11 white jurors, 1 Black man seated in Arbery murder trial

Because one is a deeply rooted, generational, historical problem in our country, and one is not. Of course. So yes, fair to assume possible bias in 11/12 white jurors, given what all of history shows. Though we both know how you would be squealing over 11 black jurors. And that would not mean you were racist anyway. So let's stay on the level.
It's a problem only with the Left. Most of the country has moved on from this divisive anti American bullshit and is sick and tired of you guys calling everybody who disagrees with you "racist". It isn't working anymore. Deal with it or not, this ship is sailing, even New York just voted in as mayor an ex cop who wants to refund the police, crush the terrorist group known as BLM, clean up the destruction and mayhem of radical Leftist ideology.
Nope. This is what we call a "non sequitur", a childish little tactic in lieu of actually addressing the point.
Where is your proof these Whites cannot be impartial, or are they judged guilty simply because they are White. Martin Luther King is spinning in his grave.
I see, so how would you respond to people who say the same types of negative things and worse about all black people in general, "we have seen this many times". Somehow the Left has decided that anti White racism and bigotry is the answer to all the problems in this country.
You already do.
Why do u call him a criminal since he had committed no crime.
“ Arbery pleaded guilty to charges that he carried a gun onto a high school campus in 2013, a year after he graduated. Rodney Ellis, police chief for the Glynn County school system, testified at Wednesday's hearing that Arbery tried to evade officers on foot and stopped only when two of them pointed guns at him.

He was also arrested in 2017 on charges that he tried to steal a TV from a Walmart. Court records show he pleaded guilty to shoplifting. Arbery was on probation at the time of his death.”
Would you have kept your cool if three black thugs followed you and tried to run you off the road in an all black inner city neighborhood?
The hood like parts of chicago where black people kill EACH OTHER every night for fun and profit?

Being white I would have been scared shitless

But I dont have the Black Brain Disease that causes me to think I could beat them up and take their guns away

So I would have called 911 and stalled for time
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The hood like parts of chicago where black people kill EACH OTHER every night for fun and profit?

Being white I would have been scared shitless

But I dont have the Black Brain Disease that causes me to think I could beat them up and take their guns away

So I would have called 911 and stalled for time
Wonder how you stall for time when they run you off the road and one gets out with a shotgun.

Reading all the toughman stand your ground take my gun over muh dead body I gotta right to defend myself posts around here….it ain’t black brain disease.

Maybe it’s lack of a qualifying brain.
Because one is a deeply rooted, generational, historical problem in our country, and one is not. Of course. So yes, fair to assume possible bias in 11/12 white jurors, given what all of history shows. Though we both know how you would be squealing over 11 black jurors. And that would not mean you were racist anyway. So let's stay on the level.
Hasn't been a problem since the 70's.
“ Arbery pleaded guilty to charges that he carried a gun onto a high school campus in 2013, a year after he graduated. Rodney Ellis, police chief for the Glynn County school system, testified at Wednesday's hearing that Arbery tried to evade officers on foot and stopped only when two of them pointed guns at him.

He was also arrested in 2017 on charges that he tried to steal a TV from a Walmart. Court records show he pleaded guilty to shoplifting. Arbery was on probation at the time of his death.”
Which has nothing to do with the day that these 3 racists murdered him. What crime was he guilty of on the day he was murdered?
Race had nothing to do with this incident except in the minds of black and guilt-ridden white race hustlers
Only a fool believes that garbage, race is the only reason why you want to see your 3 racist brethren walk.
The hood like parts of chicago where black people kill EACH OTHER every night for fun and profit?

Being white I would have been scared shitless

But I dont have the Black Brain Disease that causes me to think I could beat them up and take their guns away

So I would have called 911 and stalled for time
So 3 men chasing you in a truck with guns and you would have just briefly stopped and called 911. Excuse me operator I am running down the road from 3 men chasing me in their trucks and they have guns, could you be so kind as to send an officer. What a freakin joke.
Wonder how you stall for time when they run you off the road and one gets out with a shotgun.
What choice is there other than the non violent approach?

The way arbrey tied was not successful
So 3 men chasing you in a truck with guns and you would have just briefly stopped and called 911. Excuse me operator I am running down the road from 3 men chasing me in their trucks and they have guns, could you be so kind as to send an officer. What a freakin joke.
See post #395
Race is the only reason you are interested in this incident

Because blacks are killed by other blacks everyday with no notice by you
Get a new line, that one has played out. These 3 racist, rednecks are of the same mindset as you.

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