12,313 Covid Vaccine Deaths Reported to CDC

The same is true for people who die after the vaccine shot

the odds are waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy in favor of nothing but benefits from the vaccine than not. the math cannot be disputed.
While i agree with this, where were all these chumps when people dying of heart disease was considered a covid death?
This whole thing has been a bunch of bullshit.

Remember when they were even going so far as to count people who were shot to deat has a covid deaths?

They had to go back correct the malfeasance but only when they learned that people figured out what they were doing, but still. Good gosh.

If people didnlt ask why that was going on, they'd likely still be recorded as covid related.
the odds are waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy in favor of nothing but benefits from the vaccine than not. the math cannot be disputed.
If taking the vaccine were voluntary I would agree with you

You pays yur money and takes yur chances

But biden is strong-arming citizens to take a drug that WILL kill some of them

That plus the fact that the chinese bug is mutating and has a special appetite for people who are vaccinated
Remember when they were even going so far as to count people who were shot to deat has a covid deaths?

They had to go back correct the malfeasance but only when they learned that people figured out what they were doing, but still. Good gosh.

If people didnlt ask why that was going on, they'd likely still be recorded as covid related.
Oh yeah, I remember.
A mayor in TN got busted inflating the numbers. Said his county had like 10K deaths when it was like 90 :rolleyes:
IDK if they ever corrected that.
But im a kook because i dont trust the govt :lol:
But biden is strong-arming citizens to take a drug that WILL kill some of them

that's some fucked up fake news you got there.

That plus the fact that the chinese bug is mutating and has a special appetite for people who are vaccinated

really now - so why is some 95+ % of positive cases are are those that are unvaxxed & the overwhelming culprit is delta?

here are 3... from MIT, the MAYO CLINIC & Yale SO MEDICINE

Delta’s here; I’m vaccinated; how cautious should I be?

Real-world data also shows that all three vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S., and similar vaccines in use elsewhere, protect fully vaccinated individuals against severe disease and death. (And, no, you still don’t need a booster.) An Associated Press analysis of CDC data from May revealed that infections in fully vaccinated people accounted for only about 0.1 percent of COVID-19 hospitalizations that month, and only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths (0.8 percent). Similarly, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said at a July 1 White House briefing that preliminary data for the year to date suggests that about 99.5 percent of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. occurred in unvaccinated people.
Delta’s here; I’m vaccinated; how cautious should I be? | MIT Medical

  • By Deb Balzer

Unvaccinated people at highest risk of being infected by delta variant

July 20, 2021

highly transmittable form of COVID-19 known as the delta variant is spreading globally. Now a subvariant known as delta-plus has been identified.

"Delta-plus just means that there's been an additional mutation in the delta variant," says Dr. Gregory Poland, an infectious diseases physician and researcher at Mayo Clinic. "We have not really seen that take off yet. And that's probably because it's being outcompeted by the delta variant. If you look at the original virus and you say there was a certain amount of infectivity associated with that, the U.K., or alpha variant, was about 50% more infectious than the original virus. The delta virus is 50% to 60% more infectious than the alpha variant."

The unvaccinated populations remain the highest risk group. The good news, Dr. Poland says, is that the COVID-19 vaccines are effective...

Unvaccinated people at highest risk of being infected by delta variant

5 Things To Know About the Delta Variant

As the new strain spreads, experts are taking it seriously.

1. Delta is more contagious than the other virus strains.​

2. Unvaccinated people are at risk.​

People who have not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are most at risk.
In the U.S., there is a disproportionate number of unvaccinated people in Southern and Appalachian states including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, and West Virginia, where vaccination rates are low (in some of these states, the number of cases is on the rise even as some other states are lifting restrictions because their cases are going down).
Kids and young people are a concern as well. “A recent study from the United Kingdom showed that children and adults under 50 were 2.5 times more likely to become infected with Delta,” says Dr. Yildirim. And so far, no vaccine has been approved for children 5 to 12 in the U.S., although the U.S. and a number of other countries have either authorized vaccines for adolescents and young children or are considering them.
“As older age groups get vaccinated, those who are younger and unvaccinated will be at higher risk of getting COVID-19 with any variant,” says Dr. Yildirim. “But Delta seems to be impacting younger age groups more than previous variants.”
5 Things To Know About the Delta Variant

yer welcome.
This is an outrage.

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 338 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 19, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 12,313 reports of death

Why lie and then provide a link to the cdc that says 6,079? Even that number can't be entirely confirmed, nor often time a link be established. During the pfizer trials 6 people died, but what many don't know is that four of them had taken a placebo. Sometimes ppl just die. The only outrage here is the people who intentionally go around spreading misinformation and lies about the vaccines.
They don't comprehend and never will.

Why lie and then provide a link to the cdc that says 6,079? Even that number can't be entirely confirmed, nor often time a link be established. During the pfizer trials 6 people died, but what many don't know is that four of them had taken a placebo. Sometimes ppl just die. The only outrage here is the people who intentionally go around spreading misinformation and lies about the vaccines.

Right the CDC reduced the count again later today.

But you know, the govt and their highly effective, super highly safe shots are totally to be trusted.
here are 3... from MIT, the MAYO CLINIC & Yale SO MEDICINE

Delta’s here; I’m vaccinated; how cautious should I be?

Real-world data also shows that all three vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S., and similar vaccines in use elsewhere, protect fully vaccinated individuals against severe disease and death. (And, no, you still don’t need a booster.) An Associated Press analysis of CDC data from May revealed that infections in fully vaccinated people accounted for only about 0.1 percent of COVID-19 hospitalizations that month, and only about 150 of the more than 18,000 COVID-19 deaths (0.8 percent). Similarly, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said at a July 1 White House briefing that preliminary data for the year to date suggests that about 99.5 percent of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. occurred in unvaccinated people.
Delta’s here; I’m vaccinated; how cautious should I be? | MIT Medical

  • By Deb Balzer

Unvaccinated people at highest risk of being infected by delta variant

July 20, 2021

highly transmittable form of COVID-19 known as the delta variant is spreading globally. Now a subvariant known as delta-plus has been identified.

"Delta-plus just means that there's been an additional mutation in the delta variant," says Dr. Gregory Poland, an infectious diseases physician and researcher at Mayo Clinic. "We have not really seen that take off yet. And that's probably because it's being outcompeted by the delta variant. If you look at the original virus and you say there was a certain amount of infectivity associated with that, the U.K., or alpha variant, was about 50% more infectious than the original virus. The delta virus is 50% to 60% more infectious than the alpha variant."

The unvaccinated populations remain the highest risk group. The good news, Dr. Poland says, is that the COVID-19 vaccines are effective...

Unvaccinated people at highest risk of being infected by delta variant

5 Things To Know About the Delta Variant

As the new strain spreads, experts are taking it seriously.

1. Delta is more contagious than the other virus strains.​

2. Unvaccinated people are at risk.​

People who have not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are most at risk.
In the U.S., there is a disproportionate number of unvaccinated people in Southern and Appalachian states including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, and West Virginia, where vaccination rates are low (in some of these states, the number of cases is on the rise even as some other states are lifting restrictions because their cases are going down).
Kids and young people are a concern as well. “A recent study from the United Kingdom showed that children and adults under 50 were 2.5 times more likely to become infected with Delta,” says Dr. Yildirim. And so far, no vaccine has been approved for children 5 to 12 in the U.S., although the U.S. and a number of other countries have either authorized vaccines for adolescents and young children or are considering them.
“As older age groups get vaccinated, those who are younger and unvaccinated will be at higher risk of getting COVID-19 with any variant,” says Dr. Yildirim. “But Delta seems to be impacting younger age groups more than previous variants.”
5 Things To Know About the Delta Variant

yer welcome.

All of what you quote was before Delta hit the US. Delta is full on in Israel and the UK and the vaccines are performing quite poorly.

I'm not happy about this and in any normal scenario would be sympathetic to people who are truly concerned.

In THIS case, anyone using the stupid vaccines as a cudgel should stop immediately. They don't work as advertised. So stop.
All of what you quote was before Delta hit the US.

every article i posted was dated july 2021 INCLUDING the WH briefing mentioned in article one.

Delta is full on in Israel and the UK and the vaccines are performing quite poorly.

the vaccines were developed for the original covid 19. as more variants come on the scene because of idiots who aren't vaxxed - then ummmm ya - guess what happens, Q Q? breakthrus are happening yep - but those break thrus tend to be much milder in vaxxed people & severe illness/hospitalizations/intubations are occurring in people like y-o-u.

I'm not happy about this and in any normal scenario would be sympathetic to people who are truly concerned.


In THIS case, anyone using the stupid vaccines as a cudgel should stop immediately. They don't work as advertised. So stop.

every article i posted was dated july 2021 INCLUDING the WH briefing mentioned in article one.

the vaccines were developed for the original covid 19. as more variants come on the scene because of idiots who aren't vaxxed - then ummmm ya - guess what happens, Q Q? breakthrus are happening yep - but those break thrus tend to be much milder in vaxxed people & severe illness/hospitalizations/intubations are occurring in people like y-o-u.



It matters not when it was DATED, only what data they're referring to

As I suspect you know
If taking the vaccine were voluntary I would agree with you

You pays yur money and takes yur chances

But biden is strong-arming citizens to take a drug that WILL kill some of them

That plus the fact that the chinese bug is mutating and has a special appetite for people who are vaccinated

Us not taking the vaccine is a personal affront to them because it's a Religious Sacrament to them.

Sacraments in the Covid Cult:

Stay Home, Stay Safe (but let the plebes deliver everything)
My Mask Protects You, Your Mask Protects Me (It doesn't, but anyway....)
Vax UP!

Imagine basing your religion off a respiratory virus. But when you are completely secular, and need an idol, anything will do.

As we see
If taking the vaccine were voluntary I would agree with you

You pays yur money and takes yur chances

But biden is strong-arming citizens to take a drug that WILL kill some of them

That plus the fact that the chinese bug is mutating and has a special appetite for people who are vaccinated

Us not taking the vaccine is a personal affront to them because it's a Religious Sacrament to them.

Sacraments in the Covid Cult:

Stay Home, Stay Safe (but let the plebes deliver everything)
My Mask Protects You, Your Mask Protects Me (It doesn't, but anyway....)
Vax UP!

Imagine basing your religion off a respiratory virus. But when you are completely secular, and need an idol, anything will do.

As we see

They mislead the public on the actual the covid dead numbers .....they wouldn't fudge these would they

It's a conspiracy!
ATLANTA, Ga. — Thomas Renz, an Ohio-based attorney, said at a conference in California last weekend that he is filing a federal lawsuit on behalf of a whistleblower from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) who is claiming there are at least 45,000 deaths from one of multiple reporting systems that report to the Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System (VAERS), which is maintained by the CDC.

The most recent data dump from VAERS showed 11,988 deaths, including 997 deaths among unborn babies, linked to the COVID-19 shots through July 9. That comes after jumps in the death count of 2,063 and 1,943 the previous two weeks.

But, according to Renz, that is a vast undercount of the deaths. He said with the aid of America’s Frontline Doctors that he’s filing a lawsuit on behalf of a CDC whistleblower who has apparently signed a “sworn declaration, under the threat of perjury.”

“I know based on this woman’s testimony … that there have been 45,000 deaths based on how many people died within three days of the vaccine, in just one system that’s reporting to the federal government,” Renz said. He added: “And let me tell you what, there are reportedly around 11 or 12 systems that are reporting deaths and injuries to the government.”

Renz has filed multiple lawsuits concerning COVID-19, including one in May of this year seeking a temporary restraining order to stop allowing the experimental vaccines to be given to anyone 16 or younger.

In Sept. of 2020, Renz filed a lawsuit against Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine for his lockdown measures.

“We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the
American public
It matters not when it was DATED, only what data they're referring to

As I suspect you know

uh - no.... because it was collected data from the ... now comprehend these words:

the last YEAR.

the delta variant came from india - they are not using the names of countries of origin anymore. india - funny how a real 3rd world shithole was doing great, far lower death & hospitalizations than us in the beginning of all of this when trump was still 'in charge'

but not everyone escaped the virus because of mitigation & no vaccine was developed yet - & guess what happened? exactly what is happening here - now. a variant more transmissable & more deadly than novel covid.

but NOW we have a vaccine, & we still have the means of mitigation - it's just dumb fucks who are playing russian roulette; not only with their lives ... their childrens' lives & to a further extent, the rest of us critical thinking bipeds. so much for 'pro life'.

you're dismissed , nutter.

so just stop.
Us not taking the vaccine is a personal affront to them because it's a Religious Sacrament to them.

Sacraments in the Covid Cult:

Stay Home, Stay Safe (but let the plebes deliver everything)
My Mask Protects You, Your Mask Protects Me (It doesn't, but anyway....)
Vax UP!

Imagine basing your religion off a respiratory virus. But when you are completely secular, and need an idol, anything will do.

As we see

lol... you're nuts.

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