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11 days "To wipe Israel out of existence"

I'm not being an alarmist at all. I merely pointed out what they said and invited them to try it.

Why would you invite conflict? Wouldn't you prefer a peaceful world?

Or do you wish to see Iranians suffer?



clearly, you hate jews and want to see them floating dead in the water.



What gave me away? lol

Actually, I would side with Israel more often if they obeyed the law and didn't kill so many people. Power corrupts, and I fear that the administration is not as aligned with the people as it could be, and will opt for a more agressive and unsustainable path. Bibi is a bit too in love with conflict for me to believe any of his peaceful overtures, however vaguely non-committal they may be.
I agree, power does corrupt. But, so too are ALL human beings potentially capable of the same racism that produced the holocaust. Perhaps in varying degrees but still the same. If Israel was interested in promoting peace and democracy for jews AND arabs AND christians then it would be a lot easier to defend than when we have little zionist bastards like DavidS on here pretty much proving the anti-gentile slant of this latest form of zionism. True, palis need a ghandi rather than a guevera... but, hell, even the Pope sees it even if zionists jews refuse to.
Can anyone 'splain to me why I should care a ratsass more about Israel than I did about the former Yugoslavia??

Do you drive a car? Do you put gas in your car? Israel is the only thing that's causing your gas to remain under $500/barrel.

So if we all start walking and riding our bikes more, then there will be no need for Israel?
Yea.. reality like a population of pali refugees giving muslim nation like Iran a reason to piss in the breakfast cereal of the jews? Indeed.

It wouldn't even take the full nuclear coverage of the landmass of israel to cripple the zionist bastion. One in Jerusalem, One in Telaviv and one wildcard would do it. Of course the US would step in. Hell, israel could literally start beheading and eating arab babies and America would stand in the way of muslim retribution. No shit.

But, that doesn't mean America can't be checked by Russia and China. Especially Russia. Blowing our load for the sake of israel may sound like fun to a zionist but, I'm betting, the US will balk as soon as either major global power decides to enter the equation. Hell, Russia sold Iran it's nuclear equipment. You think THEY are any less interested in abandoning such investment than we are?

The Palestinian problem is like a scab that Arabs like to pick so that it will never heal. It provides them a wonderfully convenient excuse to do all manner of misdeeds. It is an issue they could have solved amongst themselves 40 or 50 years ago, but they continue to ensure a festering sore instead.

That said, Israel is not blameless. They took someone else's country. They can hardly be surprised that those folks are pissed off.

Cripple is a different question than evaporate. A decapitation strike would cripple. I would just idly wonder if you were the country that decided to evaporate the a Holy city of the three major religions what might be the effect on your country? Seems like it wouldn't be good, no?

I'm not convinced that the US would step in. Our tendency in these cases is to let Israel fend for itself. Witness the Air war with Syria in the early 1980's where Israel destroyed damn near every plane the Syrian's had without losing a single plane themselves. The 1973 Arab - Israeli war and the 6 day war. And finally, unilateral actions against Iraq and Syrian nuclear facilities.

I'm guessing the only way the US would step in is if Israel was about to launch nukes and we could prevent it.

Yes, I think Russia is less invested with Iran than the US is with Israel. Iran is inchoate to Russia. It's an opportunity. Israel is a 60 year investment to the US not to mention all the cross Jewish ties between the countries. Like I said before. Israel is at a minimum a nuclear super power. On a small scale with it's surrounding rivals, it may be a military super power. They don't need the US to come protect them. I think the roles would be reversed. If the Russians tried to back up the Iranians, the US would check Russia.

China is too smart to be part of this game. If you've ever played Go, you might understand how the Chinese would view this potential for conflict. The Russians and the US play chess with each other. The Chinese play Go, while we play chess. Which makes us impotent against their designs.
Yea, it WONT heal until israel decides that those human beings are as deserving of consideration as THE US decided our former slaves were. don't like them being thrown in your fucking face? Then take a lesson from the civil rights era of an actual western nation more concerned with democracy than racism preservation of demographics.

if I stood to lose my stake in that holy city (the eventual razing of temple mount for the next temple of solomon) then the decision would be pretty easy. Right now israel is looking for any way to demolish the second holiest muslim location for the sake of a Jewish temple. Do you really think muslims are too stupid to see the direction the current is flowing given everything else? I don't.

I think Dave said it best when he suggested that an American president who DIDNT intecede would be labeled a joo hating antisemite. The Aipac influence is very real in this christian nation, unfortunately. Even more unfortunate would be the blowback reprocussion of that very Aipac influence being used.

And I disagree. If israel didn't NEED the US then she wouldn't try to hold our hand time and again regarding iran.

Sure, China may sit back and let the west hash it out.. But i'm betting they have enough population to make an effort to preserve their pipelines and establish connections with a growing cultural muslim influence.

And, let's face it.. they didn't like having Taiwan carved from their lands any more than Arabs likes the creation of israel.
Can anyone 'splain to me why I should care a ratsass more about Israel than I did about the former Yugoslavia??

Do you drive a car? Do you put gas in your car? Israel is the only thing that's causing your gas to remain under $500/barrel.

So if we all start walking and riding our bikes more, then there will be no need for Israel?

human death is worth low gas prices, dont you know?

iran is in an arms race.....why....

a. they intend to use them...

b. they want to make sure no one attacks them....
The Israelis have every right to protect their borders. It's as simple as that. They also have every right to set their requirements for citizenship, just as we do.
The Israelis have every right to protect their borders. It's as simple as that. They also have every right to set their requirements for citizenship, just as we do.

sure sure... and when that standard reflects nazi germany more than post-civil rights era America I guess you'll also be the first to validate gas chambers for arabs like you do sniper solutions for pregnant palis!
The Israelis have every right to protect their borders. It's as simple as that. They also have every right to set their requirements for citizenship, just as we do.

sure sure... and when that standard reflects nazi germany more than post-civil rights era America I guess you'll also be the first to validate gas chambers for arabs like you do sniper solutions for pregnant palis!
Only a retard would compare Israel to Nazi Germany. Oh, wait...this is soggy.
The Israelis have every right to protect their borders. It's as simple as that. They also have every right to set their requirements for citizenship, just as we do.

sure sure... and when that standard reflects nazi germany more than post-civil rights era America I guess you'll also be the first to validate gas chambers for arabs like you do sniper solutions for pregnant palis!
Only a retard would compare Israel to Nazi Germany. Oh, wait...this is soggy.

Oh I KNOW, fatty! because, apparently, jews are SUPER HUMAN and totally impervious to racism!


stick to terrorizing kfc drive thru windown, ravir.

Which, in my opinion Israel will have little choice but to do if no one else will stop Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon. Lets take it ALL in to context shall we?

The only reason Israel would attack Iran is BECAUSE of the development of nuclear weapons.

So a clandestinely nuclear armed Israel will attack Iran because they believe Iran will attack them upon completion of their own clandestine nuclear weapons program?

Don't make the mistake of assuming there is parity there. Israel is a nuclear super power. They have the third largest nuclear stock pile in the world. Right behind the US and Russia. More than China and more than all of Europe put together.

The estimates I've heard is between 100 and 350 nuclear warheads. Israel has a well developed nuclear triad system patterned on the US. They have between 2 and 4 super quiet diesel submarines purchase from the Germans that are missile launch capable. Basically only the US has the means to detect them. They also have land based missiles and air launched missiles.

The mere fact Iran has a bomb, doesn't really get them in the game with Israel. It's like if we both had boats, but mine was 450 foot yacht and yours was a 21 foot bowrider. Yeah, they are both boats, but......

Oh I'm aware of this, Tech. It's a big reason why I think Israel is being more than a tad hypocritical about this.
Originally posted by Dude
Uh-huh...I keep hearing that one all the time.

So, what has this "ally" done for America lately??

Two giant craters in Manhattan and more to come.
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The full quote:

"The truth is that Israel does not have the courage to attack us. If we are subjected to any attack by Israel, I do not think we will need more than 11 days to wipe Israel out of existence."


What a joke. Iran couldn't kick Saddam's ass. And for all their funding of Hezbollah, they've failed there too. Suddenly they're all "bad" -n- shit?

Iran reminds me of this chihuahua that comes racing down his driveway barking his fool head off as I run by in the evening, but making DAMNED sure he pulls up short at the end. Where the rubber meets the road, he apparently recongnizes it for the size 11 it is.:cool:
The full quote:

"The truth is that Israel does not have the courage to attack us. If we are subjected to any attack by Israel, I do not think we will need more than 11 days to wipe Israel out of existence."


What a joke. Iran couldn't kick Saddam's ass. And for all their funding of Hezbollah, they've failed there too. Suddenly they're all "bad" -n- shit?

Iran reminds me of this chihuahua that comes racing down his driveway barking his fool head off as I run by in the evening, but making DAMNED sure he pulls up short at the end. Where the rubber meets the road, he apparently recongnizes it for the size 11 it is.:cool:

you sure that's not DavidS?

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