11 year old thug arrested after threatening teacher,principal and resisting arrest in school


Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!
Fuck the pledge of allegiance it is not required and there is no law stating one must recite it. It's indoctrination of propaganda.

The entire thing, shows more of the evil in the person's heart that refuses to pay respect to the country they live in.

It's pretty sad when immigrants are more patriotic than the spoiled brats the were born here.
James 4:11-12 ESV / 396
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?
Romans 2:1-3
Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?

Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!
An 11 year old thug? JUst a child what the fuck is the matter with you? You realy think it is his fault? H8is actions are passed down from his parents.
To racists, all blacks are thugs.

To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.

Your defense of a little disloyal shit who insulted this nation and every citizen of it, is dismissed.
Well corell dismiss this! Any adult who calls an eleven year old a peice of shit is a cowardly little bitch who can only pick on children. You are dismissed you peice of shit!~
An 11 year old thug? JUst a child what the fuck is the matter with you? You realy think it is his fault? H8is actions are passed down from his parents.
To racists, all blacks are thugs.

To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.

Your defense of a little disloyal shit who insulted this nation and every citizen of it, is dismissed.
Well corell dismiss this! Any adult who calls an eleven year old a peice of shit is a cowardly little bitch who can only pick on children. You are dismissed you peice of shit!~
Not just calling an 11 year old kid a piece of shit, but calling him a piece of shit for expressing his First Amendment rights. Correll clearly doesn't give a shit about the Constitution or our freedoms.
An 11 year old thug? JUst a child what the fuck is the matter with you? You realy think it is his fault? H8is actions are passed down from his parents.
To racists, all blacks are thugs.

To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.
I guarantee you that this kid has increased his chances of being a loser big time. Unless the progressive socialists save face by investing big time money to make him a success.
Yep, it is going to be difficult with a bunch of cowardly peice of shit righties that like to pick on an eleven year old. The good news is he likely has a dad that will knock thier stupid bitch asses out.

You'r really out of touch, aren't you?

1. It is not likely that he has a dad at all.

2. No one on the right will be looking to fuck up this kid's life. His mom did that already. And he is rapidly taking responsibility for that too.
1. An Appeal to Authority is an admission that you cannot defend your position on the strength of it's merits. That is an admission that you know you lose.

2. And that is a very loud and disruptive silence. Fucking stand for the Pledge, punk.

Leave it to an imbecile to call referencing the Constitution while discussing Constitutional matters, an appeal to authority . :eusa_doh:

Exactly who or what do you contend is the authority on constitutional matters if not the Constitution? You???


That you cannot conceive of any way of supporting your position OTHER than an Appeal to an Authority, is not surprising.

Try arguing why you think that a child should have the right to NOT be taught to respect his nation and fellow citizens.
I note for the forum, you ran from answering my two questions.


you asked who should be the Authority, and I told you that citing Authority is not the way to defend your position.

Just how fucking stupid are you that you can't see that that is an answer?
That is not an answer to the question I asked. That is an answer to the question, what's your excuse for running away from the Constitution, which is at the crux of this issue?

The Constitution, and the rulings of the Court that are used to do stupid shit, like let a child be an anti-American piece of shit,

are simply a set of rules.

My point has been that it is wrong to not teach the child respect for the Flag, his nation and loyalty to his fellow citizens.

What you need to do, to respond to that, is explain WHY you believe it is right to NOT do that.

Citing an Authority, is not an argument, it is an invalid logical fallacy.

That is not "running away from the Constitution", you fucking moron.
To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Now you’re lying again. You have absolutely no idea if that kid believes all Americans are racist.

Did you read what he said?
Sure, he said the flag is racist, the National Anthem is offensive to black people, and they brought him here.

Sounds to me, at the very least, he doesn’t consider blacks to be racist.

The flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. ALL the meaning of the flag, is from the nation.

If you say the symbol is racist, you are saying what it represents is racist.

There is a conflict in the little shit's thinking, I grant you that, but that is very common in leftards.
Again, that still doesn't mean he believes all Americans are racist. You're still lying.

When you make a statement about a symbol that stands for all of something, you are making a statement about that all of something, or at the very least, the vast majority of that something as you are generalizing about that something.

Do you think he would fight for this nation?
To racists, all blacks are thugs.

To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.
I guarantee you that this kid has increased his chances of being a loser big time. Unless the progressive socialists save face by investing big time money to make him a success.
Yep, it is going to be difficult with a bunch of cowardly peice of shit righties that like to pick on an eleven year old. The good news is he likely has a dad that will knock thier stupid bitch asses out.
His Dad? The kid was taught by someone to be this way. From a young age. No one picks on a young kid you know that. It does not happen at all. Never.

Well, not from the Right.

To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.
I guarantee you that this kid has increased his chances of being a loser big time. Unless the progressive socialists save face by investing big time money to make him a success.
Yep, it is going to be difficult with a bunch of cowardly peice of shit righties that like to pick on an eleven year old. The good news is he likely has a dad that will knock thier stupid bitch asses out.
His Dad? The kid was taught by someone to be this way. From a young age. No one picks on a young kid you know that. It does not happen at all. Never.
Yet here we are people calling him a peice of shit. So evidently you do pick on 11 year olds. The kid ended up in juvey for what exactly? No requirement to stand yet still in trouble and ends up in jail with no violence. As far as him having a dad, if he does not there are still good men that will not stand for such a thing and act as a surrogate. No one that calls an eleven year old a piece of shit gets any respect from me ! I will call them the dirty little bitches they are.

The kid's behavior deserves condemnation. In a sane and healthy society, it would get it.

Do you consider American and Americans to be racist and thus not worthy of respect or loyalty?
An 11 year old thug? JUst a child what the fuck is the matter with you? You realy think it is his fault? H8is actions are passed down from his parents.
To racists, all blacks are thugs.

To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.

Your defense of a little disloyal shit who insulted this nation and every citizen of it, is dismissed.
Well corell dismiss this! Any adult who calls an eleven year old a peice of shit is a cowardly little bitch who can only pick on children. You are dismissed you peice of shit!~

The eleven year old's actions deserve condemnation. Any sane and healthy society would do so.

Do you consider America and Americans to so racist that they do not deserve your respect and/or loyalty?

Also, fuck you.
To racists, all blacks are thugs.

To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.

Your defense of a little disloyal shit who insulted this nation and every citizen of it, is dismissed.
Well corell dismiss this! Any adult who calls an eleven year old a peice of shit is a cowardly little bitch who can only pick on children. You are dismissed you peice of shit!~
Not just calling an 11 year old kid a piece of shit, but calling him a piece of shit for expressing his First Amendment rights. Correll clearly doesn't give a shit about the Constitution or our freedoms.

The kid should have been taught some respect for the flag and his country and his fellow citizens.

Funny, you only care about our freedoms, when some one is using our freedoms to disrespect America and Americans.

Leave it to an imbecile to call referencing the Constitution while discussing Constitutional matters, an appeal to authority . :eusa_doh:

Exactly who or what do you contend is the authority on constitutional matters if not the Constitution? You???


That you cannot conceive of any way of supporting your position OTHER than an Appeal to an Authority, is not surprising.

Try arguing why you think that a child should have the right to NOT be taught to respect his nation and fellow citizens.
I note for the forum, you ran from answering my two questions.


you asked who should be the Authority, and I told you that citing Authority is not the way to defend your position.

Just how fucking stupid are you that you can't see that that is an answer?
That is not an answer to the question I asked. That is an answer to the question, what's your excuse for running away from the Constitution, which is at the crux of this issue?

The Constitution, and the rulings of the Court that are used to do stupid shit, like let a child be an anti-American piece of shit,

are simply a set of rules.

My point has been that it is wrong to not teach the child respect for the Flag, his nation and loyalty to his fellow citizens.

What you need to do, to respond to that, is explain WHY you believe it is right to NOT do that.

Citing an Authority, is not an argument, it is an invalid logical fallacy.

That is not "running away from the Constitution", you fucking moron.
Ironically, you’re more anti-American than that child.
Now you’re lying again. You have absolutely no idea if that kid believes all Americans are racist.

Did you read what he said?
Sure, he said the flag is racist, the National Anthem is offensive to black people, and they brought him here.

Sounds to me, at the very least, he doesn’t consider blacks to be racist.

The flag is a symbol of the nation as a whole. ALL the meaning of the flag, is from the nation.

If you say the symbol is racist, you are saying what it represents is racist.

There is a conflict in the little shit's thinking, I grant you that, but that is very common in leftards.
Again, that still doesn't mean he believes all Americans are racist. You're still lying.

When you make a statement about a symbol that stands for all of something, you are making a statement about that all of something, or at the very least, the vast majority of that something as you are generalizing about that something.

Do you think he would fight for this nation?
Your question has nothing to do with your nonsense that the kid thinks all Americans are racist. In reality, from which you’re clearly divorced, you have no idea that he believes that.
Last edited:
To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.

Your defense of a little disloyal shit who insulted this nation and every citizen of it, is dismissed.
Well corell dismiss this! Any adult who calls an eleven year old a peice of shit is a cowardly little bitch who can only pick on children. You are dismissed you peice of shit!~
Not just calling an 11 year old kid a piece of shit, but calling him a piece of shit for expressing his First Amendment rights. Correll clearly doesn't give a shit about the Constitution or our freedoms.

The kid should have been taught some respect for the flag and his country and his fellow citizens.

Funny, you only care about our freedoms, when some one is using our freedoms to disrespect America and Americans.
Our rights and freedoms are far more important than your delicate hurt feelings.
That you cannot conceive of any way of supporting your position OTHER than an Appeal to an Authority, is not surprising.

Try arguing why you think that a child should have the right to NOT be taught to respect his nation and fellow citizens.
I note for the forum, you ran from answering my two questions.


you asked who should be the Authority, and I told you that citing Authority is not the way to defend your position.

Just how fucking stupid are you that you can't see that that is an answer?
That is not an answer to the question I asked. That is an answer to the question, what's your excuse for running away from the Constitution, which is at the crux of this issue?

The Constitution, and the rulings of the Court that are used to do stupid shit, like let a child be an anti-American piece of shit,

are simply a set of rules.

My point has been that it is wrong to not teach the child respect for the Flag, his nation and loyalty to his fellow citizens.

What you need to do, to respond to that, is explain WHY you believe it is right to NOT do that.

Citing an Authority, is not an argument, it is an invalid logical fallacy.

That is not "running away from the Constitution", you fucking moron.
Ironically, you’re more anti-American than that child.

Said the man that not only can't explain why he holds his position,

but does not even seem to understand the concept of defending his position based on the merits of his position.
To racists, all blacks are thugs.

To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.
I guarantee you that this kid has increased his chances of being a loser big time. Unless the progressive socialists save face by investing big time money to make him a success.
Yep, it is going to be difficult with a bunch of cowardly peice of shit righties that like to pick on an eleven year old. The good news is he likely has a dad that will knock thier stupid bitch asses out.

You'r really out of touch, aren't you?

1. It is not likely that he has a dad at all.

2. No one on the right will be looking to fuck up this kid's life. His mom did that already. And he is rapidly taking responsibility for that too.
So....his mom was wrong to teach him his 1st Amendment rights? Interesting take on Constitutional knowledge being bad........hmmmmmm.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.

Your defense of a little disloyal shit who insulted this nation and every citizen of it, is dismissed.
Well corell dismiss this! Any adult who calls an eleven year old a peice of shit is a cowardly little bitch who can only pick on children. You are dismissed you peice of shit!~
Not just calling an 11 year old kid a piece of shit, but calling him a piece of shit for expressing his First Amendment rights. Correll clearly doesn't give a shit about the Constitution or our freedoms.

The kid should have been taught some respect for the flag and his country and his fellow citizens.

Funny, you only care about our freedoms, when some one is using our freedoms to disrespect America and Americans.
Our rights and freedoms are far more important than your delicate hurt feelings.
Apparently some people believe that Constitutional rights only apply if everyone is ok with it, that they don't make waves, that they don't cause others to become upset, that they aren't hard.
To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.

Your defense of a little disloyal shit who insulted this nation and every citizen of it, is dismissed.
Well corell dismiss this! Any adult who calls an eleven year old a peice of shit is a cowardly little bitch who can only pick on children. You are dismissed you peice of shit!~
Not just calling an 11 year old kid a piece of shit, but calling him a piece of shit for expressing his First Amendment rights. Correll clearly doesn't give a shit about the Constitution or our freedoms.

The kid should have been taught some respect for the flag and his country and his fellow citizens.

Funny, you only care about our freedoms, when some one is using our freedoms to disrespect America and Americans.
Beat him? Think that might work?
To racists, all blacks are thugs.

To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.

Your defense of a little disloyal shit who insulted this nation and every citizen of it, is dismissed.
Well corell dismiss this! Any adult who calls an eleven year old a peice of shit is a cowardly little bitch who can only pick on children. You are dismissed you peice of shit!~

The eleven year old's actions deserve condemnation. Any sane and healthy society would do so.

Do you consider America and Americans to so racist that they do not deserve your respect and/or loyalty?

Also, fuck you.
The 11 year old is an 11 year old. What was the adults' excuses? And looks like you are name-calling, being rude. What's your excuse for your behavior?
Your defense of a little disloyal shit who insulted this nation and every citizen of it, is dismissed.
Well corell dismiss this! Any adult who calls an eleven year old a peice of shit is a cowardly little bitch who can only pick on children. You are dismissed you peice of shit!~
Not just calling an 11 year old kid a piece of shit, but calling him a piece of shit for expressing his First Amendment rights. Correll clearly doesn't give a shit about the Constitution or our freedoms.

The kid should have been taught some respect for the flag and his country and his fellow citizens.

Funny, you only care about our freedoms, when some one is using our freedoms to disrespect America and Americans.
Our rights and freedoms are far more important than your delicate hurt feelings.
Apparently some people believe that Constitutional rights only apply if everyone is ok with it, that they don't make waves, that they don't cause others to become upset, that they aren't hard.

The constitution has zero to do with this, and to keep tossing it in here just cheapens it. The first amendment does not absolve one from consequences. Every day nation wide kids don’t stand for the pledge and nothing happens. From my elementary days I can recall three kids who did not stand. This was some dumb hood rats kid that was put up to pulling a stunt. The teacher should have known better then to argue with an 11 year old and just had him sit out in the hall when it all started.
To this kid, all Americans are racist. He is a piece of shit. Fuck him.
Any adult who calls an 11 year old a peice of shit needs to look in the mirror for some real soul searching.

Your defense of a little disloyal shit who insulted this nation and every citizen of it, is dismissed.
Well corell dismiss this! Any adult who calls an eleven year old a peice of shit is a cowardly little bitch who can only pick on children. You are dismissed you peice of shit!~

The eleven year old's actions deserve condemnation. Any sane and healthy society would do so.

Do you consider America and Americans to so racist that they do not deserve your respect and/or loyalty?

Also, fuck you.
The 11 year old is an 11 year old. What was the adults' excuses? And looks like you are name-calling, being rude. What's your excuse for your behavior?

Firs amendment. They don’t need an excuse.

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