12 dozern morons

Well, if Jr. would have paid for the war in Iraq rather than giving tax cuts to the rich (while giving the rest of us a paltry 300 bucks), and putting the war on the credit card (while keeping it off the budget books) maybe we wouldn't be in the shape we are.

Sorry, but Obama has done a lot to bring down the debt, and he's also managed to slow down spending.

If you can pay the interest, as well as pay a bit off of the principal, your debt will come down.

Obama is doing a decent job, and if we could get the GOP and the tea baggers to quit blocking him, we'd be doing a hell of a lot better.

How much did the shutdown cost this country again? And who was it that pushed it through?

Ted Cruz and the teabaggers pushed it through, and we've lost a few BILLION because of the shutdown.

If the GOP is the fiscally conservative group who wants to pay down the debt, why did they burn a whole pile of money with the shutdown?

If you can pay the interest, as well as pay a bit off of the principal, your debt will come down

well golly if was that simple there is no reason to raise the debt level

You're right....................if it was that simple, there would be no reason to raise it.

Only problem is, various congress critters want to have some pork for their own district.

Congress is the ones that keep increasing the spending, and they try to do it on bills they know have to get passed.

Wanna talk about re-opening the government and extending the debt ceiling? McConnell seems to know how to slip in some pork on bills that have to be passed.

unlike you i am able to be critical of both parties

if you back up to #7 (permalink) you will see i have already

covered McConnell pork deal

it is disgusting

there is one thing you did not mention

each prezbo has to sign the bills
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