)
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But the Marxists keep saying the rich aren't paying their "fair share."

not Marxists (learn definitions, please!)...

people earning over $100.000 are not the "wealthy".

and you aren't addressing the actual issue... which is the top 1% have over 90 percent of the wealth in this country... and no THEY do not pay their fair share....

and how about we just talk about exxon/mobil and friends? (or are we ok with corporate welfare?)

or maybe even farm subsidies to the wealthy like Michele Bachmann (or is that type of parasitism ok?)

Wealthy is relative, since most folks living on welfare alone don't make 100k, the families that actually work for a living and bring home 100k or so are evil rich folk.
Making municipal bonds taxable makes it more difficult for state and local government to build and repair roads, bridges, hospitals, and schools because it increases the cost of borrowing and thus local taxes. As in the past, when states can not raise funds for municipal projects, they turn to the federal government. Thus the tax revenues from municipal bonds will start flowing back to the states along with federal decision making replacing local.

You dont know thats true....it is very unlikely given the debt Our Federal government is already carrying. The feds are trying to push more things to the states...eliminating the tax-exemption will help make sure the locals dont waste more money on pork-barrel spending.
Every heard of earmarks. McConnell got 2.9 billion for a dam in his state last year. When state and local government can't get the money for projects, they ask congress for help. It's not that much of a problem now but when 50 states and every municipality is faced with higher cost for local projects, they'll turn to Congress, just as they have done in the past.

However, for most projects municipal interest will make little difference in getting approval of voters. Whether a bond issue for a new school is 10 million or 12 million will make little difference to voters. It's whether the school is needed that will be the issue. In places where there are millage caps, it will be big problem.

Yet they say they've had earmark reform...., pressure from voters is heavy to do away with all earmarks.

Voters on the local level should be more aware of project costs. These bloated projects need to be cut down in size or this nation is heading down a rat-hole.....The tax-exemption on municipal bonds must be eliminated . It might even allow for more local folks investing in the projects in their area as the bonds will make more sense for lower income folks without the tax-exemption.
But the Marxists keep saying the rich aren't paying their "fair share."

not Marxists (learn definitions, please!)...

people earning over $100.000 are not the "wealthy".

and you aren't addressing the actual issue... which is the top 1% have over 90 percent of the wealth in this country... and no THEY do not pay their fair share....

and how about we just talk about exxon/mobil and friends? (or are we ok with corporate welfare?)

or maybe even farm subsidies to the wealthy like Michele Bachmann (or is that type of parasitism ok?)

Says who.. you?


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