Treason At Pearl Harbor.

Cowardly Unkatora disagreeing with statements of fact again. This guy claims to be a teacher and cant even get simple historical facts right. I sure hope he isnt a history teacher. NOT ONCE in all his disagreement has he said what the supposed reality is. He just disagrees and then pretends facts arent facts.
You are not telling the other side of THE story you are telling an imaginary story.

You are allowed to psot conspiracy theories and lies all day long but you are not allowed to demand that others fall in line and belive the BULLSHIT you post.

You need to learn the difference between facts and lies you little fool . You are Not posting facts or evidence.

I will do no such ting I willl be in your facve and correcting you endlessly

I know you hate it but that is how it it you get no relief

I posted links to many websites on the matter in my thread. Nothing that any of them had to say was imaginary. Not that I expect you to have read any of them. Otherwise I would ask you to bring up a point in any of them that you think is imaginary.
Still no fucking evidence and YOU ARE A LIAR

The websites I gave links to were loaded with evidence. Names, places, dates, who said what and when, etc. etc. etc. The problem with cultists like you is that no amount of evidence is good enough for you.
No evidence

There was no such court which proves FDR had specific knowledge and none was referenced in that link

You are a childish lia BOY there is no document proving it either

Great. Another chance to show you how stupid you are. I have a link for you. In the document, look up 8 paragraphs from the bottom. You will see this statement. "Up to the morning of December 7, 1941, everything the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States...."

"Up to the morning of December 7, 1941, everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States…." -- Top Secret Report of Army Pearl Harbor Board (October 20, 1944)
FDR was a goddam Commie.

True enough. But what was probably going on is that he was bent on helping out another English speaking country, no matter what. That is why he decided to side with Stalin over Hitler. Even though Stalin was far worse than Hitler was falsely accused of being. Though there is yet another reason. FDR was a puppet for ZOG. I have a video for you. Though I don't agree with absolutely 100% of it, it pretty much tells the tale. And as you will see, it was made by an actual Jew. Watch it and enjoy.

how-a-jew-became-a-nazi - 100FREE Best Video Sharing
FDR's sanctions and provocations against Japan do not mean that Japan had no choice but to attack Pearl Harbor. Attacking Pearl Harbor was a catastrophic blunder by the Japanese militarists. Believe it or not--and this is well documented--many Japanese officials actually believed that attacking Pearl Harbor would cause the U.S. to soften its negotiating stand and accept a peace deal. Cooler, saner heads warned that this belief was delusional, but to no avail.

A much smarter Japanese response to FDR's sanctions would have been to only seize the Dutch East Indies to obtain the oil they were lacking because of FDR's oil embargo. Yes, the Dutch would have screamed for enforcement of the ABCD agreement, but this would have been a hard sell to the American people and not nearly as provocative or enraging as the attack on Pearl Harbor.

From what I have heard, one of the recommendations made to FDR to cause the Japanese to attack was to move the fleet on the West Coast to Hawaii. Thereby making it an easier target for the Japanese to reach. This of course was done. Also, the Japanese military were no fools. No matter what they did, they knew that they would have a prepared and ready American Fleet to deal with somewhere. If there was to be conflict, their best approach would have been to remove that threat. That way, whatever the Japanese decided to do in the Dutch East Indies or anyplace else, they wouldn't have the American Fleet to hinder them.
From what I have heard, one of the recommendations made to FDR to cause the Japanese to attack was to move the fleet on the West Coast to Hawaii. Thereby making it an easier target for the Japanese to reach. This of course was done. Also, the Japanese military were no fools. No matter what they did, they knew that they would have a prepared and ready American Fleet to deal with somewhere. If there was to be conflict, their best approach would have been to remove that threat. That way, whatever the Japanese decided to do in the Dutch East Indies or anyplace else, they wouldn't have the American Fleet to hinder them.
Guys, how about an actual fact when discussing the origins of WWII.
I posted links to many websites on the matter in my thread. Nothing that any of them had to say was imaginary. Not that I expect you to have read any of them. Otherwise I would ask you to bring up a point in any of them that you think is imaginary.
Not one of those websites provided evidence you moron

You are a liar in that they ALL engaged in rank speculation whcih IS IMAGINARY by definition

I did read them but unlike your illiterate ass I enjoy some readong comprehension
The websites I gave links to were loaded with evidence. Names, places, dates, who said what and when, etc. etc. etc. The problem with cultists like you is that no amount of evidence is good enough for you.
The wbesites you gave had no evidence whatsoever linking FDR to specific knowledge of the attack

Not one Name or date or quote from anyuone who was had any such knowledge

you are a ailly and childish liar
Great. Another chance to show you how stupid you are. I have a link for you. In the document, look up 8 paragraphs from the bottom. You will see this statement. "Up to the morning of December 7, 1941, everything the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States...."

"Up to the morning of December 7, 1941, everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States…." -- Top Secret Report of Army Pearl Harbor Board (October 20, 1944)
Learn how to tread DUMBASS
" UP To " the morning of dec 7th MEANS THEY AHD NO KNOWLEDGE

You are a very STUPID child
He befriended and rescued the barbaric, tyrannical Soviet Union, while he excoriated and refused every reasonable peace offer from anti-communist Japan. He handed over Eastern Europe and North Korea to Soviet tyranny, and he paved the way for the Communist takeover of China. Because of his foolish, horrible decision to let Stalin enter the Pacific War, the Soviets physically and economically raped Manchuria, carting off entire factories and killing thousands of civilians.

A much wiser course, and an infinitely more humane course, would have been to make peace with the Japanese and let them and the Germans wipe out the Soviet monstrosity, and then work with the German resistance to remove Hitler from power.

By any objective measurement, his "New Deal' was a flop, and was only rescued after he finally managed to get the U.S. into WWII by provoking the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor.

Right. You bet. Never mind that Hillary committed the exact same crime--falsely labeling a non-campaign expense as a legal expense--and was never charged but was allowed to settle the matter by paying a fine to FEC.
True about FDR. As for Seahag Hitlery , she was GUILTY of gross negligence of classified material. That ugly bitch should be in Gitmo.
True about FDR. As for Seahag Hitlery , she was GUILTY of gross negligence of classified material. That ugly bitch should be in Gitmo.
Hilarious little small hands felon

I assume you bagina hurts today.
Anyone who wants to defend the traditional myth that FDR and other senior officials had no idea that Pearl Harbor was about to be attacked needs to deal with Dr. Brian Villa and Dr. Timothy Wilford's 36-page monograph in the prestigious journal Intelligence and National Security (August 2006) (LINK).

Villa and Wilford dismantle every major argument put forth by the dean of the no-advance-knowledge advocates, Phil Jacobsen.

Jacobsen died the same month the Villa-Wilford article was published, so he can be excused for not responding to it, but not a single one of his disciples has responded to it either.

If you are posting in this thread and haven't read Villa and Wilford's article, you are posting without the benefit of a huge body of facts on the subject.
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Anyone who wants to defend the traditional myth that FDR and other senior officials had no idea that Pearl Harbor was about to be attacked needs to deal with Dr. Brian Villa and Dr. Timothy Wilford's 36-page monograph in the prestigious journal Intelligence and National Security (August 2006) (LINK).

Villa and Wilford dismantle every major argument put forth by the dean of the no-advance-knowledge advocates, Phil Jacobsen.

Jacobsen died the same month the Villa-Wilford article was published, so he can be excused for not responding to it, but not a single one of his disciples has responded to it either.

If you haven't read Villa and Wilford's article, you are posting without the benefit of a huge body of facts on the subject.
It’s just not true.

They offer what as evidence? Revisionist history.
Not one of those websites provided evidence you moron

You are a liar in that they ALL engaged in rank speculation whcih IS IMAGINARY by definition

I did read them but unlike your illiterate ass I enjoy some readong comprehension

Nothing in any of those threads was made up. They are all based on documented facts.
The wbesites you gave had no evidence whatsoever linking FDR to specific knowledge of the attack

Not one Name or date or quote from anyuone who was had any such knowledge

you are a ailly and childish liar

Those websites pointed out that there was plenty to know. Of course, FDR would have been at the top of the list of those who knew. It would be obvious to even an idiot like you that FDR having such knowledge is something that he wouldn't want anybody else to know. So it was all kept secret. And in one of the websites it spoke of how those who supported the president to keep it secret were rewarded.
Learn how to tread DUMBASS
" UP To " the morning of dec 7th MEANS THEY AHD NO KNOWLEDGE

You are a very STUPID child

Wow, you have it bad! Your brain is scrambling words you don't want to hear. What it is actually saying is that before December 7, 1941, the United States knew what the Japanese were planning to do. Do you think it said that "until December 7, 1941, nothing the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States?"
Those websites pointed out that there was plenty to know. Of course, FDR would have been at the top of the list of those who knew. It would be obvious to even an idiot like you that FDR having such knowledge is something that he wouldn't want anybody else to know. So it was all kept secret. And in one of the websites it spoke of how those who supported the president to keep it secret were rewarded.

It’s all stupid conspiracy bullshit.

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