11 year old thug arrested after threatening teacher,principal and resisting arrest in school

The immigrant from Cuba learned his opinion from his family. Deport the lot of them back to Cuba.
I told my kids they had the right to abstain from the indoctrination of nationalism.
Were you given that choice as a kid? I wasn't. Not by the school or my parents. If I refused to stand and recite the pledge, my dad would have rightly kicked my ass.

These are not "decisions" children make.
And we also got forced to go to church by our parents and there were blue laws (against the 1st Amendment) and also segregation. The good ole' days, eh?

Actually it was a mess up all around...but the adults are adults and more responsible than a 11 year old. I would have used it as a teachable moment.

It was. Now the other 11 year olds won’t do that stupid shit....... maybe.
At least he didn't go down without a fight. Three's honor in resisting the iron fist of The Man with all of your might.

I've never been into flag worship either.

When I was his age I also pulled that stunt and my teacher told me I did not have to recite the words but I will stand with the class and I did.

It was a compromise and the kid could have stood and stayed silent with a fist in the air instead...

What ever happened to 11 year old boys playing ball and cops and robbers? At 11 a kid should not have to worry about political stunts. They were just kids.
Forced respect isn't respect at all...not one conservative republican here has given a reason why this 11 year old should respect the flag.
Forced respect isn't respect at all...not one conservative republican here has given a reason why this 11 year old should respect the flag.

Why the the 11 year old care? What was his ideas? What was he protesting and how did he come by his position? What about the other kids ? What about the rules? All my school life we had folks who did not stand for the pledge. And that was only elementary school, we didn’t stand in high school, and I notice it’s the same today. Anyway, at the tender age of 11, are you not the slightest disturbed that instead of being a child, the kid has already altred their life in a not very positive way?
It's a actually the parent's fault. It was they who failed to this the little miscreant respect.
Parents of the substitute teacher too....teaching that person that people must be forced to show "patriotism"?
It isn't necessary to force patriotism once proper education is done.
And yet look at all the conservative republicans wanting it forced on this kid.
That is what they be about all extremist like to force people...
This is what you get in an area where there is a high percentage of foreigners. They hate this country and its people. They just want money. They have no emotional ties. No one in their family ever fought for this country. Pack up the kid and his family and send them to whatever homeland they choose.
The immigrant from Cuba learned his opinion from his family. Deport the lot of them back to Cuba.
I told my kids they had the right to abstain from the indoctrination of nationalism.
Were you given that choice as a kid? I wasn't. Not by the school or my parents. If I refused to stand and recite the pledge, my dad would have rightly kicked my ass.

These are not "decisions" children make.
And we also got forced to go to church by our parents and there were blue laws (against the 1st Amendment) and also segregation. The good ole' days, eh?

Actually it was a mess up all around...but the adults are adults and more responsible than a 11 year old. I would have used it as a teachable moment.

It was. Now the other 11 year olds won’t do that stupid shit....... maybe.
You don't know 11 year olds very well, do you? And their parents...after seeing how this all went down....But I'm sure the cowards will be cowed.
This is what you get in an area where there is a high percentage of foreigners. They hate this country and its people. They just want money. They have no emotional ties. No one in their family ever fought for this country. Pack up the kid and his family and send them to whatever homeland they choose.
Amazing...how conservative republicans make this about "foreigners".
If no one should be forced to respect the racist American flag, doesn't that mean we don't have to respect the faggot rainbow flag?
It's a actually the parent's fault. It was they who failed to this the little miscreant respect.
Parents of the substitute teacher too....teaching that person that people must be forced to show "patriotism"?

Kids must be forced to show respect. This isn’t about patriotism. A 11 year old can’t even grasp the concept of patriotism
The immigrant from Cuba learned his opinion from his family. Deport the lot of them back to Cuba.
I told my kids they had the right to abstain from the indoctrination of nationalism.
Were you given that choice as a kid? I wasn't. Not by the school or my parents. If I refused to stand and recite the pledge, my dad would have rightly kicked my ass.

These are not "decisions" children make.
And we also got forced to go to church by our parents and there were blue laws (against the 1st Amendment) and also segregation. The good ole' days, eh?

Actually it was a mess up all around...but the adults are adults and more responsible than a 11 year old. I would have used it as a teachable moment.

It was. Now the other 11 year olds won’t do that stupid shit....... maybe.
You don't know 11 year olds very well, do you? And their parents...after seeing how this all went down....But I'm sure the cowards will be cowed.

I don’t? I have had 3, I have one more who will be a brand new 11 year old and another arriving shortly who will be an 11 year old. Two of those past 11 year olds have served their country on multiple combat deployments to the third world shit hole countries your polititions get payed to send them to. All so far have never had these issues. So I stand by my assessment that this 11 years old was prompted( most likely ) by his parents to pull this stunt for their 15 mins of fame.
What a little thug.
He and his parent, should put their money where their mouths are and fucking move.
At least he didn't go down without a fight. Three's honor in resisting the iron fist of The Man with all of your might.

I've never been into flag worship either.

When I was his age I also pulled that stunt and my teacher told me I did not have to recite the words but I will stand with the class and I did.

It was a compromise and the kid could have stood and stayed silent with a fist in the air instead...

That is the key, try to compromise, try to find agreement and try to find a mutual ground and work from that point. What happened at the school created a problem and didn't solve anything.

Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!
How do you know that he actually threatened the teacher. They may have claimed that he did, but he denied it and was not charged for threatening anyone. Anyone stupid and vicious enough to defy state law and ignore the first amendment is capable of making a false allegation.

Then they scapegoat the sub. teacher while the school administration and the police walk. They should be sued into the ground.

Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!
How do you know that he actually threatened the teacher. They may have claimed that he did, but he denied it and was not charged for threatening anyone. Anyone stupid and vicious enough to defy state law and ignore the first amendment is capable of making a false allegation.

Then they scapegoat the sub. teacher while the school administration and the police walk. They should be sued into the ground.

It is not "stupid" nor "vicious" to tell a kid to stand for the Pledge of Alliance.

Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!
How do you know that he actually threatened the teacher. They may have claimed that he did, but he denied it and was not charged for threatening anyone. Anyone stupid and vicious enough to defy state law and ignore the first amendment is capable of making a false allegation.

Then they scapegoat the sub. teacher while the school administration and the police walk. They should be sued into the ground.

It is not "stupid" nor "vicious" to tell a kid to stand for the Pledge of Alliance.
It is illegal!! Did you miss that part . And it is stupid to ignore the law, a vicious to have an 11 year old black kid arrested.

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