110 MILLION tons/day of GHG's

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Nothing to see her kids. Move along.

Why is it denialists (Randians, End-timers [like Raygun], etc...) don't have the words "shepherd" or "posterity" in their vocabularies?

Former VP being interviewed by one of the leading writers and journalists of our times- James Fallows


the oceans are covered at 15:10 CrusaderFrank ;)
Last edited:
First response and its an attack on the messenger.

Anything to say on the topic? ANYTHING?!!!
Nothing to see her kids. Move along.

Why is it denialists (Randians, End-timers [like Raygun], etc...) don't have the words "shepherd" or "posterity" in their vocabularies?

Former VP being interviewed by one of the leading writers and journalists of our times- James Fallows


the oceans are covered at 15:10 CrusaderFrank ;)

Make your checks payable to AL Gore Jr. He'll fix it.

don't have the words "shepherd" or "posterity" in their vocabularies?

Stop acting like a sheep's posterior.
Nothing to see her kids. Move along.

Why is it denialists (Randians, End-timers [like Raygun], etc...) don't have the words "shepherd" or "posterity" in their vocabularies?

Former VP being interviewed by one of the leading writers and journalists of our times- James Fallows


the oceans are covered at 15:10 CrusaderFrank ;)

It's not. The atmosphere weighs QUADRILLIONS of tons. Any time you are reduced to measuring a non toxic gas in parts per MILLION you are not talking about something dangerous.
Nothing to see her kids. Move along.

Why is it denialists (Randians, End-timers [like Raygun], etc...) don't have the words "shepherd" or "posterity" in their vocabularies?

Former VP being interviewed by one of the leading writers and journalists of our times- James Fallows


the oceans are covered at 15:10 CrusaderFrank ;)

LOL!!! Hilarious! Posting Al Gore!!

I read AR5 why do you feel I need to waste my precious time on Earth listened to Al Gore?

Happy New Year
Nothing to see her kids. Move along.

Why is it denialists (Randians, End-timers [like Raygun], etc...) don't have the words "shepherd" or "posterity" in their vocabularies?

Former VP being interviewed by one of the leading writers and journalists of our times- James Fallows


the oceans are covered at 15:10 CrusaderFrank ;)


Has failed again! Tell me DOT what does the earths natural systems put out in a day naturally?

Citing AL Gore is hilarious... He's a Halfwit moron who flunked out of divinity college and is now touting a faith.... The Jim Jone of the AGW cult...
Nothing to see her kids. Move along.

Why is it denialists (Randians, End-timers [like Raygun], etc...) don't have the words "shepherd" or "posterity" in their vocabularies?

Former VP being interviewed by one of the leading writers and journalists of our times- James Fallows


the oceans are covered at 15:10 CrusaderFrank ;)

LOL!!! Hilarious! Posting Al Gore!!

I read AR5 why do you feel I need to waste my precious time on Earth listened to Al Gore?

Happy New Year

You think thats funny eh Frank57. :neutral:

Happy New Year to you as well but their future may be limited due to the extraction industry and their cheerleaders (deniers/corporate stooges)
Come on DOT...

Why dont you want perspective placed on your number? I dare you to post up the over 600 gig-a-tons per day of natural sources... Come on now.. I DARE YOU to post up that human emission are less than 0.18% (0.0018) of total global CO2 emissions!
Nothing to see her kids. Move along.

Why is it denialists (Randians, End-timers [like Raygun], etc...) don't have the words "shepherd" or "posterity" in their vocabularies?

Former VP being interviewed by one of the leading writers and journalists of our times- James Fallows


the oceans are covered at 15:10 CrusaderFrank ;)

Then you'd have no issue with 400 ppm dioxin in infant formula? And, hey, being a PhD scientist, you'll have no problem explaining to us your comment that the atmosphere's total mass determines whether or not a component is dangerous

It's not. The atmosphere weighs QUADRILLIONS of tons. Any time you are reduced to measuring a non toxic gas in parts per MILLION you are not talking about something dangerous.
Nothing to see her kids. Move along.

Why is it denialists (Randians, End-timers [like Raygun], etc...) don't have the words "shepherd" or "posterity" in their vocabularies?

Former VP being interviewed by one of the leading writers and journalists of our times- James Fallows


the oceans are covered at 15:10 CrusaderFrank ;)

LOL!!! Hilarious! Posting Al Gore!!

I read AR5 why do you feel I need to waste my precious time on Earth listened to Al Gore?

Happy New Year

You think thats funny eh Frank57. :neutral:

Happy New Year to you as well but their future may be limited due to the extraction industry and their cheerleaders (deniers/corporate stooges)

If the system worked as the AGWcult alleges you'd have no problem showing us the repeatable lab experiments. Instead we're treated to a hilarious variety of stories ranging from charts with no temperature axis, pictures of planet Earth with them telling us, "Here's the experiment" and most entertaining was that we need a lab the size of the solar system to do the experiment.

Cracks me up like Beetlejuice watching "The Exorcist"
"trapping enough extra heat energy = 400,000 Hiroshima bombs/day" most of which goes into the ocean CrusaderFrank :eusa_think:

Dot, I actually read and understood AR5. The AGWCult totally, completely and irrevocably fucked themselves by saying essentially that "93% of the 'excess heat' (still no explanation on what this is) is absorbed by the oceans"

See, it's an accounting fiction, a fraud. There's been a 2 decade Pause, so in order to make their numbers work, the AGWCult in AR5 came up with adding in "warming" from the oceans to make their numbers work.


^Bernie Madoff, Patron Saint of AGWCult accounting
Yeah, Dot, we cranked up the el Nino with the portion of the US petroleum reserve Obama gave us for the big show.
This stuff doesn't just vanish ESPECIALLY when the extraction and farming industries are clear cutting heat sinks like the Amazon at an alarming rate
Nothing to see her kids. Move along.

Why is it denialists (Randians, End-timers [like Raygun], etc...) don't have the words "shepherd" or "posterity" in their vocabularies?

Former VP being interviewed by one of the leading writers and journalists of our times- James Fallows


the oceans are covered at 15:10 CrusaderFrank ;)

Then you'd have no issue with 400 ppm dioxin in infant formula? And, hey, being a PhD scientist, you'll have no problem explaining to us your comment that the atmosphere's total mass determines whether or not a component is dangerous

It's not. The atmosphere weighs QUADRILLIONS of tons. Any time you are reduced to measuring a non toxic gas in parts per MILLION you are not talking about something dangerous.

I guess you can't read very well can you you pathetic twerp. I stated quite clearly TOXIC. Dioxin is TOXIC.. CO2 is NOT toxic. Grow up you silly ass.

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