11 year old slurred after singing National Anthem

I get so sick of the damn rw haters.

Leave the kid alone.

If you hate that he's Hispanic, can't you just ignore him?

OTOH, his statement was just wonderful. We need more like him and fewer idiots who hate everyone who is brown.

Romney was brown. At least for a while.


Shore does make me wish he had spoken to the NAACP.

Dollars to donuts that idiot would have worn blackface.

I have often wondered that myself.

I join Shroom in this feeling. This should serve to all the liberals out here that conservatives are not racist. Those that are, do not belong in the same party with them.

No! Conservatives are not racists. Not a single one of them. You are spot on!

No...I would never say not a single one of them! We're not all the SAME, we have bad eggs too....just like the democrats do. What gripes me is when something like this happens, one side blames the other, when we ALL have racists on both sides. Unless the story comes out proving someone is a Con or Lib, we will never know for sure.

It makes you feel better, I get it. You must know that you have a shitload of racists bigots and misogynists within your ranks. It saddens you. It makes you defensive.

But...you are powerless to put them out. You NEED them. They share your views on things like gay marriage and the false idea of austerity. You have to put up with them.....and even defend them.

But you DO NOT have to pretend that your policy opponents are equally rank with bullshit hatred. I am not a Democrat.....by the way. But as a liberal....I do not put up with racists and bigots in my space. If I were to encounter a fucking loser like shootspeeders or a confused dude like Matthew....or a straight up hater like Koshergirl in the ranks of liberals here.....I would MERCILESSLY ride them until they shut their ugly pie holes.

You....on the other hand.....don't do shit.

The scales just are not even here. The fucking bigots and racists are with YOU. Own it or do something about it.

Prove they were conservatives. Otherwise rdean within three more posts I will ask that this thread be moved.

If you have proof with a verifiable link by all means post it so we can shun this person and organization.
Tiny it does not matter if Nancy Pelosi said that shit.....Dean will spin it around to blame the people he hates.....its the way the guy is.....he is Obsessed......in school the white Republicans used to hold him down and TEA Bag him......so now you know why.....
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I feel sorry for the poor kid getting slurred by idiots. I just thank God he wasn't a child with down syndrome with a nom who's a political pundit or he would have gotten lynched. Especially given the left's historic love affair with lynching.
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He's a ****. Therefore, he is obviously a wetback.

Fuck off. And I'm not kidding.

Going to ask Cereal to tighten the rules even more in politics so you assholes can't play your games and not get banned.

You are already treading on thin ice. Only because most of us don't want to waste you fools.
But if this shit keeps going on?

I am so tired of you and your bullshit. Tonight might be the night.

say there, ol'buddy...

when ya pitch your major bitch to tighten up the rules, ya may wanna mention copyrights and how they need to be applied to sig lines as well.

some conservo-clown takin' a free ride has this as a sig line...

The fields have grown over now
Years since they've seen the plow
There's nothing time hasn't touched
Is it really him or the loss of my innocence
I've been missing so much

Like strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love oh bittersweet
Green on the vine Like strawberry wine

(Deana Carter)

and someone may report the fool.
No! Conservatives are not racists. Not a single one of them. You are spot on!

No...I would never say not a single one of them! We're not all the SAME, we have bad eggs too....just like the democrats do. What gripes me is when something like this happens, one side blames the other, when we ALL have racists on both sides. Unless the story comes out proving someone is a Con or Lib, we will never know for sure.

It makes you feel better, I get it. You must know that you have a shitload of racists bigots and misogynists within your ranks. It saddens you. It makes you defensive.

But...you are powerless to put them out. You NEED them. They share your views on things like gay marriage and the false idea of austerity. You have to put up with them.....and even defend them.

But you DO NOT have to pretend that your policy opponents are equally rank with bullshit hatred. I am not a Democrat.....by the way. But as a liberal....I do not put up with racists and bigots in my space. If I were to encounter a fucking loser like shootspeeders or a confused dude like Matthew....or a straight up hater like Koshergirl in the ranks of liberals here.....I would MERCILESSLY ride them until they shut their ugly pie holes.

You....on the other hand.....don't do shit.

The scales just are not even here. The fucking bigots and racists are with YOU. Own it or do something about it.


Good post.

I s'pose its possible that THIS TIME, it wasn't the right wingers but since its always the right wingers, why would it suddenly NOT be them this time?
I like this new "tact" by Republicans. Saying people who wear "Put WHITE back in the WHITE House" TEAshirts must be a "Democratic Plant". That the Republican delegates who threw TEAnuts at the black CNN camera woman must have been Democratic "plants". That the people who shouted out "Let Him Die" at the GOP presidential convention must have been "Democratic Plants".

In fact, it fits in with their narrative on many things:

Democrats could have stopped the attack on Iraq so Iraq was their fault.

Even though Republicans held millions of unemployed hostage, the tax cuts were extended so the deficit was the Democrats fault.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans may have deregulated Wall Street, but because of Barney Frank, the recession is the fault of the Democrats.

Republicans got 98% of everything they wanted, but the downgrade was Obama's fault.

No Republican apologized to BP. Republicans never blocked Obama from investigating BP.

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

Republicans aren't blocking everything.

Bills Republicans Have Blocked Since President Obama Took Office

Millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008 was the Democrats fault because Clinton talked to China.

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

Then there is the list of facts Republicans insist aren't true. The GOP doesn't hate gays, blacks, Muslims, women's rights, atheists, or science.

The GOP isn't 90% white.

As Republican convention emphasizes diversity, racial incidents intrude

Clearly the GOP has been unfairly targeted. These are the most welcoming and accepting people in the world. Ask them.

These t-shirts?


Funny, that doesn't look like something a Republican would wear.
G5000 did NOT say that because HE meant it. He said it sarcastically....copying what those idiots tweeted to make fun of THEM...not the kid.

I'm surprised nobody caught on to that and most of you have been here much longer than I have.

I caught it immediately. Why I didn't jump in will be obvious in the latter part of this post. There must not be anybody on this board with any cross-cultural experience with racist ethnic humor. What I have learned from this thread is:

1. A bunch of folks on Twitter are unreconstructed racists (big surprise).
2. Lots of folks want to pretend they don't exist.
3. Folks on this board have gone overboard on setting up their own rules ("anyone who disagrees with me is a troll") and negrepping anybody who disagrees with them (happened to me three times in the last 24 hours).

I hope everyone is getting whatever emotional payoff they need out of this. As a place to discuss intelligently, this place sucks. I have seen lots of people try to have good discussions, but their threads get hijacked pretty quickly. Even the CDZ which was set up to promote good debate has this problem. I guess people can't just turn off acting like children having tantrums.

Frankly I don't get much out of threads where people just talk past each other and everyone wants to set everything up as a Left-Right war. If you stumble across a thread where this is not happening, please let me know.

  1. A bunch of people judge people on Twitter because they think it is real.
  2. Others actually notice that a lot of the "racists" are people of color themselves.
  3. Negged for whinging about negs.

This is too funny because it's exactly was conservatives have to put up with.
What if the slurs were coming from Log Cabin Republicans? Then attacking their slurs would be homophobic hate speech. Why do democrats hate homosexuals so much? LOL! Political correctness is fun!
No! Conservatives are not racists. Not a single one of them. You are spot on!

No...I would never say not a single one of them! We're not all the SAME, we have bad eggs too....just like the democrats do. What gripes me is when something like this happens, one side blames the other, when we ALL have racists on both sides. Unless the story comes out proving someone is a Con or Lib, we will never know for sure.

It makes you feel better, I get it. You must know that you have a shitload of racists bigots and misogynists within your ranks. It saddens you. It makes you defensive.

But...you are powerless to put them out. You NEED them. They share your views on things like gay marriage and the false idea of austerity. You have to put up with them.....and even defend them.

But you DO NOT have to pretend that your policy opponents are equally rank with bullshit hatred. I am not a Democrat.....by the way. But as a liberal....I do not put up with racists and bigots in my space. If I were to encounter a fucking loser like shootspeeders or a confused dude like Matthew....or a straight up hater like Koshergirl in the ranks of liberals here.....I would MERCILESSLY ride them until they shut their ugly pie holes.

You....on the other hand.....don't do shit.

The scales just are not even here. The fucking bigots and racists are with YOU. Own it or do something about it.


Remind us which party has a former head of the Klu Klux Clan in Congress?
No...I would never say not a single one of them! We're not all the SAME, we have bad eggs too....just like the democrats do. What gripes me is when something like this happens, one side blames the other, when we ALL have racists on both sides. Unless the story comes out proving someone is a Con or Lib, we will never know for sure.

It makes you feel better, I get it. You must know that you have a shitload of racists bigots and misogynists within your ranks. It saddens you. It makes you defensive.

But...you are powerless to put them out. You NEED them. They share your views on things like gay marriage and the false idea of austerity. You have to put up with them.....and even defend them.

But you DO NOT have to pretend that your policy opponents are equally rank with bullshit hatred. I am not a Democrat.....by the way. But as a liberal....I do not put up with racists and bigots in my space. If I were to encounter a fucking loser like shootspeeders or a confused dude like Matthew....or a straight up hater like Koshergirl in the ranks of liberals here.....I would MERCILESSLY ride them until they shut their ugly pie holes.

You....on the other hand.....don't do shit.

The scales just are not even here. The fucking bigots and racists are with YOU. Own it or do something about it.


Remind us which party has a former head of the Klu Klux Clan in Congress?

In the mid 60's, the whites left the heavily conservative Democratic Party and swelled the ranks of the Republican Party because they couldn't stand being in a party with a lot of black people. Today, the Republican Party is 90% white for this very reason. This is recent history. Tell me you know this to be true.

Oh, and one more thing:

Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.
Prove they were conservatives. Otherwise rdean within three more posts I will ask that this thread be moved.

If you have proof with a verifiable link by all means post it so we can shun this person and organization.
Tiny it does not matter if Nancy Pelosi said that shit.....Dean will spin it around to blame the people he hates.....its the way the guy is.....he is Obsessed......in school the white Republicans used to hold him down and TEA Bag him......so now you know why.....

I never went to school with Mitt Romney.

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