Treason At Pearl Harbor.

Mike, you are running your mouth stupiidly. Gunny is a honored vet, as I am. We served, you did not.

Gunny is 100% correct and you make up stories. For shame. Yes, FDR got outfoxed by Stalin, not because he was in cahoots with him.
You're a disgrace to the uniform you claim to have worn.

What exactly was "made up" in my factual statements? Heard of the Yalta Conference, the Tehran Conference? Any of this ring a bell? Everything I said was entirely factual and has been documented in literally hundreds of scholarly books.

Here's a short reading list for you so you can educate yourself, assuming you have any interest in doing so:

How the Far East Was Lost
Amazon product ASIN 1258315785
FDR's Folly
Amazon product ASIN B0013JWUI2
The New Dealers' War
Amazon product ASIN 0465024653
Freedom Betrayed
Amazon product ASIN 0817912347
Stalin's War
Amazon product ASIN 1541672798
The Red China Papers

Stalin's Secret Agents

Storm Clouds Over the Pacific
Claiming FDR was a communist is ridiculous, I know my history, FDR was long dead when China fell by the way. That was all Truman.
Truman was no communist, either.

And any one who thinks we can beat China in a land war is an idiot.
We lost China because FDR made a deal that the communist and Nationalist would be in the Government without any input from the Nationalists. Chang Ki Chek said no way he had already tried that in the 30's and been stabbed in the back by the communists. Truman honored FDR's deal and cut off the Nationalists from our support at the end of the war. In 1948 Marshal FINALLY toured China and realized that the Soviets did not live up to their bargain. The deal was hands off by the Soviets and the US. The Soviets dumped all the munitions and equipment from the defeated Japanese Armies on the communist Chinese and the US didn't pay attention.

When we realized the mistake, it was too late to save Nationalist China.
He befriended and rescued the barbaric, tyrannical Soviet Union, while he excoriated and refused every reasonable peace offer from anti-communist Japan. He handed over Eastern Europe and North Korea to Soviet tyranny, and he paved the way for the Communist takeover of China. Because of his foolish, horrible decision to let Stalin enter the Pacific War, the Soviets physically and economically raped Manchuria, carting off entire factories and killing thousands of civilians.

A much wiser course, and an infinitely more humane course, would have been to make peace with the Japanese and let them and the Germans wipe out the Soviet monstrosity, and then work with the German resistance to remove Hitler from power.

By any objective measurement, his "New Deal' was a flop, and was only rescued after he finally managed to get the U.S. into WWII by provoking the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor.

Right. You bet. Never mind that Hillary committed the exact same crime--falsely labeling a non-campaign expense as a legal expense--and was never charged but was allowed to settle the matter by paying a fine to FEC.
It what about the pootin? You maga can evict felons love dat communist party now.

And everything that you posted is udder crap.
Admiral Ellis Zacharias’s book Secret Missions: The Story of an Intelligence Officer (Naval Institute Press, 1946) contains much valuable information about Japan’s peace efforts and surrender. In 1942, Zacharias began working in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and headed the Office of War Information, which conducted psyops operations and did Japanese-language broadcasts to Japan.

Admiral Zacharias wrote that in December 1944 or January 1945, ONI received an intelligence report through a neutral country that revealed that peace advocates in the Japanese government, including the emperor, were maneuvering to bring about Japan’s surrender. The document predicted with amazing accuracy the events that unfolded in the Japanese government, such as the resignation of General Koiso and the appointment of Admiral Suzuki to bring about an end to the war (pp. 335-341).

Admiral Zacharias, who had served as a naval attache in Japan before the war, was a genuine Japan expert and spoke fluent Japanese. He argued strongly that the peace faction in Japan’s government could bring about a surrender if Truman would modify the surrender terms to include an assurance that the emperor would not be deposed or molested (pp. 363-375).

Very few books on WWII mention the fact that in May 1945, Radio Tokyo’s English-language broadcast, which operated under government control, stated that if the Americans would drop their demand for unconditional surrender, Japan’s leaders might be willing to enter into negotiations to end the war (Marco Heinrichs and Galliccio, Implacable Foes: War in the Pacific, 1944-1945, Oxford University Press, 2017, p. 15). This was an astounding statement to be aired on a radio station monitored by all the Allies and by much of Asia. However, Truman and his Japan-hating Secretary of State, James Byrnes, ignored it.
The big problem with history written by the victors is that everything else, such as the truth, becomes a "conspiracy theory." But the truth of the matter is that FDR knew well in advance when the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. Making all of the servicemen who died in the attack suckers. If I were a ghost of any of those killed there, I wouldn't have the least interest in any "honor" you may pay me and the others who died. I would be more interested in JUSTICE! Such as by having the real story come out. I will show you a number of websites that show that FDR knew well in advance what the Japanese were planning on doing and when. The first two bring up what cryptographers themselves had to say. This first one is from a letter written by somebody named Lietwiler to Parke. The really telling part of it is it speaking of the Japanese naval code. It says, "By November 16, 1941 (Manila time) Lietweiler informed Parke that he was "reading enough current traffic to keep two translators very busy." Here is the website.

Pearl Harbor Document: Letter from Leitweiler to Parke | Robert B. Stinnett

Pearl Harbor Document: Letter from Leitweiler to Parke: The...

Obviously, it was in FDR's best interest to keep this information as secret as possible. And it is still being kept secret. For any cryptographers back then, it was in their best interest to shut up about the matter. In this next website it speaks of another cryptographer named William Friedman. Though what he had to say came from what his wife had to say on the matter. Probably after his death. I would assume it is what happened when they both heard about the 'surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor. He paced back and forth in their home and muttered to himself repeatedly, "But they knew, they knew, they knew." Here is the website that speaks of it and other matters.

Eighty Years of Lies: President... - CovertAction Magazine

This next website posts a quote that was stated by an army board of inquiry in 1944. It says, "...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States..." Here is the website.

Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies

Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies

Here is another website for you on the matter.

81 Years After Pearl Harbor, We... - The Free Thought Project

Pearl Harbor Document: Letter from Leitweiler to Parke | Robert B. Stinnett

And then conspiracy theory.jpg
Admiral Ellis Zacharias’s book Secret Missions: The Story of an Intelligence Officer (Naval Institute Press, 1946) contains much valuable information about Japan’s peace efforts and surrender. In 1942, Zacharias began working in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and headed the Office of War Information, which conducted psyops operations and did Japanese-language broadcasts to Japan.

Admiral Zacharias wrote that in December 1944 or January 1945, ONI received an intelligence report through a neutral country that revealed that peace advocates in the Japanese government, including the emperor, were maneuvering to bring about Japan’s surrender. The document predicted with amazing accuracy the events that unfolded in the Japanese government, such as the resignation of General Koiso and the appointment of Admiral Suzuki to bring about an end to the war (pp. 335-341).

Admiral Zacharias, who had served as a naval attache in Japan before the war, was a genuine Japan expert and spoke fluent Japanese. He argued strongly that the peace faction in Japan’s government could bring about a surrender if Truman would modify the surrender terms to include an assurance that the emperor would not be deposed or molested (pp. 363-375).

Very few books on WWII mention the fact that in May 1945, Radio Tokyo’s English-language broadcast, which operated under government control, stated that if the Americans would drop their demand for unconditional surrender, Japan’s leaders might be willing to enter into negotiations to end the war (Marco Heinrichs and Galliccio, Implacable Foes: War in the Pacific, 1944-1945, Oxford University Press, 2017, p. 15). This was an astounding statement to be aired on a radio station monitored by all the Allies and by much of Asia. However, Truman and his Japan-hating Secretary of State, James Byrnes, ignored it.
The war faction was in power and stronger than the so-called peace faction
LOL look everyone the retardo Unkatora denies that FDR was dead in 1945 and that China went communist in 1949 and yet he claims to be a teacher.
Unkotora is a brain dead retard that thinks FDR caused Nationalist China to lose ot Communist China even though he was dead before the end of the 2nd World War and the Communist didnt take over till 1949.
What a load of hog wash. FDR was a sick old man that made mistakes. He was fooled by Stalin because of his infirmities, there is much to complain about with FDR without making up bullshit.
He surrounded himself with pro-communist/pro-Soviet advisors. He wasn't making mistakes.
Admiral Ellis Zacharias’s book Secret Missions: The Story of an Intelligence Officer (Naval Institute Press, 1946) contains much valuable information about Japan’s peace efforts and surrender. In 1942, Zacharias began working in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and headed the Office of War Information, which conducted psyops operations and did Japanese-language broadcasts to Japan.

Admiral Zacharias wrote that in December 1944 or January 1945, ONI received an intelligence report through a neutral country that revealed that peace advocates in the Japanese government, including the emperor, were maneuvering to bring about Japan’s surrender. The document predicted with amazing accuracy the events that unfolded in the Japanese government, such as the resignation of General Koiso and the appointment of Admiral Suzuki to bring about an end to the war (pp. 335-341).

Admiral Zacharias, who had served as a naval attache in Japan before the war, was a genuine Japan expert and spoke fluent Japanese. He argued strongly that the peace faction in Japan’s government could bring about a surrender if Truman would modify the surrender terms to include an assurance that the emperor would not be deposed or molested (pp. 363-375).

Very few books on WWII mention the fact that in May 1945, Radio Tokyo’s English-language broadcast, which operated under government control, stated that if the Americans would drop their demand for unconditional surrender, Japan’s leaders might be willing to enter into negotiations to end the war (Marco Heinrichs and Galliccio, Implacable Foes: War in the Pacific, 1944-1945, Oxford University Press, 2017, p. 15). This was an astounding statement to be aired on a radio station monitored by all the Allies and by much of Asia. However, Truman and his Japan-hating Secretary of State, James Byrnes, ignored it.
The Allies had an agreement that only unconditional surrenders would be accepted from either Germany or Japan. For Japan surrender was a simple yes/no decision. Either they accepted the Yalta no surrender demand or they continued the war. They refused to accept the Yalta demands.

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