11 year old slurred after singing National Anthem


Uhmmm.... I think you're proving my point.

That's because true TEAnut jobs don't recognize themselves for what they are. Remember, these are people who shouted out "let him die" referring to the uninsured at the GOP Presidential debate. These are people who are against the teaching of critical thinking skills to children.

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking: Party platform paints original ideas as a liberal conspiracy - The Austin Chronicle

Then you have all the "anti science" thrown into the mix. The GOP is a party of zany wingnut crazies. It can't be denied.

That's because true TEAnut jobs don't recognize themselves for what they are.

that's kinda like you Dean......you just cant see what kind of a nut job you are....oh....im sorry..... i shouldn't say that to you.....you still have nightmares about the "nut job" those Republicans in high school gave you......lets say you are somewhat disturbed Dean.....is that better?....
No! Conservatives are not racists. Not a single one of them. You are spot on!

No...I would never say not a single one of them! We're not all the SAME, we have bad eggs too....just like the democrats do. What gripes me is when something like this happens, one side blames the other, when we ALL have racists on both sides. Unless the story comes out proving someone is a Con or Lib, we will never know for sure.

It makes you feel better, I get it. You must know that you have a shitload of racists bigots and misogynists within your ranks. It saddens you. It makes you defensive.

But...you are powerless to put them out. You NEED them. They share your views on things like gay marriage and the false idea of austerity. You have to put up with them.....and even defend them.

But you DO NOT have to pretend that your policy opponents are equally rank with bullshit hatred. I am not a Democrat.....by the way. But as a liberal....I do not put up with racists and bigots in my space. If I were to encounter a fucking loser like shootspeeders or a confused dude like Matthew....or a straight up hater like Koshergirl in the ranks of liberals here.....I would MERCILESSLY ride them until they shut their ugly pie holes.

You....on the other hand.....don't do shit.

The scales just are not even here. The fucking bigots and racists are with YOU. Own it or do something about it.


And you have Rdean, TDM, Franco, Caammmpbell and Shaaman, etc....

No...I would never say not a single one of them! We're not all the SAME, we have bad eggs too....just like the democrats do. What gripes me is when something like this happens, one side blames the other, when we ALL have racists on both sides. Unless the story comes out proving someone is a Con or Lib, we will never know for sure.

It makes you feel better, I get it. You must know that you have a shitload of racists bigots and misogynists within your ranks. It saddens you. It makes you defensive.

But...you are powerless to put them out. You NEED them. They share your views on things like gay marriage and the false idea of austerity. You have to put up with them.....and even defend them.

But you DO NOT have to pretend that your policy opponents are equally rank with bullshit hatred. I am not a Democrat.....by the way. But as a liberal....I do not put up with racists and bigots in my space. If I were to encounter a fucking loser like shootspeeders or a confused dude like Matthew....or a straight up hater like Koshergirl in the ranks of liberals here.....I would MERCILESSLY ride them until they shut their ugly pie holes.

You....on the other hand.....don't do shit.

The scales just are not even here. The fucking bigots and racists are with YOU. Own it or do something about it.


And you have Rdean, TDM, Franco, Caammmpbell and Shaaman, etc....


First......none of them are racists or bigots.

Of the people you named....only one is worthy of scorn. And that one has gotten it from me. It is no mystery why ALL OF YOU NUTTERS choose this person to attack. You fuckers will always go after the weak link.

The others are on your list because they eat you and your pals for breakfast. They have interesting styles........but that does not take away from the fact that you and your pals cannot hold a candle to them. You are just jealous.

Show me a bigot or a racist liberal here....I'll wait.

And.......I know there is a dude who is bigoted agains Mormons. He has heard from me.

Show me a bigot or a racist liberal here....I'll wait.


Cool! You picked a mentally unstable, black homosexual dude as your example of a bigoted, racist liberal!

Let me ask you......do you think this guy is well liked or well respected among liberals here? Do you see anyone agreeing with him......giving him the time of day?

Fail. You failed to find a racist or bigoted liberal.....and you named someone who gets ZERO respect from liberals here.

Anyone else?
Show me a bigot or a racist liberal here....I'll wait.


Cool! You picked a mentally unstable, black homosexual dude as your example of a bigoted, racist liberal!

Let me ask you......do you think this guy is well liked or well respected among liberals here? Do you see anyone agreeing with him......giving him the time of day?

Fail. You failed to find a racist or bigoted liberal.....and you named someone who gets ZERO respect from liberals here.

Anyone else?
He didn't fail. He did exactly what you asked. There are plenty more too. Just find the threads that bash white people.

Racism isn't connected to politics. Racists can be found across the spectrum, though black people tend to be democrats, so you are unlikely to find many black racist republicans. Its not connected to politics though.
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Cool! You picked a mentally unstable, black homosexual dude as your example of a bigoted, racist liberal!

Let me ask you......do you think this guy is well liked or well respected among liberals here? Do you see anyone agreeing with him......giving him the time of day?

Fail. You failed to find a racist or bigoted liberal.....and you named someone who gets ZERO respect from liberals here.

Anyone else?
He didn't fail. He did exactly what you asked. There are plenty more too. Just find the threads that bash white people.

Racism isn't connected to politics. Racists can be found across the spectrum, though black people tend to be democrats, so you are unlikely to find many black racist republicans. Its not connected to politics though.

Since the Republican Party is 90% white, it's almost impossible finding a crazy Republican who isn't white.

And the excuses they make. For instance, I pointed out that the fact that the majority of Republicans don't believe in evolution tends to back up PEW research that says only 6% of scientists are Republican. Then all these Republicans attacked me saying that it's the majority of Democrats who don't believe in evolution and I was a liar for suggesting otherwise. So I post to Gallup and Pew and a couple of other sources, some putting the number closer to 70%. Fat lot of good that did.
Cool! You picked a mentally unstable, black homosexual dude as your example of a bigoted, racist liberal!

Let me ask you......do you think this guy is well liked or well respected among liberals here? Do you see anyone agreeing with him......giving him the time of day?

Fail. You failed to find a racist or bigoted liberal.....and you named someone who gets ZERO respect from liberals here.

Anyone else?
He didn't fail. He did exactly what you asked. There are plenty more too. Just find the threads that bash white people.

Racism isn't connected to politics. Racists can be found across the spectrum, though black people tend to be democrats, so you are unlikely to find many black racist republicans. Its not connected to politics though.

Since the Republican Party is 90% white, it's almost impossible finding a crazy Republican who isn't white.
And the excuses they make. For instance, I pointed out that the fact that the majority of Republicans don't believe in evolution tends to back up PEW research that says only 6% of scientists are Republican. Then all these Republicans attacked me saying that it's the majority of Democrats who don't believe in evolution and I was a liar for suggesting otherwise. So I post to Gallup and Pew and a couple of other sources, some putting the number closer to 70%. Fat lot of good that did.

Keyes and West....just sayin'

Cool! You picked a mentally unstable, black homosexual dude as your example of a bigoted, racist liberal!

Let me ask you......do you think this guy is well liked or well respected among liberals here? Do you see anyone agreeing with him......giving him the time of day?

Fail. You failed to find a racist or bigoted liberal.....and you named someone who gets ZERO respect from liberals here.

Anyone else?
He didn't fail. He did exactly what you asked. There are plenty more too. Just find the threads that bash white people.

Racism isn't connected to politics. Racists can be found across the spectrum, though black people tend to be democrats, so you are unlikely to find many black racist republicans. Its not connected to politics though.

Name one, you do then , qualifies them, two posts now. It seems he can't handle truth.

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