108 illegals released into the US test POSITIVE for Covid

Thank you President Idiot. Over a hundred Covid infected illegals were released into Texas, PUT ON BUSES and sent who knows where.

The Democrats of course made sure they were al registered to vote in the coming mid-terms, so it wasn't necessary to hold them any more. This is just a voter drive for Democrats; they need to nullify votes of citizens before the mid-terms and 2024.
Thank you President Idiot. Over a hundred Covid infected illegals were released into Texas, PUT ON BUSES and sent who knows where.

New rules from Biden. If your illegal you get a bus ride and get released into our country instead of being kicked back into Mexico. Boy has he handcuffed ICE.

What a flaming jack ass that man is.

Once They're registered to vote Democrats see no reason to hold them any more. They're passed on to the various La Raza fronts once their loyalty to The Party is assured.
Thank you President Idiot. Over a hundred Covid infected illegals were released into Texas, PUT ON BUSES and sent who knows where.

New rules from Biden. If your illegal you get a bus ride and get released into our country instead of being kicked back into Mexico. Boy has he handcuffed ICE.

What a flaming jack ass that man is.

Once They're registered to vote Democrats see no reason to hold them any more. They're passed on to the various La Raza fronts once their loyalty to The Party is assured.
And the USA will soon be "Oceania".
Thank you President Idiot. Over a hundred Covid infected illegals were released into Texas, PUT ON BUSES and sent who knows where.

Governor Abbott welcomes them. Texas is OPEN - No masks required!
I'd love to see those 108 in your yard hacking and coughing. If these people lived by you, you'd send them back.

You never cared about Covid, just how to use it politically.

You people should end up like Mussoloini.
Hell a month has gone by since I posted this. What a humanatarian crisis.

Biden's open borders plan is running perfectly.

The aim being the total destruction of America and its values.

The Rats are doing a great job so far.

Thank you President Idiot. Over a hundred Covid infected illegals were released into Texas, PUT ON BUSES and sent who knows where.

" He said the 108 positives account for 6.3 percent of the total migrants who received rapid tests at the city’s main bus terminal, a program that began on Jan. 25. "

6.3% positivity rate?
People almost guaranteed to stay out of public because of their status?

Seems that these terrible LEGAL (yes, that was your first lie) immigrants are safer that the Trumpinistas. Let's do a trade. Deport all Trumpinistas and replace them with these LEGAL immigrants.

Our country would certainly be better off but can't say as much for the shit-hole you people will make of wherever you end up.
Biden Will Let The Illegals In With COVID-19 But Plans a Florida Travel Ban – Def-Con News

Why does Joe Biden allow illegals into the country who are not being tested for Covid, but is considering bans for US citizens on travel to places like Florida to stop Covid?

Every alien apprehended at the border seeking asylum or not, should be tested immediately and if positive for a communicable disease should immediately be put back across the border without further processing. I say this as a proud Biden voter.
So you vote one way, and then think in another eh ?? lol
You sound like a trump dupe. For you, if you vote for somebody, you give up all rational thought and forfeit you personal right to disagree. That is not exercising good judgement. That is part of why your boy lost the election as how you let him screw what used to be a sensible party, so nobody with a clue trust you guys anymore to exercise rational thought. Sad for you. :(
Sad that you agree with Trump, but voted party over country.
Never voted for trumpy, but when he was right on something, I agreed. It did not happen or come up often, due to the type of guy he is. That is why I voted for Joe Biden. As I have said on here before, I never expected to agree with all of his policies or not support ideas I thought were better. Been voting since 72. Never voted for a single president, that I supported everything he did.
Well, you are going to get the opportunity to see how well your vote works out once again, and so far it ain't looking good in my opinion, but not sure of your mindset in life, so you might be in hog heaven right now.
Neither up nor down. Just watching. Doubt will effect how I live, one way or the other. Releasing on this side of border and especially with out testing is not to bright, but won't keep me up at night in Tennessee.
This is about the most selfish written post one could conjure up on this site. How someone like you can come here, and then seriously think that anyone gives a crap about what you think or say after a post like that, uhhhh is flat outright amazing. Biden bringing out the worst in his base is what you just gave evidence of. Trying to defend the indefensible makes one write crap like you just wrote. How about using your talent with some kind of common sense for a change ??? You ain't dumb, but that was a dumb thing you just wrote or maybe you think that it wasn't.
Thank you President Idiot. Over a hundred Covid infected illegals were released into Texas, PUT ON BUSES and sent who knows where.

They likely didn't send them to NY Gov. Cuomo's care. That they exposed Covid patients to anywhere, it is likely they are headed to a state that voted Trump. Biden is a hateful get-even warlock.
Thank you President Idiot. Over a hundred Covid infected illegals were released into Texas, PUT ON BUSES and sent who knows where.

You're going to experience a little bit what we experienced a few years ago with the European leftists when they opened the doors, the borders to the migrants a real massacre, Without Trump, we can see the difference right away.
Thank you President Idiot. Over a hundred Covid infected illegals were released into Texas, PUT ON BUSES and sent who knows where.

" He said the 108 positives account for 6.3 percent of the total migrants who received rapid tests at the city’s main bus terminal, a program that began on Jan. 25. "

6.3% positivity rate?
People almost guaranteed to stay out of public because of their status?

Seems that these terrible LEGAL (yes, that was your first lie) immigrants are safer that the Trumpinistas. Let's do a trade. Deport all Trumpinistas and replace them with these LEGAL immigrants.

Our country would certainly be better off but can't say as much for the shit-hole you people will make of wherever you end up.
"Trumpanistas?" You say.

Laws of mercy; your hatred for good people who acknowledged President Trump was making America great is likely the lynchpin of your sad soul.
Biden Will Let The Illegals In With COVID-19 But Plans a Florida Travel Ban – Def-Con News

Why does Joe Biden allow illegals into the country who are not being tested for Covid, but is considering bans for US citizens on travel to places like Florida to stop Covid?

Every alien apprehended at the border seeking asylum or not, should be tested immediately and if positive for a communicable disease should immediately be put back across the border without further processing. I say this as a proud Biden voter.
So you vote one way, and then think in another eh ?? lol
You sound like a trump dupe. For you, if you vote for somebody, you give up all rational thought and forfeit you personal right to disagree. That is not exercising good judgement. That is part of why your boy lost the election as how you let him screw what used to be a sensible party, so nobody with a clue trust you guys anymore to exercise rational thought. Sad for you. :(
Sad that you agree with Trump, but voted party over country.
Never voted for trumpy, but when he was right on something, I agreed. It did not happen or come up often, due to the type of guy he is. That is why I voted for Joe Biden. As I have said on here before, I never expected to agree with all of his policies or not support ideas I thought were better. Been voting since 72. Never voted for a single president, that I supported everything he did.
Well, you are going to get the opportunity to see how well your vote works out once again, and so far it ain't looking good in my opinion, but not sure of your mindset in life, so you might be in hog heaven right now.
Neither up nor down. Just watching. Doubt will effect how I live, one way or the other. Releasing on this side of border and especially with out testing is not to bright, but won't keep me up at night in Tennessee.
This is about the most selfish written post one could conjure up on this site. How someone like you can come here, and then seriously think that anyone gives a crap about what you think or say after a post like that, uhhhh is flat outright amazing. Biden bringing out the worst in his base is what you just gave evidence of. Trying to defend the indefensible makes one write crap like you just wrote. How about using your talent with some kind of common sense for a change ??? You ain't dumb, but that was a dumb thing you just wrote or maybe you think that it wasn't.
I didn't defend jack sh#t. Just not a crises to me, at least not as much as trying to throw a veil of secrecy over it. I'll keep watching and see if he affects change to the mess. If you think he should be releasing on this side, especially without testing, send him a donation. Me, I'll keep watching. Remember, it's the trumpers who are in most danger, as they are the largest group rejecting vaccination. I've had the disease and now the vaccine.
Thank you President Idiot. Over a hundred Covid infected illegals were released into Texas, PUT ON BUSES and sent who knows where.

" He said the 108 positives account for 6.3 percent of the total migrants who received rapid tests at the city’s main bus terminal, a program that began on Jan. 25. "

6.3% positivity rate?
People almost guaranteed to stay out of public because of their status?

Seems that these terrible LEGAL (yes, that was your first lie) immigrants are safer that the Trumpinistas. Let's do a trade. Deport all Trumpinistas and replace them with these LEGAL immigrants.

Our country would certainly be better off but can't say as much for the shit-hole you people will make of wherever you end up.
"Trumpanistas?" You say.

Laws of mercy; your hatred for good people who acknowledged President Trump was making America great is likely the lynchpin of your sad soul.
If we add your IQ to the OP we're still not in double digits.

That you have written here, whether or not you actually believe it, that Cap'n Cheeto was "making America great " shows an absolute ignorance of current events and recent history.
Biden Will Let The Illegals In With COVID-19 But Plans a Florida Travel Ban – Def-Con News

Why does Joe Biden allow illegals into the country who are not being tested for Covid, but is considering bans for US citizens on travel to places like Florida to stop Covid?

Every alien apprehended at the border seeking asylum or not, should be tested immediately and if positive for a communicable disease should immediately be put back across the border without further processing. I say this as a proud Biden voter.
So you vote one way, and then think in another eh ?? lol
You sound like a trump dupe. For you, if you vote for somebody, you give up all rational thought and forfeit you personal right to disagree. That is not exercising good judgement. That is part of why your boy lost the election as how you let him screw what used to be a sensible party, so nobody with a clue trust you guys anymore to exercise rational thought. Sad for you. :(
Sad that you agree with Trump, but voted party over country.
Never voted for trumpy, but when he was right on something, I agreed. It did not happen or come up often, due to the type of guy he is. That is why I voted for Joe Biden. As I have said on here before, I never expected to agree with all of his policies or not support ideas I thought were better. Been voting since 72. Never voted for a single president, that I supported everything he did.
Well, you are going to get the opportunity to see how well your vote works out once again, and so far it ain't looking good in my opinion, but not sure of your mindset in life, so you might be in hog heaven right now.
Neither up nor down. Just watching. Doubt will effect how I live, one way or the other. Releasing on this side of border and especially with out testing is not to bright, but won't keep me up at night in Tennessee.
This is about the most selfish written post one could conjure up on this site. How someone like you can come here, and then seriously think that anyone gives a crap about what you think or say after a post like that, uhhhh is flat outright amazing. Biden bringing out the worst in his base is what you just gave evidence of. Trying to defend the indefensible makes one write crap like you just wrote. How about using your talent with some kind of common sense for a change ??? You ain't dumb, but that was a dumb thing you just wrote or maybe you think that it wasn't.
I didn't defend jack sh#t. Just not a crises to me, at least not as much as trying to throw a veil of secrecy over it. I'll keep watching and see if he affects change to the mess. If you think he should be releasing on this side, especially without testing, send him a donation. Me, I'll keep watching. Remember, it's the trumpers who are in most danger, as they are the largest group rejecting vaccination. I've had the disease and now the vaccine.
Glad you got well's Mr. White6, and glad you got a vaccination. My problem with flu and pneumonia is a kind of toxic shock. Last several times I took vaccines' I got the diseases anyway, the multiple pneumonia shots resulted in 7 months of having pneumonia symptoms that started less than a month after the shot. I finally got a little better' and now I have chronic asthma wheezing each month or two no covid.

I'm no longer afraid of death but am not going to put myself through toxic shock and all that follows by taking yet another shot. I've lived a life in the loving service of other people's needs because my parents and grandparents taught me about Jesus who loves us all and I love the story about the kingdom of God. God's a good guy who gave us a beautiful world, knowing that good children in the kingdom will be good stewards who share with others and care for animal habitats including the seas. The best we can do is to love others and pray for those who don't have the keys to the kingdom of our God and his only son who lived a perfect life to show us the Way.

Hope you stay well.
Biden Will Let The Illegals In With COVID-19 But Plans a Florida Travel Ban – Def-Con News

Why does Joe Biden allow illegals into the country who are not being tested for Covid, but is considering bans for US citizens on travel to places like Florida to stop Covid?

Every alien apprehended at the border seeking asylum or not, should be tested immediately and if positive for a communicable disease should immediately be put back across the border without further processing. I say this as a proud Biden voter.
So you vote one way, and then think in another eh ?? lol
You sound like a trump dupe. For you, if you vote for somebody, you give up all rational thought and forfeit you personal right to disagree. That is not exercising good judgement. That is part of why your boy lost the election as how you let him screw what used to be a sensible party, so nobody with a clue trust you guys anymore to exercise rational thought. Sad for you. :(
Sad that you agree with Trump, but voted party over country.
Never voted for trumpy, but when he was right on something, I agreed. It did not happen or come up often, due to the type of guy he is. That is why I voted for Joe Biden. As I have said on here before, I never expected to agree with all of his policies or not support ideas I thought were better. Been voting since 72. Never voted for a single president, that I supported everything he did.
Well, you are going to get the opportunity to see how well your vote works out once again, and so far it ain't looking good in my opinion, but not sure of your mindset in life, so you might be in hog heaven right now.
Neither up nor down. Just watching. Doubt will effect how I live, one way or the other. Releasing on this side of border and especially with out testing is not to bright, but won't keep me up at night in Tennessee.
This is about the most selfish written post one could conjure up on this site. How someone like you can come here, and then seriously think that anyone gives a crap about what you think or say after a post like that, uhhhh is flat outright amazing. Biden bringing out the worst in his base is what you just gave evidence of. Trying to defend the indefensible makes one write crap like you just wrote. How about using your talent with some kind of common sense for a change ??? You ain't dumb, but that was a dumb thing you just wrote or maybe you think that it wasn't.
I didn't defend jack sh#t. Just not a crises to me, at least not as much as trying to throw a veil of secrecy over it. I'll keep watching and see if he affects change to the mess. If you think he should be releasing on this side, especially without testing, send him a donation. Me, I'll keep watching. Remember, it's the trumpers who are in most danger, as they are the largest group rejecting vaccination. I've had the disease and now the vaccine.
What do you mean "if I think he should be releasing on this side, and if I send him a donation" lefty ????

Don't try to spin your way out of your bullcrap. You know you are a Biden man, and you know he's letting you down big time. Now you gotta spin like a top trying to make it appear that you are sorry you support the Democrat's by saying the bullcrap you are saying now. I'll keep watching to see what happens eh ? ROTFLMBO... Yeah, and what are you gonna do if they don't do right by you ? Call them up, and tell them that you are taking back your vote ??? ROTFLMBO.
Biden Will Let The Illegals In With COVID-19 But Plans a Florida Travel Ban – Def-Con News

Why does Joe Biden allow illegals into the country who are not being tested for Covid, but is considering bans for US citizens on travel to places like Florida to stop Covid?

Every alien apprehended at the border seeking asylum or not, should be tested immediately and if positive for a communicable disease should immediately be put back across the border without further processing. I say this as a proud Biden voter.
So you vote one way, and then think in another eh ?? lol
You sound like a trump dupe. For you, if you vote for somebody, you give up all rational thought and forfeit you personal right to disagree. That is not exercising good judgement. That is part of why your boy lost the election as how you let him screw what used to be a sensible party, so nobody with a clue trust you guys anymore to exercise rational thought. Sad for you. :(
Sad that you agree with Trump, but voted party over country.
Never voted for trumpy, but when he was right on something, I agreed. It did not happen or come up often, due to the type of guy he is. That is why I voted for Joe Biden. As I have said on here before, I never expected to agree with all of his policies or not support ideas I thought were better. Been voting since 72. Never voted for a single president, that I supported everything he did.
Well, you are going to get the opportunity to see how well your vote works out once again, and so far it ain't looking good in my opinion, but not sure of your mindset in life, so you might be in hog heaven right now.
Neither up nor down. Just watching. Doubt will effect how I live, one way or the other. Releasing on this side of border and especially with out testing is not to bright, but won't keep me up at night in Tennessee.
This is about the most selfish written post one could conjure up on this site. How someone like you can come here, and then seriously think that anyone gives a crap about what you think or say after a post like that, uhhhh is flat outright amazing. Biden bringing out the worst in his base is what you just gave evidence of. Trying to defend the indefensible makes one write crap like you just wrote. How about using your talent with some kind of common sense for a change ??? You ain't dumb, but that was a dumb thing you just wrote or maybe you think that it wasn't.
I didn't defend jack sh#t. Just not a crises to me, at least not as much as trying to throw a veil of secrecy over it. I'll keep watching and see if he affects change to the mess. If you think he should be releasing on this side, especially without testing, send him a donation. Me, I'll keep watching. Remember, it's the trumpers who are in most danger, as they are the largest group rejecting vaccination. I've had the disease and now the vaccine.
Glad you got well's Mr. White6, and glad you got a vaccination. My problem with flu and pneumonia is a kind of toxic shock. Last several times I took vaccines' I got the diseases anyway, the multiple pneumonia shots resulted in 7 months of having pneumonia symptoms that started less than a month after the shot. I finally got a little better' and now I have chronic asthma wheezing each month or two no covid.

I'm no longer afraid of death but am not going to put myself through toxic shock and all that follows by taking yet another shot. I've lived a life in the loving service of other people's needs because my parents and grandparents taught me about Jesus who loves us all and I love the story about the kingdom of God. God's a good guy who gave us a beautiful world, knowing that good children in the kingdom will be good stewards who share with others and care for animal habitats including the seas. The best we can do is to love others and pray for those who don't have the keys to the kingdom of our God and his only son who lived a perfect life to show us the Way.

Hope you stay well.
My wonder is that if those who are getting these shots, and then getting temporarily sick by them (fever and all), is if a person who is vulnerable were to be around the person, could they be infected during the short period that the person is sick maybe ???? Hmmmmmm.
I can't wait until some Democrat tells me to put my mask on so I can them to "Go Fuck Yourself".
I can't wait until some Democrat tells me to put my mask on so I can them to "Go Fuck Yourself".
Went to a crowded event not long ago... I had my mask on, and others didn't. They didn't bother me not one bit, because I had mine on. People being bothered by people going maskless, uhhhh are just stupid or either brainwashed. I never am bothered by people going maskless. It's a personal choice.
Biden Will Let The Illegals In With COVID-19 But Plans a Florida Travel Ban – Def-Con News

Why does Joe Biden allow illegals into the country who are not being tested for Covid, but is considering bans for US citizens on travel to places like Florida to stop Covid?

Every alien apprehended at the border seeking asylum or not, should be tested immediately and if positive for a communicable disease should immediately be put back across the border without further processing. I say this as a proud Biden voter.
So you vote one way, and then think in another eh ?? lol
You sound like a trump dupe. For you, if you vote for somebody, you give up all rational thought and forfeit you personal right to disagree. That is not exercising good judgement. That is part of why your boy lost the election as how you let him screw what used to be a sensible party, so nobody with a clue trust you guys anymore to exercise rational thought. Sad for you. :(
Sad that you agree with Trump, but voted party over country.
Never voted for trumpy, but when he was right on something, I agreed. It did not happen or come up often, due to the type of guy he is. That is why I voted for Joe Biden. As I have said on here before, I never expected to agree with all of his policies or not support ideas I thought were better. Been voting since 72. Never voted for a single president, that I supported everything he did.
Well, you are going to get the opportunity to see how well your vote works out once again, and so far it ain't looking good in my opinion, but not sure of your mindset in life, so you might be in hog heaven right now.
Neither up nor down. Just watching. Doubt will effect how I live, one way or the other. Releasing on this side of border and especially with out testing is not to bright, but won't keep me up at night in Tennessee.
This is about the most selfish written post one could conjure up on this site. How someone like you can come here, and then seriously think that anyone gives a crap about what you think or say after a post like that, uhhhh is flat outright amazing. Biden bringing out the worst in his base is what you just gave evidence of. Trying to defend the indefensible makes one write crap like you just wrote. How about using your talent with some kind of common sense for a change ??? You ain't dumb, but that was a dumb thing you just wrote or maybe you think that it wasn't.
I didn't defend jack sh#t. Just not a crises to me, at least not as much as trying to throw a veil of secrecy over it. I'll keep watching and see if he affects change to the mess. If you think he should be releasing on this side, especially without testing, send him a donation. Me, I'll keep watching. Remember, it's the trumpers who are in most danger, as they are the largest group rejecting vaccination. I've had the disease and now the vaccine.
Glad you got well's Mr. White6, and glad you got a vaccination. My problem with flu and pneumonia is a kind of toxic shock. Last several times I took vaccines' I got the diseases anyway, the multiple pneumonia shots resulted in 7 months of having pneumonia symptoms that started less than a month after the shot. I finally got a little better' and now I have chronic asthma wheezing each month or two no covid.

I'm no longer afraid of death but am not going to put myself through toxic shock and all that follows by taking yet another shot. I've lived a life in the loving service of other people's needs because my parents and grandparents taught me about Jesus who loves us all and I love the story about the kingdom of God. God's a good guy who gave us a beautiful world, knowing that good children in the kingdom will be good stewards who share with others and care for animal habitats including the seas. The best we can do is to love others and pray for those who don't have the keys to the kingdom of our God and his only son who lived a perfect life to show us the Way.

Hope you stay well.
Thanks. Probably very sound logic. Would encourage anyone to get one except people that have had reactions to other vaccines, even though this one is based on supposedly different approach, but that is is just it. This vaccine is even newer than the weird new virus that has little predictability of effect on different folks.
Likewise, hope you continue to take care of yourself out there.

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