12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021

They’re not a monopoly or a pseudo monopoly. I just gave you several of their competitors. You just don’t like the other options.
You are ignorant. Would the Govt allow Wells Fargo, JPM and BAML merge? There are 1000s of banks out there. Why not?
He isn't intelligent enough to understand the concepts involved and he isn't honest enough to acknowledge he would be screaming bloody murder if it was only leftist views being censored.
Oh he is a complete idiot and he is now stuck. Let’s see how he unsticks himself. He won’t and will try to evades
Yeah because these options are crap.
Not my problem that you don’t like those options.

I don’t like wearing pants when I go to 7-11 but I guess I’ll just have to go along with their rules because I don’t like the other options.

That’s life. Deal with it.
Not my problem that you don’t like those options.

I don’t like wearing pants when I go to 7-11 but I guess I’ll just have to go along with their rules because I don’t like the other options.

That’s life. Deal with it.
Another rules violation. Why do Bernie and Liszt want to break up the big banks? Shitload of competition out there. Why can’t WF, BAML and JPM merge? 1000s of banks in the US…waiting
Not my problem that you don’t like those options.

I don’t like wearing pants when I go to 7-11 but I guess I’ll just have to go along with their rules because I don’t like the other options.

That’s life. Deal with it.
“Not my problem”

When did I say it was “your problem”?
Probably not since they would be able to impact interest rates in their own favor.

What does that have to do with Twitter?
That’s the reason? Interest rates? LMaO! Twitter has 330 mil eyes vs Gettr that has 4mil. They can impact content and perception so having an account on Gettr is nothing like Twitter, which is a pseudo monopoly.
He isn't intelligent enough to understand the concepts involved and he isn't honest enough to acknowledge he would be screaming bloody murder if it was only leftist views being censored.
Not really. I say just go somewhere else.

Remember the gay wedding baker? I’m fine with that ruling. But it goes both ways. You guys are the ones screaming bloody murder when a business chooses to operate in a legal manner.
Not really. I say just go somewhere else.

Remember the gay wedding baker? I’m fine with that ruling. But it goes both ways. You guys are the ones screaming bloody murder when a business chooses to operate in a legal manner.
"You guys"

Are you referring to those who oppose censorship or some other group?
You didn’t and I didn't say you said it.

I was explaining that you’re going to have to deal with choices that are less than ideal.

Sucks huh?
So why did you say it at all? You’re not a very good reader. I am Not on social media. It has zero impact on me. So it truly isn’t my problem. But it’s not right in my view and it will be amended. Monopolies are against the law and Twitter is one.
That’s the reason? Interest rates? LMaO! Twitter has 330 mil eyes vs Gettr that has 4mil. They can impact content and perception so having an account on Gettr is nothing like Twitter, which is a pseudo monopoly.
Unfortunately for you, you’re not entitled to a Twitter account because you think they’re a monopoly. Additionally, you don’t get to decide which rules of theirs are allowed.

Sucks for you huh?

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