107 killed in crane collapse at Mecca's Grand Mosque


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
(CNN)A powerful storm toppled a construction crane Friday afternoon at the Masjid al-Haram, or Grand Mosque, in Mecca -- killing at least 107 people and injuring 238 others, Saudi Arabia's civil defense authorities said on Twitter.

Photos and video on social media showed the crane crashing through the mosque roof and the aftermath, with bodies, blood and debris spread across the courtyard.

The crane fell 10 days before the start of the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage expected to bring 2 million people to Mecca. The Masjid al-Haram is the largest mosque in the world and surrounds Islam's holiest site, the Kaaba -- a cube-shaped shrine that worshippers circle.
Mecca mosque: 107 killed in crane collapse - CNN.com

This is horrific.
HOAX Mecca Haj: crane kills 107 faithful : ZERO DEAD mockery.
"The disaster, the latest in a series of deadly mishaps to hit the haj" part of these agendas: destruction of icons of false religions, END of SHOW.

Mockery staged as :
- Bin Laden family runs company of crane that crashed on 9/11 2015.
- crane crashes on roof, doesn''t even break apart, so no logical reason for anyone to be killed.

As usual:
- all actors have their faces covered or are not recognizable.
- photos released later contradicting previously released footage.

Inside the Grand Mosque after the crane collapse
Crane collapses on the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

All the actors have their faces covered.
Crane collapses on the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Hours later the crane is presented as habing pentetrated the mosque:
Crane collapses on the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

"Evidence" that 107 people died...
Crane collapses on the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Crane collapses on the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia blames winds for deadly crane collapse, opens investigation
The disaster was the latest in a series of deadly mishaps to hit the haj, one of the world's largest religious gatherings, after hundreds of pilgrims died in a stampede in 2006.
Saudi Arabia blames winds for deadly crane collapse, opens investigation

Hajj ‘will go on’ after deadly Mecca crane collapse
The construction giant Saudi Binladin Group is leading the mosque expansion and also built the Abraj al-Bait project.
Hajj ‘will go on’ after deadly Mecca crane collapse

Syria and Iraq's sunni neighbors, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, same as Turkey; not run by sunnis but by illuminati agents participating in the genocide of sunnis.
600 members of the Bin Laden family = 600 students at Sandy Hook elementary school = ZERO
Illuminati Actors: 600 members of Bin Laden family = 600 children at Sandy Hook elementary school = ZERO
Jan 2015: Talk of Saudi fake families:
Agendas behind the timing for "King Abdullah dead"
Illuminati faking deaths: Saudi King Abdullah dead Agendas: from Sana, Yemen to Mosul, Iraq

Destruction of icons of false religions:
Most acts involve christian icons, ranging
- from nazi agents playing popes since 1958 "sell" churches [to be preferrably used as gay discos]
- to China gov (illiuminati puppets) destroying first crosses and now razing churches to the ground.
Christian Genocide: China: not only churches but also crosses razed to the ground
Episodes related to other religions include;
- Taliban leader (illuminati agent in the role of suicide bomber) destroys Bamyan Buddhas in Afghanistan (also part of the 9/11 script), 2001.
- NATO fighter jets destroy the tomb of Prophet Jonah with a missile strike] (images marketed as destroyed by ISIS, as site was controlled by Iraqi patriots of MCIR), 2014.
- ISIS (mercenaries in the NATO payroll protecting Assad alias fighting the real rebels) destroy Palmyra ruins, 2015
Fake wars and fake rebels in real wars by the illuminati: Islamic State ISIS fake rebels Syria Iraq for dummies

Illuminati suicide bombers: Mecca Haj crane HOAX ZERO DEAD mockery.
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Tragic, but if you've ever even slightly been a believer in karma, this should really raise your eyebrows.

Happened on 9/11

Happened at Islam's most holiest site

Bin Laden family running the construction

Now that's karma !
Super Blood Moon of Sep 27 2015 and Illuminati Numerology
The Illuminati Grand Master is possibly hinting that Osama Bin Laden's resurrection alias Obama Biden's staged arrest, the begin of the BIG BANG, will take place on 27th September 2015.
The day the Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation will officially be 54 years and 54 days old: 54 = 3*(6+6+6).

Sep 24 - "Hajj, Mecca - the fury of the four elements" series completed days earlier with the stampede hoax
The hoax was staged in street 204 which in http means "job fulfilled, job done" as symbology for the completion of the series and of Obama's role as counterfeit president.
The "death" toll continued to rise for 3 hours and suddenly stopped at 717, the number for Armageddon in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.

7:17 ET "Pope" alias Jonathan Pryce opens his "homily" at the St Patricks cathedral evening service 9/24:
"I have two feelings for my Muslim brothers and sisters. First, I recognize that today is the Feast of Sacrifice "
He went on to become the first fake pope to literally state that Jesus failed at the cross, Jesus end of life was failure, the cross was failure:
"Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross."

When Iluminati created Obama's biography in 1992:
- the name comes from Obamanation / Abomination of Desolation
- the birthdate comes from the Super Blood Moon from Sept 27, 2015, to have him at 54 years and 54 days on that night.

The Blood Moon will be visable from 9pm(est) til 11pm(est) 9/11.
The Moon will be in the constellation Pisces (The Fish), which was a code sign among persecuted christians in the first centuries, who would be killed if they were recognized as such

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.
Strongs Exhaustive Bible Concordance Online
Strong's #717: Armageddon: of Hebrew origin (2022 and 4023); Armageddon (or Har-Meggiddon), a symbolic name:
Strongs's #717: Armageddon - Greek/Hebrew Definitions - Bible Tools

Rare Celestial Event: Best Places to See the Super Blood Moon
Rare Celestial Event: Best Places to See the Super Blood Moon

Hoax, fake bloo: "Hajj, Mecca - the fury of the four elements" series
Wind/Lightning (caused crane collapse) + Fire (caused 1.500 to flee hotel) + Earth (caused rock slide) + Water (flood of people caused stampede).
Illuminati Religion: Mecca hajj hoax: fury of 4 elements series completed

Obama Biden alias Osama Bi(nla)den presidency comes to an end with the BIG BANG.
It starts with their staged arrest followed by termination of distribution of food stamps to 45 millions, mostlyt blacks, and martial law.
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: BIG BANG 2015 for dummies

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