11 white jurors, 1 Black man seated in Arbery murder trial

This country voted for a black president in 2008, who instead of using it as an opportunity to further unite us all as one, did exactly the opposite.
Spare me that weak argument, whites like you were petrified when Pres. Obama was elected that is how we got the Tea party and that is how Donald Trump became President.
In essence Obama was the reason Trump was elected as a protest, and now he’s obviously running most of Biden’s presidency from behind the scenes. This is what you get when you vote for an inexperienced Marxist America hater not because of his qualifications, but the color of his skin.
Yea because Trump represented the hate you had bottled up for 8yrs and man Trump had so much experience running a country it was running out of his ears. Trump loved America so much he wouldn't even fight for it when his country called. The only qualifications that Trump had was he fanned the flame of hate that folks like you carry.
Actually that is a bill of goods you are trying to sale black folks that racism in America ended in the 1970s.
No one said racism ended you lying fuck what we said is the 60's are over you have yet to provide a single case of white juries since the 60's of railroading a black defendant.
There have been no cases since the 60's unless the prosecutor lied or the cops lied. Or perhaps YOU can link to some?
So what is the difference? If the cops lied or the prosecutor lies doesn't that show that the Justice System isn't fair. What you are in denial of is the fact that all a white woman has to say is that black man did it and his goose is pretty much cooked. We have seen it case after case after case. Every month we see a black man being released from prison who has spent years there for a crime they didn't commit.
Spare me that weak argument, whites like you were petrified when Pres. Obama was elected that is how we got the Tea party and that is how Donald Trump became President.

Yea because Trump represented the hate you had bottled up for 8yrs and man Trump had so much experience running a country it was running out of his ears. Trump loved America so much he wouldn't even fight for it when his country called. The only qualifications that Trump had was he fanned the flame of hate that folks like you carry.
Ya? Like Obama jad experience? Really?
So what is the difference? If the cops lied or the prosecutor lies doesn't that show that the Justice System isn't fair. What you are in denial of is the fact that all a white woman has to say is that black man did it and his goose is pretty much cooked. We have seen it case after case after case. Every month we see a black man being released from prison who has spent years there for a crime they didn't commit.
Wrong you claimed white juries convict blacks because they are black PROVE it.
So in your dumbass mind they were justified in murdering him because of a petty crime he committed 3yrs earlier. Do you know how stupid that sounds.
And for the 100th time they didnt murder anyone

Arbrey tried take the shotgun away from the son and was shot in the process
Give me some examples of my racism towards whites and when I have ever justified black folks being racist against white folks. Wait let me pop some popcorn, because this should be good.
You use racial slurs toward whites such as “redneck”

Which libs believe proves racism when its a white person using the n-word
And for the 100th time they didnt murder anyone

Arbrey tried take the shotgun away from the son and was shot in the process
Well why in the hell are they on trial for murder? Ahmaud Arbery posed NO threat to them, he was chasing them, he didn't jump out of his vehicle with a loaded gun on them.

This is what Greg McMichael said, “He was trapped like a rat, to be perfectly honest with you, if I could have got a shot at the guy, I’d have shot him myself because he was that violently —"

So please explain how this was anything other than murder.
No one said racism ended you lying fuck what we said is the 60's are over you have yet to provide a single case of white juries since the 60's of railroading a black defendant.
That is exactly what you said and now your excuse is that it was the police or the prosecutor's fault.
Because weak partisan democrats are afraid of violence in the streets from Black Lies Matter
No racist like you think it is ok for 3 racist to murder a black man in broad daylight. I notice you skipped right over the words of Greg McMichaels because it shows you for the racist POS you are.
No racist like you think it is ok for 3 racist to murder a black man in broad daylight.
You are very tiresome with you screeching RACISM! RACISM! RA CISM! all the time when you dont get your way

Clearly this case is driven by politics

For instance, why is the 3rd man on trial?

He did nothing wrong and certainly didnt murder anyone
You are very tiresome with you screeching RACISM! RACISM! RA CISM! all the time when you dont get your way
If the Hood fits wear it.
Clearly this case is driven by politics.
That's the cop out you are trying to use, politics has NOTHING to do with this case. The AG in GA is a Republican.
For instance, why is the 3rd man on trial?
Have you not looked at what he is charged with and what his actions were on that day. If you don't even know what the man is charged with how in the hell can you argue he is innocent.
He did nothing wrong and certainly murder a black person.
This just proves the only think you know about this case is that they are white and you are defending what they did.

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